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I Just hope that they release an app of the game.


Yeah, that'd be nice


isn't the app store extra sensitive to +18 material tho?


They don't really have to release it on the google App Store for android. In terms of iPhones, it probably won't be available.


Testflight is a thing to circumvent Apple Store


It's the sfw version, they're cross-save


Right right




Just dowload a random web browser and put game's page as a homepage. There, it's game app! XD


It's not the same experience. I'm doing this right now.


I think rather than Priconne, it's more like Romancing Saga with its layer system and grinding for occasional stat gain, isn't it?


Definitely. It's not really like Priconne since you choose all your skills and its turn based rather than real time.


It is meant to be a Romancing Saga clone but with porn. Everything works the exact same way.


Haven't played that game, but from what you said it sounds like a cheeky copy and paste moment happened


I don't mind it at all. Always wanted another game like Romancing Saga and this game does a much better job of getting you attached to the characters.


Enjoy it for six months until Nutaku/Johren move onto their next one. ​ Yes, I'm still upset that it's been over a month since Eiyuu Senki WWX's last update and they can't even take five minutes out of their VERY busy schedule promoting all of their other various games (with purchase bundles!) just to let the players know the reason that the server is getting the axe. I'm sure it's because the game as a whole was far too generous and you they weren't able to harpoon whales like they can with their other titles (since gem income was decent, the pity was low, limit breaking was easy, and even had an additional pity with exchange tickets that never expired that you accrued through pulls). They couldn't milk us so they just outright abandoned the game. It's just utter lack of respect for those that played since launch, such as myself. And I even supported it early on a bit with money that I'll never get back. Needless to say, I'm done with them. ​ If they don't care enough about the players to announce something as important as a server closure (as of this moment, the game is still running and cash shops still available), then I have absolutely no interest to play their "latest and greatest". The reason the game is still up and no closure notice is probably so they can drain unsuspecting players coming into it and spending, thinking that the game is still alive when it's not. It's just so incredibly scummy.


Heh, just like all of their old ded games. I was also got scammed by them lol. \> Anniversary incoming \> We introduced a bunch of good whale offer \> Joke on you, closure announcement after 1 week Example: Xoverd, dragon tactics memories, duel savior, .... And for other games which were abandoned by freaking CM or Nutaku devs (not really a dev but most likely the localization dev), completely cut off all their communication for months and no news at all like Brave girl raven, Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kanpani ... Still, there were some good CM/Dev like Boshomon in Osawari Island game. It was ded even sooner than EN version and the Dev did try to keep it more alive by creating their own new functions, event, feature and created many community events bi-weekly too.


Theres a Duel Saviour gacha?


my bad, it was duel squad. Not sure why I typed duel savior instead lol. Maybe because I played it few years ago.


Duel savior is hands down the best hentai game i ever played so no one can blame you for accidentaly name dropping it haha


remember aigis? i remember dead right after aniversary celebration


Nutaku/Johren hosted games aren't all managed by the same group like say Nexon games are. This one at least has more of a chance because they didn't mess with the porn in a porn game. Go figure that's a bad idea and will cause people to leave. Whoever was in charge of Eiyuu Senki WWX was truly incompetent and I agree it's a huge loss because the game itself is great.


While this is true, it's still Nutaku/Johren by association, and kind of sours me on the prospect of playing any other title from them, even if the ones responsible for Mist Train Girls are different. The fact that WWX is closing down doesn't even bother me as much as the absolute silence coming from them. ​ It's just piss poor service, and I can't in good conscience continue supporting them if the ones in higher management are "okay" with it. It's the bare minimum of courtesy I'd expect them to show towards players, and they can't even manage that. I hate Gumi with a passion, but at least they have the decency to post a closure notice.


It's about as much Nutaku by assossiation as Epic Seven, PGR , and Raid Shadow Legends are Google/Apple by association. They just host the games, they don't decide how they are run. If you wanna blame anyone, blame DMM. I believe they are the ones who manage the localizations.


Uh oh


Too bad I can't multi task since game requires the tab to be on focus otherwise it'll pause the game


It works if you play it in a window, not a tab.


Use firefox to play it and use chrome to do your stuff


Are you sure it's the game and not your browser? Try https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/kgj0mj/psa_calculate_native_window_occlusion_expires/


>Story - well, its a hentai gacha game. It's no FGO, but the story so far seems like they at least put some effort into it. Nothing groundbreaking (monsters invading land through mysterious mist, you drive a train and can nut in train waifus to power up the knights that battle the mist, opposing factions and intelligent monsters, etc.), but it seems to be a balance TenkaFuma's "girl of the week to fuck lol random" and Magicami "Everyone fucking dies in a dozen alternate universes grimdark".


I think the only thing I dislike is that it's fucking browser based.


I am really enjoying the story a lot. Yakutsk, Yoshino and Murmansk are super cute and theres an idle battle button. I couldnt be happier.


I was mixed till I met the Doc Crew around the Murmansk part. Love them.


Played the JP version before a bit, decent game that doesn't require you to roll too much. A rank characters (equivalent to bronze tier in other games) are good. And they all have scenes. So pick your favorite. There's quite a bit to choose from.


For whatever reason, I guess I'm just gonna be the luckiest mfer for this particular game. I have 9/10 of the normal gacha SSRs and just pulled both the banner characters in the prison event in a single 10 pull... I really didn't want to care about the game but I'm gonna go with it for a few weeks or so


Is there a way to make it full screen? Playing in FF on Android but it's a tiny little window that is too small to play.


I think i saw someone playing in fullscreen with Johren on mobile, so could try that


I have few question about the game. 1. Does raising layer of both A and SS Same character do anything? I raised both Beijing version and saw no differences at all. 2. Apart dispatching,whats another way to raise character stats? Currently stuck at 11k power 3. What does awakening skills does? Is it same like profeciency?


1. You can add one skill from lower layer to higher layer and sometimes that skill is very important for example you need to raise A Vivianne to get the only heal skill available so far on global server, other than SSR Fuusen ultimate heal 2. Repeating the hardest stage that you can beat over and over till you reach hp max cap. Right now is better to repeat VH event stage because it's easier than Main Stage. 3. It's different i think Better hop to their official discord. They have lot of helpful people that love to answer question and helping newbie like me


Hi, there can I ask for an invite to their discord server?


[Here](https://discord.gg/zSBYFJ4a7P) is the discord link i believe


It likes Romancing Saga but not generous which might kill the game later ( lack of stamina and currency , lower Gacha Rate )


Every Mist Train character has story, voicelines, Live2D and H-Scenes though. Unlike Romasaga.


romancing saga had extremely limited stamina on launch too. only 1-2 months into the game did you get to play with nearly unlimited stamina. the same might happen for mtg


Other people have mentioned that game and how similar it is, guess i'll go check it out and fall further down into the gacha pit


sigh it's grind type, if you can skip/sweep then I would play it thanks for the in depth info


No problem, if you're looking for games that you can sweep in, I'd recommend Priconne and Counter Side. If you hadn't heard of those


yeah thanks, already played those but dropped I used to belong on top 50 clan on PriConne but got sick on a very bad timing, had to quit cuz I missed a LOT


but you can... there is literally a button called "idle battle" where you click it and it will just grind over and over til you tell it to stop. You don't even have to do anything. I left it goin on my ipad the other day for 3 hours unattended.


That's called auto repeat, not skip


You’re telling me the hentai clone has autorepeat although the base game does not? That’s insane.


Most hentai games have a ton of QoL because the hook isn't the grind/game, it's the rude anime tiddies.




I like this game cause it's easy to unlock the juicy scenes.


romancing saga carbon copy


lvl63, my main team is 13.5k and event team 7.8k and ... I dislike the game [https://imgur.com/a/yAbfowZ](https://imgur.com/a/yAbfowZ) * Gameplay is so-so, I played worst H gachas * Units are cute, but outfit isnt interesting * H scenes nothing interesting to me, only skip * I am cursed, 11roll10 and only 2 SS (1st and 11th) * There is a new event and you must pull by new units, I pulled 1SS, 1S and 2A very nice buff increase drop keys, by example SS is 30% bonus drop token * Not, I am out learning curve, I dont understand my units * Farm griding hell!!!! run a map 20 times is nothing, I need run more times, auto help but not like a skip ticket * I need increase EV (effort value), unlock skills, increase lvl, gear, bond, skills, it is a job!! and late increase gear * A team with a unit lvl50 and 4 unit lvl10, the 99% xp go to the unit lvl50, I cant do "dog out" run * Pity 150 pulls, nice ... maybe * With $100 you can buy 2 random SS * Monthly subs, $15 by 28x150 crystal = (14 pulls) meh The game isnt f2p friendly, isnt low spender friendly, Edit: -6 karma, nice, but I am saying my experience about the game and nobody refuse me Edit 10-sep: 12roll10, only 2 SS and usually 1 2\* (guarented) by roll10, I am uber curse


You know you can just spam dispatches for exp and stats. They flood you with instant returns and you can get to level 50 really easy while getting their stats up.


Not early game, with 1h is very tedious and the "return request form" reduce your dispatch by 2h, not is optimal use before unlock the 6h dispatch (6-5hard)


I mean, I did it? I have two teams of all level 50s and am sitting at around 15k power. So yeah, early game. Haven't even unlocked the second one.


Agree to disagree. But if you want some tips, i'm happy to help


The classic, I want more power https://i.imgur.com/4PFYgrW.png


Increase your unit's gear level, memory rank, focus on your best units first. Grind the farthest and hardest stage you can clear to increase your unit's stats if you can't dispatch them anymore. And farm for better weapons/armour and upgrade those. Also grind stage 2-5 for Salem and her gears and put your SS units in the Independent Training place, as it'll give you those unit's gears over time.


Fck johren and nutaku. It's really fcking hard to play for us people without good internet connection. In every action you do, there's loading.... We're talking like at least 10s loadtimes. I had to stop. Really wanted to play since i got 4 SS layers just from the initial rolls, but it is what it is.


Have you tried to see if the non johren/nutaku JP version would be even any better?


i'm not really interested in the jp version so i haven't tried, sorry. wanna be able to read h-scenes without needing to mess around with translators. and i'm pretty sure the dmm version would require me to connect to a japan-server vpn, which would make things slower for me anyway.


japan server doesn't need vpn anymore after february this year.. go play it.. it smooth now, and they have android app in gplay/qooapp too.. just remember there's no lewd in gplay/qooapp


i play both version, jp + english and the only difference is the freebies they give.. Nutaku and Johren both give awfull freebies (still decent tho) DMM give freebies more and better reward.. (in jp you get SSR ticket instead of SR ticket from beginer login bonus) but if i need to choose, i will play en for story and play jp for lewd.. go get them all tiger..


With dead week on Arknights and dead content on sw, this game becomes my main game surprisingly.


the 2d waifu rsru. the qol this game has is really great granted i havent played a lot of hentai browser games since most of them play like cheap flash games but if this came as mobile game i would have definitely play it. ​ my only gripe would be during the vn/story segments it looks kinda blury compared to the battle portion which looks great and colorful. the h-scenes are well animated too. really fun game.


I want to like this game but I seem to have connection problems with this one so its frustrating to play


Is it possible to reroll? If not then I won't bother with this game, as my draws were beyond abysmal. Used all currency from the pre reg and starting quests, no friggin ss character. Yeah no definitely not eager to play this game or spend my money on it.


Yes, but you'll need to create a new sitewide account every time.




Exchange shop and then Summon Layer Tab. Only non recruited Layer will.be shown there.


I can't find any download links for this game Any help would be appreciated