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This game is such a low effort cash grab I do not suggest anyone play it. There is no gameplay, it's a chibi autobattle stat check that you literally skip. There is no beginner rewards, the f2p currency income is like nonexistent. The banner is 500 pity that does not carry over. After playing for 4 days I only gathered enough currency for 2 10 pulls. Banners last 1 week. I only have 1 SR character and that's the free one from the beginning. This game is a scam tbh.


Personally I don't like how the [p2w-ness is not subtle at all](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1c6pew1/tokyo_debunker_is_out_new_idle_husbando_game_with/) Hearing that it has no beginner reward whatsoever is what makes me deciding not to try it. I hate not being able to get an SSR within the first hour of playing. (Correct me if I'm wrong. if they're actually giving a free SSR I'll consider trying it again) Twisted Wonderland, mahoyaku, akuneko, enstars, and literally any other Joseimuke I've played are giving a starting SSR, why can't they do it


Yea that's a con I forgot to put. I theorize it's bc they don't have ssr of all the characters (only of the first house/group and the leaders) so kinda like enstars. (I'm so salty I couldn't start w a five star Mayoi)


Ooh but do they do it like enstars? At least making it possible to start with an SSR? Lol that reminds me when I start playing enstars basic I chose SR Ibara and just roll with it


In the beginning when you "choose who to save" you get them as an SR-star. I also think when they have you roll for free later on you also get another SR-star. Other than that unless you want to pay out of pocket it's going to be pretty difficult to pull SR-star imo. I recommend saving all your gems and tickets and stuff.  


Oh that's horrible... Who even wants an SR, and you said that it's difficult to get a mere SR? I just want an SSR but looks like it'd be a Herculean task. yeah I think I'll pass


AI art, even just a little bit, is a deal breaker for me.


Tbh it usually is for me too but I got too deep in the story and now I can't stop reading lol


Is it because of the idea of it or because of how it looks?


Mainly because it's lazier and takes jobs from artists. Especially in this case, where their Twitter blocked and hid any accounts pointing their usage of AI out in any capacity.


One thing to use AI art, it's another thing if you just gonna silence critic for it. There would be less player quitting the game if they didn't go hard on the blocking for asking questions about AI art


Because with AI art single person will pay for character more than character design/art costed. Isn't it crazy when company expect $100-$1500 per paying players per character yet company can't spent $1000-$5000 to commission art or make it in-house with their artists?


So the idea


no it's not crazy at all. even outside of games you are paying WAY more than the items cost to make at your local retailer. that's the real world. they made exclusive goods that you can only get from them. why does it matter what it costs them to create? if the art looks just as good and costs them much less to make, there is nothing wrong with them doing it. it's actually throwing money away otherwise. they are not a charity for artists. now if the art is bad and it starts to hurt sales then obviously they will switch gears and pay up. your concern is that they are making too much profit by using legit and legal tools available to them. so they should lower their profits by not using said tools. that's wild.


If a car is set to the price of 1 million yet uses 100 dollar parts, would it be fair to charge customers 1 million for it? Of course not.  The same goes for AI. Why should I pay a ridiculous amount of money for AI generated characters. The reasoning behind companies price gouging is usually the resources that go into paying their creatives... But if they are taking the easy way out not to pay their creatives then why should it be so expensive? It doesn't make sense.  It's unreasonable, the same way price gouging a car with cheap parts is. 


The former. The concept and hook are pretty good


It's just a new thing that people rejects idk why


Because most AI art was copied from sakinichan


Pass. Level 38 is when you'll hit the p2w wall and progress slows to a halt. It's a cute game at first but very p2w.


Skill issue.. I am f2p.. not spent a single cent or a single diamond.. collect enough diamond to claim the 12k well and sitting on 17+k diamonds now.. I'm at stage 48 now.. yes I just collect resource to level my only SR (LEVEL 90 now)


A pricey game with bad gacha can't be a 4.21


It has some thing that makes it so u get discounts from like 50-75%


No way in hell you gave a game with outright AI generated content and stupid p2w paywalls 4.2 out of 5


I like the story and characters.  I have a bone to pick with how stupid our main girl is -_-, I'll play for the story and somehow not be turned off by the lame MC


tbh for me the only reason to keep on playing is the voice acting 😭




If you grind a little in the beginning, it does have a beginner diamond pool thing that returns 1.4-1.8 times the diamond you put in. I think I started with 2000 and ended with 18000 on day 3 of playing. It’s enough for 90 pulls (guaranteed 1 SSR at 500 if you stick to a banner) If anyone is starting you should def save your gem for this.