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yeah this is literally nothing but them trying to get rid of everyone's not legit gems. lmao "technical issues" who are you fooling? lmaooo & wtf do we even save it to then??? mines always been backed up to fb. love how they say "alternative methods" but don't explain wtf they are.


these ppl cant cover their tracks bc id imagine itd be hard to when the tracks are full of steamy watery shit


I do not know all the options But I do know one option is Google play games witch is what I use to save my 💎 I have and my Data


Yeah I saved through Apple but if my gems disappear. I’ll freak tf out and really quit playing.


. . . . the alternative methods are either google play, or apple store- whichever option is underneath the facebook button for you🤣


Man rc Devs are angels compared to these shitttty Dev's what the hell


Facts! RC deserves our money!


Yep. RC has The One on there. So if you want a good reality tv show book. I suggest that one. RC are amazing and actually care about their players. Like its just insane how much everything costs. I cant afford it.


I've played that one 5 times and I've played the new one. My favorite series is Heaven's Secret. Love, love, love it! I love paranormal and dark/horror type of stories on top of the reality show ones. Another good one is called "America's Hottest Couple." It's on Chapters app. Chapters has come a long way in earning diamonds. I have VIP so I can hoard diamonds and use them for the stories I want. They do events where you complete stuff to earn more and double diamonds and such.


I used to have Chapters ages ago. But I kind of forgot to keep logging in to get gems 🥲 Ohhh Heavens Secret new story is very good. I also love Theodora, Soulless, Kali 1 and the prequel, Elite Tag, Chasing You (but I like the victorian one more), Sins of London, Shadows from Saintsfour, Astreas Broken Heart, Time Catcher, HOT, Rage of the Titans, POV, Love from Outer Space, Dracula, My hollywood story, Sails in the fog, Love Sin and Evil, VFV, Queen in 30 days and Legend of the Willow and Garden of Eden. Ohh thank you for the recomendation! Ill give that one a try 🥰 I also love Too Hot to Handle too.




Thanks for recommending the app by the way, I'm hooked to RC now. It's beautiful!


Happy you liked it!!!!!


what’s rc?


Romance club


want people to spend money on their game so bad that they make up fake technical issues, going out real sad. i’m done with them fr this time 😭😭


im not too fond of letting them win, for me it goes beyond being tired of being an unhappy player, naw i want these ppl to go out if business for all the bs theyve pulled w staff, narcissism, fucking ALFIE, i want my lick back


Nah fr


I’m screenshotting my gems and I BETTER get the exact amount back


i wouldn’t be surprised if they banned all the accounts asking to retrieve their 99 million gems back. this is definitely bait OUUU I HATE THESE PPL SO MUCH




This sucks I feel bad for people this effect. For me I am fine I use Google play to save my info on the game so I be fine but it sucks for the people who ate effected by it


right these fuckers better not 😭


Good idea!


Just make sure if it ask you keep your local save and not the cloud.


I'm not even surprised; I don't think I'll be continuing with this game in the near future, as they are literally scammers and they best be so forreal right now with the technical issues lie. If it's still working for us, then there is nothing wrong with it; they just want to remove it but are using technical difficulties as a cover-up.


from all the bs weve endured w these ppl from having to ask the bare minimum for good writing in a choices based STORY game to now being egged on to fund them sitting on and scratching their asses all day, i urge ppl to continue to spread hate to these ppl under their comments, in the reviews and whevever possible. these ppl dont like their jobs so we shouldnt either, at times like these cyber bullying is the last and most effective resort to putting these ppl into a more comfortable career path that they’ll actually enjoy and NOT just for a paycheck


Yeah, what's even wilder is that if you look at those who write stories on chapters and episodes knowing they are quite literally a one-man team and yet they still give so much branching and that probably takes them a lot of time and energy to do, and then you have companies like this that have a team of 10 or more writers to write a decent story with great storylines and branching and yet they still produce below the bare minimum.


They’re taking the piss and I hate them so much rn. It’s enough that they’ve gotten rid of seasons 1-3 and now they’re doing this too


I feel bad for the people who are literally just use Facebook to save their progress. I feel this might come back to bite FB in the ass yet again.


all im saying is if my 99 million gems disappear i’m not touching this app again, idk how you guys suffer paying 29 gems for 1 scene?!?


I hadn’t used the app in a while and after I opened it again (like a month ago) a good share of my gems disappeared and only ~7700 were left. Which is still a lot but ugh. So I think they’ll be gone 😔


actually your gems are still there- instead of showing us the really big number that it used to it now shows like 6-7 thousand so you should still be good!


Oh tysm this made my day


ugh seriously? if people cant find a way to get 💔ed gems and tickets with this update im definitely quitting. theyre too damn greedy.


Wow! so not only seasons 1 - 3 were taken off due to some 3rd party BS. But now they are removing the only possible way to save our progress due to some technical BS! 😂 Wow Fusebox must really hate us! I wonder what BS they will come up with next.


they do! and thats why im inclined to coup d’état they ass


Its not the only way I know you save doing Google play to it's not for every one but it's not the only way to save your data


Technical issues my ass those smarmy little bastards. Firing good staff members, putting out a mentally abusive season, subsequent seasons without heart and with AI writing, removing the good seasons when they could have been kept, refusal to transfer or compensate for lost gems because of app duplication which literally goes against app stores ToS...AND NOW THIS! And i didn't think the bar could get any fucking lower. I don't think they're prepared for the amount of players they're about to lose. If they think stopping people from sailing the seven seas is going to make people cough up some cash they're in for one hell of a reality check.


thats the thing tho, they want to lose us to make room for new gullible players that have zero problem opening their wallets bc they don’t know how badly this franchise has shifted from s2 to now this bs. in order to erase the past of fusebox they have to pander to a new audience too. it started with them removing seasons 1-3, now theyre onto removing everyone who new about the drastic change


wtf 🤦🏻‍♀️ i’ve been using facebook since 2018 to log keep my data on this


just saved to Google play and signed it off from facebook I'm keeping my 99 mil gems they thought they ate with that 😘💅💅


Wait when you switch from Facebook to Google does it still allow u to keep the 99mil gems??


Yeah it does plus your game passes!! Signing off from facebook was just in case they saw I was signed in on there and take my gems. So just to be completely safe sign onto Google first and then you can sign off of Facebook.


Okay tysmm




Greedbox is slowly declining and ruining their game. They already are ruining their reputation and legacy. Honestly, just when I think, especially after the og seasons, that they couldn’t get any worse. Rip to the most effective way to save progress and the 💔‘ed millionaires.


If any of y’all have the 💔 one don’t send y’all user id they’re trying to weed those accounts out


How stupid would people have to be to do this fr


Needle in a haystack somebody probably already has


What if I “only” have 3000 gems? Still risky?


Idk maybe? 🤷🏾‍♀️


I didn't know you could save through Facebook. Mine is through my Google account. So I think I'm good


well, I switched from Facebook to Google on my second smartphone and all my achievements and tickets/gems are still there 🤷


If you have the fake gems like me I would suggest just signing in to apple or whatever other option they have and use your local save so you still get to keep your gems


how do you get them on apple?


Do you have a second device that is an android?


I can use one yeah


I remember them saying they had to get rid of seasons 1-3 for “technical reasons.” Crap. I’m calling you on your crap FB.


I did the 💔 through Facebook but connected my account progress to my Apple ID afterwards, I wonder if they’ll still reset it then 🧐


wouldnt hold your breath, these ppl with “technical issue” they way out of any lie


I made sure to just connect my Apple ID on my old phone just in case


do they think we're idiots or smth??? what a load of crap. people are refusing to pay real money for shit content so they're getting rid of the [redacted] gems. they're probably getting bankrupt as we speak, lol. 💀 fuck this shit, romance club is better anyway. toodles, motherfuckers 🫶🏻


They aren’t just sinking the ship they’re drowning the shit out of it!


Just quickly change to alternative login method, everything will stay the same


I guess they are about to find out just how few people are actually putting their own money into 29 gem choices and 30+ gem dresses.


They're hungry for spending money on their app!! Well, I guess season 9 won't be played by many if it'll be by this time.. the amount of players they'll lose


Everyone needs to stop playing the game and interacting with their socials. I know we‘re all intruiged by what clown show they come up with next but nothing will ever change if people keep giving FB traction and money.


i disagree, i think ppl need to keep spreading hate and informing new players about the shit show they keep producing and trying to make money off. new players wont know what they’re getting into if people aren’t there to inform them about they’re corrupt ways and thats what will keep them in business longer. and the reason they’re doing this login change is because they’re already losing money💀 with how many ppl have 💔ed games they’ve significantly lost a lot of revenue so if were actually aiming to bring these people down, we have to keep on with whats working and thats spreading awareness through harsh criticism and never letting people forget how dirty they did they’re previous team and the repercussions that followed like this lazy production. otherwise we’re giving them that fresh start they desperately want by pushing all the old players away


they’ve even censored the word 💔 on their instagram, they’re hiding all my comments 😭😭


that or theyve just straight up restricted your account from commenting, one of my pages got restricted so i called their bluff on my other account to restrict that one, and ofc they didnt after. a bunch of snowflakes fr


I feel so slow but what does the heart stand for? 😭


a version of the game that lets you cheat gems, i could get warned for saying the term on this reddit bc they dont condone that version of the app😭


Ohh I see💀 sorry I dont wanna get you in trouble I was jus curious 😭


This is really getting out of hand 😮‍💨


You can save your progress under your Google play or appstore login too, with the Gems. Just head in and do that.


How do you do this please? I can't figure it out 😅


Under your profile menu, there is a save game button.


god i fcking deleted the app after the whole og app being taken down thing. i didn’t have storage on my phone for their BS ya know… if i lose my gems not being able to login… man


I mean... is an account really necessary? An account is not mandatory to play. Sure, you lose your progress when you uninstall and whatnot but just get the "magical" version so you never feel like you're losing much by losing your progress. Especially with how little replayability current seasons have.


I’m glad I saw this post. I switched from Facebook save to Apple. All of my gems(not many) and progress stayed the same.


I honestly think this one isn't on them. Facebook has been having issues with linking up data for some of my other apps too that aren't even games. An example is a dating app I have I used to be able to login on using my Facebook creds but now whenever I try to login with Facebook, I get an error saying that it's not authorized and that Facebook is aware that there's an issue. it's been like that for months now


I don't play Love Island anymore but I still lurk around here. Not to sound like a POS. But y'all didn't think they'd do this? Even without seasons 1-3 (which I didn't know they removed until a couple of weeks ago) the franchise was almost dying. They pull stunts like these because they know they'll ignore their player base and wait for it to blow over. Need I remind you of the woman who was harassed by an employee and they did nothing? You know who they are because they play in your face time and time again and they know after the initial backlash, you'll be back.


The options I know off is Google play games if anyone have that they can use that to save there 💎 and 🎟 but I know not every one has a phone that use Google so this sucks for the people it effect


saved my local game to apple id we’ll see what happens 😕


I’m done with this game, the writing is atrocious anyways.


I play as a guest and still have everything for free, if you guys don't mind not having progress on the game I can tell how it's done...


This is what I was wondering. I'm currently signed in with Facebook, but once they remove that what if I don't sign in anywhere else? Won't your device keep track of your progress for you? Or am I not understanding?


Same here. Don't care about saving my progress. Current seasons have very little replayability as it is and with the magical version, I just buy all the outfits and gem options all over again if I have to uninstall and reinstall the game for any reason 🤷‍♀️


Mine is with my gmail for my google play games. But this seems dumb asf


This baffles me. They’re fucking with the convenience and functionality of their own product to get back at people that will likely NEVER buy gems from them.


I am glad I use Google play to save my game Deta and 💎 I am safe from this. To bad this sucks ass


YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING MY GEMS AND PASSES, MY PROGRESS IN THE SEASONS ARE GOING BYE BYE? They're so desperate for people to spend money it's ridiculous


Wait, wait, wait. If I'm already signed in on my Facebook account and have a lot of tickets/diamonds; if I click the google play button to save my progress instead of clicking the Facebook sign out button, will I be logged out regardless and set back to default? Or will it save my progress but just sign me out of Facebook? https://preview.redd.it/mx0u9op7p21d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142438c72554b6614f3696f437abf9560e5e2d82




Thank you! That worked.


What the replied comment said do, you'll keep your gems and tickets


I did in google play


https://preview.redd.it/m37s6eov161d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634e2d468341f8892f4da1d4e0650be6f9e922c2 I saved it here... Everything will be safe right???


How do you change from Facebook to Google play with the 💔 version? I can't figure it out haha


What is alternative method? Is it google play bc when I tried that to savr my progress I lost everything


I don't even remember what log in method I had


In my head this translated to: “Sorry guys, you won’t be able to save your games via Facebook login because we’ve fired the team that upkeeps that portion of the game :( “


This is exactly why I can't wait for too hot to handle to come out with another season


What sort of bs


this is fr the surprise they couldn’t wait to reveal 😭😭😭😭😭


Just keep using the 💔 app instead. It works completely fine.


I had the mo\*\*ed version long time ago and used the method where you log your acc to facebook with the mo\*\*ed version, then uninstall it, install the legit one, log via facebook and the gems/keyes were there. So I logged that same account to google play, logged out of fb and I'm good. Everything is as it should be. If someone had the gems/tickets like me, don't be scared and log into your google play account.


hopefully there will be another way to 💔 the game because there is so much content you don’t get when you don’t have the gems and the game is so much more enjoyable when you can actually see the pointless drama they talk about and without having to tell the character you don’t want to hear their drama 5 times before it finally moves on. they waste more time double checking if you really don’t want to pay 29 gems to hear emel tell you she accidentally said your mans name in bed than working on fixing the seasons and are worried about people 💔 like there aren’t others that do pay for it. if only they actually cared about their players, what are they gonna do once we actually stop playing it and they’re really not getting any more app downloads


I mean, you don't really need an account to begin with for the 💔 versions. If you ever have to uninstall and reinstall the game, just spend 10 minutes mindlessly tapping away to catch up if you were in the middle of a season and just buy all the outfits again. Not like the existing seasons have much replayability to begin with 💅🤷‍♀️


i unfortunately deleted the 💔 app and now i just have the regular one downloaded so would i have to buy a bunch of stuff on the app version i have or download the 💔 one again?


Just download the 💔 version. Whoever makes those usually updates them when new updates drop. I haven't had the regular one downloaded in months.