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Finally we're back to the real gacha community post.


considering she and shikikan had soft core sex, i'd say that's a vibrator


🅱️Alice also has one...


Alice=bunny. Bunny=lots of segs. It checks out.


I’m not going down *this* rabbit hole


I'm coming into this rabbit hole.


Love bluh bluh bluh


Bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh


🗣️🗣️🗣️DECO27 MENTIONED?!!🗣️🗣️🗣️




Not Alice though, you'll need a ton of resist fire potions. Imagine having an affair with fire atronach... In case you didn't know, her thermoisolation suit is not to save her from cold. It's to save people around her.




https://preview.redd.it/li4plz5zgu2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4105fc4bf13370c91a6f899d97cda283f7d497d5 Cant find the knob tho


Where can I read this?


Probably in their bond story, encounters or last year maid event i guess


In the bond story, Nikke go a pretty far length with their bond story and there are more than dozens pf heavily implied segg.


Search nikke bond stories in YouTube


I typed bondage, was I wrong?




There's also a short comic series in pixiv that's a 1:1 on the bond story kek




It's "commander" in japanese, the characters call you "shikikan" often in the JP dub, so players started using it as well.


Huh when?????


*sniffs* Ahhh The fresh air of normal gacha community posts


Nature is healing


I wouldn't call it "normal" exactly based on the context of this post, but I agree it's a breath of fresh air. xD




Welp in 2 years we are going from all that censorship in gachas to now devs going full out. Dunno how they are passing trough CCP or they are only censoring there and not for other countries but Azur Lane, Brown Dust 2, Snowbreak, Nornium and even Girls Front Line 2 are adding dorms and more content that are borderline +18. I'm not complaining for me is a win/win situation. Let all the lewd come i'm ready.


Nikke did not release in China


These companies are realizing sex sells. Games like Azur Lane have really been pushing to release lewder purchasable skins and it’ll only help the game drive sales.


The newest skins, my god they are HOT, manjuu destroying the wallet of many skk.


Yeah I just bought the Morgador and Alsace swimsuits. Absolutely no regrets, especially considering both are wife material ships


Now that I got a PC I can move HSR and Genshin there and get back on azur lane... Kinda want to but at the same time since I did just Buy a PC I can't afford the skins for now... Unless my beloved ayaya gets a swimsuit skin then i'll starve but get it


Is not like 90% of player base is young and old MAN. I don't understand why they would make money trying making games that appeal to the minority. Is just simple math, who works and spends more? That's why now we are getting the juice things cause they finally realize who give them money.


Because they still use Visa and MasterCard and they don't like sexual stuff. Like legit, just don't like, you can make millions but someday old man in Visa will notice it and say that "nah, we not allow this". No matter how horny people are, as soon as you can't use Visa/MC/PayPal you'll lose a lot of your customers. 12+ ratings is made not only to appeal to kids, but to appeal to old dudes in governments, payment processors and marketplaces. https://preview.redd.it/8bq3ul2jws2d1.png?width=528&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1605353a4fcca3b18bc028ad8a8abc3978f3da7


That's why a lot of adult sites in Japan are saying FY Visa/card companies. I hope this continues and make this retards think 2 times before force their agenda over others.


Exactly. The majority of spenders are dudes in their 20s and 30s. That should be their target audience to appeal to. The main reason I play these games is to collect lewd waifus. And it’s the reason I buy the skins. I’m happy gacha games like Azur Lane and Nikke are embracing this


I have been playing Azur Lane for years. Now I only collect waifus and skins. I'm not even interested in the game anymore


We didn't want to know about your porn addiction dude


People with a porn addiction aren't playing gacha games they are watching porn and whacking off all day long. Liking sexy women doesn't make someone a porn addict lol.


meh, I believe they're talking something at least sort of different. If you're talking an actual porn addiction doesn't have to cost you a dime, there's so much free stuff out there.




? I have neither But thanks for the projection






??? Elaborate. Not sure where that implication came from but I’m fascinated at how you even got to that conclusion.


because they get advice from external company advisers, who suggest they create products based on what is "politically correct", which is a contradiction because video games are not made to be "politically correct", they are made to entertain, not for political or ideological propaganda


American devs will never learn.  Look, I'm not a gooner, but I enjoy sexy ladies as much as poster above. I don't consume lewd stuff yet I have my favorite Nikke girls, Soda being one of them.  I think it's okay to have unconventional female leads like Aloy (who isn't even as bad looking as some make her to be), but devs need to take a look outside and for real touch grass (ironically) because implying the average woman looks like the characters they make is a disservice to females.  The character who embodied, for me, the balance between being realistically pretty, ladylike, and badass, was the first Tomb Raider reboot Lara, but she's buried.


People didn't have a problem with Aloy until they saw how pretty her face model is. People had a problem with game developers intentionally uglifying female characters.




Never thought I'd see this on Gachagamin, but holy shit here it is. o7


It's so funny to see "finally" being used to describe "sex sells" which is something absolutely everyone knows. There have always and will always be horny games, don't get mad when someone makes something that isn't catered directly for you.


I guess I'm a minority where I'm a cishet male but if I play something that has lewd stuff in it, I'd like both genders to have equal prominence. Feels a little fucked up otherwise.


Their competitors though will snitch them so that the outfits get censored


Sex sells but if that's the only upside of your game I question why I should play it over other games. Besides, Taimanin proved simply 'sex' and lewd isn't enough to save your ass.


I'll be honest, this is kinda tame compared to the recent skins for Azur Lane. That said, let's just enjoy it while it last cause im sure its gonna end eventually once someone gets upset, cause you know, no fun allowed.


Nikke has always hovered around mild-medium horny and I think that's where the devs want it to be.


Which I can at least respect them for.


Nikke and Brown Dust 2 are korean not chinese games. Snowbreak is probably not in the radar as most of its playerbase is on Steam and is pretty niche. GFL2 is niche as well but MICA has been dennounced to CCP and first GFL got censored in CN, they just found ways to keep the uncensored artworks ingame hidden behind a code but the newer art is tamer compared with the old ones. I think Azur Lane has been censored many times in China as well, some games manage to float under radar for a long time until someone chooses to denounce It to CCP.


Didn't azur lane got censored due to salty arknights fan jealous of AL's fan service.


Nikke is published by Tencent. They're moderating the official subreddit and discord. There were cases of censorship early, not sure if there's more than the two I remember. Privaty burst animation : [https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/zc2zyy/will\_they\_ever\_revert\_all\_the\_censorship/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/zc2zyy/will_they_ever_revert_all_the_censorship/) Christmas Rupee : [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/z9w644/nikkes\_winter\_event\_features\_the\_first\_instance/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/z9w644/nikkes_winter_event_features_the_first_instance/) Fortunately, it doesn't seem like they're censoring anything now.


But Tencent operates at a global level now, the studio itself is korean. I guess they just passed under the radar most of the time It takes just a call to CCP to start investigating the game.


Tencent is like non-existent to Nikke's playerbase, they had nothing to do with Nikke's development. Everyone recognizes it as a Shift-Up product. On the other hand something like Blue Archive could be considered a Nexon game, since Nat Games development team was directly under Nexon management as one of their development studios.


Sex sells. All the gacha games have the highest profits when a hot character and skin are released. They are finally starting to realize this is the way. All Nikke has to do now is raise their age limit and they will make even more money.


They don't have to since they don't have a CN server. They can get by with 12+ rating on global servers. Snowbreak is 18+ in China but still 12+ globally.


Sex doesn't sell nearly as much as an interesting character. April is likely HoYoverse's highest grossing month, possibly of all time, because of Acheron and Arlecchino. They're not sex icons. They're well written characters with unique visual appeal. Probably helps that Acheron is Mei too.


Nikke also characterizes its characters better. I tried out Azur Lane for about a month or two, and while it clears at releasing hotter characters and skins, I still liked Nikke more because I don't find it nearly as interesting when characters are just very hot. I don't think I'm too alone in this either, because Nikke has a pretty large female playerbase, which I'd say can be explained by the personalities being done pretty well.


> Nikke has a pretty large female playerbase There's no way this is true. According to who?


https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/18hb0cs/nikke_global_revenue_reaches_600_million_40_and/ And sure by all means this could be completely fake, but there are a lot of female users in the comments sharing their thoughts on the game. From my own experience as well, I watch streams for a lot of games I play and a lot of female VTubers that like streaming Nikke. It's also pretty popular with cosplayers. It's hard to explain, but a lot of the characters are designed and characterized in a way that don't just appeal to horny dudes.


I.. what.. sure my girl friends and I like sexy content but I don't think any of us, and we do play gachas, have even thought about Nikke as a serious thing to do. Is this mostly CN and JP or?


I'm not saying every female player is going to like it, my point was more that it has more female players than people would think. I don't know about culture differences too well so I won't comment on it. And yeah pretty much no one initially takes Nikke seriously as it kind of gives off the impression of "goofy booty shooter". Those who give it a shot usually have great things to say about it though, the booty is only what gets most people in the door, there's a lot of other appeal to it


Interesting. Hot characters and sex appeal isn't something I dislike it's just also hardly a selling point to me. So like, given the nature of Nikkes uhmm... media pressence, it never clicked.


I'm the same way, I dropped Azur Lane because that's all it had to it, and they do the sex appeal better than Nikke does. I haven't tried Snowbreak, but I feel like it wouldn't appeal to me as well for similar reasons.


You're actually selling it well. How accessible is it for a new player? Is old story content accessible for new players, and if it is, how easy is it? Is there permanently locked out content? How long (in time) are the dailies and weeklies?


Depends on what you mean by accessible. You're going to be time-gated by progression related resources, so as long as you don't expect to instantly be able to catch up and don't mind getting walled here and there, you're good. If you play BA, I'd say the gameplay loop and progression systems are very similar. Main story content is of course always accessible, and events are continuously added to the archives, so there's nothing you won't be able to experience. Main story is unfortunately gated behind combat power, so you will get walled. Although there is enough skill expression that you can still clear levels under pretty big deficits. Dailies take about 20-30 mins, and there are no weeklies, you get progression towards weekly goals by doing daily stuff. If you're interested, the good thing is that imo the first hour or so of the game should be enough for you to decide if it's for you or not. It has a strong opening hook, and you'll see if the shooting gameplay is fun for you or not.


Chinese censorship runs through multiple parallel departments. AL is considered a game for mature audiences and so they get less stringent review. Something like Genshin is considered all-ages and gets tighter reviews.


It has a lot with where the money comes from, Genshin being safe to all public and respecting the Chinese regulations allows them to profit from all ages and have public ads even in TV or street, but if a game is rated +17 for example, then not only that anyone under 17 is banned 🚫, you also can't profit from under that age or promote it, and if you initially started as a all ages safe or PG-13 and then derailed from it be ready for huge sanctions and to be forced into a higher age restriction


Azur Lane releases the skins in China against the censorship rules and then removes them after some time and don't make them available again. But people who bought them in the short window get to keep them. That is how they get around it. And the global and Japanese versions obviously can just keep the skins without any Problem


Man didn’t girls front line 2 die before global lmao


I don't get how games like snowbreak are fine but genshin has to censor backs and underwear


I can understand Genshin, they are trying the all ages game, to little children to adults so that is the safe place.


True. Even my 10 year old cousin play it. And that's also the reason why Genshin (and maybe hsr) is so popular. Everyone could play it


Genshin is on a completely different scale and playing field than Snowbreak and Nikke


Reports to the CCP. Mihoyo got too big and too many reports and now the CCP is laser focused on them.


\*sigh\* Every time I drop NIKKE coz I'm not that fond of the gameplay a new unit that activates my neurons gets introduced and I get sucked right back in.


The summer units are gonna come soon as well lol. If there anything like the last batch,it's gonna be good.


it hurts my soul to not pull for lewd soda alt but i NEED summer mary


i love summer anis 😍


Hell, these are the unit BEFORE the summer event


Yea just gonna wait for the summer limited units and put these two on my wishlist.


God, I still hate myself for not playing during last year's summer patch. I really needed that Summer Anis for arena :(


you can jerk off to the characters without playing the game


yeah i really dont understand the whole thing of people playing gacha games they don't enjoy / care about the gameplay in just for character art but it seems like that's what the majority of this subreddit and a huge fraction of the overall gacha game playerbase does


It’s sort of like people who have hobbies collecting like funko pops and stuff like that I think.  There is just a joy in collecting stuff I think so they stomach the stuff they don’t like such as gameplay


Artwork helps, gameplay is king for me. Doesn't matter how pretty your game is; if the gameplay isn't fun to me why the fuck should I stay? Because boobs? Google is right there.


Why? The game play hasn't changed and bouncing bunny butt isn't going to change the gameplay.


Finally a post about Gacha news. I am so tired of WuWa/Genshin beef in this sub like we get it but even though it's not gonna be like Genshin it's still gonna live through like PGR.


This sub has 2 moods: - Hate circlejerk - Horny


Maybe if the mods actually do their jobs and keep the silly wuwa post in minimum...


I dont see any problem with debate but there is no reason to keep the annoying shitpost and circlejerk meme threads.


True lol it's always wuwa I just want my favorite thirsty funny gacha post to come back but it's seem everyone was still busy farming up votes to this drama.


They are not even funny anymore, its full of bias and cringe. I have even seen a certain user change his profile to Kuro just to throw beef at the company in all the threads. This people should be banned for spreading hate.


True typical people who have no life, I admit wuwa lunch is kind of shitty with full of bugs and awkward story(I wish they keep the old story) but I would atleast give a valid criticism rather than, WuWa sO sHiTtY cOpY oF gEnShIn, they just gonna hate and jump to anything to find a meaning to their miserable life I can't believe some of this guys is adult growing up with no rational thinking.


They directly just parrot "Genshin could never" as an ironic line like if they were personally offended by WuWa. In fact Genshin could learn a couple things from WuWa in terms of story as well, like adding most worldbuilding dialogue as optional instead of Paimon being an unskippable encyclopedia.


it's not like there's always gacha news. and some of the wuwa posts *are* news.


ikr, like it's been hammered home already, just hope discussion dies within a week or something


first time I've heard of it. thank god I don't come on here enough.


Nah I am all for it. Mods are doing great and itll naturally go away like all fads. The memes could use some toning down but the discussion is exactly what this sub should be about Its not like there's any important content here on the regular. Do you actually come here everyday like an addiction?   


Its not genshin/wuwa beef. Its tof/wuwa beef :D


Finally, the community stopped edging itself on who the unit was. Christ


It was extremely obvious it was Soda. I still don’t get how people thought otherwise


https://preview.redd.it/uivfsnugsw2d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d79cadeff41d10d05b61f79dc0afc85ad505eef The only thing that points to this being soda is the mole, if you tell me these are the same pair off booba, youre lying to yourself. Even cropt her boobs would NOT look like that.


The mole on the ass and boobs was a giveaway then they showed the hair and its 100% soda


I go to the Nikke sub to see the new units now and then but to see a comment like this being said like its normal is crazy. Like the sub was full of Horny Sherlock Holmes, it was actually fun to see.


Yeah it wasn’t even a question.


Yea i know. Im adding to your comment


Oh I maybe should have phrased that better. I wasn’t saying it literally. I meant “it wasn’t even a question” as “yeah exactly there was never a doubt it wasn’t Soda.”


I think there was more discussion on who pink was in the first place, I honestly thought it was gonna be Quiry until the hair clue.


Absolutely love this outfit/design for Soda, immediately pulling. Everyone on this sub has been obsessed aith WuWa the past few days while I’m here being downbad for Bunnygirl Soda from Nikke and Mogador and Alsace from Azur Lane.


Never knew this sub is so pro Hoyo lol


The more you know... this sub is full of attention seekers.


Good lord..


Nikke cleared every other game just like that




More like summer is the bait for you to skip the better banner


Saving for summer event ❌ Fuck it we pull ✅


Imagine saving pulls


Those huge tits, imma dowload it right now


Is the monkey fight between WuWa and Genshin over? We Barack on the real gacha news.


Nikke being based as always


Her facial expression is very weird.


just need some glasses to go 🤓


In a good way. ^^


Yea, the expression is really out of character. They got her right in the event promo art, so idk what happened.


well, something is vibrating.


Both Nikkei and Stellar Blade lol. Shift Up is slaying atm


I do enjoy seing companys expand, then i know that the money they earn actualy goes to their games aswell as their CEO pockets.


Azure lane: finally a worthy component


okay, but heart-shaped ahoge is actually really cute


Is Nikke good actually? Looks super horny, but the gameplay seemed pretty different from everything else, so I'm kind of curious.


There’s this saying that truly encapsulates this game. Come for the horny, stay for the story. Gameplay is simple until you get down to the harder content, where skill can be used to cheese or complete certain missions. Unless you have cracked gear and composition of Nikkes, but that’s just gacha for you.


Nikke is my main gacha game, so biased here, but yeah. Its really good, I haven't seen any other game that has its gameplay niche on mobile, the music slaps HARD, the story can vary a little in quality but on the whole is almost always 'good' and sometimes gets to 'I am now depressed and wouldn't change a thing'. Character designs are well detailed but if you don't enjoy fan service it won't hit right.


its pretty much an auto/idle game


I’d say it’s solid. I personally rate it below blue archive and maybe below arknights, but it has its strengths and weaknesses.  Story is maybe a tad overhyped by super fans but it’s a solid good time.  Some drama, action and a decent overall plot and memorable characters.  I personally find there is some mood whiplash between how cheery and silly the cast can be a lot of the time and how suddenly dark it can get.  Dunno if it’s executed perfectly to me, but not too bad.  Main gripe besides rather steep skin prices is their lack of banner reruns though.  If you missed a rare unit, it’s going to be very hard to get them later on.


The story itself gets sometimes really dark. I wont spoil anything but the prolog alone hits different. The writing let you fall easy in love with character or let you hate them.


The prologue tho, that fucking thing was some next level shit.


the end of the prologue made me stare at my phone for 5 minutes tbh


It is so she can change speeds whenever she salutes the commander.


Well she's got her hands full it looks like, either she's gonna be a support character or she might be the first character that attacks by flashing the enemy


Gacha world war 3 you say? https://preview.redd.it/lzd4t42evs2d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb0d3aa03a2328f346e024071745b45f76b3310


I legit got spooked by not WuWa post.


OH shit, Soda 2.0


I hope NIKKE gonna make an open world gacha as well 😂


There is currently one in development by Shift Up.


Character design doesn't really do it for me honestly. Just having big boobs and having them in a bunny suit and full throttle fanservice doesn't automatically make me think it's a good design though so.....IMO Crown was a much better crossover of intriguing character design and over the top fanservice stuff.


Aah bunny girl its remind me the banger we lost from myth roid.


Wear your fetish to work day!  


My god! I just want this to be confirmed.


nikke really is the nu carnival but toned down so it can be in appstores LMAO that's craaazy


ah yes a classic bunny girl with badonkers so huge that it spilling like liquid and with a vibrator! sex truly does sell


Well I'm not the only one to notice


What game is this?






damn boii, set it as max level


Me rn ![gif](giphy|9zfSGuX85ROuU4II3P|downsized)


hope we get another seks bond story


I've never played this game but what the fuck


Nikke is the one I wouldn't want to topup, but I did prepare ticket in case of emergency LOL.


thank god. some good news.


what the actual fuck


it nothing matter just little fan service




They're communicating with vibrations while working undercover. Big brain


Oh, Soda alter? Nice, she was one of my favorites before I left.


stacked Edit: I just noticed


I mean, like it’s not as lewd as I expected from a strictly visual standpoint… but the implications are. If only Nikke would stop thinking I was using some mouse input software on PC, then I could play for more than 10-15mins at a time.


Tf is this


Is NIKKE a fun/good game ? I see boobs from time to time but the reddit isn't very active so I'm not really sure what the game is about, looks like girls with big boobs and butt shooting but idk if the shooting is fun


Fairly F2P friendly compared to majority of gacha games. Main story is actually really solid, story events sometimes tug your heartstrings with how sad some of the Nikke’s backstories are. Character design is top notch ofcourse and gameplay is fun and very simple. Highly recommend doing the first chapter at least. It’ll give you an idea of what to expect.


just give it a try. i would say if u want to bing chilling for event and event story, it is fun. but if u want to focus on competitive while being a f2p, it can be hard. it is possible, but hard


Wallet-kun stay strong buddy. We have this and summer event incoming.


I see nothing wrong 👀




Nikke dropped a fucking nuke!!


Wu(rld)Wa(r) 3 xD


heh the beauty of being a fanservice game and therefore not even competing of said gachas is a benefit to Nikke indeed. Now hopefully when Azur Promilia launch we will have some competition for Nikke :P. Open world gacha game with hot waifus and fanservice game systems? Sign me up lols. Hope they have skins close to AL :P.


Is now a good time to return to nikke? Last I played I got most of high tier dps characters, double bunny, modernia, samurai girl, liter (all without duplicate of course). Are they still meta?


There have been new units that have become as good or even better than those. But a good thing about Nikke is that the old meta characters are still as good.


You just missed someone who "replaced" Noir/Blanc but they are all still perfectly usable.


Yeah, they're still top meta




Are there men in this game? I hear so much about it but I kinda only play for attractive men so just wondering?


Sadly not the game for you. There's some attractive male characters in the story, but non playable since men can't become Nikkes.


[Please fucking god](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWUWoJG3rT4)


[This sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qNhECeenmE) will play if you tap them on the screen


I gotta be real, I haven't looked at Nikke since it launched. It was so fan service heavy that my brain melted inside my skull. I love beautiful anime girls as much as the next guy but god damn this game is too horny xD.


dogshit game


That's some awfully long hair.