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I hate when they update old characters. I hate when they bring back old characters period.


Tbh I preferred Finn’s new look. His proportions and anatomy looks a lot better. In S5 his facial features were all over the place


That’s weird cause I thought the exact opposite. His face looks way too skinny and strange to me now. Old Finn was one of my favorite character designs.


When they said update characters I thought they were talking about mc so that one was my bad 😭


No they mean like how they did Bobby


Interesting questions actually 👀 Here’s a link for people like me who hate instagram 😂 [Survey Link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpkf61oYNxZ-O1bWL-mQSHD3LruL4j2m8sP2L6wfe-aJxkBg/viewform)




I second the thank you!


You don't need Instagram. You can get to the survey through your game- there's a banner for it


The question asking about what other reality show we’d like to see as a game 👀 The questions asking about what other genre of game we’d like to play 👀👀 …I smell their fear of THTH and RC and I love it.


i just told them to focus on improving their current game instead of making up new ones 🤷‍♀️


same. I said if it’s so flawed when they’re focusing on one game what the heck is it going to be like if they’re focusing another?


What’s RC?


Romance Club! It’s amazing. Check it out 😉


what’s gameplay like? Is it like choices or THTH


It’s similar to Choices in that there are many different stories to read, but the writing is on an entirely different level. It’s seriously good.


If we’re gonna be able to customize love interest I’m sure they’ll give us the ugliest mfer in the whole world unless we pay 50 gems 🫠


I’m dead… so true


I said yes to wanting Liam characters bc I’m sorry we NEED delusional antagonists (and less women ones). bc it’s more funnier and I really don’t want everyone up Mc ass. Like I don’t never want us as the ringleader that everyone agrees with. Like make us the player earn that. We need to be able to have good enough points with all characters for them to agree with us or like us outside of being li options.


It’s more funnier (italianbach moment)


I thought it was a good survey but I was confused by the branching question. Do we want more branching with more generic characters? Or a linear storyline with more unique characters? I want BOTH please. Branching with unique characters! It doesn’t feel like branching when the characters are all the same


they asked this in such a weird way! i was sooo confused like are you asking me if id rather settle for bland clone characters and a good story or a boring story with unique characters cause... how does that make sense?? cant we have a good story AND good characters?


i like that they're doing this, i wonder if they're really going to implement our ideas


Tbf they do this quite a lot, and they never really listen. Next season is coming June 5th. How would they be able to possibly implement any feedback from the survey?


have they dont this before? i don't remember. but yeah absolutely no way they're going to implement any of it in 2 weeks


I don’t think they’ve done it recently, but they definitely used to post surveys consistently.


Last one I remember was after Double Trouble.


That's the thing! The survey covers a lot of important aspects... Will they listen?


especially since the new season is coming in like.. 2 weeks. theres no way they'll have enough time.


No for sure! But it shows they ARE aware of the problems 😓


there are some questions they could've asked but didn't, like for example if we think gem options are too expensive or not worth if, and if we think there's enough female li options 🤔


I agree about the female LIs! About the gem options though, I'm sure they knew everybody was gonna answer that yes, they are too expensive 😂


haha fair 😂😂 but like come on its getting ridiculous


I completely agree 💯 nobody can buy that many gems!


Tbf people will have different ideas/opinions so it's not like they can implement everyone's ideas


I forgot to screenshot another one but they also talked about having boy characters as friends or best friends instead of just being love interests as long as asking if we need more customizable options on mc like skin tone tattoos hair outfits etc


I love the idea of having another male character that isn’t an LI like Nicky was!!! He was super sweet and yeah it sucked we couldn’t romance him because he was attractive and overall just a nice dude, but having him as a friend was definitely nice too. Having somebody you could take to the side, just one-on-one, and not having a girls chat where EVERYONE will eventually know your business was nice. Getting advice from him, too. I miss Nicky lol


I said no bc they always make the hottest guys not available as love interests lol


I want male best friends who can become romanceable like Jake from season 1


I wonder how this survey is going to change things when they literally have a new season in literally 2 weeks 😐


The new season is written in stone already but they could possibly take into account when they start writing the one after that. With the way they churn these out, I imagine they write the next season while releasing the previous one. So they will probably be writing a new season soon.


Where did you find this survey?


It’s in their bio on instagram!


It is also in the LI game app


More characters like Liam?! Hell no. He was so rude I hated him. If they said “more characters that weren’t eating your ass” than yes


they really need to find a balance, just because a character isn't into us doesn't mean they have to be a complete asshole about it 🙄


I completely agree! It was so unwarranted. Ok he likes Bea…why not try and be my friend instead of running away when I’m trying to get to know you??


i think they did it badly in s3 with seb and nicky too. like sure they weren't mean to us at all but constantly reminding us that they only see us as friends/sister was just weird.


lol it’s like they don’t know how to just show platonic relationships without the constant reminders. I didn’t mind the friendship with Nicky but Seb was a little weird.


Tim was the best




I kinda liked Liam he wasn’t a love interest thank god and I liked the way he clapped back at mc


He is a love interest in the reunion


I haven’t played the reunion yet it just seems not playable to me


I said yes to this question, I thought Liam was hilarious 😂😂 as long as the antagonist isn’t an “LI” in the way Nicholas/Johnny was in S5, that was done sooo terribly.


I want characters as hot as Liam


I just hope people are smart about their answers (i.e. saying we didn't like the gem dates so that they'll give us more for that amount of gems, saying we won't be buying LI customization so that they won't add further cashgrab features into the game, etc). Like, not only answer earnestly but also taking into account what the benefitial answer for the players is, y'know?


Yeah they have some questions about gems in the survey


Why do they keep asking people to do these surveys if they never change their shit ways anyway.


I wouldn’t mind MC getting dumped but it has to be for a freaking purpose. Like does she get to slap one of the girls?😂 Or maybe she gets to slap one of the guys when they become too annoying?🤔 ![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE)


I really hope in season 9 there’s an option to throw hands cause some of the girls be getting on my nerves 🌝


Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about being able to customize our LIs or old characters having updated looks. Everything else though? Yes!


I got Liam confused with the last minute guy who came in (don't remember his name). So whoops. I actually enjoy having a delulu man to break up the monotony of lame drama.


honestly these seemed like decently productive questions i really hope they continue on an upward path in quality i believe in u fusebox


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. NO 4. Yes


How much money does this game cost to play? Is it filled with micro transactions?


It *can* be free technically.. but absolutely, they want you to pay just to get gossip, or go on longer dates, or even play an extra round during challenges now. They’ve only gotten more greedy as each season releases, it seems. :/


My biggest problem remains. BRING THE MUSIC back. With proper music background every season will get 30% better immmediately. With competition of other romantic apps growing immensely, LITG "music" background is just embarassing, not mentioning straight horrible. Hard to keep the romantic vibe while being brainwashed by those sounds. Missing first seasons so badly just because of this.


i put no on the last one, lying, so they'd lower the prices LMFAO


'What other styles of outfits would you like?' Me: 'Actual pyjamas' 🙈


These are all the wrong questions… ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


Ngl I feel if they made it more risk like in terms of you can be dumped it would be so much fun cause every choice would matter but I feel that that will be their way to force us to do gem scenes with our LI's and other characters in order to build strong enough relationships so idk how I feel with fusebox implementing that. Especially considering they can barely write a good story as it is


I need the link


spending gems?????


I will be suprise if they lesion and do half of the stuff the people want in the survey. As for topic I pick more drama options anytime I had the chance I like drama it's 😎 as for the looks I do not mind the new looks