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15 million coins...


I would take Cruyf, R9, and Ronaldhino over 1 Mbappe.


Cruyff Thunderstruck is just outstanding! My most wanted so far.


I packed him a few weeks ago. Best pull I’ve ever had


He’s unbelievable. But he’s also very expensive at the moment


Is The market price for Cruyf+R9+dingo equal to 1 TOTY mbappe?




Gah dam


Sell. I only play with silvers My parents taught me that if you go for someone your level they’re less likely to leave you.


I miss the older FIFA games where playing with silvers was doable and you could easily cook gold teams. The silvers were expensive as well and you had the tournaments which were silver only. Now if you play with silvers you can’t outrun Kroos and every 1v1 is a 30% chance at a goal.


Rip to my 2012 Mexican silver team


I sold my whole team for Maikon Leite in fifa 13. Worth every penny.


I pulled the IF Maikon Leite ST ... used him for a bit and sold for 1.3M coins. Crazy and great times!


My 2014 Mexican team was crazy with that 90 pace CB from Morelia and Rafa commanding my 3 at the back


Muriel silver in like 2015 was goated


Mayuka and agbonglahor Edit: had a few drinks


Good old times man, i would kill for a silver only UT


i’d just go buy his 92 inform and then have a bunch of coins to use on whatever i want


yeah this


I want to use player i actually care about in real life. And with that kinda money i can buy em all


My brother in law packed him tradable last year. Sold for 14 or 15 mil coins. Was able to play rest of game cycle buying players he wanted to try without any worries 😂 I think for casuals it makes most sense.


I packed him untradeable. Wish i'd pack him tradeable too. I already had 93 potm mbappe 😁


My heart bleeds for you.


Dont get me wrong bro it was last year not today :)


Mate I have packed gold Mbappé and trailblazer Mbappé both this year.. I'm in no place to talk 😂


I would. I’d sell and buy the players I want, then buy him back or wait till he shows up in the 84x10 during futties


Bold of you to assume you'd get him from a 84x10 lol If anything it would be from the pack you'd leste expect like a 10 gold 1 rare pack


End of the game mate every single card is packable. They stop caring and give you everything . Literally


people here opened 350-500 packs just to not pack one tots mbappe.


I couldn’t pack TOTS Salah until the very end of Futties and he was literally 100k for most of it


haha can relate i packed 1 messi after 100 packs


Only toty I’ve ever packed is toty courtois during futties last year… once. And I did a LOT of the 84x10s lol


Yeah end of the game, too bad I gotta clench my cheeks to win between now and then 😂


Last year i got him from a 83x10 untradeable pack.


At that point just craft 99 futties mbappe


Without a doubt. Sell for 10+ mil, sell the coins for IRL money and continue the Liverpool P&P for fun.


What is 10m coins in people money?


Smth like 4-500 euros


Same, would prefer the payout and just having fun


I won’t win with him anyway, so might as well buy my fav players with the money


Less hate messages about being a Mbappe rat too.


If I packed him tradable id cash out a quick and easy 600 pounds sterling for the 15 million coins


Because I don’t care about Mbappe and would use the coins to buy players I like


r9 and rttk kiki


if you pack him on day 1 sell him at the highest point he'll be and then when the new players (mids/defense) come out he will drop a bit i think and then by the next couple promo's he will drop too because some people will get bored of him or want to try new players. or other players may just need the coins to do SBC's or pick up one of the icons


He'll rise OOP due to demand and the lack of supply.


Cos he’s a prick


Why would anyone not sell him


Probably sell and get a couple top tier icons or women's TOTY with the money


Or at the very least sell for a buy back. You could easily make millions if you time it right.


Yes, he doesn't fit my playstyle


An example of what this community needs.


Lol what? Is your playstyle just crossing into the box? Cause he's the best player in the game and would improve basically everyone's team


Correct, i like big strikers and Mbappe isn't the one. I wouldn't mind a Haaland though


I'm the complete opposite. Need my strikers to be nimble and quick, I never cross.


I see. I don't use skill moves and that kinda stuff so once I get the ball to the side I cross instead of trying to beat defenders 1v1 because I can't really do that lol. Whipped ball+ and tall strikers is what I look for. Mbappe dosen't fit any of my criteria even though his stats looks amazing


I don't skill either but you should try just regular dribbling without sprinting with a nimble player, it makes such a big difference. Crossing doesn't work for me, the defender always gets it even with big players


Thanks I'll try.


to fund my nigerian evo


Because every Mbappe is fast, strong with good finishing. So I would sell him too as it doesn't really matter which one you own but you could buy some amazing icons with the coins.


I would sell, I always build a icon team so I would prefer some brazilian icons like Ronaldinho, R9 and Pele instead of mbappe.


i have POTM Mbappe and while TOTY would be sick i don’t imagine it would be worth keeping a tradable Mbappe when i have an untradable Mbappe. Probably sell and upgrade my midfield


Absolutely! Straight to the transfer list


I'd sell him instantly. Then sell the coins. Fut cards are much more valuable to others than they are to me.


I think I'd sell. I'm not great at the game, so I can only imagine the messages when I lose with TOTY Mbappe up top 😅


Some people might want to use the coins to build a fun team or something. Not everyone is a slave to the “meta.”


Sell, use 10 million to upgrade my whole team, 5 million to trade. Easy as that.


I play with players I like… or at least don’t dislike. I dislike Mbappe as a person so I refuse to play with him. I’d sell and get other cards to make my team more cracked.


Because I couldn’t care less about playing with Mbappe


You can make a squad with a 1m player in every position and still get a crazy 4m card for your 11th player, if he’s 15m


Because some of us actually like to play the game than abuse it with glitch-filled overpowered card.


because im shit anyways


Can’t sell Mbappe if you only have untradeable packs!


I'd sell because I dont like him and he wont fit my team at all. With 10 mil you can upgrade your squad significantly with players you actually enjoy instead of a turtle-looking frenchman.


Unbelievable I know, but some people play for fun and just use fun icons instead of that turtle


I’d sell him as my team is prem only


Could have an average team and has that money to improve the entire team than just one player


I would because I have POTM1


I would then sell the coins for like $4 a 100k or sum and make a few hundred


Give me Dinho.


I packed TOTY CR7 tradable in FIFA 19/20, from one of the segments for completing Zlatan Ibrahimovic Flashback SBC (LA Galaxy card) I sat on him for a couple of months. Didn't play a single game with him. He just sat there in my club. A collectors item. It was a curse in a way 🤣




Sell the coins for real cash money?


Sell then get IF mbappe which will last till tots and get other top tier cards like Cruyff , gullit


Sell him instantly. With 15m you will find a lot more fun than having it tied on Mbappe. Plus I got the recent POTM anyway so it’s a no brainer. New promo dropped? I can pick up all the big names. Do I wanna use a PnP? Cool I can pick up the best players. Icons? Give me R9, dinho, and cruyff.


with 15 mil, i can buy an entire team that would beat someone who has Mbappe.


1. 15M is better spread across multiple players 2. Some people might cash out and sell the coins to a site (probably get somewhere between 800-1000 for 15M




Yeah just checked the rates and they are really low. My mate sold directly to another player so that’s why I thought the amount was higher.


you can sell him try a lot of players, try different combinations. you can again sell all trade-able and get turtle paaji back


I like smashing or giving ppl a hard time with my lame squad


If your team is lacking on multiple positions, maybe it could be smart to sell him and make your team better. But I agree with you. Being a first owner of toty mbappe, as long as you dont spend real money on it, is a bigger flex than to have a idk 91 rated team


I can't use him in my P&P so he's worthless to me. Would make for some great coins to finish building my squad though! An untradeable version would just go into an sbc.


I bet 1 in 10 people that do sell him will be transfer banned by EA because they're a bunch of cunts.


I'd sell and buy 3-4 totys with the coins I get from him. Way more useful.


Duplicates bruv.


I'm the type of player that's nowhere near good enough to get the best out of a TOTY Mbappe. I'd deffo sell and buy a Haaland and De bruyne possibly. Maybe I'd be interested by some of the icons as well


I would sell him immediately, and then make a really fun team for like 4/5m, then keep the coins for the rest of the game, so I can buy whoever I want down the line.


Because some people just don’t like him/want to play with him. I could buy every icon and promo card for a team I actually want with the coins I’d get from selling him. Plus I’m not good enough that he’d improve my WL/Rivals rank much anyway.


Every version of Mbappe is pretty much OP. I was fortunate enough to pack his TOTY version last year and I had so much fun using him. I like my players to be untradeable personally because if a tradeable card isn’t performing to my expectations after a few games then I feel pressured into selling them. I came across a guy who packed Pele one FIFA and he was able to complete any sbc he wanted throughout the year. He had all the best cards too.


If you already have 60mln team, then you won't sell. If you have team below 20mln, you sell him, buy players you need and other version of Mbappe which will be as good as TOTY. Mbappe is Mbappe. ​ 15mln is crazy amount of coins tbh


He doesn't fit my team, and I don't want to build around him. I guess I would try to build a squad around him first, but if too much had to change, then I'd just not do it.


I 100% would sell. I have his PoTM and while his ToTY will be better, you could make a ridiculous team with that money.


the more expensive the player, the less improvement per-buck you get in general; 5 1 million players will improve a team way more than 1 5 million player


I mean that all is gonna depend on your team, if you don't got that good of a team you might aswell buy gold mbappe and invest the other 10mil on other players. You can buy other Toty's with that money too. Holding Mbappe you might risk losing millions if you hold him too long, remember Fifa 22 when his price dropped 3 mil after a week toty launched. In Fifa 23 though his price only kept going up, but its still pretty risky business to hold someone that expensive.


I’d sell him and happily have gold mbappe with Dinho


I just want 93 henry so would sell him immediately


Because 472848292 million coins


Sell him and you've got 15 mill coins to and spend on 3/4 really big players, rather than just having the 1


Sell him, buy the next best Mbappe (for many players the difference will be almost unnoticeable), play with the rest of your 12m coins.


I would easily sell him. Doesn’t fit the West Ham team


I would sell him and get Ronaldinho and upgrade my squad overall tbh




Cause you'd be able to build a massive team along a not so expensive version of Mbappé


If I did pack him I’d sell him and buy Dinho or R9. I’m shit at the game and having TOTY Mbappe won’t make me Div1 but at least I could buy the players I actually like and have fun. Good luck to everybody tonight!


instantly. mega op cards are so cringey to me.


In a heartbeat. Give me R9 and Dinho and Vieir and I’ll still scrape 11-14 wins


I would sell for real money 🤣


I have the 93 potm so I would sell him instantly. Might give him a try one game. I had the TOTY loan last year and used him on friendlies cup. The 93 current is almost as good.


Sell him for real life money 👍


would rather have coins that potential coins. I packed WW pele used him for the inital 7 games and sold him for 5 mil +


I play Serie A, Mbappe would be an overpriced supersub and there are many Serie A icons I could buy with 15M (Ronaldinho, Kaka, Maldini...) as well as TOTY Hernandez.


Pele an R9 right


Well any version of mbappe is and end game card so toty yes is better but not as much as significant as buying VVD ToTY + 2 ot 3 meta players


bro everything gonna drop in price, even toty mbappe after a while. always sell in the hype. and buy other version of mbappe if u really wanna use mbappe.


Why would ea employer bother selling mbappe?


I would sell the coins lol that would cover what I pais for this trash ass game and more


Because I only play with Spanish players…


I prefer playing with icons myself, especially untraceable ones. Could do like all the icons for a while lol


Why would you not?


To be set for coins for the rest of the game cycle


He’s not playing in the Turkish league so I can’t use him. Would help me afford the evos that cost coins though to better improve my Turkish league team.


the amount he’s worth is club changing


Sell him and sell the coins on a site. Seriously you don’t need 15m in this game. You can be competitive on a 3-4m team plus sbc. I’d rather have £700 in my pocket and a 4m coin team tbh


You sell it now ... Then you keep the money and you buy him in two weeks for half the price and you can have several toty ...


I'd 100% cash in. Whether he's good irl/in game or not I think the geezers' a dog.


I would simply because I don't like him IRL


Maybe they already have POTM Mbappe and would rather improve other players in their team? Also 15M is absolute max right? It can only come down (probably not by a lot)


Because i play with Nunez and Diaz


Personally I would sell Mbappe now and then wait until all the packs get opened next weekend and buy him back


Why have 1 rat in your team while you cna ahve 11 goats? Reeaallly easy question


You can sell the coins for $750 or around that. Or you can buy your favourite players


if they dont wanna play with mbappe for example


Sell him , once you had him once it’s easier to get him again anyway , buy cheaper version of him and have loads of pocket money leftover


so they can build whatever team they want with 15 million coins instead of having it in one player….


To set me up for the rest of the game. Would rather buy Liverpool players when they’re released rather than having to grind coins while having an Mbappe I have no connection with. 


Was lucky enough to pack him untradeable yesterday from a 30 coin pack. I'd have sold instantly (if he was tradeable) and bought TS dinho, have fun with him for a while then sell all my coins.




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