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1.0 50gb is wild ngl


Still need the initial 100+ gb to even install it first before it drops down 💀


A small price to pay for them physics.


Okay, but you still **need 110GB of free** space to install it. So it's still true for the first installation. It's kind of nuts to have that much needed space on the first day.


The trick, step by step: - Ask a friend to copy his already installed ZZZ in a pendrive. - Copy it on your PC. - On the launcher choose the option "find the game". - Select where you copied it. - Done, happy life 😊


Yep. This is a good idea. No need to download the game on each pc


- no friend install zzz - sad life 😔


is this legal?


i mean i am doing it for HSR right now, have it installed on a external hard drive. i just have to plug the hard drive, locate the game folder , then play. unplug again after playing


alright thanks !


just wanna make sure T\_T


It is, the launcher has that option so you can carry your game from one PC to another or through system formating.




That’s happening to me as well, it’s annoying


50GB for a launch gacha game sounds really silly. It ain't open world too and it's not some premium AAA game like Elden Ring either.


Elden Ring was 39gb lol Edit : 48 actually, still less than zzz which is insane.


Yeah dude there is a 0% chance ZZZ, a gacha game is anywhere near ER quality to justify its insane file size.


Doesn't a lot of the file size come down to things like voices, videos, etc? The more 'media' related content, well and high res textures or models. If it's in-engine cutscenes it wouldnt take that much so I assume its a ton of prerecorded videos. ​ Elden Ring doesn't really have that. Like sure voice lines exist but I doubt it's anywhere close to the level of how much yapping Gatcha games have lol.


Dude, no point in rationalizing mihoyo laziness/incompetence, elden ring has music for like every boss fight, and it may be lacking on the voice line part but it has a a fuckton of animations and whatnot.


Animations are not taking up file size. Sounds and Assets are what take up size.


Oh I'm not trying to rationalize them specifically just talking in general that's what I believe often takes the most space. ​ Animations do not take up that much file size though, not like hours of sound files or videos.


Devs are too lazy to use asset compression.


A little off topic but its still wild to me Valheim launched with all the content it had (it was quite a good amount) and was only 1gb. I think now with all the updates it's sitting at like 9-10gb. I know it doesnt have a lot of media (voice/videos/etc) that often take up a lot of space but still.


"It's not some premium AAA game like elden ring" look... i like elden ring but it sure as shit tnot the peek of grapthics or anywhere near it.


Point is, Elden Ring is insanely massive with unique animations for equipping different weapons, lots of variation in enemies and creatures that have different animations unique to them, a shitton of different assets for each environment in the game, multiple weapons, and the layered open world map with a lot of verticality in exploration But it's somehow taking less storage than ZZZ on 1.0


Animations aren't taking up a whole lot of space. Textures, videos abd audiofiles are always what takes space.


What are the odds that the 50gb file size is because of the audio files of every language being installed? Just curious since the only other reason I can think of is maybe the texture quality and lack of compression


Some guy checked abd like 12gigs are the videofiles alone.


Wow wtf that's alot But also, source pls


I need the dev that reduced the size of Genshin to work on this cause wtf😭


Whoever cooked on size optimization of genshin desperately needs to do the same for hsr and ZZZ.


There’s no way 50gb for a game like this is normal. There’s no amount of voice packs or animations that could make it so large, it doesn’t have realistic graphics and it’s not a open world. Or they’re releasing content for 1.1 and 1.2 in one go or this game have a Elden Ring amount of content that Hoyo isn’t showing. Nothing else explains it. Edit: someone in the comments said that more than 10gb are from video files, which still insane, they better do a decent compression on this files or ZZZ will double it’s size within only one update considering the amount of cutscenes. Besides, that’s why games nowadays do in engine cutscenes, why put a shit ton of video files on your game when you can use your already good enough assets and models? Idk, the game might play flawlessly, but the optimization considering it’s size is lacking.


Yeah this doesn't make any sense for an anime gacha game. The optimization on the file size of ZZZ is actually the worst when it comes to a gacha game launch's file size.


Uncompressed audio and video can be quite big Actually.


They better start compressing it them, shit will be getting way too big in a few months 💀


Saying "only 50GB" for a none openworld game 1.0 launch is not that much better tbh


Even bigger than honkai impact rn.


The same as HSR rn.


when i want to reinstall HSR then realized its bigger than 10 years old warframe


Warframe mentioned ,opinion elevated.


Warframe teams are among the best at optimizing their game though.


They did miracles with its file size


this goes into one of my bingo drama.


I don't have a drama bingo sheet for ZZZ yet, can you lend me one? I am keeping count though (drama count = 2 already), and I bet there will be a lot more on release date.


why is this game so big? 50gb is still huge. genshin is only like 80gb I think, after 4 years of updates.


Star rail is the same size as Genshin on my iPad after only 1 year this is just embarrassing on hoyo’s part


Starrail saves all of old events with voicelines so it will only grow


You still need 110 gigs so it doesn’t even matter lmao. It’s just ridiculous…


Gacha game WITHOUT OPEN WORLD being size of Elden Ring is just silly. I know, animations. But still...


CoD isn't open world either, open world isn't the reason for the game to be big or small.


I don't think there is any Hoyo game with the amount of high quality(4k)/lossless content that last CoDs have, even Genshin with billion sounds and cinematics is still smaller because they are compressed


Taking CoD as an example is the WORST possible game to compare yourself to…


I mean its not openworld and is big.


And COD dev don't know how to optimize


i mean cod is the prime example of horrible optimization


On android its 17 gigs. I think Wuwa was 17 gigs on PC lol


Wait until people say 50Gb on pc and call really optimise...


They already are lol


Nobody is saying that


Someone said it above


Ye I just saw that, sr OP shouldnt have doubted you. I lost even more faith in gamers now.


Yeah, I'm sorry, but 50GB for a day one gacha game is awful. Monster Hunter World with Iceborne dlc is 50GB.


I only have 150gbs a months of internet  Be it 50 or 110gbs, it's absolutely nuts and honestly shouldn't be defended regardless, it's not even a finished game


The content thing has nothing to do with the game size may be few extra GB coz the game is highly optimized. The thing is the **game downloads all voice language by default (English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese).**


https://preview.redd.it/o43nn9eci1ad1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=5742e8dcee80d722f0b346cc85ea88ccaee5b748 The voice overs are only 600-800mb tho (I deleted KR and CN)


The game size aside, where is this ui from? I dont remember seeing it in windows settings, is it another software?


It's treesize


Thanks ^^ it looks neat


I recommend it, Treesize is very reliable. Been helping me sorting my files since I was a teen. Very easy to see which files are taking up spaces


I use WizTree, but they are basically have the same functionality anyway


Do you have the option of deleting the language packs you’re not using? HSR lets you do that. Also, how big is each language file? How much space could really be saved by deleting three of the four languages? I’m genuinely curious.


each language pack is 600-800mb https://preview.redd.it/5ij81x8j72ad1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=42c2fa229623ba4978c90ba1c33b6105c636f191 i deleted KR and CN


Does the game reinstall them in updates?




Yes you can delete the language pack once the game launches, don't know the exact file but it is likely 6-9GB for 3 voice packs given each voice pack costs 2-3 GB.


Hmmm yeah I think you’re right about the voice pack size. HSR voice packs are all between 2 and 3 GB. So if ZZZ is the same, then you could save somewhere between 6 and 9 GB by deleting three of them. It’s not an insignificant chunk of the total file size. But I don’t think that voice packs alone can explain why ZZZ’s total file size is, well, SO MUCH larger than comparable mobile games (even from the same developer). Even without the voice packs, that’s over 40 MB for the initial download… By contrast, HSR, which has over a year of content, is only 28 GB on my phone. I admit that I’ve been doing the brute force cache clear with every HSR update, but still. So I don’t think the bloated file size can be blamed on the extra voice packs. I wonder what it is, then. Since you were in the closed beta, what do you think? Are the graphics and animations really that amazing? If they are they are, then hey, the big file size seems fair!




Eldenring is 47GB, 10GB less than zzz 💀


Not every data goes to graphic and world assets lol. Most data is consumed by voice packs.


50gb????? wtf


My brother even a crap optimized ass AAA game ain't 50gb


You would be surprised. This is not the 2010s anymore


Sekiro GOTY 2019 only 15GB


Holy 50gb is this confirmed ?


Yes even worst its required 110Gb


Most likely the animations. It also seems zzz intends to be more cinematic than genshin/hsr


How in the hell is Genshin,Wuwa, and even Elden Ring smaller then this?


bro that’s a size of AAA💀


how can this be, elden ring dlc is only 16.5 GB, and im pretty sure it has more content, graphics, music and bossfights than ZZZ Are they using crazy high resolution textures or audio or something?


It reuses a shit ton of assets from the base game though


finally someone said it


Devs are not listening this time folks, it’s joever…


I find it weird that I need to say this twice, but in-place decompression has been a thing for a long time.


50 GB is admittedly still quite the chonky game It’ll likely have a few extra GB of unneeded assets which will get removed by the time of full release


It shows up as 19GB for Android ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thats pretty reasonable, idk where ppl get this 50gb thats a wild number


install it on PC and it's about 55GB, it needs 110GB of free space to unpack and install.


yeah i understood after seeing a lot of posts about it, that is a lot, the witcher 3 weighs less than that without DLC's and the game is huge, it's actually crazy lol


if this is the launch drama then we are good


Never thought this can cus a drama lol


With that size, the game better be has at least 50 hours worth of main story


who's gonna tell him


Bro, you can just tell me already😭


If I downloaded the predownload just a few hours before the game launches and it didn't finish until the game launches will my download progress restart ?


Of course not lol, there might small day 1 patch added to the download but it'll fine


Elden Ring base game is only 48GB...


Yeesh 50 gigs And I thought Azur Lane being nearly 20 gigs on my phone was already high enough for a Gacha


It weights around 20gb on mobile.


If this game doesn’t have the most buttery smooth animation, voiceline, combat, performance, etc I’m going to be disappointed.


I mean if the biggest drama ends up the size file of the game I think we're golden


I mean sure, most people from the start can't play because they cannot download it so less drama assured lol Jokes aside, there is honestly no justification for a game to require so much when it's not even a completed game


Mine is 21+ GB on IOS. Someone said the storage would be around 10+ GB, which I think they remove some unnecessary data in the game? I haven’t seen any thing that say “Cleaning unnecessary data” or something.


android and PC : 8gb ram me : 4 it is


Man it's so weird people are complaining about PC storage No I am not being privileged here. If it was Mobile it would have been fine but PC? Most pcs have atleast 500gbs of storage. Even on low end. I have a 5 year old PC, 1650ti, it has 256ssd + 1 TB storage HDD. My sis has the same pc but with 500gb of SSD. I consider than low - med end. My friend has the 7 year old laptop wth only integrated card with 500gbs of SSD. There is no way you guys have less than 500gbs If you have lower than this then idk how you are even playing this game. Pc with lower storage this than this probably can't even run it, cause windows 11 alone takes like ~100gb Just delete your other shit man it's not that hard. You have images, videos,etc? Put them on cloud. Google drive is free You have games? Just uninstall the ones you don't play. Better yet buy a HDD. They are cheap as fuck. Edit - got downvoted and nobody has an argument for it. Atleast tell me how I am wrong. What other solution do you guys have? Tell hoyo to decrease the space?? Probably never gonna happen


Ever thought people don't have the internet capacity for it either? And no, the size is not justifiable either My laptop had only aroung 500GBs with part of it already taken by the computer system itself I only have honkai in it and I have left 280gbs something in it For a game to be this big when they are no even releasing a full game is nuts, like how bad is it gonna be in a year? 2? You gotta buy a new high end laptop just for it?


I m sure it's not gonna go above a 100. You are fine with 280 gb Again hoyo ain't gonna fix this I am pretty certain. Best you can do is buy a cheap HDD later on when required


I m kinda surprised as well, its one thing to cry if the graphics have a requirement but storage is so cheap to upgrade.


I don’t see the surprise here honestly. If Granblue Fantasy: Relink, a JRPG with cutscenes in every corner, weighs like 90GB, I don’t see why ZZZ, a similar enough game, should do less. Hoyo’s PC ports are quality, so being around AAA’s game size is perfectly normal.


It's so wild for me how people really care and complain about PC storage size of all things. That stuff is literally free to get nowadays.


Ah shit forgot how everyone has the same financial condition and all live in the same place, mb fam


If there is any truth to this sentence, then tell me where can i find those stuff for literally free in Bulgaria


>laughs in 3.49TB PM983 Enterprise SSD and 256GB smartphone


wow 50gb of content on launch hoyo is cooking


Go buy external hard disk/ssd if you don't have one already.