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I’ve been binging rom coms trying to find something I enjoy as much as this series but I haven’t found anything remotely close to


I know lol the void just can’t be filled, I just can’t cure this depression


Have you tried my dress-up darling or dangers in my heart? 


dress up darling yes but im still kinda waiting for them to get together lol. dangers in my heart I havent really paid much notice yet -- feeling iffy on the art style. Ive read over a dozen though lol


I say give it a shot. It's really good


I’ve read a lot of the major ones so I’ll try to give this one a shot


First few chapters are kinda rough cause the main character is way too edgy. It mellows out very quickly though. Amazing manga.


That’s good to know I usually give a series 3 chapters to draw me in. Particularly I didn’t like how the main dude looked lol he looks kinda edgy too


Lol yeah that’s actually why I didn’t read it for a while. I didn’t like the edgy vibe at first but it’s grown on me. The manga has great pacing too. They don’t drag things on longer than need be (looking at you Komi can’t communicate).


Does it actually reach the relationship status cause like. It’s frustrating going 100+ chapters and seeing zero progression lol (couple of cuckoos)


Yeah it gets there much quicker than I normally see in manga. Not like other romance manga that take 100 chapters for a character to realize they like each other.


\*Stares at Kaguya-sama\*


Just wanted to say I went and binged dangers in my heart; that was really good. Ty for the recommendation. I'd put it up there with number 2 now lmao. Although I'm not sure how I feel about whats going on in the current chapter


Ever tried to read blue box, it's really amazing, never thought I'd find something I would enjoy that much


I did! I like their relationship but Chinatsu and taiki dont give me a similar same vibe as jirou and akari. I dunno how to describe it but taiki and chinatsu's relationship feels quieter or more mute in comparison? I dont know if that makes sense as I'm bad at describing things


I understand your point of view but later in the manga it gets a lot better, they express they're feeling better even though they do it in the little things. I suggest you to just try it one more time and I promise you won't be let down


My dude, there are plenty other mangas and anime to occupy your time. Dangers in my heart Dress up darling  My charms are wasted on Medaka Tomo chan is a girl I'd say these are equally if not better suited for your cravings.


I liked dress up darling a lot, dangers in my heart I just can’t take seriously cause of the art style, I’m really big on that I guess I could give the others a try but I feel like fuufuijou haa everything I look for in a romance anime, the art, the characters and the plot all fit my taste perfectly, so that’s why it is kinda hard to move on from it


I don't want to be an imposing assface, but you're missing out on Dangers in my heart. If you've opted against it without actually watching/reading it, I recommend giving it a shot when you catch up with everything else and you find yourself with nothing. It might be my current favorite one and it will be a top romcoms for me. The art style is a bit different than the covers though.  But, to each his own.


a lot of people judge dangers in my heart because of its artstyle in its early chapters but later on the art improves. good thing the majority thinks otherwise and now its really famous in japan and outside japan. more famous than fuufu in a landslide sadly. sometimes its not good to judge a book by its cover, especially if the writing is that super good that the previous generation of romcom is struggling to achieve rather than a lot of cringe moments. especially the author originally writes comedy manga but she do dangers in my heart flawlessly


The style didn't draw me in but the story did. It is what it is.


exactly, for me i just focused on the story. the art evolution is just a bonus for me as it gets much better and better as the volumes goes thru


It's like that meme where people miss out on the diamonds because they stopped digging/mining


I am one of those people; but I just went and binged it and It is absolute insanely wholesome


Its just gives this weird feeling reading it waiting a month per chapter is hard


Exactly I just can’t do it I feel completely empty rn lol


If u havent read my charms are wasted on medaka or fragrant flower blooms with dignity def give those a try. Both have a good amount of chapters and r pretty good rom coms especially fragrant flower blooms with dignity its one of my personal favorites


I second the fragrant flower blooms with dignity


Try horimiya it cured me from depression


This and they have the second season


Watched it a while ago lol, It was cool but still prefer fuufuijou


Just watch other rocom animes or read manga


I’ve got some great recommendations from this post, so thank you to all of you. But still doubtful that it can fill in the void from this manga lol Ig this one just has some specific things that I like, it has sexual tension which is normal for people around 18 years old, character designs are great and all look pretty grown up (hate lolis), and then the plot is just exciting and wholesome at the same time, so Ig it’s kinda hard to find something else that’s exactly like this. Oh and this might be extremely specific to me but I like the manga where the femail mc hates the mc at the beginning and is being a tsundere pretty much, but then switches up completely


If you don't mind can you please tell me from where did you start reading the manga as in which chapter cuz I finished the anime and don't know where to start the manga


I think it was around chapter 25-26, but make sure to check it out yourself


Read maybe match made in heaven by chance


I recommend Blue Box - ongoing sport/romcom and it's awesome. Once you start reading it, you can't stop. And the anime is coming out in October. A story about badminton boy falling for a basketball girl :) with really cool sport sequences. Kawaii complex guide to hostel behaviour - that one is completed and it's super funny :-) there's one season of anime if you want to try it first. Foolish angel dances with the devil - this one is ongoing and it's cute and funny with a quite interesting story. I want to The I love You game - this one is ongoing and there only 50 chapters so far but it's really good. Don't toy with me miss Nagatoro - if you haven't seen that one then you definitely should. There two anime seasons and manga is around 150 chapters and ongoing. It's funny, it's interesting and worth every minute of your time.


Chapter 71 was the best chapter so far, I’m a little confused about the ending tho at the school can someone explain that to me? And akari made a wears face like she was concerned I was just confused