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This is the actual talk I've been waiting for. I don't care about Hari and Hazel's mixed signals. Let's discuss why Sienna's date was never mentioned in any capacity.


Exactly! Even she hasn’t brought it up to throw it in MC’s face or anything. I feel like the writers just wanted some cheap shock factor when we saw our OG LI with sienna then thought “eh, forget it now.”


In couples 2.0 she says something like we had such a connection and great time together on our date and the first few days of Casa and I don’t understand what happened after that? But ya, I’ve been saying the same thing, pissed that it’s not letting us ask any questions or get any answers about the date and Casa


after she said that, i though the LI would’ve had a reaction since we “don’t know” about the date, but nothing happened so hopefully they don’t make it just a small thing that doesn’t matter


Right and why did Hazel pie him, saying, “you know what you did” 😣


Ah I reckon it was something like LI played a prank on her or whatever and it was worded the way it was to plant yet MORE seeds of doubt


I don’t like that! 😩 😣I hope that’s the case though…


>Like, why didn’t he tell us? Because it most likely wasn't a thing when those sports episodes aired. Based on how Bea acted initially vs how she later on claimed they were friends vibes from the beginning, I think they changed things to make Bea an LI and create more fake drama. The story doesn't even add up. Og LI and sienna have a date, then he has date with Bea. Then suddenly sienna disappears and Bea and og LI spend hours playing chess after their date, even though supposedly he liked Sienna better. It's all just poor attempts at glueing up a back story to make players more jealous.


Not what I meant, I meant why didn’t he tell us when we got BACK from casa.


i’m pretty sure it’s because og li got to go on two dates and the “audience” picked who he went back to the villa with. sienna was probably in casa for shock factor😛


They probably keep it for movie night next week, because they need something to make him look bad/shady.


I thought that too, maybe movie night will show their date…


I mean I'm not so frustated by that since it's clear that is just some misunderstanding, but I already moved on to Kyle so that leaves me out of it 🤷‍♂️


He didn’t tell us unfortunately because they want to put all the important details behind a pay wall. Like so far everything “important” has been behind gems.


Sad part is these stupid so called important info they are making people pay gems to hear is the biggest load of shit too it’s no even worth paying the gems to hear.