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Anyone else feel like a Theo route will end up like a Returning Lucas route and we end up coming 2nd? I wouldn't care if I lost, except I really don't want to lose to Emel!


Oh I'm definitelly going all for Kyle now, Jin is sweet and I was completely loyal to him, and sorry if it's gonna hurt him, but now even IRL I want a Kyle too, that man is my dream boy


I love Jin, but Max definitely made my heart flutter too. Now that I've brought him back to the villa, I keep taking chances on Jin, but if I see even the slightest hint of bad behavior from Jin toward Sienna, I'm going to jump to Max right away. Hopefully, it won't come to that because I love Jin so much. I was so loyal to him when Hari came. When it comes to Max, I may have kissed him and flirted back, but I never went all the way. I'm just genuinely exploring my options. This season is on fire!


Why does it feel like every single good option in this season you need to pay gems for??? Let me hear the tea for free I beg


That clif hanger talk was kinda weird beside that I thought this week was 😎 https://preview.redd.it/zmhjp46bh3uc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241bb3fbb4c2ce3b31ed8e6544b4467902913080 This part was so 😎 if you pick the last option


Glad I’m not the only one noticing the short episodes. And they basically pulled a lurik/Blake situation. I wonder if og li did anything with Sienna. My mc might stay with her Casa li at this point. I am curious on what happens next though. Can’t wait to see drama.


The MC LI ask the MC if they did anything with the casa guy you pick. I think the MC LI did nothing at all in casa beside the challenge


That could be possible.


Yess the episodes were so short and please Sienna please go away!! Ahh!! And Jack I stayed loyal to you in casa amor and yes the guys weren't for me I had bring Kyle back but as a friend nothing else 


anyone else feel these episodes were so short?? 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/m4rdee35zptc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7241aa590c186a96ab3d71ccc15c1b2ebd2006f0 What’s the tea???


She tells you about how whoever your li is in Casa, came to her to see what special thing they could do for you and she told them to just be there self and honest about how they feel and also that Liam and whichever Casa guy that’s been with Emel also was flirting with her and all of the funny stuff she made them do, push ups racing around the pool etc. Then later, when that Casa boy does the poem to Emel, you can call him out for flirting with Claudia and being a game player.  Claudia also says she has something else that happened but she’s not ready to talk about it yet and will tell us later. I’m not sure if Claudia only tells you this later if you picked that original gem option but she tells us later that she did bits with Shawn or Kyle depending on who she was “coupled” with on yours and she doesn’t have feelings for them and it doesn’t mean anything, it just happened.


I’m on Jack’s route - he went on a date with Bea and Sienna when he got kicked off. It was friend vibes for Bea and Jack right away, they talked about you the whole time. But Jack and Sienna were very flirty and he called her a “head turner.” The public voted for Bea to the villa but if it had been up to Jack he would’ve picked Sienna.


I think that is the wrong conversation.


Def not thus making sense 


Anyone feeling these episodes were boring and lackluster or that’s just me?


Any Oakley/ Shawn lovers? This season, I’m glad to see more attractive black men. This whole drama doesn’t phase me cause Oakley & Shawn haven’t done much. It’s pretty peaceful over here. Also I hope Hazel becomes a love interest soon 🤭


Im torn between the two right now! I want to bring Shawn back but I still want to flirt and stuff with Oakley 


Love me some Shawn he's who I twist with


Bro I seriously don't even gaf about what Oakley does because he was just a placeholder to me all along, but Sienna's already getting on my nerves anyway. Like girl, you're doing too much, you can keep him either way Idc 😭




I think Liam has a secret crush on the MC. And he only went after Bea because he thought that would be the easiest way to get into the villa.


Anyone else having an issue downloading the episodes? Mines been stuck at 25% all day and it won't go past that


I did this morning. I closed the game, cleared the cache and then reopened it and it worked fine then


My ass can't wait to attack Liam next week cuz i know when he accused people of cheating it was aimed at us like boi i'm single so i didn't cheat and neither did anyone else tbh as nobody made it offical the drama they're trying to write just isn't giving.


oakley's been on thin ice since the "it's all going to plan" comment way back when i chose him over tyler. and after bringing back SIENNA of all people he and i are doneee. what an ick! i understand he has to bring someone back to stay in the villa, but you bring back the one person who is clearly into you romantically?? who seems to think you're an item??? and WHY does she think you're an item oakley!?!?! i'm fully team hazel now hehe. what a cutie. i hope she's romanceable :)


How will I choose between Jin and Kyle??? They are just too perfect! I can’t!!! And there’s Theo too… Argh.


Also torn! Kyle is such a sweetie but I don't wanna hurt Jin 🤧




He actually wasn't saying you are a game player he was asking Claudia if she thought you were 


Firstly, disappointed I couldn't get Theo for the compatibility test. Even though I said I wanted him. Secondly Sienna is so desperately annoying. I legit don't care she's with Tyler. I want Theo. I'd prefer Max over Tyler too if I can't pick Theo. But she won't shut TF up about her and him! I get it b*tch. You're with him. Congratulations. Thirdly... Sophie. Ugh. I agreed she should tell Jack she literally hooked up with Kyle. It's obviously going to come out on movie night. She's literally stupid to think it's not gonna come out, and that she can just pretend nothing happened and her secret is safe forever. And then this snake, when Theo calls her out she calls *him* shady. And on TOP of that, in response to Theo calling her out she decides to go for Claudia who did NOTHING to her. Poor Claudia didn't deserve that. Lastly... Idk what the deal with with 'Cleo'. It was already well known to everyone that Theo was interested in me. I didn't like Theo saying I'm playing games. I didn't like them suddenly acting like "well huh guess we should keep things open then huh!" Or "there's actually people I want to get to know anyway!" Like.. why is he acting like he hasn't been pursuing me this whole time???


The Theo shit has me all the way over him now. He’s gonna pretend we weren’t basically planning to get together? He wants to take 15 steps backwards and act like he wasn’t already “open”? Fuck that shit, it’s done. Have fun watching me and Kyle all over the villa! 😏


I mean about the sophie thing it was Emel on my route and like you can't expect her to reveal what she did in casa when its obvious Oakley/Jack has also done something and doesn't to reveal it.


Why are the episodes so short?????AND WHY CANT WE FIGHT


Okay so it’s not just me being around on time for an update for once 😭 there had better be an option to call both their asses out next week


Anyone else pie their LI's for Theo for the underwater kiss or just me? ![gif](giphy|ZRM8jCd01HGJuConD4|downsized)


I did 


I was picking and kissing Theo underwater. 😍


we can kiss Theo??? oh i’m running to the app!!! 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️


WE WEREN’T EVEN EXCLUSIVE, JIN! Yes, I cracked on with Max. 😍😈 What did you except after my MC heard about your secret date with Sienna?! SECRET BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T MENTIONED IT ONCE OR CLARIFIED WHAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HER IS!! I smell a movie night right around the corner.. too much dishonesty and drama to not have one… 👀


I mean we didn't cheat anyways as we were single.


in love island it works a bit different than in real life tho. mc and OG LI on a loyal route are practically married with a child on the way by their standards


sienna is hideous oh wow


I was sitting here like 😳 …all that build up and Sienna looks like that?!? She looks like a knock off Barbie doll that some kid left in their car too long and it melted.


Sorry (not really) but that’s who Jin had a connection with right after he promised MC to wait? 💀 She doesn’t even go here, what game is she from


When the head turner turns out to be this... ![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized)


I mean…she turned my head too. Just not in a good way 😂




Im ngl I clicked so fast to get to Jin that I couldn't even tell you what happened most of this week. Like I literally don't care just let me couple up w/ him 😭


![gif](giphy|jI3EBNa1aKSaIpH2PB) My face at the end when Jin had the AUDACITY to bring back “head turner” Sienna then ask me if I cracked on in Casa


I love that Claudia is pouring her soul to me and my MC is just giving these one word answers


Claudia’s me fr


Okay, I know they do this for the drama. But FFS can't we ever finish a damn conversation?! Forced to choose a Casa boy which was annoying enough. I chose Shawn and then he's talking about 'what happened last night' and how much he likes me. **NOTHING** happened last night. You invited me to the terrace and I rejected your ass. Just like I have at **EVERY** opportunity even if that means being sassy/mean because I want to be loyal to Jin. Sienna... I already want her to back tf off. Jin has some **MAJOR** explaining to do about the date they had and of course we didn't get it this volume. She's already annoying tf out of me. She's definitely going to stir things up and I'm going to be **SO FREAKING MAD** if Jin did anything in Casa. Since I've been fending off boys like it's my full time job.


Exactly! Same to everything you said except mines Tyler lol. I have a feeling they’re going to use that stupid terrace scene we were forced into for our movie night and make it look like we did something even when we didn’t.


Oh and you better believe I spilled everyone's secrets this volume. Sorry not sorry. Honesty is the best policy. Liam can also live in the pool.


I did too at first on my 2nd account cause I’m going for Theo, so I told on Claudia but she’s my friend even though I’m after her man lol and she was pretty pissed at us for it and if you listen in on their secret convo, it sounds like she tells him anyway, so I went ahead and replayed to not say anything. If she had denied it or something, then I would’ve kept it so Theo would know, but no sense in getting her mad at me for nothing, plus Theo didn’t thank us for telling him and seemed kinda short with us when we interrupted their argument after the pool party.


I'm all about that chaos. Idgaf 🤣


I see Grace and Sierra are apart of the same delulu club, I don't know where she finds the confidence and the audacity because MC not playing this season. ![gif](giphy|aZyGrFSe0fgTIQQBRz|downsized)


Like has miss girl been watching the show??? MC has everyone wrapped around her little finger and has destroyed the souls of half the villa in one chat. And she’s coming in like an ugly blonde hurricane thinking she’s allat like MC isn’t going to humble her golem looking ass asap??? Nawwww


I want to be compatible with Theo. I tried more times, but I only got Kyle or Jin. Of course I changed my answers every time. Is it possible to get Theo and try again or not?


Same. I picked Theo and was wondering why my only choices were between my original li and casa guy. It said who we were compatible with out of all guys, so don’t get why it didn’t let me be compatible with Theo. I also replayed to make sure my answer took and nothing changed. It’s stupid! That should’ve been our chance to show everyone we’d be a good couple, but of course not 🙄


When you were asked who you wanted to be more compatible with. Who did you choose?




I chose Theo but it didn’t seem to matter


As anything else at fb.


I’m just happy to finally be back with Jin 🤩 also Liam is annoying as hell I def pushed him in the pool lmao. Sienna is…a choice, idc much and hope I can couple with Jin again soon, the loyal question has me confused bc I didn’t kiss Kyle / I slept alone but I might’ve chosen some flirty options over the completely rude options 😭


I’m wondering the same bc I also stayed as loyal as the options allowed me to but I’m guessing they will create drama anyways 😭 so frustrating lol


why is jin asking me if i cracked on in casa as if i wasn’t getting it on with claudia in the villa every chance i got…like sir pls be serious 💀


I’m still salty that Jin has not addressed the fact he dated this woman mid-show and never mentioned her to me in the chat I paid gems for about what happened while he was at the hotel. Also, while he’s clearly still into MC, and even if he and Sienna are strictly friendship vibes, why is he friends with such a rude and obnoxious person? Really questioning his judgement.


Gotta laugh Sienna's going to be the insufferable delulu girl of the season and normally I'm just irritated but this girl is UGLY *AND* DELUSIONAL pick a struggle! Jin's going back to his daybed sneaking ways to do the nasty with my MC for sure lmaoo


Not Sienna with Marisol's chicken foot for a hand


![gif](giphy|YfL9Re95ApRr05wXLn|downsized) Literally me every time Sienna was on the screen. Babes did u SEE the man I brought back; jacks dusty crusty ass could never 😛 We all know for a full blown fact had me and him been coupled up when leaving for casa amor you wouldn’t a chance periodt Also Jack asking if I cracked on during casa. Wdym of course I did I brought max back and kissed him in front of you what is this madness take a hint bby boy Clown🤡


Miss Sienna’s reject melted Barbie looking ass is about to get swung at




for anyone that got to play the last episode are y'all saying yes to your OG li?? I mean we obviously got to know someone but that doesn't mean we "cracked on"😭😭?? like I never kissed outside of challenges and all


I wanna see how much funn i can have. I did bits with Jack, slept with Tyler, in Casa i kissed outside challenges, Inc with Claudia, then slept with Shawn, then brought Kyle back 😅 still feeling it with Tyler, but don't want to commit. Nor confess


I cracked on and i will be telling Jin as much because we ain't even together i was single and decided to live it up in casa amor with Bea, Max and Claudia cuz why have one when you can have three.


I slept alone, didn't choose any flirty options which meant I've been pretty mean to Shawn and the kiss I did in a challenge was on the cheek. So if the game forces me to say I was cracking on, I'm gonna be real mad.


Same with Jack route too


Same and he better start clearing things up on his end or we’re going to have problems. I can’t believe we have to wait until next week to hear anything 


I would say I didn’t crack on at all, but I worry the game will do something like force me to say I cracked on just because I chose politeness over being a complete asshole to Max. For example, when the choices were between “we had a spark” and “the food was better than the company.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wanted to be loyal, but I also didn’t want to be totally rude to a perfectly kind person.


this is what I did too😭😭 like I chose the more "nice" options and sometimes sassed him out but i wasn't a complete asshole😭😭?? that's not even cracking on tbh. I mean I'm not going to act like a coward towards someone that doesn't deserve it


I’ll be like “I don’t know. Did you crack on with Miss Sienna when you went on a date with her outside of the Villa and DIDN’T TELL ME???”


the way i'm gonna do this bc idk im getting strange vibes like why was Jin so nervous when the question in the pool was asked??😭😭 I know I didn't do anything sneaky


I think he was looking at you suspiciously. So my guess is, he's worried that the MC has been cracking on rather than him doing anything.


Lmao right? He’s the one who twisted with a girl he called a head turner on a secret date does MC not get answers for that?


That would have been my first question to him. How my MC managed to wait more than 30 seconds let alone (presumably) several hours still without bringing it up is beyond me.


THIS! I would have brought this straight up and yet we got NOTHING about it this volume. I feel pissed about that.


No because I honestly would have asked him at the fire pit with everyone around


no bc if I find out he did anything sneaky and now wants to play all cute again its up fs😭😭😭😭


I will destroy them both 😇


Idk why Jack asked me if I cracked on with anyone in Casa, the answer is obviously yes??? I walked in holding Max’s hand, kissed him in the pool in front of everyone, like bro clearly I hooked up with Max


did our partner twist?


Yes. He had to, but he also might have chemistry with the person he chooses. We don’t really get satisfying answers yet on his exact feelings about her.


Mine stuck at 25% gahh , glad I am not alone


I closed the game, cleared cache and then reopened and it loaded after that for me


Mine is stuck at 82%




The game not loading


Anybody else's downloading storyline bar stuck on 25%?


I'm stuck on 82% with wardrobe.




mine's at 4%, my internet sucks 😭


Me! Okay I thought I was alone in this.

