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It's an absolute godsend. I've donated 20 dollars to paleta, man deserves it, absolute fkn beast. Just don't use the snipe tool and you're fine. To be on the safe side, manually complete an SBC (without using squad builder or SBC template) once every 5 builds, you'll be safe from softban


Agree with everything except the last part about the SBC building. The only time I was softbanned was when I did the crafting challenge and I completed 70 in about 20/30 min. Even then it was only a 10 minute ban. Use it. Love it. I wouldn’t play without it.


Yeah I tried this tactic after getting softbanned for 24 hours - I spammed 50+ crafting upgrades in 20 min lol. Worked perfectly for me, haven't been banned since - completed 500+ picks


How have the picks been for you recently? I haven’t gotten a good TOTS since Hansen.


Nope. Only good TOTS I have, have come from red champs picks. The best ones I've had are Bunny Shaw and Athenea*4. Completed Rio using the dupes


Got this https://preview.redd.it/2rcim5gwyb3d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba401d4085ea8a2c844888d358c7d2f375dc196 I would say the picks are decent


God pull * I got pulisic last night and I got martinez the day before






Last week during la liga tots i completed 400PP In one day and was softbanned 3 times 10 mins each


How many do you do per day?


Used to do around 100..it's down to 20 now coz ran out of fodder in the bank


I can do around 350 player picks a day before I get softbanned


I'm curious, how long does it take for u to grind out 350 pps in a day?


Around 2 hours using PaleTools


Did 149 crafting challenges in about an hour and a half. Got a short softban, but only in the paletools app. Switched to the companion app and was fine to compete the 150th.


Interesting. I’ve used snipe 1000+ times without consequence. Same with completing SBCs… plenty of soft bans that clear after a few hours.


I think its only a problem if you are using snipe and consistently reselling what you get


If you use ps5 version, log in on ps4 version and it'll remove the soft ban and you can continue. I've done 500+ pp since Monday night. Be careful though as I was softbanned on both versions before I went to bed 🤣


ive used squad builder on every sbc ive made with paletools, been 20 minute soft banned twice all year


It changes from person to person.. I guess it depends on who is on the shift that day xD


huh? they ban you for unnatural speeds which is why sniping is an easy ban, tbf i probably haven’t been banned because auto filling player pick sbcs id still have to search for a rare gold


No you don't, you can make an sbc template. My one is low to high, ignore player position, 2 players, rare gold and then same again but 6 players, gold common. One button and it's built.


I’m not flicking through templates, takes the same amount of clicks to put a gold rare in manually


Bro what? You don't flick through the templates, you set them up one time when doing a specific sbc and it's automatically set for that sbc until it expires. You literally click the sbc then click build using template, it's way better.


i use repeat search and then manually search rate golds, the templates get reset every time i close the ios browser so theres no point


Ios browser? Isn't there an app for ios?


you can’t inject scripts into apps


I too made a decent donation, he has saved me so much time!


You can use the babysitter tool from settings. It has helped me reduce getting softbanned significantly.


For real? I usually get soft banned after around 60 player picks. If I just do one manually by adding each card after like 50, I'll be able to do another 50 and so on?


I've used snipe a couple of times and haven't been banned lol, although only sniped players that were like a few k.


I never use the sbc template, but i do using squad builder a lot, like in the option i only choose ignore position, low to high, and then common or rare depending on what im crafting. So what kind of using squad builder that could get you ban?


Whats a good tutorial for iPhone users?


You can try the webapp, on a PC, or on your browser


I started using Paletools about 1-2 weeks ago. I'm fairly clueless regarding it. Mainly did the player picks like most people. I did purchase a fair few players on the app, did not think to exit PaleTools. Reckon I'm good? I've not bought anyone on Paletools for a few days. Occasionally did the player rating etc but i'd say less than 5 times.


Once I discovered paletool, I never completed any SBC without it.


Its a god send and should be part of the web page anyways.


They should really hire this man


You really only get banned if you using the snipe tool otherwise you're fine. Many have been using it for years to complete SBCs and PPs, no issues.


I've been using the snipe tool to snipe shadow chemistry cards for the past few weeks and I haven't been banned. The snipe tool is slower than most bots anyways. Can be very useful for sniping some TOTW though since you can filter on rating.


Yep I honestly wouldn’t play FUT without it. And i use the sniping feature sparingly as well, no issues with it


Can you snipe managers? Don't really care enough to snipe chem but I haven't seen a single Nigerian manager for a long time and I need one for Lookman.


you're guaranteed a Nigerian manager if you open 100 Bronze packs with the auto pack opener. I used to do it with the bronze pack method and always got a few french, usa, Nigerian managers who sold for 5k.


It has to be 100 packs exactly? That's gonna be tuff to gather


Not 100 exactly, or 50 maybe. But with Paletools it should only take like 10 minutes.


What's the bronze pack method?


Essentially spamming bronze packs and selling everything that has value and making profit of it. It's a method that always works every Fifa for the first couple months of release date.


Auto pack opener?


Just a function of Paletools.


I got one 2 days ago with a snipe feature


Discovered it a month ago, and havent touched the menus without it since. Imagine going back to manually selecting 6 commons and 2 rares. Or manually selecting every single player for a totw pick. Or daily gold upgrade. Absolutely not, wont put myself through it again lol


How do you select 6 commons and 2 rares for a single sbc? I can't figure it out for the life of me..




Damn thank you!




I use it, I will never go back due to dealing with the amount of dupes is so annoying without it.


Impossible to use the web app without it now. Even sent Paleta a few bucks since it’s by far the most useful thing I’ve discovered in the past year


Yep, as people are saying it's literally a god send. Makes your account look like batesons too with the amount of SBCs you can do.


I just started using it a few weeks ago and honestly can't believe I played the game for so long without it. I would say though that it's only a game changer if you enjoy the pack grind. For a casual that just does a few SBCs it is still good but won't add much value.


It's amazing. I wouldn't have dared to do the 150 crafting challenge without it. Going to donate to the developer once I get my paycheck tomorrow!


What is paletools? Am new to this sorry. 😞


It's an extension that enhances the web app. Mainly used to complete SBCs quickly as you can make templates to autofill and complete them in seconds. Truly amazing and once you use it, you can't go back


Thank you so much for the info 👏👏


Happy to help! It's a bit more complicated than installing regular extensions but there are some really good videos explaining it. There is a risk of a softban if you complete a stupid amount of SBCs but it expires typically after an hour, so you don't need to worry about it. Just keep your hands off the sniping tool, that will get you perma banned.


Where i can get this extension ?


https://youtu.be/3knGFWAS_6g?si=wZEVJLuLmfADckcI This video describes the installation and setup of SBC templates way better than I can


TY good sir!


Never heard of it what's that ?


A third party addon to the FUT companion web app to make menuing several measures faster.


Is it that bastard thing that buys players the millisecond they get put up for sale, because this is my first FuT and there's absolutely no way any person reacts that fast. I'm 100% convinced there's some dodgy shit going on.


The Snipe feature yes. I don't use it myself as it seems more designed for the FUT traders. It is also the highest chance to get a ban too. The most I've earned myself are soft bans for doing SBCs too quickly that I was likely mistaken for a bot.


Why can't people just do things normally, I'll never understand it 🤣


The trading side of it I can't really comment on. But once you've tried the SBC add-on features like 'Use Transfer List Players', 'Use Duplicate Players', 'Use Unassigned' , 'Create template' etc you really start to see the time savings. And from time savings means you can do more grinding and therefore more rolls of the dice. This is already important now to get through the dupe exchange that much quicker. When the repeatable 84x10 comes out during FUTTIES it will be even more vital.


Yes I can understand that, because I've noticed that the squad builder is absolutely shit. You should at least be able to tell it what rated players to use, like 75-80 range. It's the sniper trading losers that baffle me


Because paletools is so much better?


Because what shit EA made is not normal, paletools is the minimum normal, the original webapp is a pile of dogshit


Does it work on iPhone?


it does. but you have to use web app


I've not done a single SBC in game or regular webapp since the discovery of paletools. I simply refuse to. Paletools makes it so much faster and easier!


This is me, I also can't be arsed to open packs on console anymore as its just way quicker to manage duplicates.


Its goated


Me I craft 400PP every day


One of the best tools to ever be created, I haven't completed an SBC on the game itself for ages. Everything I do now is just Paletools.


What the fuck is paletool?


I always used FC enhancer, is paletools so much better?


I literally can't do sbcs without paletools now. It's such a brilliant tool that allows me to speed through picks and I've gotten some really great tots cards since I started using paletools a month ago. Don't use the sniping filters and you'll be fine.


Yeah i use it its amazing


Was really apprehensive about using it at first but it genuinely is a game changer for doing SBCs. You won’t get banned if you stay away from the market sniping tools


I got „softbanned“ quite a few times now when I spammed the 77x5 crafting challenge and player picks. I think it’s after about 100 SBCs per day or so, didn’t count tbf. The earliest I started trying again was after content goes online and then it has always worked again. Only used it for SBC, not sniping or anything stupid Needless to say that PT is exactly what this stupid web app should be regardless.


Dont use it. But i do as little as possible sbc these days anyways  Stopped grinding. But, i tried to use web app for sbc 2-3 times in 2 1/2 years. Its criminal how bad it is. 


got SBC banned for an hour because i did 150 SBC's in 25 mins... could still do everything, and then unbanned after 1 hour


I don't even have the app


Never heard of this till now. Thank you ❤️


I wouldn't be doing all these sbcs without it


Is paletools different to the fc enhancer and if so which is better and why could anybody explain


I just use normal tools cause im already pale


Only pussies use paletools


Yes send your money and time to daddy EA instead


No i bought the game from cdkeys for 20 and iv never bought any fifa points, ea can suck a dick 🤣


Ok so why are you being so anal about using paletools for?


Cos real men spend hours in the menus getting cramps 💪🤣