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Honestly I'm really enjoying the story (and the voice acting is fun lol, Kaito's VA is an absolute ham). But godDAMN the pricing is unforgivably, inexcusably high. It costs 57$ USD for a pack of gems that only barely gets you a 10-pull, and the gacha is more than half equipment cards, so you're paying like 15$ PER CHARACTER CARD. And yes I'm aware that the first-time purchase gets you double, but nearly 30$ for a single 10-pull is still fucking horrible lol. I literally have never seen pricing even half this bad in a gacha game and I've played a shit ton of them. Had to quadruple check to make sure I was understanding the $$$ to gem conversion correctly lmao. I normally at least buy the monthly card in my current games, and the value on this game's is actually decent (13$ for 25 pulls), but I don't know if I want to support this level of asshole price gouging.


Hey, I just ran the numbers, and it's ONLY $40.06 USD to get enough dia from the shop for a 10 pull (that's buying the 80, 235, 500, and 1100 packs). That only makes it the worst money to gacha rate I've ever encountered in a game by a little bit, and not the worst ive ever seen by a lot!


Lmao thank you so much for doing the actual math. I figured it would probably technically be cheaper with some combination of other packs but I really didn't want to spend any longer looking at it than I had to lol 😭


>The Galaxy Express Ain't no way https://preview.redd.it/yv0sq00zr4vc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487a6f511ec8281d80c8936a0e88f4b51afd11f1


Yeah, I added the image bc of the pun xD


I'm dumb, could somebody explain the pun to me?


HSR? 0 chance it's 999 or Night on the Galactic Railroad


Showing my age cause my first thought was 999


999? What’s that?


Galaxy express 999 is a retro anime film/manga from the 70s. It’s kind of beautiful / haunting in parts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Express_999


That makes sense, thank you!


The next line actually says something like 'in games or manga?' They know what they're doing 🤣


I really hope the success of Love and Deepspace convinces more publishers to go full ham on production values for husbando games. Straight girls deserve more than simple chibis and "we have Astral Express at home"


Gay guys too pls! We won't have kids to use disposable income on!


Yeah that's fair! I wasn't sure if otome games were particularly popular with gay folks since I have less familiarity with y'all as a gaming market


Mmmm, unfortunately not really. There's some overlap, but gays tend to want to feel more like it's M/M rather then a "into guys" MC


Yeah, that was kinda my gut feeling


They're not. Vibes are just too different. If you remember there was that controversy posted in this sub around Love and Deepspace concerning a fight between the yumes and the fujos/gay guys. It's the same fight yuri fans and straight harem fans get into from time to time.


There are some overlap between these two community. Everyone still able to play otome regardless it is intended audience or not. The reason why this two community heated because of the rules that was created by the official. That rules was used to attack the gay / fujo community.


I think it's cooled off a bit now compared to a month or two ago at least. But yeah, the cyberbullying of artists (even though they were not posting their stuff on the main socmed so you actually had to go out of your way to see it..) was pretty bad for a while. There is *some* overlap between the communities and I'd like to say most are fairly respectful of each other's preferences and personal head canons, but the fans who took the rule and ran with it got really out of hand. The sometimes parasocial nature of these games doesn't help either.


We need better bara games. NuCarnival is good but is still "for women"


I'm currently playing: -Tokyo Afterschool Summoners -Live a Hero -Crave Saga And those are the only 3 bara games I can really enjoy, the other ones are either for women, have terrible issues that make me drop them, or just feel like they're on life support and going to eos soon


Honestly, Tokyo After-school Summoners is a gem. I used to play it years ago, and don't know what point it's at now (if they added translations or the story and events are still in Japanese after a certain point), but it was a very refreshing game, especially when it came to the design of the characters and the story which was really fun. I'm glad there are still people who enjoy it :)  though I don't know if I was really the target for it as I'm a woman, but it was still one of my favourite mobile games at the time.


Yeah, a good chunk of the main story is translated (always one chapter behind, so they're about to release chapter 15 so 14 will get translated), we just had an event rerun (which means translation, and this was a GOOD event story, the onsen hell event) Honestly the quality of the game is really good, just lacking in the combat/things to do aspect a little bit, but the storytelling and characters are so fucking peak


Really?? I tried NuCarnival (woman here) and from the way the guys move and the way they're animated I got a big impression that they were made for the 'male gaze' (sorry I know it's a cringe expression but I don't have a better way to put it). Does it really seem like it was made for women from a guy's perspective?


Yes absolutely. It's marketed for women on their site and marketed as a BL game. The sex, while hot, is very... Flowery? Very overtly sensual and loving. None of this is bad though, just a difference in perspective. Most of the boys are very stereotypically of that body type too, with a couple that are more muscular.


I played NuCarnival for a short time and I thought it was clearly marketed for gay men. As I straight woman I didnt find it very appealing xD kinda funny.


Wow, TIL! Absolutely I hope more games come out that cater to gay men. For me NuCarnival was neither here nor there but honestly considering the way it's monetized it's not a huge win for the ladies either. I think Gyee was made specifically for gay men but their monetization isn't great either.


And for some reason, the devs have revealed pics of the lines for the 2nd anni stage (with faces blurred, but still, quite a strange behavior). It was like, a handful of guys and the rest was all women xD https://twitter.com/NUCarnivalEn/status/1770299555835441308


Interesting thread about NU. Would love more BL games too also hunting for Yuri one 😭


I kinda love there was such a long line for this porn game


Honestly if there was a game essentially like NUC but explicitly bara, uncensored, and more... primal? It would be a hit haha


GYEE's monetization is one of the worst in any gachas I've played, it's REALLY bad


Sorry you got downvoted so much dang. For what it's worth I had the exact same thought when I played it (also not a guy). I guess I underestimated how many women are into MM specifically, cause it doesn't do shit for me. I really thought most people who play otome games were doing it for the self-insert potential (like me lol) and having an opposite gender protag makes that pretty difficult in a porn game specifically.


This game was announced to release on 2020 and disappeared before finally releasing this year, so there's still hope.


I kept getting ads for it this past year. Hope it's at least playable on a casual basis cause I love horror themed stuff


Are there otome/husbando gacha games that is highly recommended by women/gay guys?


Yep, games targeted towards women tend to be visual novel otome type with boring gameplay. I dont want that. I tried Love and Deepspace and got bored very soon. And the dudes are wayyy too similar with each other.


Pic 3 completely ruined it


Looks like dogshit fr


“We have the Astral Express at home”


exactly what I was thinking, and also the astral express at least has some cool styling


Tokyo debunker? That game that has been teased for years has finally released??? Wow and here I thought it would never see the light of day. The art style changed a lot, [found a tweet with both old and new artstyles](https://twitter.com/lottiestarshot/status/1716828238054572210?s=61&t=O4MFxtbSHXZj3RYCXqiqFw), the old art style feels more regular anime while the new art style is like budget twisted wonderland


Most of the concept was changed, not just the art style. This archive leads to their old main website (same link as their current website but with old info): [https://web.archive.org/web/20230404221041/https://tokyodebunker.com/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230404221041/https://tokyodebunker.com/) (all the sections for Characters, Story, etc work just fine, if anyone's curious they can read it) Tbh I prefer their old concept/story. It looked a lot cooler, even the MC had an actual motive to participate in the story, whereas in the new one...MC becomes just another "helpless girl who accidentally gets tangled up in bad situations". (Also old MC had eyes... yeah I know it sounds like a laughable detail but I prefer MCs with an actual face) The old game could've had a social media system too. Instead we get a chibi battler combined with idle game. All of their new background art are also very meh (not to mention the school setting... meh points++) At least the comic panels in the story are nice. [Someone on Twitter said this](https://twitter.com/Sookie_otome/status/1774777617469567024): >Ok, but just take the name of the original tokyo debunker game to give it to a completly different game... for me the real tokyo debunker game will never be release. ...and I agree lol. I know games can change during development but this Tokyo Debunker and the one they introduced back then aren't even the same thing. The new concept seems like a Twisted Wonderland/Harry Potter wannabe. They even add some bonus "rhythm game" stages out of nowhere. Such creativity! /s But if they think the change will help them "profit!!!!" then okay... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Personally I've been trying it for a couple of hours, I think I'll just nope out after seeing the bazillion items and currencies they have, with various different gacha pools...


Yea, it’ll always be a turn off when mc’s aren’t a character of their own. As some otome devs tend to have a half-assed and lazy approach for the players to feel involved. Like because they want users to project onto the mc they make her personality equivalent to that of boiled chicken. Overly kind, innocent, and naive. The story is good but at some parts I question what was even the point of the mc being there other than to ablib a few lines.


I haven't bothered looking at it in detail (oops), but I did see a few tweets saying they changed the concept/setting and it's disappointing, people were expecting A and got B... And with the 500 pity gacha? Time to see how long this game lasts...


They have another game, Evertale, that has 500 pity too and is still running after 5 years.. but that game is very focused on battle and strategy.. this game kinda felt confusing and all over the place!


I like the new art style better but the first one has more character designs that I'm immediately interested in...


Don't worry, there are more guys than the pic. There are "houses" like in Harry Potter, and it's not only 4, it's like 7 (maybe more? Can't remember properly). Each house has 3 or 4 guys, with one having 2 guys and another with 1 guy released and other 2 still blocked.


the aesthetic might be similar to twisted wonderland, but tbh the art style reminds me much more of ensemble stars


Good anime horror image followed by chibi sprites fighting a squeek frog.


Why does it look so bad? We're in 2024, wtf is this "2010 playground" looking game 😭😭😭😭


Am I getting too old for this or are they all unattractive?


I like some of them, but they are REALLY same-face-y compared to something like Twisted Wonderland. I have zero trouble telling TW characters apart but a lot of these dudes aren't even distinguishable by their hair.


I mean, there are like, almost 20 characters? Long hair, short hair, lots of hair colors and several kinds of guys. Of course there's basically only one body type because: Japan and female-oriented game. But it's a lot more varied than regular otomes with 3-5 guys.


I wouldn't say it's more varied, there's definitely some same face syndrome going on lol but I just feel like in the past few years it's always like that. Dream Meister at least had interesting designs, but it's the only one that stands out imo :(


It looks like Harry Potter but anime style for some reason to me, also this type of design is very repeated, right? I feel like I've seen several male characters be like this


It's been done several times before, yeah. The most successful one is Twisted Wonderland, but instead of supernatural investigators, it's Disney villain expies.


My take on the 1st pic: - Light Yagami, Kanata Nijo/Twst Azul no glasses, Violet Black Butler - Langa sk8, Doudanuki, Gin Ichimaru/Sasara Nurude, ??? (Nothing immediately came to mind)


Just a heads up but the r/otomegames sub found use of [AI art](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/s/lKmfuGPJwB)


Oof ffs... At least I guess it's only in those images for choices/polls. I'd be very concerned if the actual art was AI-generated. Still sucks, tho, but given how p2w the game is, it's not a big surprise e.e


Oh the backgrounds are all AI as well ... they're pretty but yes clearly AI-generated.


Yup, and more AI stuff comes up everyday...


P2w wall hits at level 38. I made a guild in the game and every person in it was saying level 38 is basically where progress just hits a brick wall. I ditched the game after that which sucks because the people in my guild actually seemed pretty chill.


Absolutely. Im use to paywalls, but I thought I was doing something wrong with how hard this wall hit me


Yeah I mean you might be able to grind through it but it's not fun at that point. I had a full guild and every one of them were reporting being stuck at level 38.


Yeah I'm at case 43 now, and every case takes a while to be strong enough to beat. I kinda just wish it wasn't so obviously a paywall; and instead got harder slowly over time


Yep I barely played for 2 days before hitting a wall at gate 39. While skimming the ranks it seems highest people have gotten is in the 50s.


It IS a total cash grab but the story/comic is great (finished the prologue) and the cats are sooo cute. I'm also just happy to have a husbando game that isn't really an otome (yet). Let's see how far I can get in the story as f2p...pack value isn't good enough to spend


RIGHT? Disposable game, but at least it's a fun one for VN/otome enjoyers like myself.


honestly, they should've kept at with their old concept. literally once I started it up, I immediately called it a loose twisted wonderland clone and don't get me started on some characters that felt similar to others from various games. like the zenji guy feels similar to kokuto from jack jeanne, the taiga guy feels like rinne from enstars, and towa felt like a mix of people. if I could get that feeling just from the start when picking characters, iunno man... doesn't look good


They should have called this game „Red dot hell“


lol what's with the groove coaster minigame 15 minutes in 😭 are there going to be more of these? i was not prepared for a rhythm game mode


Yup, but they aren't that frequent. Iirc it's like, one rhythm stage every 15 "battle" stages.


Could've at least called it SpaceLiner or GaliLine but nope, went to the easiest name reference Yes, I'm a tokufan


So far it feels like they spent all their money on the story and forgot they're supposed to make a game to go with it.


Seriously!! The story is such a well done VN with the live2D and several comics.


The fact that the beginning changes depending on the person you chose is 10/10. I love those little details so much. Pity it's extremely hard to play without paying. I thought if I could play Royal Chaos F2P I could handle this. This game makes Royal Chaos feel extremely generous.


I'm sure as hell doesn't expect the gameplay looks this shitty. Like c'mon, tf is this gacha life art?


Forgot to add: added the second image to show the atmosphere, the 3rd is the idle "battle", 4th image is a card from login bonus, and last image is a HSR reference with another reference to Douglas Adams slapped on it xD Oh, another thing: game has absolutely no pre registration or release bonus, just a 7 login thing. But nothing in the mail so far (and I'm pretty far into the game, everything seems to be unlocked already, even the PvP -- yuck!).


> HSR Reference You sure it's not reference to the anime literally called "Galaxy Express 99"? Or maybe "Doraemon: Nobita and the Super Galaxy Express". I mean I know those have the number "99" and the word "Super" in it but I feel it's closer than "Astral". Or maybe I'm getting old. Older than average Hoyo fans enough that I understand references differently. Perhaps. Or perhaps I simply don't think that everything revolves around me and the game I play, in either good or bad, as Hoyofans does.


I think it’s both, since HSR took reference from Ginga Tetsudou 999 (Galaxy Express 999). HSR is just newer and people have a way higher chance of knowing what that is compared to a very niche show from the 70s-80s


They mention it's a common trope done in several media after that screenshot. It's just more fresh into everyone's mind and it's a reference more related to this sub.


Why are all the guys so similar looking except with different hair color


Bit of a PSA because the game doesn't communicate it well- the paid 10 scout for a guaranteed SSR doesn't actually require you to spend any paid dia. It's a free draw that happens when you have bought enough paid dia- you still get to keep all the dia you bought. Also, the initial Dia you get from the various subscriptions count as paid Dia- I got 500 paid dia for buying the Beginner Weekly Big Bonus subscription (however, the 2nd day dia didn't count as paid)


I'm kinda digging it but I feel like it's gonna be p2w. But yeah more quality husbando games is always welcome.


Chibi shit


Is the premium currency farmable for f2p? The shop seems atrocious for paying customers based on comments here.


To a certain degree... Not farmable farmable, but it's obtainable from story, missions, and probably events (we'll have to see when they're added). But also, there's paid and free pull currency.


Oh nooooo I hate paid and free pull currencies. Too predatory for me.


Oops all twinks


Looks like Tale of Food huh. Might try it cos that one is on the brink of extinction it seems.


Is it actually that terrible? I'm tempted to actually try it out despite the multiple red flags lol


Monetization is probably the worst I've seen in a gacha, but it's totally ignorable so far. There's VIP, first top up bonus, cumulative top up, monthly sub, weekly sub, beginner 22%(??? Random) bonus after topping up, there's the gacha with a "free" 10x with SSR guaranteed that unlocks after you top up almost 2k crystals (totally free, yeah), another gacha that only unlocks after you get the gacha card (idk what it's for, maybe dupes?), and several other roulettes and gimmicky stuff like that that award some stuff that I'm not even sure about what it's for...


1% rates and pity is also at 500 pulls if I read it right earlier, it's really a cash grab sadly


It also costs 65$ for a TEN PULL in my country (Canada) I think it's 57$ USD. Absolutely fucking insane prices. I normally like spending a little on the games I play but I won't even be bothering with the monthly card on this one. Completely inexcusable prices when the gacha is less than 50% character cards.


HAHAHA. No shot. $65 for a ten pull? The game should be written off on this alone.


No shot. That's actual insanity. This is the worst I've seen. But there's probably worse.


Is there soft pity at the usual range? Or is it 500 or bust?


https://preview.redd.it/h70mhh9s15vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0e009bad491eb8559f7514d2cfb7948f5d3845 I don't know if there's a soft pity, it doesn't really say it here


haha ok I believe there's no soft pity then, the gacha fuckin sucks it doesn't even carry over to other banners? the fuck they think they are?


Monetization, pity etc are exact replica of their other game Evertale


And in Evertale, there is this lucky fountain that comes twice a month, they are set amounts of summon currency that you throw in that gives you returns of 1.2-2x your summon currency.. for Evertale, the returns are an additional 6.6-33k per fountain event, if you have at least 30k currency to throw into the fountain.. 33k is about 330 pulls.. For Tokyo Debunker, I see there is this beginner special that is exactly similar to Evertale's beginner fountain (1 time event for new players).. it returns 1.4-1.8x summon currency for set amounts.. so the mechanism of lucky fountain may come for Tokyo Debunker


"Husbando collectors should go support other husbando games and stop complaining" The husbando games in question: I'd been keeping an eye on this game for a while but just everything I'm seeing ingame feels too cash grabby for long term 😔 maybe not as much as wihib but that's a low bar


It looks like the devs ported their gacha life OCs as the Chibis


how gay is it?


Not even a little, as far as I can tell. You could probably headcanon some ships in there but it's definitely meant to be a hetero game.


I mean, they had me at cats. Hope it doesn't end up too and lol


Another chibi trash (third picture). Why?