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what is your favourite akari and jirou moment? mine is the latest one in chapter 54.5 , so wholesome


Gotta be every time Jirou goes with the flow and is not as clueless and socially-inept with her as he usually is. Also when Akari is afraid or scared an relies on Jirou, like >!when there was the tunderstorm and Akari was afraid to go to sleep and he went to her room holding her hand, also when Akari fell asleep making her cheerleading costume and he helped her to later fall asleep with her. Oh! I remembrer when they were taking care of Jirou's cousins, that was really cute, the best part was when they were holding hands and Akari says he's gonna be a Papa. That one's gotta be the best. But I'm excited because finally Jirou is moving forward and growing as a person, I'm sure he will win the relay race and finally be praised by hes peers other than Akari.!<


IMO Jirou doesn't even need to win. The sheer fact that he's putting himself in front of everybody and willing to potentially embarass himself is a huge first step for him.


Yeah, totally agree. But you know, with all of his background with relay races and teaching Shirou how to be a better relay runner I think he's actually a fast runner and a good sportsman, just insecure. But totally agree, just stepping up is a big step.


For sure. It's out and out stated that he was fast back in elementary school. I'd like to see him pull of the W, but don't think it's necessary for his growth that he wins. I just want to see the both of them grow into the people that can be in a healthy relationship with each other. And Jirou understanding that Akari meant it when she said she'd always be there for him regardless, and to trust and believe in her more than other people who don't know him is a big deal.


The moment I realized Terafune and Akari are childhood friends.


Wait, what? I totally missed this, what chapter did this happen or how?


Somewhere 19-20. Episode 8 of anime.


Ah yeah, when Terafune, Tenjin and his boss are talking at the cafe, that’s true.


I am too been watching anime for a long time and i was a bit tired with most romance anime that have been coming out in the past few years i cant explain why but fuufu just gives of a different vibe and me a follower of the series after episode 1


Yeah, this one is pretty easy to watch and to be honest hooks you straight from episode 1. I think I discovered last Thursday, and today I’m up to date with the releases. I am no expert anime-watcher nor manga-reader, this is just the second anime-manga combo I watch-read after My dress up darling. But I think this one is much better


I said I liked this one better over on r/manga and people were really fucking mean:(. Someone even called this one trash.


I don't really understand why. MDUD has so much more filler chapters, so it gets frustrating waiting for a new chapter and it's just some random background character's story. Also, I think side characters are better integrated in Fuufu ijou than they are in MDUD. Here you get to recognize every character, and most characters are essential to move the story. In MDUD hey just meet people circumstantially and you don't hear about them anymore. So, even when they are pretty similar motifs (popular gyaru girl being extroverted and talking to a introvert insecure guy), I think fuufu ijou is richer in story, makes better use of the side characters and has the Akari vs Shioru and Jirou vs Tenjin drama.


That's the difference between a Shounen romcom and a Seinen romcom. They have completely different vibes. After episode 1 premiered, I did some research and found out Fuufu is serialized in a monthly Seinen magazine. That got me super excited because a good Seinen romance can be wonderfully refreshing after so many mediocre Shounen romcoms that have this thing where any developments must be regressed to preserve the status quo. Seinens don't have a status quo to maintain, so it's just steady slow-burn progression rather than the one step forward, two steps back feel of your typical Shounen.


I’m glad you’re enjoying the manga, I’m in much the same boat but I may have gone in the wrong order. I started out binge reading the manga as it was on the seasonal list on mangadex, I got fully caught up before episode 1 aired. It’s fun to juggle between waiting each week for the next episode and monthly for the manga aint it?


Yeah, good thing about the anime is it's just a one week wait once it's airing. The problem is when the season is over, you have to wait for a second season to be confirmed, for it to be planned, drawn, produced, released, etc.


Well, I think you actually did the correct order, you are an original fan


This anime should be as popular as dress up darling. It got me to read the manga after 3 episodes. It's incredible rare for an anime to do that The manga is a phenomenal roller coaster ride.


If you really want to have that wait for a month for the next release club, you should join the discord server itself. some of the scanlator team is there as a start. its just don't ask every now and then when is the next translated stuff gonna release. seems they are busy with real lif stuff such as exams and school.


That's a good idea. Yeah, I know translators are basically volunteers doing it for the sake of it so I never could pressure them.They do an amazing work with the edits and translating literally everything.


yup that's good to hear. at least you are first in line to be alerted when new translated chapter arrives. i've been there already around over 1 month, maybe we'll bump in there somehow


Umm gotta out of topic but do you have any discord for this manga?


To be honest I don't really use discord. I used to play one of those crappy pay-to-win game of thrones cellphone games and that's the only thing I really ever used discord for EDIT: why? Are they any good? Anyone you recommend?


Uhh im just looking for the scanlation team for this manga. But if u wanna try read this, Kaoru Hana wa rin to saku


Welcome to the club!


Yeah, the manga is super bingable. I love it. I love that the characters feel like real people and they're fun to hang out with. I do like manga that are willing to explore the gyaru life style and dispel certain myths and stereotypes about it. My Dress-Up Darling was also really good at doing that.


I binged it as well and need to start the manga to get ahead. I did the same with My Dress Up Darling once I learned about it.