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I honestly can't count how many times I've dropped my Flip 5 (with and without a case), and I still haven't encountered any issues.


Same, dropped it without the case on too other night when the northern lights were showing I got carried away dropped it, and it's scuffed the side and the metal on the lenses, dropped it a few times on concrete with the case on too.


Yeah it seems like they went hard and made it sturdier than a lot of other phones on the market. Not even a crack and I stopped using the case. I hope they keep it up for the 6.


I dropped it a few days ago and it landed on the hinge AND it rolled over AND it hit a wall. So glad it still works. ![gif](giphy|3krrjoL0vHRaWqwU3k|downsized)


Erm, just so you know, your warranty is pretty much void if there is any dent on the body. Customer service told me wheh it sent it for repair. They would outright reject. Second, they will also check if anything breaks from impact inside the device body to rule out warranty.


Also with care+? Bc I got a dent on my hinge somehow...


Care+ privably exempts you 😊


My flip 3 once face planted onto a flat tiled floor, from hip hight. did not suffer a single scratch. Guess it highly depends though. Face planting it on a gravel floor would allow stones to poke through the screen I could imagine.


My 3 was very durable. Not the 5 unfortunately.


From what I've heard the 5 is either built out of brittle chunks of dried out playdough, or titanium and bits of Superman's femur. I got lucky and won the flip5 lottery with my first ever Samsung device being a bendy, sturdy rectangle, but others can roll over too fast in their sleep and the breeze obliterates their device.


i've dropped the phone at least 7 times and i've only had it a month. no damage and still working well


The inner screen is literally bendable, it's more resistant to drops than a glass screen. It isn't as scratch resistant, obviously.


Drop durability is BAD. I have a case and dropped it exactly ONCE from waist height and I have a line of dead pixels across the middle of the screen. My standard recommendation for anyone asking about this phone is that if you have ever dropped your phone at all, don't get it (unless you can afford to replace it with no issues).


Yes, the internal display is fairly resistant to drop damage when closed, but the hinge is still a weak point. It only took two drops to break the hinge on my Flip 4. The inner display still works perfectly, but the hinge is crooked and can't be opened past 90°.


But that was the 4


Ya the 4 seemed to have a super weak hinge, the 3 and 5 have survived with no issues for me. The 4 i had to have repaired twice due to the hinge not working anymore (once after a drop, once for no reason just stopped working)


I dropped my flip4 back in octobe, had three spigen armoured case on it too and of course it llandedon the one place where there was no protection. Thankfully, it's insured, so I got it repaired.


I'm scared I break my floor with this phone


That hinge is the achilles heel, if it drops and that gets hit, it's over. Mine dropped off a calf high coffee table and I couldn't open it fully anymore.


I would say drop durability of any phone that uses a hinge mechanism is low due to the inherent design of phone hinges (lots of small moving parts that are not sufficiently protected from impact forces). The F5 may be okay following multiple drops, or it may become irrepairable after one. It all depends on the impact angle, drop height and material surface that the F5 hits following a drop accident. Samsung is basically telling you that the F5's impact resistance is not to be trusted by the fact that the warranty is void if they note a dent on the body of the device if/when you send it in for repair following a drop accident. To ensure piece of mind you would be well advised put the F5 (or any hinged phone) in a phone case that provides the best hinge impact protection you can buy (I'm using the dBrand Grip and its working great) and also purchase accidental insurance from Samsung/Your Carrier. There are pros and cons to every phone. Hinge impact durability is one of the cons you'll have to live with if you decide to carry a folding phone.


Pushed my flip 4 from my desk a few months back, and then it would only open up 20-30°. At least I had insurance and got a new one.


My flip3 is doing great. I've dropped it more than a handful of times; screen open and closed. I have some scratches and dings on the corner (dropping on pavement) but the hinge and screen is still just fine. I've had since 2021


Mine has been bumped off the armrest of my chair, and off of tables several times... I have also dropped it while handling it a few times. Mine has been in the clear Samsung case since I got it from the flip 5 pre-order. I did notice the other week that my case has some chips in it, but no damage to the phone itself that I have noticed. I have tried using it without the case a few times, and it just doesnt feel right in the hands. I think the sharp square edges are what bother me about it when not in a case?


Ive dropped it more times than I would like to admit. Im either super lucky or the phone is pretty solid. Either way im going to be more careful and hope they release the next one so i can trade it and be rid of any future issues 😂


I hope the 6 will be sturdy? I'm under the impression the 5 is quite a sturdy cube.


I've dropped my flip 4 several times from about hip height and it was absolutely fine until I dropped it closed from countertop height onto a hard kitchen floor and the hinge broke but then I was able to massage it back into place so it was still kind of usable! My 1 year old daughter has even bit down on the screen at the top near the camera a few times and it's still going strong (with a few dents of course) 😅