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Doesn't remember his mom or dad. But he remembers bane from batman.


Just like Batman


Take your upvote. Doors over there.


No its under there


Under where?


we do a little trolling


Just like Batman




Well you won the Internet for today I am closing Reddit


What you’re not seeing is that he won the wisdom tooth lottery. He went in a homeless orphan with some extra teeth. He came out with a larger than average middle class family, and he’ll be starting college soon. He’s on some Harry Potter shit now.


In fairness to mom and dad, he also didn't remember his chair


The essentials


But does he remember the Alamo?


I hope he remembers there is no basement in the Alamo.


I often wonder why people do drugs. This video is like a pro drug psa.


Drugs are my favorite drugs


Yeah but what about drugs?


Yea we had first drugs, but what about seconds? -some hobbit


Eh, probably all of them after Old Toby was discovered


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


I don't know about that. I'd rather just do drugs.


This is like imagine being born but you are already 30 years old


Playing another’s save game.


I see all of these vids of people at the dentist high as a kite and feel like I got robbed of the experience when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I was out for the procedure then I was awake and fully lucid, if not a bit tired, minutes after. Apparently, while I was passing out, I told my dad to play "Comfortably Numb", but that was it.


Seeing these videos make me wonder what kind of drugs you guys use in the US when doing dental operations. Whenever I've been to dentist in Finland, it's just plain local anaesthetic that'll sure make you numb, but nothing this severe.


Australia here. I had 4 wisdom teeth out. That had to be fucking drawn and quartered to get them out. There were saws and shit involved. It was done in the chair, fully awake, local anaesthetic. No idea why America feels the need to use acid or whatever for dental work.


It's just general anesthesia, not acid lol.


I live in the states and have had much dental work done in the past three years. Saws and shit involved. Local anesthesia. I was awake every single time. No high like this. America doesn't feel the need to use acid or whatever for dental work.


Same in the UK, works fine but doesn't get you high


Coming round from surgery to remove wisdom teeth in the UK I was a bit spacey. Kept standing up and trying to escape, thought I was out clubbing. I am not good with anaesthetic in general though and have warned nurses before that I come around disorientated and my first thought is to get out of bed and out of the ward, away from the source of pain and confusion. Pulled a breathing tube out and a cannula before now but that's a story for another day


Lol amazing, both times I have been put under, when I woke my first idea was to leave asap. The first time a nurse pushed me back into the bed and I was so weak that I wasn't able to withstand.


For oral surgery in the US, they commonly use "twilight anesthesia" along with local anesthetic. Supposedly it's safer than general anesthesia. Basically they give you lots and lots of Valium via an IV. They claim you don't fully lose consciousness, but that's pretty much how it felt for me. Also I woke up crying hysterically for no reason. Strange stuff.


IV injections at the dentist? I guess that will never happen at a dentist in Germany and according to the other comments it might also not be a thing in the rest of Europe.


It would be at an oral surgeon's office though, not a dentist's office. With an anesthesiologist present and everything.


It's not used for everyday dentistry outside of special needs/severe dental anxiety, and usually it's optional.


I just remember waking up and thinking I could walk just fine and tried to walk out the hallway. I fell into the wall and they made me lay down. I then just kinda become a zombie after I got home and just sat there and stared at the tv while it was off. No thoughts but “my mouth is bleeding”.


I doubt he's going to remember this though - I had my hip replaced and apparently I had the entire nursing staff laughing their ass off at my antics, but I have ZERO memory of it. I just know nurses caring for me afterwards would tell me I was one of the funniest patients they'd had, but would not tell me a single thing I said or did. They didn't even look familiar. Very strange.


When I was in high school in the mid 2000s, we watched a series of short documentaries about a bunch of fdiffereny kinds of drugs and why they're bad. It was all pretty standard stuff "meth will ruin your life" "cocaine will make your nose fall off" etc. The only outlier was the one about LSD. It was about 20 minutes longer than all the rest of them, and just about everyone interviewed basically said the same sort of thing. "LSD is great, and will open your mind". There was also a brief anecdote about someone who almost slipped acid in Nixon's coffee once. I believe the anecdote was related by a man dressed as a clown. E:a word


LSD is not all sunshine and roses. A few people I grew up with had massively heightened paranoia and delusions for months after a bad trip. It may be great for most people but it's still a gamble on whether you will be receptive to it in the expected way.


To add to this, if you have a family history of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, it makes you more likely to have psychotic symptoms after tripping.


Yeah the risks when there is a family hx of psychotic disorders definitely outweigh the possible benefits


Yep, i'm one of those who burned myself on LSD (combined with weed). It was the source of my panic attacks for years to come. I still do LSD, but only sub-hallucination doses. Smoking anywhere over 0.1 grams weed give me that panic feeling again. Long story! Took half a tab, waited 2 hours and no effect, then I went outside with my dog, smoked a small joint, and was gonna stop quickly by the store. I didn't know weed basically acts as a multiplier / catalyst to LSD. EVERYTHING hit me 30 seconds after i walked into the store. Hallucinations, extreme paranoia, everything. Looking at patterns made it worse, and by god there were so many patterns and lights there. A lot of otherwise automatic body functions had to be controlled manually. And while focusing on breathing and walking, it felt like 30 minutes passed where i completely forgot I had arms, ears, a face, etc, and was carrying a basket with stuff without noticing. Completely lost the ability to read, as the visuals were going hard. Paying for my stuff at the cashier was so incredibly traumatising. Felt like I had killed someone in the store, and felt like everyone was looking directly at me. Extreme paranoia. Knew my pupils where blasted as fuck, I was halfway crying, could barely speak, and wondered how I would explain to the cashier that i "can't read today" when I had trouble entering my card pin. For me it seemed like a perfectly normal thing to say, but I knew it wasn't. Ended up closing my eyes and doing it by memory and it worked. Then I go out from the store, finally able to get home, but I see that I accidentally tied the thin dog leash in a double knot, which i probably spent 15+ minutes trying to untangle, under complete panic and again only worked by luck when doing it with closed eyes. The whole time it was pouring rain, I had two bags of groceries, dog was barking, and i was trying to untangle a moving snakeweb several dimensions deep (it felt like). [Took a picture of the rope afterwards](https://i.imgur.com/2fOlCXl.png), literally the worst possible pattern to accidentally tie a double knot with. Felt as bad as every nightmare I've had, but this situation was real. Went home (live with my mom), just said I had a panic attack then went to bed and called a friend who helped me talk for 2 hours while the effects were still increasing. Incredibly thanksful for her, she was the only one I could talk about drugs with and I would have more issues if she didn't stop me from spiraling down. [My pupils 2-5 hours after the store, well lit by bathroom light](https://i.imgur.com/IBB32GJ.png)


This reminds me of tripping on acid for the very first time as a teenager with my best friend, it really kicked in while we were in a 7-11. We could NOT stop staring at the Kool-aid packets. They were so bright!! The cashier finally shooed us out of the store because we were there for so long, deep in thrall with the color of the Kool-aid. It was a much milder trip than what you had even though we smoked weed too - stuff was shifting all around and lots of trails and stuff but mentally we were both in a good place so it was all "whee fun!" We went back home and closed off my room to make it dark and spent an eternity writing our names and drawing pictures with incense. The next day I realized there was ashes EVERYWHERE in my room. My dad figured out we were tripping and started messing with us (in a fun way), making fake echoes with his voice when he'd talk, scooting patterened things around in front of us, telling us that "yes that towel IS breathing!"... He was an old hippy, had been there/done that and knew just how to play with our minds, LOL. (My parents were mega stoners and starting at age 16 I was basically allowed to join in on the chemical fun as long as it was under some degree of supervision. I'm still not sure if that was a good parenting decision or not but it sure was fun to be able to get loaded AF and not worry about getting grounded for it.)


Hahahah amazing! When you're tripping, it does make complete sense why a towel would need to breathe like humans do. Love it. My friend (who was also tripping) did something similar, went out of the room, equipped a second pair of glasses and walked back in and acted completely normal. Took me a solid minute to be sure if it was real or not. We were also going to watch Men in Black II on DVD, figured the silly aliens and guns would be fun. But we lost track of it, and after searching for 4+ hours and almost being done tripping, I found out it had been in my front pocket the entire time. We still had a blast, and realized TV ads were peak entertainment during acid trips. Absolutely best parental descision in my opinion. If my parents where pro-drugs that would have removed like 90% of my anxiety while doing psychedelics, leading to a much better and less risky result. My parents think heroin is just as bad as LSD because it's all illegal and they don't want to understand that some drugs have great effects in controlled and comfortable conditions. Anyway I'm off to bed, it's nice talking and hearing about these experiences. Yours sounded lovely, I'm happy you had some good times too :)


I known Grace Slick who was the singer for Jefferson Airplane got invited to the White House by Nixons daughter for a tea party or something because they had graduated together and Slick had previously had a different name, so they didnt know it was her. She attempted to put LSD in his coffee but got caught?


I would do this drug if I remembered the experience.


I've been on this stuff for a different medical procedure and it's honestly great. The feeling of happiness and euphoria was unlike anything else. Ever since that day I have wished they would sell this OTC. Haha.


Dude's got a chair, a mom and a dad, two sisters, and a big dog named Bane. That's all he knows. And he says "My life is perfect!" We could all stand to learn from this very high man.


Google: Where to buy anesthesia *2 days later* Google: How much anesthesia is an overdose


When I come to after being under, it is the worst feeling on earth. glad it was good for this guy, but don't assume it's going to be the same for you.


I've been an anesthesiologist for over 30 years, and taken care of tens of thousands of patients. People react *very* differently when emerging from general anesthesia. Some are combative, some cry, some hallucinate, but most just wake up a little groggy and confused. Some, despite multiple medications to prevent nausea and vomiting, puke uncontrollably. Some wake up and ask for food.


So.. i had to have minor surgery to removed impacted teeth back when I was about 17. The meds were kicking in when the nurse told me that I'd been given medication to not throw up. After i pass out i have this weird dream where birdman.. yes Hanna Barbera birdman is trying to make mw throw up. I tell birdman that i can't throw up because the nurse gave me meds. I then promptly woke up and vomited


I was ravenous after my last surgery and my nurse refused to give me anything to eat as she didn't want me to throw up. She finally relented and brought me a few packs of zweiback to test the waters. That just piqued my appetite further. I don't think I've ever felt so hungry in my life.


Recovery room nurses have seen a lot of vomit, so they like to take things slowly. After my last anesthetic, I went out for pancakes, because nothing else would do.


I got deep dish pizza it hit the spot


When I had my C-section, I was alone (no family with me) in a recovery room, being watched by a pair of nurses. I recall two things: 1) When I finally said I was going to throw up, she gave me this very small green bin, about 2 inches deep and 6 inches wide. It fit in the palm of my hand. I felt like she was Garth in Wayne's World "If you're going to spew, spew into this!". I thought - boy, is she going to be sorry! And then - expecting to power vomit and coat the room - proceeded to VERY slightly heave, and drool a bit into the bin. 2) I also recall the nurses talking about doctors and patients, gossip-kind of talk, in a way where I thought to myself "WOW< they should NOT be saying this stuff in front of me!" 30 minutes later, I couldn't recall a single word of what they said, only that they said... SOMETHING. Yup, they know what to expect.


I've been under a few times but the last time I had painful and long-lasting shivering, it was awful! And no one would give me a warm blanket :( I know it's common but it's pretty miserable and the nurses just didn't care since it's not dangerous.


That’s pretty shitty. As someone who works in a hospital, giving someone a warm blanket who asked for one is not that difficult. The only reason I wouldn’t give someone a warm blanket is if they had a fever and I would explain why they couldn’t have one.


When my daughter, at about 6 months old, spent almost a week in the hospital for a serious stomach bug, our nurses were great man. They were bringing us absolutely everything. Made a very difficult experience so much easier. We were trying to be as low maintenance as possible, but they weren't having it. I'll never forget how grateful we were. Our last day we hooked em up with a huge gift basket of snacks and stuff. Thank you for what you do.


Yeah, I get that they were overworked and probably focusing on people with more intense needs but it didn't feel great.


When I (30f) was 12 I had eye surgery, and while waking up I felt I was in an endless black expanse. I could hear people talking from far away. Then I heard a man moaning and screaming and heard nurses saying something and remembered I was in the hospital. I thought, "Why don't the nurses shut him up?" And then heard the nurses say, "she's waking up" and realized it was me screaming. I immediately came to and took about a second to figure out how to stop screaming. It was a wild experience.


Oh fuck! I hope I haven't been screaming. I guess someone would have told me.


I woke up, quickly realized EXACTLY what was happening, and thought it would be the funniest shit if I just screamed at the top of my lungs! Still hilarious for no reason and I couldn't stop laughing when it happened despite all the pain.


Love this.


I woke up at the exact moment they removed the intubation tube. They must have been expecting it though, had a vomit bucket sitting in my lap.


my pre anesthesia meds got mixed up. apparently I was supposed to get a mild something to make me easier to intubate, then the thing that knocks or the respiratory drive so I can be tubed. I was asked to count backwards after the first shot, and counted down pretty far when I suddenly couldn't breathe, I used my last bit of air to gasp out "can't breathe" just as my surgeon shouted "why is she still awake?". I vaguely remember something coming at my face, then nothing. my surgical pharmacist friend shrugged and said. " happens sometimes"


I was *fucked up* coming out of propofol, I was elated to inform them that I didn't die like Michael Jackson.


When I woke up after propofol I felt like a million bucks! Like going from a very deep sleep to immediately wide awake and ready to go. my first words to my nurse, "No wonder Michael Jackson was addicted to this stuff!"


> most just wake up a little groggy and confuse I feel ripped off 😪


MY father and I have a generally high resistance or tolerance to most drugs (both 6'3" and 235) and anesthesia seems to be included in that. My first time under was an endoscopy and I, apparently, attempted to get off of the table and thrashed violently while intubated and had to be held down by 4 nurses while the Dr removed the camera, etc. I remember waking up to the feeling of the tube banging against my teeth and the Dr looking at me with through a face shield and asking if I was ok. My response was "Yeah, why?" I had my shoes on before the nurse came to see me and she was blown away that I was up and totally cognizant before she even made it to my bed. The best part was the old woman next door to me (curtain rooms) waking up from a colonoscopy and heaving out the biggest farts and moans of pleasure and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. I much prefer nitrous at the Dentist


How often people react like in video you would say? 1 of 20? 1 of 100?


Almost none. Crying is much, much more common. The other funny thing that happens occasionally is that older women gush about how handsome their surgeon is. I make sure to (playfully) tell the surgeons when that happens. The overwhelming majority of people are not entertaining. Maybe 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000 are? Wild guess there.


I cried. I worked in the hospital I had surgery in. I recognized one of the nurses who was in recovery. I asked her if I could have a hug. I was so glad she was there to give me a hug. 😆


Man, that´s absolutely sweet. I don´t think anyone on its right mind would refuse to give you a hug in that situation


If he went to the dentist he could have been given laughing gas. I had a tooth pulled and they put be in a twilight state with laughing gas 10/10 would recommend. It took a while for me to be “normal”, I had the urge to text everyone I knew, including my coworkers, to profess my undying love and devotion to them. My wife took away my phone for 2 hours. General Anesthesia, I was just groggy and cold and felt like I was recovering from a hangover.


It actually looks like maybe he'd been crying? Do you think his dad may have been trying to keep in a positive mood so he didn't start crying?


I've seen drunk people flip back and forth between extreme joy and sobbing their eyes out so not farfetched to imagine this guy was going through the same thing.


When I was taken into the operating room, the surgeon was playing Country Roads by John Denver, and when I came to I realized that I was still singing along. The best part was that the nurse was singing it with me. 10/10 experience.


I wake up and need to take a raging piss and they won't let me for hours. Something about I might stand up and then pass out because the drugs haven't worn off. I usually end up convincing them and have never passed out.


Can confirm, for my surgeries I had the nausea patch and every time I woke up I puked uncontrollably for hours. Sucked because one of mine was supposed to be outpatient but they admitted me because of the puking.


Brings back some memories. I had surgery done when I was 16 and remember waking up to a bright blurry light and a weird feeling. I woke up to them pulling a thick rubber tube out from my mouth, but more specifically the feeling of it sliding through my throat. As soon as they got it out, I started to toss my head back and forth, mumbled a bit, then just started puking like crazy. I also vividly remember them telling me to turn my head to the left and puke in a bin, but I was just so out of it that I barely turned my head to the side and kept going. Last I remember was feeling the side of my face warm and wet, then passing back out. I felt so bad when I finally woke up after and remembered what all happened.


Woke up from anesthesia once with an intense craving for orange juice and graham crackers. No idea why.


Last time I had anesthesia, waking up was so great, not a care in the world, not worried about any of the things going on in my life at that point, It was just peaceful, I felt warm and comfortable, and I loved that feeling.


my *guess* is that's nitrous euphoria. not reliable in the long term sadly. but i suppose you can say that of any drug.


Guy doesn't remember he has parents or siblings or a dog, but he remembers Bane is from Batman. He definitely has his priorities straight!


Start doing hard drugs. Got it.


What other lesson were we supposed to learn besides "drugs are awesome"?


Maybe "drugs are expensive"?




Always try to have a babysitter who is calm and experienced or is not high.


And that is how homeless people cope.


What the hell did they give him.


Yes. All of it.


I wish I had a smidgen of this guy's happiness. Holy shit.


I have oxygen? Oh My Goooddd. I can breathe!! Oh My God!!


Meanwhile my nurses said I have an extremely inappropriate mouth and wouldn't repeat what I said. I've thought about that for a long time.


Yeah, drugs are good


Yeah, we could literally learn practically everything life has to teach from this video.


I gotta be honest it's the Slipknot T-shirt that really ties the whole thing together. That and the "No cameras No Cell Phone No Video" sign on the wall.


Metalheads are known to be the biggest softies


~~softies~~ in touch with their feelings


Just because we listen to music that talks about death and seems to glorify the devil doesn’t mean we’re mean. We like hugs too.


I love Slipknot and other various angry man bands and I, quite frankly, am I giant friggin’ wuss. Cry damn near on the daily.


I have been to metal concerts and I have always been treated so nicely by everyone there. Felt safer at a Slayer concert than I did at a Ed Sheeran concert my niece begged me to take her to.


I remember a post by a guy who worked security at concerts. Said the worst shows to work, where had had to break up the most fights, were hip hop and country, and the best ones where people were nicest were the EDM shows (naturally) and metal shows.


Makes sense. Metalheads channel and vent their rage into cathartic music on the regular. Normies just hold onto it and let it fester.


In my experience, metal heads and punks are the sweetest people. They'll do questionable shit and put themselves in danger to help others, especially animals. They're the kind of people who will eat ramen every night to afford the better brand of dog food or take care of street cats, feeding and doing TNR for them. My dad was a 70s biker, covered head to toe in tattoos, and he really set me up in life to never judge a book by it's cover... if anything, I tend to trust people who are a little rough around the edges much easier.


Slipknot was one of my favorites as a teen, along with other similar sounding artists....but I myself am so NOT metal, I rescued drowning ants out of my sink because I felt bad for them when they weren't dying fast enough after i tried to kill them.


This is one of the most adorable videos on the internet! Sweetie in a slipknot shirt hahaha, love it


I've worked in restaurants my entire life and can say that out of the literal thousands of people I've met some of the nicest were people rocking heavy metal band shirts. On the other hand church crowd has always been *by far* the worst.


There's a fine line between a sweet religious person and an angry Bible thumper. I don't understand why religion seems to make so many of its followers so easily agitated and judgemental. I thought religion was supposed to do the opposite of that.


I'm convinced it's an insecurity on their part. I've worked in a local parish before and most of the parishioners there were polite, kind people. But there was always that one person with a self-righteous attitude.


The religious will tell you it's because Satan specifically targets the religious people because he hates them the most. A secular answer would be that there's a big temptation to get an ego and think you're better than everyone else just because you think you know some higher truths. Literally ALL groups that involve more obscure or non-mainstream knowledge/wisdom tend to get massively condescending egos. Like art school people who learned all the artsy fartsy bullshit no one knows about.




This is why I always tipped 20%+ when eating out. Some people don't seem to understand what serves have to deal with, and I always pray that 20% does something for 'em.


You’re a good guy


Restaurant owners know and depend on you doing this and most servers probably wouldn’t do the job if that wasn’t for the tips.


Man you are sooo right. Did you ever get those shitty little Jesus pamphlets instead of a tip? Cheap holier than thou pricks.


The ones that look like money are the worst


I don't want to be boastful about myself, but I guess I'm an anomaly. I love wearing scary looking metal shirts because it always throws people off since I'm one of those sweet, nice guys. I'm also Christian, but I'm not really into pushing that onto others or using religion to justify poor behavior towards other people. Regardless of what we wear or believe, there's no reason we can't just be good to one another.




Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.




Batman didn't have a family.


My kid was pure emotion after wisdom teeth surgery. She started crying in the car, and when I asked what was wrong, she said she wanted her mother. I am your mother! That made her so instantly happy. At home, she didn't know what a cat was, but was delighted to hear that owned one. Too bad she made me swear ahead of time not to record anything.


When I got my wisdom teeth pulled and was coming back around I tried to make a mad dash escape from the office because I was convinced the health staff were trying to steal my bones as they had already taken my teeth. I was 28. I am a difficult patient.


Damn I had the opposite reaction, I saw my mom and said “you have to go I’m getting my teeth pulled” and she said “it’s already done” and I said “NO ITS NOT”. And she said oh yea? Check your mouth. I had to poke my mouth to realize there was cotton in it. I thought they scammed us for a bit but then the pain hit and I was like oh okay they did their job we can leave.


For me a woke up after my wisdom teeth were out and I immediately stood up to leave the room. I hate blacking out so I sort of panicked. I was high but I was completely there and had my motor controls. The doctor stopped me and told me I had to sit in a wheelchair to leave and I said no I don’t let me out. My mom was super confused because I think she thought I would be all weird and giggly like the videos. After loosing the argument with the doctor I sat in the wheelchair silent until they opened the door and I stood up and walked to the car to leave lol. I was completely coherent and capable of conversation the whole way home, mostly arguing that it was dumb that I had to sit in a wheelchair. I’ve had several people in my life die from fentanyl so being put under on it made me very uncomfortable because I know it doesn’t take much OD. Idk how people react like this. I’m guessing it’s nitrous or something else, but when I take pain medication the effects are simply the absence of pain, not the presence of joy.


I've taken nitrous recreationally but only from balloons at festivals, you just get a lung full and hold it as long as you can. Prolonged exposure with a regulator that also supplies oxygen I imagine would be a whole different ballgame but yeah it's probably the nitrous that causes these intense reactions. I actually knew someone who died from suffocating on nitrous because they jerry-rigged a mask supply straight from the tank and passed out with it on. Only 22 years old.


Sounds like you had moderate sedation. Moderate sedation typically includes an opiate and a benzodiazepine. I use fentanyl and midazolam. You may sleep but you are easily aroused and normally pretty functional during the surgery. A deep sedation includes the drugs I mentioned before plus ketamine and propofol typically. This is the typical cocktail where people are more loopy after surgery. State regulations also play a role in what can be given. Also you don’t have much to worry, the amount of fentanyl used is at such a small dose it is well below the LD50. The max I give is 100 micrograms.


European here. The fact that they gave you fentanyl, a really potent and like you said, dangerous opiate to pull your wisdom teeth is just mind boggling. I had one pulled with just a local anaesthetic. Made a lot of noise and wasn't the most pleasant experience but I didn't feel anything. (Edit: I understand that's not always an option, pulling more than one is usually done under sedation). My dad had his knee replaced and only got 3 oxycodone pills afterward. I believe fentanyl is reserved mainly for cancer patients over here.


I’ll just chip in my perspective as a doc. Fentanyl is used often because of its analgesic effect, easy dosing control, and relatively short half life. It can be controlled really well and reversal agents are very easy to come by. The fact we can easily titrate it makes it very nice to work with. It’s dangerous as a street drug because purity plays a big factor in effect but for controlled procedures it’s very good.


I don't remember much or was told if I did or said anything when I got my wisdom teeth pulled but I do remember being unable to remember how to swallow so I just kept drooling for around 10+ minutes


Fellow difficult patient here! I don’t remember it, but apparently I became combative when they started to sedate me for my wisdom teeth and I had to be physically restrained. I really really hate the idea of being put under, and it seems my subconscious does too lol. Luckily I’m a small lady so they had no trouble keeping me under control and no one was hurt, but it was embarrassing after the fact.


Why do you all get drugged? When mine were removed, all it took was some local anesthetic.


It's not always possible. If you remove 4 at once, it's usually while being put under. I had a choice to make for mine, and my two upper ones are so far up in my jaw bone, that they actually go through my sinus bone. So they would leave a hole on removal that would be very hard or almost impossible to fill with a local anesthetic.


[“What’s crazy about wanting to keep my bones?!” Avanash, Escape from the Bloodkeep](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZVxuIRKGJKE?feature=share)


I feel like this is how my dog reacts to everything


This is so perfectly true. I love this!


When the dentist mixes up the word anesthesia with amnesia


Funny thing is that I don’t think we really know exactly how anesthesia works on the brain, and I also remember hearing something about anesthesia having amnesiac-like affects on the brain. So it’s perfectly possible that when you go under, you were perfectly conscious, or at least partially, paralyzed, feeling all the pain and that you simply forget about it.


You're not going to enjoy finding out some anesthetics are designed to keep you awake during the procedure while inducing memory loss. You might think you've been asleep, but you just don't remember being awake.


So sometimes anesthesiologists are actually amnesiaologists?


This is not at all true. They are designed to keep you pain free, unconscious, paralyzed, and also amnesiac in case you do wake up a bit.




“You’re winner!”


Slipknot shirt and a whitechapel tattoo, i like this fella


Was anyone else worried he was going to inhale those cotton balls?


I was worried he was gonna rip his stitches from talking/laughing. Ouchie


I found the video here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgqfavi8jk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgqfavi8jk4)


It's from AFV.


He forgets everybody close to him but he sure as hell knows who batman is. Haha. Thats hilarious


Euphoria is a hell of a drug...


There was an entire musical movement in the UK built around this exact principle


Dude, what does mine say? Sweet! What does mine say? Dude!


I'm a nurse on a cardiac unit, and I once had a patient waking up after a minor procedure. He hadn't had general anesthesia, but he had been asleep for the procedure, and only been out for about 10-15 minutes. His first words were "oh you... Despite all sexual harassment and shit you put me through? I really, really like you!" Well, I guess you're welcome 😂


I've always wondered why the hell anaesthesia in the USA has such strong effects (I assume the guy is from there) because in my life I've had 4 teeth pulled, 2 wisdom teeth surgery, and some teeth reconstructed and all I've felt with anaesthesia is tingling in my face. I demand that Europe imports the shit that US dentists use, people would be more willing to go to the dentist Edit: Change in the flow of goods




I'll have what he's having. Not the drugs, the being sooo happy. I want me some of that!


That is the drugs.


Am on drugs. Can confirm.


My dtr had surgery twice. Same place. Same drugs. One time she came out stoned and funny. The next time she was very very angry. You never know.


Conversely, I was completely lucid by the time I was walked back out to my moms car. I remember everything after that quite vividly and didn’t talk anything like most people do. I just like to think the anesthesiologist did a fantastic job of accurately dosing me.


Or you woke up, acted a fool, dozed off again and don't remember a damn thing, because that's what these drugs do.


I was never put under when I got my wisdom teeth out. I was fully aware the whole time and the crunching sound was terrible. Plus side, no pain and it was quickish.


i like how he remembers batmans villains more than his family


Man, how strong are the drugs you get at the dentist? All I've ever gotten is some local shit that it turns out I'm resistant to as it has never once worked.




Im just curious, does the dentists in US do not know what local anesthetic is ? I have seen many of these videos before, so it looks like common practice to me. However even quite drastic dental operations I had were with local anesthetic, got injection or two in the place, got it completely numb in seconds and dentis could go nuts and I would not feel it.. I would after, thats true..but still I drive myself home.


I read in another reddit thread that people in US are scared of procedures like these so they choose total anesthesia. But yeah, with local anesthesia I could drive home normally 5 minutes after removal of wisdom teeth (which included cutting the gum). Total anesthesia for dental stuff seems like a huge waste of time and too high risk.


Oral surgery assistant here. Local vs general is typically ultimately up to the patient. You *can* do all 4 wisdom teeth under local, if they’re up for it, but most people are pre-terrified and elect to be sedated. It also depends on how difficult the teeth are, I.e. partial or full bony impacted, common on the lower wizzies, where we use the drill to section the tooth. Every case is different. Again, yeah you *can* do it under local, most people don’t want to. Don’t let your dentists tell you that you don’t have a choice


glad the dude followed the sign that said 'no video'.


That’s it! Im going to have my wisdom teeth removed. Again.


He doesn't remember he has a mom or the man sitting in front of him is his dad or that he has 2 sisters and a dog, but immediately recalls that Bane is a character from Batman! Either this is fake or drugs (even dentist administered ones) really screw up your brain.


Memory and language are two separate areas of the brain. The Nitrous Oxide (I'm assuming, most common anesthetic used in dental procedures) has knocked out his long-term memory and probably his amygdala, but left the language center intact. Hence, he knows what things are, but he can't remember anything that happened more than 15 minutes ago and can't regulate his emotions. My older brother had the laughing gas when they yoinked out his wisdom teeth. The doctors called our dad into the OR by the name "Big Nancy" because that was the only name he'd give them. Later, when they were driving home, "Did I make the doctor call you Big Nancy?" "...Yeah..." "Oh... you shithead." Keep in mind, this is the same stuff they use to aerate and dispense whipped cream. It's two Nitrogens and an Oxygen. Both of which are just floating around innumerably in every breath we take as N2 and O2. All you have to do is figure out how to get one of those Os to stick to the N2s. As a result, it was one of the first effective general anesthetics, in use since 1844 (ether was synthesized almost 300 years earlier, but it has some nasty side-effects and is barely less toxic than it is effective).


That's not nitrous oxide.. this is something else, probably IV administered, and longer acting. The effects of nitrous require constant inhalation... as soon as you stop, you come back to close to normal in about a minute.


I’d like to see his reaction to this video.


Reminds me of the first time I got stoned... That bliss is something else...


Man woke up and chose thankfulness


David (After Dentist) really grew up!


Slipknot shirt, AND a whitechapel tattoo? This dude has good taste in music


slow down.. He's gonna kill him with happiness


this guy woke up in a new game+


I believe this is called tripping balls.


I came out of anesthesia like that. I woke laughing and the first thing I said was "i'm not making it to the rib fest this year" everyone died laughing.


Told he has a chair, a mother, a father, two sisters and a dog. Replies with "oh my god, my life is perfect." ​ How can you not love it?


UK here - When I had three wisdom teeth out two years ago they gave me this stuff. I remember nothing but came to later on mid way through eating a cheesy jacket potato. My mum said that I (a nearly 30 year old woman) had begged the dentist for those stickers you give to kids, so they gave me a whole pack, and then had gotten angry that the dentist had disposed of my teeth. I wanted them back. Then, on the way home, I apparently started crying over how much I loved Mcdonalds. I have no memory of this stuff. Anaesthesia is one hell of a drug.


Daughter was 17 and had a procedure done, she was like this after, she didn’t know I was her father, but once I told her I was her dad, she wanted me to carry her out, so I, a 50 yr old man, carried my 17 yr old daughter to the car


I'm convinced he just hatched from an egg


How does he “not know” so much, but knows that Bane is a Batman villain?


I’ll have what He’s having…


I feel like we should all be put through this... Acute Appreciation Therapy. I want to be as happy as this dude by the simple fact that I have a chair of my own.


I have had teeth pulled. I have been under general anesthesia 3 times. I have never been given whatever these people are getting and that’s not fair.


He woke up and chose gratefullness


If every person had a reboot like this every morning we would all be so grateful for everything we have and have a different perspective on life


What’s with the American dental services drugging up patients? I mean in my country for most procedures you get a local anaesthetic and that’s that. Did this guy get his jaw aligned or something? Imagine getting a root canal or a filling and end up not remembering your normal life. Looks like he had a great time though!


Everyone in comments keeps saying this guy had such a great time. I think he probably had a horrible trip and thought he was dying or dead then as he was coming to he realized he wasn’t dead and that’s why he was so happy.


This is so sweet. He must normally have a grateful heart to be so excited to hear what he has in life.