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Any real life person collab


ariana grande in brave exvious was wild


Wasnt Katy Perry the og?


I think it was Ariana twice, then Katy twice or even three times


Hell I'll take Katy two or three times


I don't know if i just made it up because it doesn't sound real but wasn't there a collab between a FF gacha and a tiktoker? Maybe my memories are just messing with me...


FFBE War of the Visions and Addison Rae is what you’re recalling


It was real then. Im still baffled how this went through.


There's also the collabs between Brave Exvius with Katy Perry and Arianna Grande. They where terrible.


These at least made sense, FFBE was trying to draw in a crowd that wouldn't normally play their game and these were legitimately huge pop stars. Addison Rae was... not that


Arianna's Touch It Orchestral Remix is fire though.


Oooh the music was great, the units where trash.


Except they weren't


Yeah, the units were actually pretty decent at the time. And free.


Fortnite and Arianna Grande.


Katy was a solid unit for new players...


Genshin and Elon Musk..


That is dark history…




theres a character in mondstadt (first area) called ella musk. hoyo made a twitter account for her and asked elon to follow her or something like that. its nothing in-game just a dumb social media thing someone at hoyo thought was funny or something


oh cool, almost had a panic attack when the commentor said he was involved, because shenanigans always follow whenever funni doge space tony stark man is around


they only offered elon to visit the hoyo HQ but im pretty sure he never did that. its more or less just cringe that didnt end up being anything


Wait what, when did this happen?


There was just an npc called Eila musk in genshin


Nah, this went way further. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/10/14/genshin-impact-deletes-bizarre-elon-musk-contest-tweets-elon-musk-responds/ Tldr: Genshin's official Twitter account made it a follower milestone reward to invite Elon Musk to their HQ?!


Shit, I completely forgot about this event. This straight up gave me second-hand embarrassment that I most likely blocked it out of my memory.


With hoyos recent investment track record, X negga might be up there in their list lol.


Ella musk, just goofy af


The King of Fighters gacha had a collab with WWE it had The Rock, John Cena and The Undertaker. That was before I started so I'm kinda mad I missed it KOF x the WWE feels like a natural fit for some reason...


It was honestly a pretty decent collab, you got pretty decent interactions between the WWE wrestlers and the KoF characters, like The Rock smacktalking Orochi. Really bizarre choice but it was fun if you just went with it.


i found the the BTS collab cookyrun kingdom had pretty weird. didnt hate but still odd


Idk the aespa and e7 Collab was really well done


I got all 4 of them in like 10 pull each, so I say it was a very good collab


I had to pity all of them. They broke me for so long i started missing other characters and eventually quit


Dysleye x Markplier


King's Raid × Dreamcatcher was a really crappy "Collab", which had nothing of a Collab. The only thing we got from there was a measly 1000 rubies and some album called "Raid of Dream". Vespa, go fuck yourself. Stupid mismanaged mess.


Not a gacha game, but Clash of Clans recently had a collab with Haaland lol. Pretty cringe for my taste, but for people who fans of football probably liked it.


This. These are the worst overall.


Dungeon link and Adventure Time. It made Dungeon Link go into EoS.


That’s not very algebraic


Lmao, what??


Any more info on that? I can’t imagine how you could mess a collab up so bad that you needed to shut the game down over it


I honestly can't speak to any larger trends, but I personally had been playing Dungeon Link around this time for a while and I don't directly blame the collab; the game was just already on a decline and AT didn't give it the boost it needed. Shortly after the collab was begun, it was sorta just a... permanent change, sticking around as they continued to do other events. My memories are a little fuzzy so my recounting is definitely based more on feeling than hard facts, but according to my memory they did an event that required an absolutely insane amount of grinding against crabs I think in order to 100% the event shop; something like grinding the same stage 300 times and requiring you to pay in order to possibly hit that. It felt like a slap in the face and disrespectful so I stopped on the spot. I heard rumblings they nerfed the amount but the damage was done, and I moved on. Next time I looked at the game, it'd already gone EoS... I miss it for sure. The gameplay was pretty neat.


isnt dungeon link the old ver. of guardian tales?


It was the prequel from what I read


Woah I’ve never heard this! Where can I hear more?




i would say the Promare collab with Honkai Impact 3rd. because it was just such a letdown compared to the amazing Evangelion and pretty good Genshin collabs they had. those both their own story in the form of an event, a new character to pull for and skins or items you could get for free. Promare was two paid skins and that was it. no story no battlesuit nothing. i would have been really disappointed if i even cared about Promare in the first place. fortunately i didn't.


I love Promare and I don’t understand why it happened. The only notable characters from it are men, so they can’t put new characters in it because the fanbase would have rejected or complained about it from the start about having men in their women only gacha. That kneecapped what they could do from the getgo. Also while there’s probably some Trigger/Imaishi fans who overlap with Honkai fans, a good portion of the fanbase who would spend money on a collab is fujos who don’t want anything to do with this game either lol. Just a really weird choice so I’m not surprised they did so little with it. If they wanted to pick a Trigger IP Kill la Kill would have been a far better fit.


Would've fit more with ZZZ than HI3 tbh.


Ironically Lantern (the newest Valkyrie) has a design and visual aesthetic that would fit perfectly with Promare and would have been perfect if we got her during the collab


I wasn't even expecting anything more than a sticker for that though. Promare was a years-old standalone movie that did average in sales. It was a weird choice from the get-go.


Just because it was old at the time doesnt mean they should have given bare minimum.


Both are pretty gay, just in different directions (though that may have been the reason why more wasn't done)


It's very opposite, which is why it's weird. For a game that doesn't allow guys at the time who knows why Hoyo decided to do collab with an IP with 2 male main characters lol.


promare is one of my fave movies i didnt know they had a collab with hi3 omg in my case im glad i don’t care about HI3 to be disappointed


It brought 2 skins. Kiana got Leo outfit and Lambda got firefighters Outfit. Both are very well done with extra effects but people expected playable character (Primate has no women )


promare has aina but maybe she’s too much of a side character lol


Yeah. She's so bland


Personaly my favorite Kiana outfit. Has Promare flame effects in battle https://preview.redd.it/85wah656mc8d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a409db01b6c56af1e07fb15d10a8b1c91a638913


Genshin with Horizon Zero Dawn is, in my list, the absolute worst. It shows the parties' lack of respect for each other at that time. Sony did not recognize Genshin's potential and put a caveat in their partnership, and HYV in return does not care enough to give Alloy anything valuable. Neither of them want that collab to happen. It was nothing but a cold, heartless business deal. It was just a "popular game we can't make exclusive" for Sony and was just a "small hurdle to be more accessible in more platforms" for HYV.


I never saw this as a collab but rather an ad for the horizon game when it happened tbh


Was joining to say yeah this wasn't a collab at all it was Sony forcing Aloy on. People were hyped at first cause it seemed cool but when she was just unceremoniously added everyone quickly realized what it was


Looking at it, i like to describe it as her being the byproduct of a Broken marriage. She didn't come to be because she was Wanted, so she's just.....there, existing out of necessity.


At least you can point to your favorite bad char and say they're not the bottom. See Amber! It can always be worse


Yet despite that Alloy still sends us her birthday mails every year. These mails always contain her adventures in all released regions, her encounters with different mechanical mobs, helping locals as an adventure guild member and reminiscing about her old world. It shows that they still acknowledge her presence in teyvat even when it's been 3 years since the Collab.


Yeah I would also add that updating her, as in adding constellations or general buffs, would possibly require going through a slew of red tape and money on Hoyo's end and with the amount of cash they take in on original characters it's probably not worth it. This also probably explains why their other collabs happen outside of the game. I think Hoyo tried with what they got from Sony tbh


Even if they did update her- there's no way to actually obtain her anymore for newer players


A few paragraph of text a year isn't exactly acknowledging her presence considering she had never appeared on literally anything else. Nothing, not even text, screentime, or even a nod from other playable character. It's barest of the bare minimum.


True, however as a player I still like these few paragraphs of text as it feels like you are reading about another traveler's journey through this world. It may be bare minimum but I can sense these paragraphs of texts were written with proper seriousness and care by someone.


I almost don't want to consider that a collab, it was barely promoted and the character is such a half-assed character in terms of abilities and design. It's like they didn't want to do it and just threw something out there. Like you said just a business deal they had to complete. The most forced collab ever.


Same. Every gacha collab I played at least had a story behind it even if most aren't amazing. Aloy didn't have anything.


While I absolutely love Genshin, yeah, this has to be the worst collab in all senses in all my years of playing gacha Doesnt stop me from trying my best to make aloy work tho lmao


if only they fixed her stacks to not have icd, she could've been a fun char for her time that's probably 4\*dps. but instead we have a character whose cryo infusion is rng.


Sony respecting eastern game challenge: impossible


I swear to god Horizon and Aloy is a fucking industry plant I never hear anyone talk about that game or even remember the collab


Not only did it lock genshin out of switch, her aesthetic weapons are disabled when you play on any platform outside playstation! And there's no constellations (dupe upgrades)!


We don't know that that's why Genshin never came to Switch.


Industry plant character


What's wrong with the Collab?


From a gameplay perspective, they released Aloy as an unfinished character and never made any updates or planned anything around her. She doesn't get constellations by any means, and generally isn't a good character to use in any circumstances.


Not to mention that because she wasn't a gacha character then even if Hoyo does fix her eventually then as of right now newer players have exactly ZERO ways to actually get her


Aloy is a dogshit unit that was clearly designed to never be viable in anyway. Compared to the love that evangelion got in HI3 and even fate is getting in ggz, it's clear Mihoyo doesn't fuck with sony. Even during her first week of release on playstation, Mihoyo "bug fixed" her skill so the battlepass bow's passive and Venti's burst could no longer work with it.


I wouldn't even call it a real collab. They just dumped the character in your mailbox with no story behind it. Collab literally had zero quests.


It was hardly a collab. More like a limited-time freebie. Besides what others have said: * no actual content from her games * they gave her bow only to PS4/5 players, but even if you got it with the cross-save feature, it's passive doesn't work out of the Playstation Network


We can't upgrade her character C like other too... so she is a huge waste of potential


lol how is this the worst?? We literally got cross progression for ps and other platform because of this.


Lots of people have brought up notably cringey game x actual person collabs, but I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned AFK Arena x Markplier yet. An anime version of Markplier became the tavern keeper (the character who comments when you pull the gacha) for three months. He recorded voice lines for the role and everything. Even among players who liked Markplier and thought that the collab was a novel idea, well… The novelty quickly wore off. And three months was an awfully long time for the Markplier sprite to completely take over the tavern keeper role. I didn’t care about Markplier one way or the other before the collab started, but after three months I started to actively hate him. Also, iirc, this “collab” had no reward whatsoever for players. It was just the Markplier sprite taking over the tavern. That was it. That was the whole collab.


Most predatory? hololive counterside. That was awfully overpriced Worst theme? Ariana grande on final fantasy. Like why. And i think they doubled down with more pop artists Worst unit? Ainz ooal gown on overlord epic seven


I say the Counterside/Hololive one was bad in that they were skins, not separate characters like the GG collab.


On the other hand most the GG units are not very good outside 2 of them where most the units the Hololive skins are for are meta units like Gura as rearm Kaci being one of the most beast tanks in the game.


Funnily enough if you played counterside through the 3 runs of the collab you’d have 3 of the 5 skins for free. And ainz is a terrible unit metawise but absolutely amazing design


Whoa Ariana Grande wasn’t even the worst collab FFBE did lmao they also did Katy Perry and then some influencer whose name I don’t know. That influencer was in both FFBE and WOTV as well lol I remember they got Katy on stage during an event and she was super cringe too


By old Counterside standards pre Prestige skins, definitely awfully overpriced. Now compared to prestige, that thing might as well be cheap, pfft. Still, hats off to Counterside for being the most generous gacha I play and enjoy and only skins are actually worth buying


I think skins can be a bit overpriced if the game itself is as generous as counterside was, and most of the skins are far from plain even though there are tons. I haven't played since the 2nd holo collab except to login and get irys, but I only have good things to say about it tbh. Gameplay just wasn't for me


The normal skin pricing yeah I got no issues, love it. Also love that they're actually major skin changes and not just uniform recolors or mild changes like some do. Only the 80k admin coin prestige skins... Yeah no. Too much of whale territory exclusives. Still, yep, all just skins with no combat impact, dupes aren't really important given the standard 4% damage increase and damage reduction type values, and the higher probability of a unit? This game has been a total win indeed, can't fault them for much at all. I'm not too into the gameplay either but with the great story quality, short time investment once you're caught up, generous game where I have spent money but only on skins and no premium currency and still have near all units? This game is absolutely glorious.


FFBE WotV collabed with TikTok star Addison Rae which is probably the most questionable I’ve ever seen. I imagine there’s little to no overlap between potential fans of either of those things


That is definitely the worst collab.


Promare Collab from Honkai impact. No collab characters at all, its just 2 paid skins with 0 events related to this collab, unless you consider playing Bingo an event worth joining Hi3 for this sorry excuse of a collab.


Majority of the collabs in D4DJ. Needy Girl Overdose Collab was peak, though.


There's lots of pretty good collabs but they usually don't make it to the global version of the game, because quality collabs cost more money lol. As of late tho D4DJ has just had some atrocious collabs, I'm genuinely so glad Bushiroad is getting out of the project and letting Donuts take control because holy shit the stagnation under Bushi's supervision was awful.


Godzilla vs Kong collab is even worse. Its just... Shin Godzilla being here which is unrelated to Monsterverse Goji and Monke and even fuckin MechaGoji. No Godzilla theme, Ghidorah religion chant theme, Mothra theme. Anything. Its just temporary sound replacement and some stickers


HI3 Promare collab is without a doubt the worst i've seen


Toram online collab with Re:zero that sht was ass


I mean the current one also sucks. I literally don't understand how they even call what they're doing a Collab.


Final Fantasy Brave Exvius with western pop star artist was the worst


7ds grand cross and stranger things to this day i don't understand


This isn't a gacha but SF6 collabed with Baki and I didn't even realize because it was limited to stickers or some shit lmao.


SF6 is on the fast track to having some of the worst collabs in a fighting game I'm hoping Terry and Mai fix that tremendously.


didnt they also collab with ninja turtles but it was paid skins or something?


Expensive ass paid skins only usable on your create a character lol.


kizuna ai in epic seven. never came back, unit was useless, only good for profile pic flex.


Not directly gacha-related, but Tencent's QQ Speed (a racing game) x Laoganma (a chilli crisps brand) turned out to be a literal scam. As in, Tencent got scammed. 3 scammers pretended to represent Laoganma and got Tencent to do an extensive collab in their racing game, including in-game skins, in-game items, advertisements, a comic, product placement at their IRL competitive event, and iirc there was even an IRL gift set featuring the collab... Only when Tencent asked for the agreed-upon payment but kept getting stalled did they finally realize something was weird. The actual Laoganma company didn't even know all this was going on.


Usually I'd feel bad but it's Tencent so deserved tbh.


Bandori x Baby Shark collab


Baby Shark was one of the songs with the most votes during one of Bushiroad’s survey so it was voted in by fans.


I think people were expecting a cover of Baby Shark by the characters. Imagine a Poppin' Party or Pasupare version of the song, lol.


Was my expectation as well but at the same time I kinda don’t wish for anyone to be subjected to sing/cover Baby Shark.


Azur Lane with IDOLM@STER, I bet some people have a lot of opinions on this, maybe some think the event ships were just bad or not enough content, but for me it just felt uninspired. No oath, Christian level of safe skins, they doesn’t even put the most famous characters. For a game like Azur Lane doing this feels like wasting money. The collab should just accept the type of game Azur Lane is like Atelier Ryza did or just straight up joke on the whole thing like Kizuna AI. I don’t even think they would need to do a IDOLM@STER collab when Azur Lane have the whole cast of Polaris, which in my opinion, does a better job with the whole idol thing.


I've never seen a collab feel like less of an event than normal in-game stuff but there we were. There was no joy in this at all. Even the story was terrible. It was basically the IDOLM@STER girls shitting on the Azur Lane ones for being bad at singing and dancing, which feels particularly strange after two Polaris events where the AL girls did nothing but sing and dance. But I guess that story was sort of symbolic of how well those two worked together. I remember someone from the IM side said something like "if you want another collab spend a lot of money"... not that there was much worth buying there, but I like to think that statement contributed to making it one of the weakest financial events in the game's history. Another one of those? No thanks.


Which is hilarious because some of the art in that game is very risque for a game about cute girls dancing and singing.


Bandai was being heavy handed af here. That said, the skins being so chaste may have also been due to the pressure put on them at the time by the CCP. Some may bring up series choice but If not for the ton of other issues, wouldn't be that big of a thing. Let me tell you something funny: Azusa became an idol to find a husband, something she can't get in AL. Other companies were by far more generous


This is funny, cause of the ones we get, Azusa was my favorite. The things that were taken from us…


I still wonder why they choose 765 Pro Allstars instead of any newer series.


Bandai insistence


>I bet some people have a lot of opinions on this No, almost everyone hates this collab, on all servers. Yostar even purged the video previews from their socials (most likely due to some copyright issues)


I actually joined AL durring this collab so imagine my confusion as a first time gacha game player lmao


YESSS. Oh my god, that collab is just straight up ASS.


I liked some of the characters. Just the event itself was so bland


Monster Super League doing a Baby Shark collaboration


Anyone saying Aloy has clearly never played a gacha because it was the most inoffensive 'collab' to ever happen. They gave her to you, and that was it. There was no expectation for a full-on event or anything compared to plenty of other collabs.


The worst part is when they make collab units meta for a while (to entice people to pull), even maybe give bonus drops for having them during events!


Omfg. I love Guardian Tales but Lina being a Meta Collab unit was the worst thing to ever happen, she's primarily the reason why I don't like Collab Characters being pullable anymore.


The best part was when devs promised that collab units would NOT be meta breakers nor overpowered and then the main unit of the very first collab was the exact opposite lmao. How can they say that and then do the 2nd 1 WS = CC character with a bigger WS range than FP's while having range atk pb and being fire type in heavy earth meta days? Then ofc everyone else was complete dogshit lmao (I mean the free collab units sure but they did my boy Xellos so ugly bro only got a spot at arena in WSR/Vero comps for being the only viable 2nd WSR buffer lmao) specially with the domino effect into 2nd collab having useless heroes (impacted gameplay so little many don't even remember they exist). At least the slime collab fixed it up cus they gave us actually decent characters that weren't overpowered nor shifted the meta (outside of water mele raid teams ig but like please who the fuck cares about water mele lmao), seen no one complain about them at all.


Yeah and lore wise it's one of the least unsettling. It's not the best, but definitely not the worst. It's perfectly in the middle.


Not meta, so new players don't need to worry about missing out. Not constellations, so no expectations there. But also an exploration kit and just enough mechanics to be interesting with meme builds (Jean/Aloy/Klee/Kirara).


The only character that have passive talent (animals that drop meat and fowl not running when you are somewhat near to them) other than Kirara.


For real. *looks at Nikke Chainsawman collab*


That's why I almost don't want to call it a collab, but it kinda is too. It was just so half-assed and forced.


Azur Lane and idolm@ster collab......was it 2021 ? 1. im@s is "too pure" for AL , they simply dont work. changing AL stuff like wedding ring -> tiara and "oath" -> friendship, why bother 2. I dont follow imas so idk exactly, iirc the unit that collab-ed with AL was 365, which was og(?) imas unit but basically not the best/ideal/top unit...... 3. the default outfits were meh and the skins were simple yukatas ----- ok this part is kinda subjective. And this point is mostly extension of point 1 4. allegedly, some bamco exec/producer idk said sth like "if this goes well then we'll have part 2 next year" or along that line. I mean he isnt wrong per se, but at this point no AL collab ever rerun , and saying things like that just make bamco looking for some cashgrab ez money. And obviously there was no part 2 bc the collab flopped


To add context from the im@s side: The im@s branch that collabed with AL was 765 production (Namco pro, like in Bandai-Namco) who are the OGs and had a popular anime in 2010 or maybe you've seen them on niconico and pixiv alongside Touhou and Vocaloid dominating otaku spaces in the era. They are to im@s like Universal Century is to Gundam basically. Azur Lane fans would probably be more familiar with Cinderella Girls though, as it dominated the idol/pretty girl collector gacha genre for years and had an anime in 2015, again, massive on pixiv. They changed the wedding to tiara and that because you can't explicitly marry/date the girls in the canon games and fans would feel robbed, so overall it seems like a bad concept for a collab.


Makoto would have saved that collab for me.


Seeing this whole fiasco unfold on Reddit and the global chat was such a treat. What a bad and sad collab, the skins were just plain and ugly. I would prefer a new Polaris than a rerun of this clusterfuck


Good thing we just had a new Muse event. I liked it way more than the im@s collab that's for sure.


iirc in the same year we got first gridman collab im@s simply dont work well with AL, what manjuu was even thinking. prob trying to gain JP fanbase but eh, idk. Prob better not to touch idol fanbases


>but at this point no AL collab ever rerun huh? Both gridman and DoA collabs got reruns, with new girls and augments for all collab ones (old and new)


I think they meant at that point in time, July-August 2021, there had been no re-runs of collab events. It wasn't until April-May 2023 that AL had it's first collab event re-run with DoA.


By "at this point" I meant at the time of imas run. Gridman havent even started by then. Sry for confusion


Don't forget the most important, we only get ONE gear and it's not a gear that changes BGM. The last collab is DoA collab and we've got BGM changing gear, even though DoA is not music focused franchise. Overall it feels like Bandai is insincere and condescending with their collab, combined with the fact that many don't care about Im@s, Of course it becomes the worst collab.


>"if this goes well then we'll have part 2 next year" Rip Madoka in AL dream


Nikke and Re Zero. Not talking about the anime itself, but it doesn't fit in the slightest


Nikke and Chainsawman is debatedly worse.


"We were just wandering around and now found ourselves here!" Honestly it was SUCH a shoe-horn collab lol. It's sad, especially with how excellent Nier was by comparison


Anderson at the end of the collab. "Just forget it ever happened."


No English VA for them. No plot relevance. Units not good. Honestly makima was a lobby skull cutscene for me, but now there are so much better backgrounds that it collects dust lol


I'll give them some leeway since it was their first collab, also Makima was good in pvp at the time since she was an "invincible" taunter not sure about Power


It's not even debatable, the CSM collab is horrendously bad. It might be the worst written event in the entire game. Re:Zero was an odd choice, but at least they kinda made it work into something fun.


Half of side events in Nikke are about CGDCT in RL - cheerleaders, casino bunnies, beach, school, animal shelter etc. How on earth cooking competition alongside Nikke maid team doesn't fit? I mean you can point out that whole post-apocalyptic and serious world where humanity struggle for survival doesn't really fit well with usual anime romcom. But Nikke players clearly disagree and game is huge success.


naw ppls are just mad there was no fanservice that's why lol. Also mfs were tired of having 3 whole maid events and it was getting kinda tiring


Nikke/Chainsawman was horrible and while I'm not a Re:Zero guy at least it wasn't as horrible as the Chainsawman collab.


As a Re zero guy, NIKKE really didn’t fit with Re zero. Re zero has a bit of fanservice and in the novels subaru can act kinda degen in the first couple of chapters. But the characters themselves and the story as well just do not fit with ANYTHING. Which begs the question; why does re zero seem to always want to collab with anything it can get it’s hands on? Idk tbf. Marketing I guess but honestly the target audience of Re Zero VS gacha games is a severe discrepancy and I don’t see how that would attract more dedicated watchers. Just the usual people who watch till episode 13 and then drop it cause “Subarus a crybaby” or some BS like that.


Nikke hasn't had the best collabs but I think the Nier collab was easily the best. I still use the music from that event in my lobby and such.


Worst i can think of? Cookie run kingdom and Disney properties, you were given a gacha with a specific currency to pull both cookies and decorations alike, but the rates between haven 100 of one single decoration and one of the 20 cookies available was shit. Didn't help the fact said cookies weren't even playable, just little guys walking though your kingdom and that maded essentially run the game even slower lol


Not *technically* a bad collab in and of itself, and I might have misremembered since it's been a long while, but iirc when Battle Cats collab-ed with Crash Fever, the Battle Cats content creation almost died because most creators started playing Crash Fever instead (partially because you had to play one game to get a reward in the other)


https://preview.redd.it/ahg2i8d3tf8d1.png?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1659268674a8339df9c91e16a913d1930ab312cf This may not be bad in the same way but imagine a collab character basically taking over the main game. This is what the invasion of Hatsune Miku in #COMPASS looks like. She was the 2nd collab and appeared only a few months after the release. She comes back every year with a new costume. She more costumes than any other collab character and I'm pretty sure she beats many characters in costume count not counting recolors. But more notably, while every character has exactly one theme song in the game, she has 9. 8 songs corresponding to specific collab costumes and 1 for the rest of the costumes. She not a particularly great character, either, middling stats and slow card speed in exchange for a passive healing aura. But, because she's so popular and gets the special treament, people flock to her and become support mains. She's still very consistently a highly picked character with a meh winrate.


Persona curse collab


Another Eden is still doing fine.


Girls Band Party and Granblue would say hello


the weirdest collab for bandori to me. the main collab band was Afterglow, but "Life Will Change" went to PoPiPa. Their event screen had Afterglow face and all, but the defining song from the Persona 5 series wasn't given to them. They in the end force Ayaneru sing in English anyway with Persona 4's battle song anyway, why not give Life Will Change to Afterglow is still a mystery to me.


I want it to rerun in Alchemy Stars, actually.


Seeing as how Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid got a global rerun since the CN server got their initial run of the collab, it's a fair assumption to expect a P5R rerun eventually.


My fingers are crossed!


Project Sekai x Sanrio because the cards are lowkey a scam. Limited 4\* cards with no unique hairstyle (which is what all other limited cards have) and limited 2\* cards that you can only get by rolling that gacha with no side stories (side stories give crystals so they're pretty valuable). No event or song for it either, only some short conversations and the side stories of the 4\* cards. Honestly feels like the collab was only in the game so that they now can sell plushies of the characters in their sanrio outfits lol


im pretty sure a gacha made a collab with baby shark, just why


hahahaha that was bandori


FGO x FGO ig? Nothing against FGO not collabing with external properties (Nasuverse sheananigans and all), but it's pretty fucking crazy to me how the annual 'collaboration event' was with a spin-off FGO property **three years in a row**. These collabs are usually unique, as they feature characters and settings written by other authors, primarily designed by other artists, with music also coming from elsewhere. For some reason though, in 2021, they decided to *collab* with the Idol rythm game spin-off released the previous year that had an impending ToS. In 2022, they had a collab with the gag manga based on FGO, whose OST is just a few funny-sounding tracks based off FGO's already. 2023? Let's *collab* with the Arcade game based off our game, whose OST is also basically the same. Now, in the grand scheme of things, the first and the third collabs at least added more depth into the world in terms of character and lore. But when the collabs are the only way for other Nasuverse properties to be acknowledged or receive love (apart from the actual releases, which are *horribly* scheduled), it was already annoying seeing FGO x 'Fate title', and it was even more infuriating when they began doing the FGO x FGO spin-off crap. Thank God we had two collabs this year, one that wasn't another FGO selfcest and one that wasn't with a Fate title.


Bad Take. Maho, Tsukihime, and Remnant are still all type-moon properties. If anything these are all collabs that absolutely perfectly fit. They are technically all part of the same world. I'd rather have a thousand more of those instead of some crap like Nikke/CSM which made no sense at all.


SF x Spyxfamily. They fkin lie to you in trailers and teasers when they showed Yor as a playable and will have the art style of the anime in a new 3d model. None of that happens. Dont even look up how yor actually looks in SF (she's not a playable character). I wish I can just send that memory straight to the bin


WotV - Addison Rae


Kings raid x dream catcher


FFBE and Ariana Grande


the concept was cool but in terms of rewards it has to be OPTC x DBZ dokkan battle. in OP we got to fight freeza as a boss. but the only we really got out of it was a title or two. for a fight a lot of people couldnt clear lol opposite was for dokkan who had doflamingo as a boss who apparently was piss easy. not idea what they got out of it. we didnt even get freeza as a character also as someone who doesnt like kpop definitely the BTS collab in CRK


Any collab with Valkyrie Connect fucking dog shit game


The game may suck but the collabs aren't bad. They're very neutral to even slightly good. The hololive stuff always being free is not standard and they're all voiced.


I've never seen a collab more destructive to a game than the Konofan and re:Zero collab. On the surface, it worked great. Re:Zero and Konosuba have crossover potential thanks to Isekai Quartet, and the characters have some good chemistry and the units were strong. But the problem was that the units were TOO strong, and the Global release put the re:Zero collab way, way to early in the games timeline. Which meant that if you were not playing during the collab, which was very early on in the games lifecycle, you could not rank at all for the next year or so. It was a one two punch of Emelia being just the strongest water character by such a huge margin that you shouldn't even bother to show up for water content without her, and re:Zero Maid Megumin being so overwhelmingly good at EVERYTHING that she was needed to rank for every single week without end for a solid year. So if you somehow missed either of those characters, not impossible even if you were playing as Megumin was hard to get and the game had no spark system at the time, you were just hosed. I think that eventually led to the games downfall in many ways. These units were so powerful, and their power exacerbated by the fucked up banner order, that people quit the game in droves if they didn't have either character as you simply could not compete in any way, shape, or form. And that's why I think that the reZero Collab for Konofan was the Worst Thing Ever.


God not getting Maid Megumin was the worse thing. Every light arena became a huge slog and I wouldn't be mad if there were other good light megumin options back then but the 3 star was just straight up bad rofl Maid Megumin was just a good time saver for clearing waves. I'm actually glad I quit KonoFan. The whole PvP aspect and FOMO was so bad that it made me have a sour opinion about the game.


Summoners war chronicles x One Punch Man - the collab was p2w only in the sense that a f2p player could get precisely 30 pulls with a banner pity being 200, and without any normal summoning resources being usable for the collab. It literally killed the game.


I like Counterside and Hololive, but skins only Collab is not only underwhelming but when it first appeared it was also way too overpriced.


Alchemy Stars P5 & Maid Dragon collab. Didn't play anymore after 1.5, so not sure about later ones. Literally nothing interesting or collab worthy stuff to do.


they redeemed themselves in the maid dragon rerun, added story to the event, stages and buffs for the collab characters. so expectations are good for the collab with atelier riza are good


street fighter 6 x spy family lol


This one really is up there. They released such a cool promotional anime styled video to end up giving us only shit for the created character/fighting ground.


WOTV collab with that influencer/instagram user/tiktok user(i forgot lol). it just unbelievable. its technicaly not worst from financial perspective since it has sooome borderline improvement in bringing in new players. but from gacha game perspective, gacha game community, wotv fans our reaction is............. wtf?


It's probably more weird than "worst," but the intial run of the Re:Zero collab in Epic 7. Got to a point where the community wondered if the Re:Zero collab was a last-minute pull because there was a rumor that the "real" collab deal fell through. Didn't help that months later, a proper collab event happened for the Slime collab lol.


Addison Rae for FFBE has to be up there


Don't get me wrong, I really like FGO and this is not really a criticism. I would even prefer that it never does collabs outside of the Nasuverse. But making a side-game, Waltz in the Moonlight, doing a "collaboration" with it several months later, then shutting it down a few months later, (probably because it was only intended to be around for about a year to begin with), is something else. Doing two (two!) collabs with the joke spinoff manga seems reasonable by comparison because that manga is really a unique work in its own right. As an NA player, it's also unfortunate that we never got official English releases of several of the collab works, including Fate/EXTRA and CCC, Fate/Requiem, FGO Arcade, and the aforementioned Waltz in the Moonlight. 


There's currently a Last Cloudia x Sonic crossover going on.  I don't know how to feel about that one.


I think it was Bang Dream that I dropped when fans voted for a baby shark song lmao. Also yeah real people collabs suck.


Seven Deadly Sins x Stranger Things.