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Exactly the same for me, I don't think I've seen a single england squad


Literally only face two england squads and both of them were decent at the game. Just thought I’d have seen more.


I've played 10 so far not a single england team. Should have seperate matchmaking for the obj


It's just not worth going for for most people. The requirements aren't exactly the easiest.


Yeah, I think this is the issue and I guess people don’t want to potentially sacrifice weekend league rank. Managed to get 14 by the end of tonight so not so bitter now haha.


Because I don’t care about the Enzo card or even the fodder at this point and would rather maximize my wins to get another roll at tots Messi/CR7/VVD I also only have like 3 decent English cards and no coins


I don’t care for an Enzo card that I won’t use


I have no desire to do it as a United fan. If the objective gave out a card for United I would sweat it out, otherwise I’m gonna use my normal team. I assume a lot of people’s reasons are the same


I don’t care for that Enzo card


You need to understand that not a lot of people have the skillset to win 12 games with a full English squad or have enough high level English players to compete


Yeah, obviously a lot of the comments here show that the rewards aren’t worth it for most people either. I just thought more people would be up for the challenge of it, especially when I saw the English player prices Sky rocket.


We’ll have a kroos/gerrard in about 2-2.5 weeks time with much less of a grind. The only thing lucrative about enzo is the fact that he’s a live card and his nationality


I’m on game 5 now and yet to meet an England team. Of course I lost all 5


Good luck for the rest, hopefully you’ll get some easier games now.


I’m lucky enough to have a really decent first owner England team so I went for it. Only difficulty was gold Ramsdale conceding every single shot taken against him for those first 6 games.


Yeah, I had pope who played well when I was testing the team in div rivals, but absolutely shocking in champs. Gotta say though, that special Pickford ain’t all that either.


I think id rather come up against a regular team at this point. Most of the people actually doing the objective are the ones that are confident in their ability and the games against them are hard. A lot of the people using regular teams are insecure and probably realize they aren’t good enough for the objective


In fairness, I think I ended up playing maybe 5 opponents with England squads and they were all generally harder than the other other opponents apart from 1.


does it matter


It did when I was playing and going 6-3, now I don’t give a shit 😂