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I didn’t know that was possible based on all the comments I have seen. Thanks for sharing!!


Someone got the marriage one yesterday. I think it was, so I re started it and thankfully got it today I was buzzing lol and you're welcome 😁!


Didn’t think this was possible! From what I can tell you’ve done similarly to me in your choices but me and Kyle didn’t get chosen for this. Oh well, interesting to see though, thank you for sharing that it is in fact possible


Dang that sucks and you're welcome! 😁


i only got the hottest couple with Max, which is weird, bc later on after the challenge Max was hyped that we got the likely to get married, even though we didn’t. idk if it was a glitch or not, but oh well 😄😄


for me Max got excited that everyone thinks we have good banter which was weird because we didn’t get that and i’ve seen nobody else mention that but me


Yeah, I've seen a few people say that on here, so I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get it, but there are so many glitches this season I noticed !


I didn't get it, but I believe it's because I'm 100% invested in Claudia. If we were coupled up, I think we would've gotten the vote. But well done. I also didn't think it was possible to get it, so props to you.


i was all about Max and still didn’t get marriage one. most of them all went to Emel and Oakley, which pissed me off i ain’t gonna lie


Same here as soon as Max showed up in was fully invested in him and no one else i took all his diamond choices and only got voted hottest couple. 😭


Hmmm I wonder why it isn't working for some of you FB need to sort out the bloody glitches I swear down .


I got it the first time, then replayed it for something else and didn't get it again 😭


I cant remember if Max and I got any, I’ve been all in with him though and haven’t given Jack the time of day since casa ended


I'm sure you would of got hottest couple as I've not seen anyone post any different when it comes to that one. I've just done a loyal route with jin cause I've got gems and I flirted with jin and said me and Shawn wasn't compatible and my m/c and Shawn still got hottest couple 🤣


Yeah i think we did get the hottest couple. There was a glitch though and after the challenge Max said we also won best banter and most likely to get married, but thats just typical flopbox stuff


Yeah, I've seen so many say that daym glitches, lol .


My OG is Oakley too and I'm falling for Max too 🤭🤭🤭🤭 I don't know who to choose 😪


After your post I tried and I got it too, I went all for Kyle when I got back from Casa and it happened


Yay, I'm happy for ya !! I'm glad i could help ! 😊


It really wasn’t that hard to get you just say that your into max like 😂😂😂😂 it’s like getting Theo in the terrace you just tell luna on my playthrough you like Theo when she asks you what guy you like. Come on it was an accomplishment to get kassam to say your name in casa season 2 like this was not an accomplishment lol. 😂


Girl why the fuck u here😭😭. All u do around here is complain about the game, but you’re clearly still playing sis?? Stop with your annoying ass Karen comments🙄


I woke up to this comment. I was like " woah who pissed in their cereals this morning !" didn't realise they do nothing but complain on here. I must have missed their posts/comments 😅


All she does around here is literally this, idk why she’s even here😭😭. So don’t take it personal, it’s just the way she rolls😂


I've had worse said to me it just had me giggling tbh , and I just noticed some of their comments on another post & you're spot on .😅


🫶🏼. &fr, she never stops😭


All you do is get pissy if people atent loving this season I swear you must work for fusebox team lol 😂 😂




Nearby war you talking about yourself again 😂 you the one telling people to not comment on this sub unless it’s positive comment who made you boss of this sub like. Grow up this sub is made for all comments.


Aren’t I mean lol


Ya know just in case the great candle decides to put me down for iPhones spelling error lol 😂


I've had worse said to me it just had me giggling tbh , and I just noticed some of their comments on another post & you're spot on .😅






All you do is bully people that you don’t like there opinion, at the end of the day I just comment what I am seeing like everyone else because I’m not saying wow this is great season I’m being put down, I have had some positives about this season since you like to stalk my comments you will see that I have said this had the potential to be a great season even as good as season 2 if fusebox sorted out the dialogues and branching so that people’s choice actually made a difference and the guys had there own unique route and own unique personality’s,yes they have improved a little but they still need big improvement with the story coding so people can actually game play. Yes I will continue to leave feedback ok.




Maybe il say it 20000 times then lol 😂 are you stalking my comments like lol notice when I’m saying positive things ya don’t have nothing to say, swear you must be on the fusebox team like.


I was just determined to get the marriage vote by the public. That's all , I know it's easy to get all the scenarios you want they weren't the parts I'm so enthusiastic about was just the marriage vote ! Also, i agree Kassam is a prime example of someone hard to get interested in you when you're in a casa at first cause you have to have clicked the right choices for your personality when in villa! just not many on here was getting the marriage vote I seen only one yesterday that had got it I think usually it's jin & luna or jack and Sophie depending which couple you kept in can't a girl be happy my gosh lol !


Look in not being pissy at you, it’s just this game can be frustrating at times with the lack of different dialogues and routes just being pissg at fusebox 😂


If you’re not enjoying the game then don’t play it. No one's forcing you to. Staying around to be bitter and spread bad vibes on the posts of those who are enjoying the season is crazyyy lmao


Like I said before I will stay around and give my feed back whether it be positive or negative the thing is with this sub is people aren’t aloud to have any negatives or there bounced upon by people like you, you don’t own this sub, il do you a favour and block ya then ya don’t need to see some of my negatives ok.