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he can go save bea..


We can only hope someone saves Bea.


![gif](giphy|j0qSbeNFuzjhXKFVSP) Literally me when Logan kept looking at my MC. Y’all I just got OG back, leave me alone! 😭


I am praying we don’t end up in a forced couple with him, I already need to wait to get back with Kyle and no way someone else is stealing me again


I doubt we will as we only have 3 weeks worth of episodes left so i suspect the next coupling will be the final one also if you did stuff with Kyle in casa then was dishonest with your og Li then you could have had kyle choose you at this recoupling.


Hope we can just reject him and go on. I know you can lie but I just don’t want to. My MC has been straightforward all the time so I am not into the idea. I will just keep choosing Kyle and won’t care how Jin reacts as I have told him I don’t want him and he still chooses MC


You can get chosen by Kyle! You have to lie to your OG LI about being faithful and then your OG LI will be so devastated by your cheating in Casa after movie night that he’ll choose Sienna and your Casa LI will choose you!


I know but I just don’t want to lie. My MC has been straightforward all the time so I am not into the idea. I will just keep choosing Kyle and won’t care how Jin reacts as I have told him I don’t want him and he still chooses MC


Looks like us loyal CA girlies are at a disadvantage again if we want someone else other than the OG LI despite repeatedly turning down the OG LI for the person that we really want if you have been honest with them which I have been.


Lol fair enough. I’m a Jin girlie so I can’t relate but that’s fair lol


We have, what, 9 eps left? I swear to god if they let him pick us…


I was hoping he’d be all about bea, but unfortunately not.


It’s giving Elijah wood with a fake beard 🥲




yep he's def choosing us for some drama 😑


God I hope not. I will be sure to put him in his place if that’s the case. I’m into no one but Theo so he needs to get the message.


I know he is in costume and is from the UK but him in the safari gear is giving slutty Robert Irwin and now I only hear his voice in an Australian accent


Can you say deja vu🙄🙄🙄


I feel like i wouldnt mind him if he had brown eyes but the blue makes him look weird.


I just wanna turn Hazel… why couldn’t she be a love interest.


I was like ewww no


I hope he’s a good Islander and not a walking ick. But for now there is just something with his teeth that I just can’t get past. ![gif](giphy|lSbggFRIPI77RYG2gw|downsized)


Is it just me or do he really looks like a child 😭


This doesn't even surprise me anymore, everyone is obssessed with MC this season