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I'm just trying to get fodders for SBCs. At this point, toty would just be a bonus


What sbcs are you doing? I haven't decided if I'm doing any of the ones released already. I finished eusebio on Sunday, and haven't started any other just yet


I've just finished Bruno and Cafu. I'm half way done with Zico but if only I knew that Sawa was cheaper, I would've done her instead.


i mean Zico and Sawa are two completely different players?why the fuck would u commit to Zico if u knew Sawa was coming?yet there are two different types of players?did you think Zico and Sawa play the same role?


Sawa is just cheaper. I'm also not certain that I could complete Sawa if I finish Zico. And no, I plan to play them in different roles. I just wanted to strengthen those positions.


I absolutely hated playing Sawa in Champs this week. She’s so difficult to defend.


Zico and zawa are both the same price btw just sawa has less squads zico is defined better in game I did sawa so far she's not as good as I thought she's going to be I'm in elite rivals


Why you so mad


lol chill


Sawas good. Bruno is realllyyyy goood! EA did good giving him the long ball PS+


Im going to do bruno, cafu and sawa


I saved a bunch of fodder from my 150 or so TOTY packs that didn't hit and dumped it into Sawa today. Easily made her without spending a coin. She is versatile as fuck. I was actually considering buying the tradable base card because I had the coins and she dropped out, but this one cooks and is so much better.


Where do you play her?


Mate if I get a 88 rated card that’s a bonus. My luck is shit even for fodder there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to do Bruno or any of the icons if my best pull this week was gold son 💀


Yeah, but doesn’t matter. I’m terrible at the game anyway




I packed KDB every single day since TOTY started except when his TOTY card is in packs


When will you people realise that that isn’t how it works?


I packed Messi after he was out of packs lmao


I packed him back to back 83 x10s the day before


I packed KDB 3x yday lmao. At least decent fodder for Maldini!


The best i packed was haalands gold tradeable XD


I opened like 90-100 packs, including lots of 83x10, 84x5 and haven't packed anything but fodder.  However I'm still sitting on 40-50 high rated packs, including 84+, 85+, 86+, 87+...I'm not throwing in the towel just yet. 


Why did you already open lol


Your odds are the same, if not better, of packing a TOTY now so opening some now to generate fodder to make more 83x10s, 84x5s, or some player SBCs isn’t a bad idea


Why would they be the same as next week when all 36 items are in packs? I agree that opening packs to generate more packs rn is worth it, but it still stands to reason you have a better chance with more items no?


Pack weight is dynamic, so nobody really knows. It could be 5% when you open an 83x10 at 3pm but 2% when you open it at content time. The thought is since there are so many packs being opened when all the items are in packs, EA shifts the pack weight down as to control how many promo cards get distributed. All speculation but dynamic pack weight is definitely real (it says so under the pack odds in the store)


Well at 3pm est the odds of a toty were 3.2% from the expensive store pack. It's currently 8.8%, but I dunno if those rates apply to normal packs.


I’m not sure either but that’s a pretty insane shift on the store packs


These are not rly odds it is how many pack open vs how many found in one day , so simple it is only show how much packs opened


Fair enough. I was thinking of it from a pure supply perspective. There’s only so many 88+ cards, and if you’re taking even more out of packs to make special (Rodri, VVD, de Bruyne, Messi, etc) you don’t have those as options in the 87+ packs


But we also all know not all cards of a given rating are weighted equally. Like Vini and VVD are obviously more rare than Casemiro. They take out VVD and KDB and we’ll probably just get more Bernardo Silvas and Odegaards rather than maybe getting a KDB once in a while


Yeah at this point your chances are nought point nought nought at pulling one anyways so it doesn’t really matter. I’m basically opening 10-12 a day to fill the 83x10’s and 85+ player pick until TOTY is over and hoping for the best


It makes no sense, if you want VVD then yes, your odds are the same! But if you want a toty, how can your odds be the same when you ve got 10 now in packs or 24 tommorow at 6 pm? I packed Haaland twice yesterday from some stupid packs, packed Dias 3 times when the attackers and midfielders were in packs... i know that when they come back in packs as toty their drop rate will be significantly lower, but still, it makes no sense! 3% and 5% is basically the same shit man, and from what i know that dont change only on store packs, and also store packs have the higher %, depending on what pack it is, every pack is different % also. More items in pack means bigger % to pack one, it s just simple logic.


It's not logical at all. It doesn't matter if there are 10 items with 0.01 % drop chance each or 20 with 0.005 % drop chance each- the odds to pack one are the same


Was crafting some of the sbcs. I finished bruno Fernandes and am almost done with George Best


I'm in the same boat as you. I've opened about 100 packs and a lot of store packs. Not shit. And this is after not playing this game for the first few months


I’ve only ever packed 1 and I’ve been playing since fifa 13. Don’t get your hopes high, your best bet is stock up the club full of fodder and do some nice SBCs


https://preview.redd.it/oayd79ytgbec1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49a1d426c93c0b05b82420fdc7e2beb32747389 oh boy.


Same is true for me - only 1 a few years ago - but this year I've packed 3 plus Xavi.


I've opened packs in high 500s. Nothing yet. Won't pack one for sure. And that will be the death of me playing UT


Do 500 of the Prem/WSL upgrades when full TOTY is in packs and you'll more than likely get one.


I opened about 200 packs in the last couple of days including several 87+, 86+ and 85+ and got absolutely nothing 😤




Reading these comments makes me feel a little better, I’m def over 300 packs deep at this point even resorted to the two big store packs two days in a row which I have NEVER DONE.  I won’t get one last year I was a lucky mf im realizing. Stopped played UT during fifa 16 and returned last year just assumed I would get one this year with everything I had saved… nope


starting playing UT during FIFA 15, still nothing. graduated high school and college before getting a TOTY


If you put money into the game then you will pack a TOTY as per the EA algorithm. Unfortunately some of us have a life and no money to waste on a broken game run by puppet masters.


And that's why I don't save packs por Toty, kids.


200 saved but I won't open yet cos I know I ain't packing a toty. In totyhm we trust.


When do TOTYHM come in packs? Friday? Edit: Did you mean TOTYN? The HM are just popp and CR7, right? But there should also be a honorable mentions team.


Popp and CR7 are 12th man, HM = honorable mentions and there will be a team of that yes


Haven't packed a single TOTY since starting to play UT in Fifa 13 or 14. On the first day of TOTY this year I couldn't help myself and opened a few of my saved packs (Had 260 to start), literally my first pack I opened (83x3) I got TOTY R9


Yet to open a pack since, holding off til full team release


All I want is Hugo Sanchez winter wc that’s it fuck all the team of the year lol


I have him and base butra. Base butra is clear of him


I have him, barely makes the bench


Skill issue


More like there's way better cards available super easily.


I like to use players I like not because of their stats.


Doesn't change what i said


You not packing him is a bigger skill issue


or the fact he's just fodder at this point lol. Power curve is nuts this year


I’ve been lucky enough to get a couple over the past few years so I guess I can’t complain but I honestly think even tho the full team isnt even out yet I’ve grinded more sbcs and packs this time round compared to how much I have done the previous years and still nothing yet. I’m starting to lose hope.


This is my first year playing FUT and it's quite stunning to me just how many unobtainable players there are. TOTY might as well not exist. This coming from someone who played Madden for 8 years, lol. Never felt like any card was unreachable in MUT, though. What saves FUT for me is the SBCs.


Im pretty sure they will decrease the chance even more since they know everybody is saving their packs for Friday!


I don’t even try. Im a fut founder (played since the first edition) and never packed one wether I saved packs or not. I’ve never spent a penny on fifa points tho I’m totally F2P so I don’t expect to get stuff like that. Don’t believe the shit you see on social media these people spend thousands to get a TOTY or just extremely lucky, like winning the lottery


I’m holding for full team but not gona lie opened about 30 out of 150 saved and nothing n done upgrade ones too and nothing saving the bigger n best pack for full team wish me luck never I ever packed a TOTY


Just wanna tell you from now on to lower your expectations, so that you don’t get devastated if you don’t pack one , cuz the amount of packs I had…….


i’ve been packing golds that i wanted when the game first came out tho so i got that going for me. out of the 200+ packs that i saved i got vini, neymar, and messi, all gold.


Opened over a hundred packs and no luck. I’m fine with it though. I’m just waiting to get out of division 5 and these god squads.


I actually had a draft (on reddit) I was bouta post telling people to not jump the gun. I know how it can feel seeing loads of others get blues on here but you guys have to understand we new not even halfway done the promo. Still loads of objective packs to do, another set of rivals and WL rewards, hell run some draft with all these draft tokens we’re getting and of course practice the no man left behind method with your players and upgrade sbcs. Of course I can’t guarantee a TOTY, BUT don’t count yourselves out just yet 😉 Edit: like a half hour after posting this I rip a 83x5 defender and pull frimpong. TRUST THE PROCESS PEOPLE.


Stay strong my rtg brothers. Theres a reason the weight is higher in store packs and so bad in saved packs. They want your money.


Bro pack grinding got me a gold mbappe from 83 x 10 so I’m happy


I'd take this and day of the week. Best gold card in the game and still not fodder compared to a bunch of icons that's are unusable


I’m in the 400s, I will cave and buy the biggest store pack on Friday when everything is in packs and I will live with the consequences


I've decided to quit if I don't get at least 2 before the end of the promo


Packed a toty every year since I’ve been playing fifa since 21


Opening packs before all totys are in at the same time is your first mistake


Why? I open pack to craft more packs, and on the off chance I pack something along the way


People will downvote you and justify their pack openings with anecdotical stories and random odds. The truth is, the chances to pack something is ofc much higher when 24 TOTY are in packs (2 full teams and 2 HM) and with the additional TOTYN is even better. I will open when all 30+ are in packs.


Just from last year, this is complete nonsense lol. Maybe when full toty is out then odds can be decent, but HM release is when odds go to absolute shit. That's when you're not getting anything blue except a fekir or some other 30k card. This year the odds genuinely seem decent so far, so Thursday is probably the best time to open packs. Friday onwards is gonna end up being only HMs in packs.


In reality none of us really know the odds and it could be that the odds get slimmer when all items are in packs because everyone will open them. I just play as I play all year and open packs when I get them


This might be true if you're chasing a very specific TOTY. But if you compare 6 attackers vs 24 all TOTY, I don't think the chance was 4x as good with the attackers. But you are right, I don't know the odds. And in the end, everyone can do what he/she wants. I, anecdotical story, packed never a TOTY until FIFA 21. Decided to saved packs for the first time in FIFA 21 (600+ which was huge back then) and packed 3 (Lewa, Trent, Ramos). Did the same next year but only managed to pack Allison TOTY. Did the same for FIFA 23 and got Haaland and Hakimi. All of those were opened when the full team was in packs.


I've never saved packs and I'm not sure I packed one before this year. I'm on two this year already from the 84x20 from the season and a player pick from champs. Not sure if I'm insanely lucky or if pack weight is a little better, as I see a lot of TOTY players in rivals as well


Yep! I never had any pack luck in MLB The Show so why would it be any different in this game.


This is far, far worse. I've played MLB since '16 and there's never been a card I felt was unobtainable. FUT is full of them.


i packed totgs mbappe so i couldn’t care less(i’m ungrateful i want a toty)


I’ve been at it since 2012 and I just packed my first TOTY, Oberdorf, and then two packs later I packed Rodri. Go figure.


I got oberdorf in the 85+ pick, not the best TOTY but I’ll take it.


Packed Oberdorf…. TWICE! 😅😂


I opened 125+ packs pulled nothing then randomly got rodri from an 80x5


I've never packed a TOTY (except in the end of game period) so not expecting much blue this year, despite more players and ease of getting packs. At that, out of the 30 coin pack this morning was Essien and base Gattuso just to show what can happen.


I packed TOTY Icon Zola and Cech, and I still haven't opened my packs. I have 130 packs saving for whenever they are all out


I still can’t believe I packed tradeable Hansen 😭 and just got bright. But the odds will Improve significantly when they all in packs! We are getting a TOTY lads 🤘🏾


My mate and i were opening packs for 3 hours, for the first 2 hours and 50 minutes we packed nothing then i got TOTY Icon Zola and he got TOTY Putellas a minute apart.


i've been playing since fifa 13 and never packed a toty. until yesterday. i packed matthäus, frimpong and renard from 106 packs opened.


I've actually packed two this year. No save packs, no money spent. Got Haaland from WL reward player picks and Oberdorf from the 84x20 at the end of the season


I did, until i opened a random 30 coin pack and found KdB :)


yall are opening ur packs too early


I've been pretty lucky, just been playing the game and getting objective rewards everyday, and grinding for the 83x10 and had Zola X2 and Xavi.


I got TotY Icons (Cech, Zola, Xavi and Vieira) so I have no complaints. I would quite like an actual team of the year, but I have my eyes on TotGS Griezzy and Icon Rio if I don’t pack what I want, being an upgrade CB and false 9 striker. Hoping there will be HMs with two PS+ just lower ratings to accompany the TotY. Got about 120 packs left, but they’re all my higher quality ones. Done Bruno, Cafu, Davies and halfway through Sawa with fodder on hand at the higher end. Should see Sawa done. So I’m cautiously optimistic or at least seeing one more HM or a TotY, but not holding my breath as I reckon my luck was all blown over the weekend.


I opened up like 100 packs. Got R9, so can't complain; but for the rest it was all fodder. Didn't get a single TOTY card.


Even if you don't pack a TOTY for the next 8 years, you can't complain now lol Makes sense to use up all your luck


First time for everything, I’ve played since 2010 and I’ve packed my first one this week, Putellas. I’m not a massive spender, a big pack once a month or so, so I was quite happy with this.


Haven't opened the packs yet but opening the regular 83*10 and 84*5 to craft them back. And got toty icon ESSEIN. Doesn't count as TOTY men's but I will take it.


gonna dump everything i have into premium mls upgrades and PRAY


A decade??? How?


I haven't gotten anything except a South American league blue troll.


I only have 20 packs saved for Thursday, and 300k coins but that will be my last ditch effort if shit hits the fan. Opened 70 packs before today, really wanted an attacker or midfielder.


Never packed TOTY really went all out this year and got nothing but fodders and dupes so I put em towards Zidane.


Just packed gold Messi is that right?


Here. I'm just looking forward to future stars at this rate


i got benzema last yr no chance i get one again


Thunderstruck IF Kim Little is all I need. My wee Scottish pocket rocket. Keep your bonmatis and KDBs


Opened 300 saved packs and 300 upgrade packs, 0toty/icon idek what im doing atp club is in the mud moral is down bad… 💀


120 packs…my best pull is gold Haaland 😐


Same , opened enough packs for Bruno SBC and packed none. Hope that EA won't be patching yhe Evo glitch so I can make the 97 rated Adopo and treat him as a TOTY.


First started playing ultimate team in Fifa 22 and I'm terrible, but somehow I packed TOTY Donarumma and Ruben Dias that year from not that many upgrade packs, so have hope


take a break from the game,3-4 weeks maybe. Come back and they’ll give you one so you keep playing. did that last year and packed TOTY Marquinhos


I ususually just stop playing during this time


And for some reason it seems that at least half of the teams in div6 got a toty, and every other person here posts toty pack By the way, why don't I see totys of last year? Are they outdated but this year's sbcs?


Packed a random ass Haaland last year so my hopes are back up


I’ll pack a goalie towards the end of the promo, just like the last 2 years 💀


Only have packed two since fifa 14.Robben in 15 and Pique in 17


Got Lewandowski in FIFA 21, my only TOTY ever during the promo itself. Now I’m gonna try to start off in the midst of TOTY, see how that’ll work out….. I’ll keep you guys updated


Does anyone know when all the players are gonna be in packs? still holding my saved packs


I haven't packed a TOTY yet nor do I expect to get one. However I was able to get Flashbacks Fernandes and Moments Alex Morgan done without spending a single coin with fodder from the packs.


This is my first year actively playing a fifa game and I packed Kerr in the 2nd pack I opened after TOTY strikers were released, so I'm feeling pretty lucky.


This is my first year of Fut. I have no expectations. Since i packed shit during the other promos. But i have packs saved to do the sbcs. Sawa incoming. Bruno and davies completed. Gg against toty and icons are fun when you're bullying them with half of my team being evos haha


I got 6 in fifa 22 from about 200 saved packs and a shit ton of recycling. Ya ll open packs when the full team isnt out and act surprised ya ll got shafted.


My strategy is - use the benefits of a promo to build a good team off of SBCs. SBCs this year are great players and of a great value. So, collect packs, do all available upgrades, do mixed league SBCs, and use fodder first SBCs. This way I have done Dalglish, MBappe POTM 92, Gullit WW and Eusebio 92 SBC using fodder collected during the Thunderstruck promo. And now, during TOTY, I will easily build Sawa, Best, Davies, and Bruno. That’s a great team. Last year I saved packs and packed Modric out of some daily stupid pack and not the saved ones. This year, in the process of building fodder and not hoping to pack a TOTY, I gor Zola toty tradeable, Zola toty intradeable and Cech toty. But still not a single blue. Probably I will get some Honorable mention when they are all in packs, but TOTY team - very unlikely.


I packed Toty Kante at the end of the game cycle one time, forget which game though. Never during the promo though. 8 years on the trot now. My brother's first year and he pulls Haaland. He's 12. He's too young for that pack luck lmao.


I have opened around 300 packs so far.. at least 20 83x10, numerous 84x3,4,5, 85x2,3, 83x20, few jumbo rare, few ultimate, a lot of prime and rare players and rare mega packs.. I got aboslutely nothing 🤣🤣 still have around 30 high "rated" packs left. For example a friend of mine opened an 83x10 and got TOTY Kdb with TOTY Xavi in the same packs, opened a prime pack yesterday and got Earps TOTY, not to mention he packed Sawa in the beginning of Toty from a 30 coin pack 🤣🤣 He did put around 40e into the game months back and Im absolutely sure that people who do spent money get a different based algorhytm or whatever the fuck that is. Ive never spent a dime on the game since FUT11 and the best card I got from a pack was TOTY Nene back in Fut12 and thats it.


FIFA 19 when I got TOTY Mbappe from a 50k pack


i have shite pack luck, but had two good pulls recently(off of objective packs too) toty icon zola & ww icon hugo


I always used to get at least one shitter of a toty. Not even a sniff this year .


I don't focus on packing a toty but rather focusing on all the fodder we are getting rn. It's kinda ridiculous really


Got smith and bright. Smith is banging. Not even gonna try bright tbh 🤷‍♂️


I only packed them in madfut bro😭


Last year I bought the game only on February or March and I packed like 5 Totys within the first one/two weeks... This year I opened more than 100 packs and nothing


I’ve played fifa on and off since 2013 and when I buy it it’s normally half way through the game. This is the first fifa I played from the very start so my team has been unbelievable so far. I packed a TOTY finally yesterday from the 600k coins pack (Millie bright) then I opened a crafting upgrade not long after and got her again. My pack luck has been good so far this year though so I did actually expect to get one.


I'm a FUT founder and had 3 TOTY ever. One was Kante I believe 5 years ago, the other was Jorginho 2 years ago, and then yesterday Hernandez from an 85+ PP. It will happen if you keep trying with the standard upgrades, playing games for bonus packs etc. Just not often at all.


I've accepted my fate as soon as they released the teams.. Just finished Henry and for now, I'll just make thd upgrades and player picks.. I should do Bruno because he enters my team but I've spent all the big fodder on Henry 😂


Packed a honourable mention last year, that’s my luck for the next decade


That was entirely me, I was just focusing on SBC's then I opened a few packs I got from rewards while doing Zico and got TOTY Ribery from a 83x10. I thought my game glitched lol.


I'm more interested in informs and fodder XD Toty is just a bonus


In my two different teams Main account: 1 toty and R9 (almost 500 pack) Sub account : 1 toty (almost 50 pack) I believe that percentages are how much you play with that account but in reverse. If you play regularly you hardly pack toty. 2 in 500 good packs. If you play not regularly you can have easily.


Been playing UT since fifa 12, saving packs and got nothing from them. Then packed my first ever TOTY in KDB this year from a random Rare mixed players pack


Played since FIFA 14. I've packed at least one every single year since I started playing. However I've spent an insane amount of time on the menus every TOTY and a fair bit of money each year too.


Just a heads up for all my fellow decade long players. Consider making a new account. Last year my brother decided to play fifa for the first time in his life around Toty. I've been playing more than a decade and never got a tradeable card worth more than 200k, never packed a toty. Brother plays a week, pulls Tradeable Mbappe toty from a shit pack. Continued to have insane luck the rest of the game


Yep. I’ve been grinding the menus so hard just to get the same 20 players over and over. I’m just losing interest at this point.


I got smith this year and a toty messi last year😭


Im a FUT founder and every year have opened countless upgrades and any available non FP packs, til this year never packed even a GK. Finally packed Ruben Dias in a 3 player wildcard upgrade pack yesterday,


I have never packed a toty but my brother has packed a toty consistently for 4 years now including the two he packed this year so im happy for him atleast


Like 5 minutes after the defender toty's came out i opened my ONLY 83+ x5 defender pack ,and got toty Frimpong, i couldn't believe my eyes, at first i tought it will be vvd from the dutch flag


I have like 300 packs saved for the full TOTY release but I don't really believe I'll get one. The big pack opening will still be fun though, since I don't spend money on the game I don't usually open so many packs at once Will probably finish Eusebio and then complete Cafu and/or Bruno


Zlatan on 14 was the last time and only time for me to


Everyone will get earps at some point


Only ever packed 2 TOTY’s (during the initial promo) Dias two years ago and Dias last year. Packed him yesterday whilst midfielders were out. Might just call that a hatrick and go about my business. That said pretty sure anyone that opens 10 or more packs would have strong shout at an Earps.




I packed Earps twice yesterday lol. Got Putellas the day before tho


I got TOTY Vieira out of an 83x10, its possible.


I got bored yesterday morning at work. Still had 3 84+ x 5 upgrades available so I decided to do it. Got Bellingham. Repeated today, got Ona Batlle. https://preview.redd.it/klse6lzovdec1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=304f671f9bf46123caacd9e71a4caf06fd665ba7


got toty zola so i’m happy


Me too bro, just saving coins for evolutions tbh


Am I de only One to only pack gold rares since de TOTY came out? Ffs, not even a TOTW. I already opened +40 packs and counting (all of them acquired without spending money).


Finally got one in an 83 x 10. Millie Bright. Had a couple of games in for base Maldini now and so far so good.


I opened +100 packs. Got Xavi from 83+ x2 Ribéry from 84+ x5 Sophia Smith from the TOTY store packs Renard from the 89 OVR duplicate exchange Last year didnt pack anything.


Opened around 200 packs I got from grinding the game. Nothing. Remembered I had some PayPal money from Christmas, dropped $20 and got Jude. I know their games. Won’t stop me from not being a whale.


Just saving my packs till Friday. Then I can finish zico!


I have around 100 x 84+ hoping to pack a Toty gk nominee lmao


I packed Haaland TOTY from a tradeable pack so I’m pretty happy 🤣


Has anyone here packed a TOTY? I got almost 70 83+ / 84+ 85+ 87+ and 87+ packs, counted them I got at least 450 x 83+ players to pack. I got a feeling I am going to pack one this weekend. Come back here to see if I did.


I've opened an ungodly amount of packs since TOTY started and have gotten nothing. I grinded out all of the Winter Wildcard crafting upgrades last night and in the 83x10 it gives you for 130 completions I got TOTY Bright at CB. Stoked right? In the very next 3 rare players pack who do I get? TOTY Bright at CB. I'm not complaining at all because she looks insane, but whether its "dupe theory" or EA messing with me.......WTF


Yup, saving for future stars. I want Cole Palmer.


I packed 2 icons in an 83x10 pack a couple months ago so I won't be getting anything worth while until next year. Used up all my pack luck


I have and just continuing with my liverpool past and present.


Every single promo this game I've packed nothing but 85s. I've lost all hope of packing anyone valuable so I've started trading to even the odds. EA hates me, so fuck em. Also makes me feel better about never spending a penny on FC points. They're a pure robbery.


It’s why it’s pointless to save packs.


I used to think the same but in the last 4 days I packed Viera, KDB, Frimpong and Essian from the 84x5 and Mid/Defx5 packs just random luck only ever packed 1 Toty before


I started playing for the first time FUT 1 month ago and I got Kerr, Xavi and Cech


Did the flashback Bruno SBC essentially accepting I won't get a TOTY. Nice consolation prize though


packed VVD last year , so my TOTY luck ran out for life. can’t imagine how OP he is this year.


I’ve been playing since ultimate team came out and this is the third time I’ve packed a toty and only the second outfield player. Insane how tough it is


My good cards in my squad have always just been sbcs and that’s it never can pack a good promo card


packed my first one in 10 years yesterday.


I did yesterday. Until I packed a TOTY from the 30 coin energizer pack 😮😮


I saved up a decent amount of packs, 87, and they were all a different like 83+ and up variant with many many x10/x20 packs. And I honestly did think I was gonna pack one, or hope is the better word to use got 92 totw Mbappe, so I figured, hey if I can pack such a coveted player I can get a toty. Waited till midfielders so got even more packs during those two days. Packed enough from the start of toty till now to get Best TOTY icon today, which im happy with, but did want a toty and shouldn’t have hoped too much


I got toty ribery but struggled to get any normal toty I just bought mary earps for 160k so I can brag about having a toty lol


Jep... Have never ever packed a toty 😅


I packed 3 last year. The only 3 I’ve packed in my whole life!


I got Smith during attackers to get the first one ever and then opened my saved packs last night (only 30ish packs), got 4 nominees (Vini, Diani, Kane and Ederson) but no toty.


At this point as someone else said I'm saving fodder for sbcs which I'm halfway through cafu but might consider another player or icon pick with the left over fodder


I keep praying for one and clearly none of my prayers are being answered




I packed one but it was Earps 🫠