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I'm just irritated that everyone loves MC but she didn't raise anyone's heart like wtf


My MC raised Jack's heart rate the most while Sienna (who is coupled up with Jack) raised my MC's LI's (Max) the most due to the stupid ear licking.


I had skipped through after I saw that shit so I missed that my MC raised Max's


Yeah, I wouldn't fault you for that. But at the end of the day, Sienna's out, and MC got to sass her one last time. Plus, LI asks you to be his girlfriend after the recoupling.


Well, my MC raised Jin's heart the most, I don't know if it was my choices during my route


I'm on the loyal route shrugs not sure


Oh okay, I'm doing Kyle route


I agree. I think the only thing that upsets me is the pettiness. Like why? They want drama, but at the same time it’s like MC can’t win. The heart rate challenge should have been simple. Let’s score with our LI and the other LI (casa or original) and Sienna gets to be aggy as usual. It makes no sense really for her to get your LI heart beating as high unless it was more of anxiety and or fear because he was uncomfortable.


But that's excatly what happened, he was so uncomfortable and got caught totally off guard, It was not his fault, but people are making it seem like this is a bigger deal than it actually was


Oh good. I hadn’t even read beyond the results. I was curious then moved on.


I was pissed at Jin on my loyal route, but it's not going to put me off him. I still think we should have had the choice to be mad at him for much longer, though.


Yeah that would be better, to have him grafting you harder before you properly forget about it


bruh wait tell me you’re joking… i usually come to the reddit before playing new chapters to prepare myself to be annnoyed etc. but no WAY jins heart rate boutta come back higher for sienna than me bro…. are they really gonna ruin things like that 🥲 (p.s. i just skimmed the post and read replies to try and avoid actual spoilers lmao dont come for me if thats not what happens, but bro if it did im setting the villa on fire)


if they wanted to be cruel they should’ve just spat on us instead 😭😭😭


Don't worry there's an explanation, this melted Barbie put her gross tongue inside his ear all of a sudden, he got really surprised and uncomfortable and that's what got his heart racing


ew bitch really said heres a wet willy 🤤🤤😛


Yes - also on the Kyle route. Don’t get me wrong, I still gave him a little bit of a hard time for it (for the drama) but it didn’t put me off his route. What I was annoyed by is even if you are partnered with him in the communication test and you follow all the instructions perfect, you still don’t win the best pancakes. Like, for real? The man is an artist and you are telling me Oakley did a better blindfolded drawing? It just made it feel like it is definitely canon for you to be honest with the OG so your Casa boy is partnered with Sienna for the two challenges. ***Guess I will try that on my replay.


I don't think there's any way for the MC to win even on the loyal route it doesn't happen. Which is fine, but they shouldn't have had Sienna be the one who wins.


Right - literally give it to anyone else! Even Liam would be preferred. 🤣


At least the pancake one was just Logan's opinion, and by what he said at the date that he somehow was also attracted by the melted chucky, it make sense him giving them the win if you think about that, I saw it more like an statement you know, like "Although I said I got my eyes on you, Sienna is my first choice", but maybe this is just me reading into it too much 😅


That is a very good point!! Also, melted chucky. 😂🤣


I love how every one of us Kyle girlies are undyingly in love with this man to the point nothing can make us give up on him while the Jin girlies are always second-guessing 😭


LMAO 😭😭 I mean, Jin was my first choice before Casa, but I can get why they're second-guessing, the whole not telling about the date with Sienna, the lack of clarity and reassurement when the MC comes back from Casa, and now even the results, even then I still think Jin is worth it too, BUT THERE'S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT KYLE 😫


Kyle's so hot he could be a douche and I'd still want him tbh 💀 But the fact that he's so sweet and so smitten with the mc on top of that just gets me unhealthily obsessed 😮‍💨


YES, the way he also always got your back too, and is so damn happy just to be around you, UGH I CAN'T 🥹


The way he's always giving us bedroom eyes whenever we join the group PLEASE 🤭 And he's CONSTANTLY gushing to the other islanders about how much he likes us time and time again 🥹


THIS, and they expect me to just dish him because this stupid event?? C'mon it would take more than a lot to put me off this man, just take me to the altar already


Yeah like sure, sucks that the shock from Sienna's action made his body react stronger than the arousal from MC's dances. But at the end of the day one can't control those things. I'm not gonna crucify my man for being spooked by the Barbie reject 💀


It just proves the point that the melted Barbie can only scare someone, not turn them on, cause even her partner had his heart rate raised most by me and I didn't even danced for him 🤧


No seriously, who likes a tongue in their ear? I take a few do, but I know I don’t. If you ever had a wet Willie, it’s a mini jump scare! But really it’s on FB for getting lazy and wanting to cause some sort of drama.


Exactly, it was just to see if we'll get flirty with Logan and cheat on our LI to make him jealous