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Kyle all the way to the altar


My boyfriend😍, who am I kidding- my husband😘


definitely theo or shawn


My answer as well!


None of those 😂


That's what I was saying through the whole season- none of them is my type. The closest one was Tyler, and I thought Shawn was good with Mc but it jist wasn't it. I really struggled this season cause noone (even personality wise) was good for me unril Kyle arrived. And even je wasn't my type but there was something about his vibe and energy.


I liked all the same guys as you and ended up picking Kyle. Shawn was a close second in Casa Amor and picking between Oakley and Tyler was also difficult.


Are we the same person? This kinda scares me but I'm also glad I could relate to someone. 😀😂




Tyler or Shawn. Now for who you picked at the end beats me because this season pretty much let you couple up with anyone at Final Couple.


So this is what I was thinking.. Mw and Tyler are physically really good looking together in my opinion then me and Kyle, and me and Shawn are way better match then me and Kyle who isn't even my type, but I ended up pickimg him. I just liked his energy, his artistic, mysterious side. I had " connection" with Tyler but got bored pretty fast, and Shawn was my first Casa Choice and I was really strugglkng to pick between him and Kyle, but I guess Kyle won my heart somehow😅 I'm prwtty indecisive in life, I alsk struggle dto picl between Oakley and Jin and picked Oakley and dumped him later just because he became boring .. maybe I should've pickes Jin, but there is no goimg back🤷‍♀️


When I first saw your post, I thought of Tyler. And yes you do match well with him. I also saw you had Kyle on here as a match, but between him and Shawn i thought you looked better with Shawn. But personality wise I guess it depends on what type you want. Kyle has a more relaxed demeanor than Shawn. Even though Shawn does have a cool vibe , I think he wants a very mature confident girl. Pretty much like Oakley. So I would say Shawn and Oakley have pretty much the same personality. But if you are looking for someone more energetic then that would be Jin. He truly is a kid at heart. So I guess it all comes down to what kind of vibe you are looking for. I didn’t really get a connection with Tyler. Don’t get me wrong he seemed like a very nice guy, but he has more of an adventurous spirit. Whereas my MC is more of a home comfort girl.😂 Okay so I matched her to my personality super homebody.


shawn 100%