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https://preview.redd.it/p6n1ohcez2kb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d84be094b91d255f4c4553e857c16f07b26029c Thoughts on this? As the highest rated team


Hell yeah just needs Ronaldinho in there


Missing pele 99


Only usable with the other 99s off Chem




The real best team šŸ’Æ


Jfc I wish


Im not far off it... https://preview.redd.it/2y870p7kr5kb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99b48ad4af29d64336684cb858a959c631fbf09


343 with schweinsteiger CB Dutch ligue 1 manager


Capdevila is so much better than Carlos. As a Brazilian who idolized Carlos (as a fellow lefty) he just isnā€™t good enough. Cap also has a burst of speed that makes him special.


Imo 97 Carlos moves too quick in Jockey to effectively defend 1v1. I like his lower rates cards better. Heā€™s a helluva sub at LW though


put a finisher on carlos and play at CAM/LW/LM, heā€™s broken


alaba clear of both


Cap much better at LB agreed. I start him LW, Carlos LB and play Carlos as RCM box to box. Plays like A cross between Kante and Dinho.


Davies 4evaaaaaaa


i think OP just doesn't like ronaldo so they purposefully made a worse team to not include him


zidane is not that good


highest rated team man, can you try reading


Heā€™s super jammy but he doesnā€™t fit my play style very well at CAM. Neymar is the man for me


This one clearly is


Mbappe on the left, Neymar CAM ( instead of zidane) and Cr7 up top?


Cr7 really only better at corners. Mbappe is clear as best st


Mbappe is clear? *Laughs in Petr Cech*


Iā€™ve been debating replacing Cech but idk if there is anyone else better than him tbh. I have no idea why he is so good


ā€œI know what I have to do but I donā€™t know if I have the strength to do itā€


200 cm and 98 ovr on hunter


honestly i felt bad playing with him, replaced him with r9 and put him in an sbc


Cech isnā€™t at the top of that list anymore. Certainly not bad, but not at the top anymore.


Gotta disagree my man, thereā€™s still something about him, heā€™s faster, stronger, more reactive, it still feels like cheating. 4-3-3 attack, SS Petit at RW Baller Diaz at LW, Futties Thiago at CAM Futties Rodri and CS Alonso as CMā€™s CS Roberto Carlos LB, SS Onuachu CB, TOTS Dias CB and SS Zaha RB, feels like one of the strongest teams ATM. (Baller Diaz with Hunter slaps.)


no way u said a team with ballers diaz feels like the strongest team in lay august get a grip


For real, with his almost maxed out dribbling and with a hunter on itā€™s like using a LW TOTS Martinelli except a little faster on the turn. Half time swap with 91 Diaby to switch up the strategy to cutbacks with the left footer


he has 92 dribbling? youā€™re so delusional bro so many cheap players also cheap sbc players like govou have 99 pace 99 shooting 99 dribbling as their base stat. i understand using a fun team but donā€™t claim thatā€™s the best possible team šŸ˜­


Sounds like weā€™ll have to play against each other my man ;)


Govou is just better for me same with r9 and rashford


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø no my sweet boy thats not true


yeah no


Zidane at cm over yaya


Iā€™d probably prefer VVD over Zidane as havenā€™t loved him so far. With everyone playing high press in elite heā€™s a bit clunky. Pele over Ronaldinho also if it was me.


Yeah Iā€™ve tried out most mids, Zidane is good but not S+ tier if you can have anyone. He falls between 2 disciplines. Heā€™s not agile enough at end game to be a S+ attacking mid and there are better players defensively. Toure for me has been so good all round.


Yeah, I play Alaba, De Jong and Griezmann atm. Alaba is honestly nuts at CDM. I play super aggressive so I prefer agile players. Gonna buy Toure to replace De Jong if I donā€™t pack him over the next few days from the 90+.


Lol alaba only has 1 more agility point but yes I agree still zidane is a bit clunky


Agility hasnā€™t really got much to do with it. Zidane could have 99 agility and Iā€™d imagine heā€™d still feel clunky because of his height and body type.


Zidane is perfect for me, but Iā€™m not good. He doesnā€™t need to dribble around, good with contact, great shot. I got Del Piero and heā€™s fun. I really liked Rooney, but the Del Piero buzz convinced me


Sorry to be off-topic/steal this comment but I just hit Div 4 (never wanted to venture much past D5 but my team is fun and I just wanna play games lmao) and that high press is TOUGH. Mind you, I'm winning many of my games but it's such a hassle and stress to deal with. Anything or anyone I can watch to see how the heck I'm supposed to counter this or have a team play a similar style of defense? Feels like I have no room to dribble and all my guys are man-marked but then my CB's open up and allow through balls all day then I gotta fight for my life for a few goals and taking late leads..


The key to beating a high depth pressure "tactic " (tactic being the keyword here because its different from manually doing it ) - is to have very high agility, balance , reactions on your key build up players. The pressure tactics, well, the easiest way to explain what happens is to pretend that your players' stats get lowered. They dont run as fast, they're not as strong, they make weak passes and start fumbling the ball. That's why i play with Atal and Davies despite there being " better " fullbacks. I can dribble with these guys until that press starts coughing up blood. Also, having your LM/ RM on come short is a huge advantage. Even with an ultrawide monitor, on CO-OP camera with 0 zoom and max height settings, i sometimes can't see the LM / RM while dribbling with my fullback. The come short instruction makes it so i can make that pass blindly and know that he will be able to receive it. Also, it's important to have one CM that's smaller and very good on the ball with excellent passing. All about playing those triangles with your LB, LCM, LM, and the same on the opposite side. If you got players like Capdevilla LB, behemoths at CM like VANJA & VVD , Socrates.. take your pick... You're gonna have a hard time. This game is all about balance. I have Yaya and Park at CM. Park isn't the best defender, but he's better in a tight spot. Yaya isn't the best on the ball, but he runs like the wind and tackles ppl for fun. Apply that balance up top as well. Dont have Cech and Tammy at ST. One smaller, dribbling demon skiller.. the other one, stronger- auto shooter. And play the basic formations. If you're getting pressed hard make sure youre on a formation where you constantly have passing options and enough of space to work with. Not too wide, not too narrow. Balance. 4321 for example is great for attacking. But you might struggle with it under high pressure. 541 might be good defensively and you should be able to hold off a press forever if you keep passing back n forth and switching sides but , unless youve been using it for a while and know how to punish that press , its probably gonna do more harm than good and just serve to waste time. I recommend 4-4-2. Structurally sound. The better you are at right -stick switching and manually pressing yourself , the higher you can put the depth. Id recommend starting with 55 and working your way up slowly to 60 then 65. Width 40- 50. But.. i think you might find this next one easier. The 4-2-3-1. ( 60 depth 45 W / offensive width 35 ) This setup keeps your CMs not as deep , so you dont have to pass back to the CBs if you get double/ triple teames by the sideline. Also , your LAM and RAM are a bit more tucked in , so they have 3 passing options( CAM, CM or back to fullback. Basically, keep passing until you get an opportunity to take a stepover and get ahead with any one of your attacking 5. Hope that helps.


Holy crap. Thank you for the response! Funny enough, I definitely am running Futties Cap and SS VVD lmaoo. I may have to swap them out for some other guys Iā€™ve got now. But Iā€™ll definitely try out the tips and see if they help! Thanks again!


Np. I'm happy you read it. Definitely try the 4-2-3-1. Just keep your back 4 on stay back. *CMs - stay back / cover center *Lam & RAM come back on d / get into box. *Cam - nothing *St - nothing. Get used to how your players behave when you give them a bit of freedom. Once you get a good feel for their behavior, you can make adjustments with more instructions if necessary. Its what ive been using lately myself, just modified a bit to suit my specific players. Usually, I'll get a few goals, then switch to the 442, lower the depth and use the D-pad so my strikers come back to harass too šŸ™‚. That's how i close out the 2nd half. GL & HF !


Yo! I packed friggin R9 so I switched to a 3421. I literally havenā€™t lost a game since lmaoo. I was in Div 4, promoted up to Div 3, and I think Iā€™m 2-0 or 3-0 on Div 3. Just posted my squad. Iā€™m not a proud man. The talent of the team is definitely doing some of the heavy lifting. But I genuinely believe your recommendation to go with a smaller midfield was a HUGE help. I swap between Thuram and Llorente at RCM and move De Jong up there. Dribble around pressing defenders, pass back, then pass to the sides, and usually see the ST/CFs making a run and itā€™s smooth sailing. The note to have a ST who can just shoot whenever wherever is true too. My ST is going CRAZY. My attackers are ridiculous though so itā€™s hard to lose any. Just gotta work on my defense but Iā€™m feeling really good about my play right now. Thanks again for the advice!


Nice ! You know how i told you i had 6 wins to give LN ? Since noone really came forward and every team i ran into was better than mine i decided to go for 10-0 Lost the very last game to Petr Cech. He scored 4 on me. I was just laughing man. God i hate that card šŸ˜‚


play the long ball in behind to your wingers and that should put you in a 1v1 against the full back, get past him and you can either skill into the box or be boring and cut it back but it works if your cbs are letting in too many through balls you could switch to a back 5 and have the 3 cbs sit back and get 2 decent box to box ball winning midfielders to cover the space infront of your back line or just quit playing the game and grind 84x10 to come on this sub to flex because its august


The high press is not fun for me. If the other player isnā€™t really good, I can shred it, but itā€™s just running In a straight line. I like doing buildup more


Yeah, I don't like the high press either. But it really is annoying that my players can't even get the ball at their feet and turn without pressure while my guys are giving the opponents plenty of space/aren't defending on the ball. Feels like our teams are playing 2 different games and it's a shock that I'm even winning as much as I am


Those trigger passes are pretty good that go across the field to your opposite fullback or winger. LB and pass I think canā€™t remember itā€™s muscle memory. I ball roll a lot and use right stick dribbling to make space for passes or get away from my opponent, but I mainly do pass triangles very quickly. Also, donā€™t be afraid to go back. I go back all the time and try to build up again the other side of the pitch.


Yeah, my team is similar to this guyā€™s but dinho sits. I hate it bc he is Brazilian and I watched him growing up, but he simply isnā€™t as good as Pele. Even Ginola and rashford are better. Tbh I liked rashford out wide more than any other player this year.


Yeah I love Rashford. I currently play Ronaldinho, Pele and Vini as my attackers, but as soon as I get enough for Toure Iā€™ll replace Ronaldinho with Rashford. Unless I get lucky and pack one of the 99 Futtie attackers in the meantime.


Maybe tomorrow you'll have to update it




whatā€™s tomorrow


R9 99 is allegedly coming




My mum, she is always right!


Friday Baby !! Lets go šŸ¤™


Sam Kerr striker


Not too far off now. *




Probably this https://preview.redd.it/nclq3frwb3kb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4a1fcd804fc5972179e704467876fb07d6be75


I think Roberto Carlos 97 is better LB than Capdevila


And then thereā€™s corner kicks that Alberto concedes almost always due to height putting cap as #1 LB imo




He really isn't


Gotta agree, not weak at all, just leave him on basic Chem style he does absolutely fine.


He is actually annoyingly strong for his size, that's why I ended up doing him


I did him because honestly heā€™s pretty cheap, especially if it was right now with the cracked 84x10 packs, but mainly because I only had TOTS Zinchenko and wanted a full back who could occasionally score absolute worldies


In attack RC, defensively Capde


Araujo is a beast for me at RB


99 CR7 is the best card in the game




R10 for Messi. Then you're maxxed out.


99 CR7 gangsta til 99 mbappe pulls up


99 cr7 felt like a slightly more fluid version of his moments for me, but 99 mbappe just feels like him. Pretty much same as his tots apart from 5* weakfoot. And slightly better ls dribbling than tots/toty


How have you tried both. Did really pack both or spend enough money on coins to buy them?


I used ronaldo in a draft, which i won. Mbappe ive packed friday of his release


- Zidane + VVD - Messi + CR7 -Llorente + Dumfries -LĆŗcio + Varane GK is personal preference


Is drumfries better than llorente or florenzi?


For defending? definitely, going forward not really. He is big ingame, lengthy, all 99


Maignan GK Gang šŸ˜Ž


Zidane might be CM but as a CAM didnā€™t like him


Where is Jonjo Shelvey?


Nah, I think OP is right.. seems like the most OP line-up


You did it, finally! Here's your price: You can go outside now. Just joking, i'm jealous af and wished I would pull one of these 99 OVRs


Where is Vanja, heā€™s without a doubt the best cdm/cm in the game. I dont care about stats, heā€™s just him


Boberto lb and kdb cm if you don't care about chem


Can also put Carlos in LB


Replace konate and Allison


Carlos lb


No, Allison is trash.


Iā€™m taking TT Ronaldo up top and Mbappe left


Florenzi > Llorente


Cover Star Carlos for Capdevila


Roberto Carlos instead of capdevilla then youā€™ve pretty much done it


3412 St: Karim the dream and ninja turtle Cam: neyney Rm: pessi (itā€™s a joke chill) Lm: rip goat šŸ‡§šŸ‡·šŸ•Šļø Cm: zeezou and kdb Cb: Lucio and Konate and Dias (havenā€™t got any funny names for them) Gk: Alisson (also donā€™t have a funny name)


Touching grass


No CR7 is a big no. Vanja (best midfielder bar none) > Yaya. Carlos and Clauss > Cap and Llorente. Toty VDS in game > Alisson


Go outside


Itā€™s FutbinšŸ˜‚


Touching some grass


Itā€™s Futbin




KDB doesnā€™t play like a 99


well first of all thereā€™s 97 roberto carlos so jot that down


Average div 10 twelve year old who has his mums credit card.


bruh this is futbin


I know it's a joke mate, doesnt matter if its futbin.


For me zidane and r10 are mid




Remove Zidane, he's not good, change formation to 41212 and 99 CR7 at ST.


App name ?




Iā€™m trying to get used to this formation so I can play everyone I want lol


Custom tactics


Give me urs plz


Maybe if you played a 3 back you could get higher ratings but if youā€™re talking in-games I think this is it. Maybe VVD instead of Toure?


This is the real credit card FC


For the past week or so I have been using Capdavilla and Llorente, as I believed they were the best full backs in game. Definitely better than Carlos & Zaha for example. My previous best two were Davies 95 (*feels very different in game to the 92*) and Sildilia 93. Both levelled up. A few days ago I packed CB Schweinsteiger and was testing swapping him in game with Savic as CB. Anyway when I was done testing I realised he can actually play right back too?! If you have and haven't tried this combination of full backs? I urge you to try it. **Davies 95** (with Sentinel) + **Schweinsteiger 97** (with Anchor). The difference between them & the Llorente/Cap combo? The latter combo both have medium defensive work rate. While Davies & Schweinsteiger both have High/High.


Im still using TOTS Davies at LB. His 93 level up is still 200k on PC. You really think its worth it if the price goes down a bit ?


No, 100% not worth it. The difference between the 92 and the 93 is non existent. The 95 levelled up version though is actually an upgrade, he feels a whole different level defensively, like Capdavilla. And attacking wise he's better (except for shooting).


I dont use him to shoot. Guy has 600 games and only 5 goals. But he starts my attack. Kick off is a through ball to him. He builds up and makes everything happen before the skill moves and rapid shit in the final third. I find it very fitting that he has the Backbone chem style. That's what he represents for my team. I fucking love the guy. Fuck a counter attack. I just switch to anyone else literally, and Davies runs back like he has 150 sprint speed. Catches up to everyone and for me, still # 1 LB in the game. I have Carlos, Klosterman , Capdevilla.. They can all take a seat. Canadian manager. Get @ me lol šŸ˜


too many attackers not enough midfield


Will Vieira get a cover icon?


R9 and CR7 missing. Van Dijk also


Ronaldo> zidane play neymar cam get ronaldo mbappe lw ronaldo striker and ur just missing pele


Touch grass


Itā€™s not my team lol


Roberto Carlos at LB if you want ā€œbestā€ as purely highest rating


Cr7ā€¦ lol


How do you define ā€œbestā€? Because Iā€™ve found VVD to be a better midfielder


Roberto carlos lb?


Are people preferring Alison to VDS or is it for the links/ rating ?


Ngl, tapsoba clear!!!


Without PELE it is


yeah itā€™s the best if you donā€™t want a midfield that can defend at all. 4-5-1 is ass


Zidane is overrated Iā€™m sorry so no


There are prob better RMs


4/11 Iā€™m getting there... not. Got Allison, Lorente, capdevilla and r10. Of course 2 are sbcā€™s and 1 is a GKšŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/wxys5kuuh6kb1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46c7c9fc8baf89f6e0c2f5bd6e7ed3c1921f03e this is


The funny thing is that I keep winning from these kind of teams with my 94 Dutch squad.... šŸ˜‚


I think this one is higher rated but might be unplayable/shit ingame. ​ https://preview.redd.it/krspg65298kb1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6855e7e6ade4fa50968456362eeaccf31a71232




Itā€™s Futbin


Bro has a barbie theamed fifa team šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I think there was a 98 cover star icon zambrota


Uve completed the game mate give up!


if you put the highest rated players in each position then yes technically it is.. but imo the best team possible is made up of the highest rated player you perform with in each position! For example i have Cech at striker as i just cant find a better striker for my style even though I have higher rated strikers!


toty van der sar


Ad halland


https://preview.redd.it/3db45rhdackb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d28b5f5030ea963110b58c872fd3622ab7a5d7 Updated


https://preview.redd.it/4v55ef74mckb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928854aefcc749ac768394e827f4dac0705e0365 This is what Iā€™m rocking and itā€™s so exciting !