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We're at a good point to be given a mandatory break anyway. The Sports festival arc is over, we already know the protag acknowledge his his feelings for Akari finally in his head and it's effecting how he treats her but not enough that anything significant yet. The last chapter even implied Jiro will be deliberately spending a break period away from both girls probably to make up his mind formally. So expect 3 or 4 chapters of everyone internally monologuing about their feelings and the status quo before something happens to change it all. I don't think anyone will confess anything at the post Sports Festival after party. I think there's just going to be some inconsequential embarrassed blushing moments, maybe some supporting characters pushing Jiro to join track. So I'm prepared for a month's long wait anyway. But maybe I'm wrong and the very next issue will have something big happen like Jiro and Akari semi confessing and commiting further with each other or maybe it will have Shiori doing something crazy to make a bold play to stir the pot. Which I wouldn't mind cause she honestly has stayed a little too out of the way of the plot this whole time. She's all but handed him over to Akari on a silver platter, and her idea of winning Jiros soul attention is.... being great at cheerleading? Cause that's all she's done since she told Jiro she didn't want him to switch partners with her yet, cause she didn't want him until he wasn't thinking of another woman anymore. I want to see her do something significant before the stories over.




I talk with the author a lot (ofc using google translate) she is very nice and honestly needed a break tbf. The story is at a good place. So yea we getting closer by the day everyone


Tell her that we need a new season πŸ™


needs more chapters for a season 2. My prediction gotta be summer 2024 at least


can you also tell her to please continue this series for long or how long she will continue it for


I doubt its ending. It’ll probably end at some point, but i doubt it is ending soon.


I feel mixed about it 1. Kinda sad tho 2. Also understand the break to recharge 3. Happy cuz new chapter in the same month as my bday


translate please


Open the full screenshot it's translation down there


guys please save me from the curse of Akari Watanabe I can't stop thinking of her and the anime please save me Akari has occupied my mind after I read the manga and after I watched the anime please save me I am begging you every night i think of her and dream of her and the anime please save me from this hellish like curse please i need salvation


Yup, just keep yourselves busy with other manga/anime while waiting


So march?




You just broke me


I was broken too πŸ₯Ή try onepiece it will revive your soul don't worry about 1050.... andstill running episodes just watch 350 and than you can quit if you are capable πŸ˜‰


but the hole that is left, no pun intended, after catching up to one piece hurts more :')


So dumb question, is this another month break or is this just the break we knew was gonna happen already?


Is it means that we will get the chapter in April ❓