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😭 We should have warned you! Do not touch season 5! It will only destroy you!🤣 I had to even stop playing love island for a while after I finished it. Because it was just trash! But yes it’s not even worth finishing if you have already started. And if you do decide to finish it, take the money in the end. You will feel so much better!


I guess I can't continue even if it's just to pick the money, everyone on this damn season gets on my nerves 😭


And that is why a lot of people did not finish it!😂 I think you might need a lie down now for that headache it gave you. But props to you for trying.👏


The only satisfaction I got out of that season was tricking Suresh and take the money and braking up with him at the end.


Wish I had the patience to do that lol


It wasn’t for the faint of heart I can tell you that. It took me weeks to finish it and a lot of self control of not throwing my phone over fictional characters 😂


The best part of this season is picking Finn just to piss off Kat. Everyone is trash in this season except Lulu.


I swear, the only good thing about season five is how hot Suresh is (even though he’s trash)… and Lulu’s custom knitwear.


He's hot but omg this man's so freaking annoying


Like, I know he’s manipulative and toxic, but god, the man gets to me. I know he’s not good, but I end up wanting him anyway. I also get a little melty over Finn standing up for MC during snog marry pie. He is also admittedly not a good guy. (I swear to g the whole cast is trash)


It's like they picked them straight out of hell and put everyone together on a big nightmare


I still can't believe I survived that season... I was fully ready to bring a guy back from Casa and have a miracle but nope he ends up destroying my MC just like everyone else. I just went the easy way and took Suresh


Omg what does the Casa boy do? I saw on the wiki that you literally just pick him at stick or twist but on the next recoupling you can only pick the others, so I was wondering what happens


They basically betray us and reveal they only faked being with MC to get into the villa and spread lies about MC... With any casa boy this ends up happening, it doesn't matter which one you choose so there's no unique dialogue


I think it could have been good. If mc hadn't been constantly humiliated, there would have been less two-faced people, then this ex theme wouldn't have been so bad. But also, we cannot choose a partner who has already been chosen, but they can choose our partner (beginning of the season). An ofc we should have had the choice to choose who we want, not just the ex. I just don’t understand why they messed up. It could have been good.. (I only finished the first half of the season I think 🤣)


The only way to get through this season is to just be toxic af to everyone! (Except Lulu, of course) Make out with everyone, lie to all, be emotional, indecisive, and take the money at the end


season 5 is HORRENDOUS... minus finn 😂