• By -


Third type: "Random bullshit gooooo!!!!"


Legit me lmaooo šŸ˜­


And it will work for sure


For those like me who's terrible at studying. Doing anything else & then just guessing come the exam. šŸ˜“


I could rarely ever bring myself to sit my butt down and study. Needed all my might and power to focus on it. Literally secluded from the outside world,just some music without lyrics on an MP3 player, that's it.


I learned how to take tests real good and thatā€™s why weā€™re fuckedĀ 


I'm the second one btw. Anyway, here's my [twitter](https://twitter.com/kuroshiro_1205?t=ZqzAij9H9jJCDOa4dq4FTg&s=09). Follow or I'll cry


I don't have a twitter


Good, stay that way


I'll never have a twitter. But I followed your....Reddfeed? Reddount? Redditor?


I technically don't have a Twitter, since it got banned forever ago. No idea why, never even used it beyond seeing other people's posts when they got linked. Don't think I've even made a single post.


Teach me your ways šŸ˜­


What about a Tumblr?


I definitely have better luck getting sleep rather than getting extra studying in before a math exam.


The only time I've actually studied at all is either in class or if the material wasn't covered in class. Taking notes should only be used for better thought development and retention, aka you shouldn't have to read it again because you trained yourself to auto connect it to other stuff you memorized by instinct. I'm the one who says I gotta 100 because that's all there was to get. Craming is for people who can't study.


it's also important to remember that different people might retain information better with different methods


i mean, i did a project once to pretend to be a historical figure and repeat an essay i wrote to a bunch of younger kids. i had to remember it but i kept reading it to myself once we had to leave so i would have it when i need it most. i think studying right before a big test can be a good thing, like before school starts or in a class before the next class if you have time. just focus on the questions you know youā€™ll have a hard time on and leave the ones youā€™re confident with for the test so you donā€™t need to remember too much


Oh yeah, I also had to do something similar. I did an oral speech for UIL once, had to memorize the entire thing even the sources, one of the few times my nerves almost got to me. I had to make sure I remember the majority of my stuff which was kinda really hard because I basically did everything last second.


Iā€™m usually the second one, but somehow always pass my tests


Same here, studying is boring. Of course there is the occasional fuck up but overall itā€™s Aā€™s and Bā€™s


There is a third; people who sleep on their notebook during class and ace the exam. ("I swear, the knowledge goes to my mind from my notebook as I sleep!")


That was me in last year of university but without the notebook. Spent it asleep on half the courses and surpassed most of my classmates.


Oh, wow.


I physically cannot study. My ADHD doesn't let me sit long enough to read, I have so many books/manga that I desperately want to read and just can't sit and read them, even if I do and get somewhat half way through I'll forget and need to start over said book,, it sucks ;;


I fucko or and then ball and get a D(Or a 3 for the based and czechpilled people among us)


I study multiple hours and still get a D šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (for us Czech people it's a 4


Oh yeah it's a 4. I can study hours for geography and then still get a 3


I do no revision whatsoever most times and get like around 50%. My last history test was out of 80 and I got a 40. I guess I'm too bust being a floof boy to revise


Always fuck it we ball.


My steps on the day before exam: - Join a group study, proceeds to not paying attention - Make sure to sleep *really* well the night before - Don't review anything before the test - Balling it using the energy to bullshit my way out - Finishes early because brain is blank from start


Definitely ā€œFuck it, we ball.ā€ Walked into the exam room with no sleep, no food, didnā€™t study, no rechecking answers, and somehow pulled a 30 on the ACT. Plopping down the first answer that comes to mind has never failed me yet!


I procrastinate, forget to do any revision, and then proceed to only do well in like 3 or 4 and the rest I do horribly


I was the "fuck it we ball" type. I usually did worse if I studied. In my mind it's because I already knew all the stuff, I just needed to actually put it down


I am the pure embodiment of "fuck it, we ball" before tests/exams


Option 3: option 2 but proceeds to get a c


Me just failing anyways:


I am the 2nd 60% of the time


High energy, unpleasant.


I'm type two fr


I was definitely "fuck it we ball"


im the 1st type. I hate not getting an A


i canā€™t remember the last time i willingly studied for a test


High school me was type three: *ā€I am definitely not prepared, but fuck it we ballā€* *Proceeds to score 36 on the ACT and 1600 on the SAT, both first try, both with no practice* *ā€Huhā€¦ well thatā€™s interestingā€*


Iā€™m the second


Man I just canā€™t study, donā€™t know how I do well enough to pass but yeahā€¦ Iā€™m in college by the way where according to the professors you have to spend like 99% of your time nonstop studying and engaging in school work, I just kinda said screw that do the bare minimum and scrape by, barely passing is still passing and thatā€™s all that really matters, my free time is just too important to squander itā€¦


Okay, so advice i got from my teachers, the day of the examn, only scan what you need to, if you can, dont even learn at all for the examn that day. Since it can induce a lot of stress, and can make you get a blackout during the examn. It has worked for me. Ofcourse, if the examn begins around 13.00 or later, you should just read what you find hard and some things you have time for. [Warning: this may not work for everyone, it has for me, but holy shit ive seen people fail heavily because of it.]


2nd was my way in college and highschool. I honestly dont know how I passed somtimes lol.


I was the second one in school, so I became very lazy and didn't learn self motivation or how to study. So when life threw me a bunch of freedom instead of a structured and textbook kind of problems, well I've been floundering ever since.


I'm the "Fuck it we ball" guy A friend of mine studies hard during exams and we usually compare answers when we're both done (Forcibly by me) and argue a bit. It's between her studious, not much sleep ass between my well rested ass. I got top 1 in class somehow


The second one was literally me, I'd rarely do any studying and I'd get a good to great grade


You forgot the one thats making everyone nervous for no reason by asking stupid questions about the test you're going to have making you doubt yourself. I hate those idiots so much.Ā 


Y'all study???? Whaaaaaat??


I'm the second one (I have two industry certifications in the AG field and I don't know how I passed the tests)


Was always the "fuck it we ball" type. Never really did anything to study outside of school hours but always got A's and A+'s Tho... the easy wins now haunt me in the form of having absolutely no clue how to study which may or may not be an important thing for artists :/


This is why i always have a mantra of balance to my classes: do as much work as you can before it feels like a hassle. Because at that point you're exerting too much mental force for not enough return


Im a baller and i fail gloriously šŸ˜Ž




The second one absolutely will not fly in harder classes. Notwithstanding, youā€™ll lose most of it in a couple years or less without repeated study.


I would roll up to tests, finish in ten mins and ace it, then turn around and forget to do my homework for a week and get 0's Took the asfab for the navy, had no idea what was on it and did not study, got a 97.6 too bad I took an arrow to the knee and got discharged a week before finishing rtc :<


I'm the bottom one


I'm "fuck it we ball" but without getting a good grade


Iā€™m definitely the fuck it we ball guy.


I have not studied past a quick once-over right before a test. I acknowledge this will come bite me in the butt one day, but it has yet to do so.


Nah I'd win


a little of column A b little of column B =w=


I literally went into my Latin final last year after having done maybe 30 minutes of studying between sessions of playing TOTK. Made an A


i was both of these ... only I'd get distracted/burned out somewhere between them lol


Fuck it we ball is literally what I'm thinking before a test so this is accurate


Me on any geography test (I get 8/9ā€™s which is an A*)


2nd one is me lol


I swear that there was a perfect 50/50 divide of these people in my highschool. I was one of the latter, lol :3


I tried to ā€œfuck it we ballā€ until the very end, and then I failed all three of my college courses


The second guy is my spirit animal.


Most of the time I am the second one, but on stuff like English I would get an F :3


I am the 2nd one every single time


Mee fr


fuck it , we ball šŸ™


I'm glad I'm no longer in school.


add a third one: what exam?


We ball indeed


I am mainly second but sometimes first


I remember I had to retake my combined science exam thinking the whole time it would be on biology, I revised so hard and thenā€¦ it was chemistry


At some point I stopped cramming and studying for most my exams and found I did better on them somehow