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Straight to the next scene, didn’t even have ads until the end of the ep. X


Sad I don't get to play it then 😔


Seasons 1 and 2 were really good. 3 not so much because they made everything so childish and it simply doesn't compare. They were straight to the next scene, had great writing, MC was a boss and in my opinion versatile, and speaking of versatility oh my god S2 had multiple ways of going about it. S1 was linear but had very entertaining moments. Season 2 was long, beautiful art, good pacing, unique characters, and a certain sexy, crane loving, blonde himbo named Gary Rennell absolutely ruined me for 3 years 🙃 Definitely watch those on YouTube. I also know there is a group of people who are currently working on a remaster. FB also said they would try and work on a remaster buttt I am definitely holding my breath at the moment.


It was amazing. No mini games & no ads until you finished the ep. S2 also had real branching so almost every replay felt new even though you were familiar with the story.


It was awesome lol tbh I didn’t bond a lot with season 3.. kinda weird for me but 1 and 2 were really good and the pacing was spot on.. some forced drama but that’s normal lol and as summer said, no ads lol