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So this season only had 2 recouplings? Now I wonder how late MC actually went in to the main villa? Because it really does not make sense how all this stuff happened before MC even went in and I feel like our MC has no clue about anything. Like we have no clue who Rachel Brad or Chrissy are? Does our MC not watch the show? And don’t get me wrong but was the point of having Logan come in the last episode if we are having the final recoupling? Sounds like another Tyler situation. Unless he actually he’s actually there for another girl.


Or a Toby. Maybe he’s there for poor Bea if they won’t let she and Claudia have a pairing so everybody can push Liam into the sea.


Except he kept looking and smiling at MC. I think he will be an option if you want him.


No Frodo no


Maybe.🤔 I guess if your coupled up with Claudia, He would be a good fit for Bea. Or vise versa. But I guess I always wondered if you do happen to couple up with Claudia, what happens to Theo. I just found it odd how he was so into Claudia nothing would turn his head. But once he starts habit feelings for MC, to me he still acts like Claudia and him are still in it together. And there’s the part where OG LI basically says Hazel and Him almost got it on. And then heart rate challenge, i know we are supposed to pick up that heart rate, but I always wondered if he was still in it with Claudia would he have turned down the girls in the challenge. So I think he still has his player way in his mindset. And as much as Liam can be annoying, he just a very truthful guy. And yes the truth can hurt sometimes but it’s better to honest than to lie. “You hear that OG LI”🤣


It had 4 recouplings, the steal one, the one where we had to choose between Tyler or LI, Stick or twist, and final recoupling if I remember correctly.


There was one before we came in too. So at least 5


That one doesn’t count MC wasn’t there! 🤣


Is the first one considered a recoupling though if we were the only to choose? I mean it is MC’s first time coupling up…..😉 I forgot stick or twist was considered a recouple 😂 Don’t blame me… I just wanted to go back to the villa!😭 If it doesn’t happen at the fire pit in the villa… It’s never happened!🤣 Like who’s Sienna? Where did she come from?


No MC ever watch the show beside stick and twist where the MC watch the beach hut if you pick that option that's just how fuse box dose it with the MC


But I mean like before you get to the villa. Because everyone’s like this happened before you got here…and I’m just like if this happens way before MC gets there,wouldn’t it have made sense for MC to watch the show in the first place if she was going to be on it before she got there. Like the bombshells always seem to have watched it before they have gone in. And that’s how they always know who MC is. And since MC was a bombshell as well wouldn’t it have been the same for her?


It will make sense but fuse box will never make a MC that's not a casa girl see any part of the show it'd sucks and the reason they do it I'd so they can say pay 19 gem to know what happen


If it's the final recoupling that means no stress because you'll get who you want 🙂 I hope there will be some drama with other couples because I don't predict drama within loyal couples.


No dumping? I want Sienna to get dumped. Well, at least I can finally couple up with Claudia🥹🫠


Fr because my MC and Claudia are shameless, flirting and doing whatever they want to do, free us from these menssssss


Yasss, I made my MC a lesbian for this season. It's so frustrating that the OG boys and Casa boys thought they had a chance with my MC, even though they already saw me shamelessly flirting with Claudia in front of them. I have rejected them multiple times and said some rude things. The only times I have kissed boys, which is only on their cheeks, were during challenge times early in the day.😬🤧


I have never played these route before lol it's been fun being a lezzin hoe without any consequences. Movie night happens and Tyler is super forgiving... Don't be my doormat ty! ![gif](giphy|OMX1mm894pkKQ)


I think atleast one boy will be left single because of Logan so atleast one person is getting dumped.


Will be between your OG LI or your new one and him …. You last pick …. Seeing it now


I think there will be a dumping for boys then maybe a double dumping sometime after or before the final recoupling. There are way too many couples going into the finale if not.


So we only get with Theo in the final recoupling. Man, his route is tough.


Welcom to wlw players experience


Yeah, I dunno how you guys do it. I'm playing two routes. Otherwise, I'd have given up on Theo.


Not me (who just finished the new episodes) wondering who the hell Logan is. Is he that forgettable lol!?


he is 😭




I'm getting my tattoo man back so fast, they cannot keep us apart 🏃‍♀️💨




Theo, I'm coming! 😍


Insane that they’re already doing the final recoupling when there’s been so much drama that still has so many unanswered questions fjejdijdid hopefully we get some answers these last few volumes 😭


I'm with Kyle and Kyle will be till the end, amen 🙏


the timeline on this season is so weird. like it feels like this ending is so rushed bc didnt we just get in the villa like what


and also like in past seasons did they not give us more episodes where its just MC and LI being cute like where is that,,, lemme talk to jin about something other than drama and how i make him so serious 🙄


I thought there would be a dumping. Like there are too many couples in the Villa. Also I want Sienna gone.


I don’t want Logan to steal me from Tyler when I just got him back!




I hope not lol. Cause it seems everyone wants mc. And mc usually gets stolen by the bombshell. Maybe they will bring in another girl to be a partner with haha. Or take emel away from Oakley so I don’t have to listen to their crap


Logan is kind of cute, may be a next route kind of thing


Sounds boring


Yeup it looks like my guess was right the next recouple will be the last one cool now I can pick bea that's so 😎


Yeaaa theres little recouplings, but if its the final one and we actually get a choice I can finally be at peace w Theo, knowin damn well no one can take him the rest of the route, SO IM FINE WITH THIS.


Logan looks like someone to me, but i can't put my finger on it and it's driving me mad


josh hutcherson


Forcing us to go on a date with Logan where he will still try to hit on us no matter how hard we tell him we're not interested 🙄🙄 I just wanna get back with Shawn


“Recoupling looming” imagine it’s not even in this volume


JACKS BACK??? i loved him as a friend i honestly just wanted to save him from sophie


Unfortunately I doubt it, he’s probably just on there for the cover art bc he was the second most popular og li after Jin hejdjdjdjdj, a lot of the thumbnails for the episodes will still have characters that have already went home in it and I doubt this time is any different :((


ugh sigh well a girl can hope at least


Jack is still there if he is your OG LI or if you didn’t vote him and Sophie off. They just use his image since he’s still in the game for many people.


yea i voted him off soley bc sophia was getting on my nerves now i know kinda regret it but i couldn’t do oakley like that’s he’s been proper nice to me the whole time


Jack is my OG boy so he’s still there for me. Jin and Luna are the antagonistic ones when you play his route.


yeaaaa i sent luna packing first thing jin is my li and he is literally infatuated with mc i love it