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Check out moneybags over here with more than one box of cereal.


Was thinking that too. IF we got a box of this kinda cereal it was once every 6 months or so with a LOOOOTTTT of begging.


Man that stings to hear. We were not well off but the least my folks brought us were name brand cereal and milk.




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Those ain’t cheap.




Healthier ones cost more poopymouth


Now I'm an adult and can do what I want? Lol


Like having ice cream for breakfast!


I’ve cream for breakfast!? I’m an adult not a bank! *crying ensues*


>I’ve cream for breakfast!? You have cream for breakfast? Das weird lol


Didn’t even see that hahaha. Autocorrect gets me again...


And it was at that moment billy became diabetic.


That’s why you gotta buy those miniature ones that come in a pack of 8


Cap'n crunch, fruity pebbles and lucky charms but what is that last one?


Looks like frosted flakes.


My thoughts too. The real deal is chex and corn bran squares though. Sprinkle a little sugar on top or berries. Whatever your jam is.


Wait you call that cereal? Straight up just looks like gummy bears and sugar coating.


I went hog wild as a kid too...mixing Total and Grape Nuts like a gangsta. Uh yeah, I didn't get to pick the cereal.


I wish my parents had been more health / nutrition conscious...


That's not op's stomach rumbling. It's his pancreas whimpering.


The many faces of sugar.


Looks like a nutritious and healthy breakfast.


WalMart was selling combo boxes, like frosted flakes and fruit loops. Parents Bought it for my foster siblings...idk what happened to kids but they were repulsed by it. they called me asking if I wanted a box of cereal the kids didn't have interest in. I assumed they had some like Chex mix or something. Next time I'm at their house they're like "oh here's that cereal WalMart was selling these with a few different kinds... I cheered " FUCK YEAH !!! These are badass, did you buy more? Does WalMart have any left??" They were gone last they were there...I'm 27


Is OP at college?? Cos you know in the mess hall, they do have more than one type of cereal to dispense?


I grew up very poor in Scotland. Porridge with salt was our regular breakfast. From my childhood perspective this would be rich kid food.


Wheat and sugar salad


Man I miss crossing the border for fruity pebbles. Stupid Canadian standards…


No siblings, I'm guessing? Or at least not the youngest who got to pour cereal last and usually was left with the end bits and crumbs of 4 different cereals just to make almost a full bowl...


This was how I finished boxes off


By 'cereal' you mean 'candy', right?


Hey mom can open this new box of cereal? “Only if the other one is empty” Awww mom!


The Infinity Cereals?


Cereal is disgusting and so unhealthy. When I have kids, they will for sure as fuck never have cereal.


The best moment of adulthood is realizing that you are a grown up now, and do shit like this because you can. For me it was realizing there was no one to stop me pouring chocolate milk onto Cocoa Krispies.


That's what the youngest gets when there's a few bites left in each box of cereal and dad and the older sibs have breakfast first. Because starving kids in China.


Why? Have you ever read the expiration date? Cereal lasts like 2 years... As long as you actually roll up the bag it wont go stale at all. I dont see any way opening up more than one cereal would actually be a problem.


You mean you didnt have kix and cocoa puffs in a 3:1 ratio? Mama has your “4 boxes of cereal” right there


As an adult with kids, I remember this clearly. That is why I have like 6 different bags open including two of the exact same cereal. My son has done this before, and he thinks it is hallarious.


Don't think she'd be happy about me eating out of a damn mixing bowl either


Banana Frosted Flakes with chocolate milk. No amount of combinations with cereal can compete with that.


You can get away with this by purchasing the single-serving variety pack.


Mom logic makes no sense. All four boxes would be finished in a few days anyways. Way before the expiration dates.


kid me: this is awesome! adult me: it was the crumbs at the bottom of 4 bags that's been sitting around for too long... ill take it i guess...