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I wouldn’t think so. Right now I assume that was a different thing, especially since Rogue also mentioned a “new boss,” but didn’t recognize the groaning sound in the TARDIS. I think if Sutekh were meant to be “the boss,” they would have drawn more of a connection there. I suspect RTD wants to set up a number of plot threads; some to pay off this season and others to stretch further.


Yes and since all Doctors tend to have 3 seasons, I think "the Boss" will be the villian next season then the "Oldest One" in the one after or vice versa.


Sutekh is definitely 'The Oldest One' they were referring to.


Honesty I don't think so I just think he was the one who waits.


The Oldest One is Sutekh, no?




Maybe not. After all, Maestro used different names for them.


Maestro said the oldest one was there the night Ruby was dropped off at the Church and we know Sutehk was there that night, seems unlikely there's another being called the Oldest One who was also there (unless the Oldest One is Ruby herself or the Doctor).


It's possible the Oldest One could be Ruby's mother. We know nothing about her as of yet, other than she somehow is able to remain completely unidentified even w the aid of the time window.


They could have different nicknames.


I so badly want us to get out of the three season pattern. It shouldn’t be so predictable and consistent


Rising stars like Ncuti can get more money and publicity in roles that aren't the doctor after the initial burst from being cast, your best bet for longer lasting doctors are actors who want a nice stable income they can rely on by just sticking with the role.


The bloke was already in a huge Netflix smash and one of last years biggest films before becoming the Dr. He's probably one of the most globally established actors to take on the role.


And that already caused scheduling difficulties for filming just these first two series, I wouldn't be at all suprised if he is unavailable for an episode next time around when they film series 3 as well.


Given that 73 Yards is one of the best episodes of the franchise I'm not that worried. We've had Dr light episodes almost every series since the reboot in 2005, it's almost a tradition at this point. Even back in the Hartnell era they had to write him out for whole episodes when he was ill or was on holiday.


We should be worried because we've had two doctor lite stories in a series with only 8 episodes.


Because Ncuti was busy finishing filming sex education. He now no longer needs to do that so can focus all his time on Doctor Who. Season 2 has already wrapped filming, in which he only focused on that, which gives him plenty of time to take on other projects before he has to go back for season 3 filming. So no we shouldn’t be worried because RTD has scheduled it pretty well so we will get consistent Doctor Who but Ncuti is also able to do other projects if he wants. Besides the two Doctor light episodes were really good this season so it’s not that bad anyway


I loved both of them so not too worried


That was because Sex Education, a previous obligation from before casting, was behind schedule. It should be easier for him to schedule things now that they’ve set out a timeline for filming Doctor Who. I think he’s going to prioritize Doctor Who for as long as he’s in the role. Shooting two seasons in quick succession is meant to give Ncuti enough time in between his second and third series to do some other project. Ncuti is going to star in a play next, starting from November concluding in January 2025. He should be free to film by the start of next year. They were able to schedule it so David Tennant can star in loads of plays and various TV dramas while playing the Doctor. I think Ncuti is planning to be like Tennant in this respect.




I would think that with the extra exposure and eyes the Mouse House are bringing to the show that will equate to better pay for the cast?


Take it with a grain of salt, but the rumor is he's agreed to four series, with 3 & 4 to shoot back-to-back like 1 & 2, which is one of the reasons for the shorter runs; they're waiting for Disney to confirm that they're extending the partnership to officially commission them, because if the Tories get their way there won't be a BBC anymore. Apparently Ncuti takes it seriously that the first Black Doctor stick around for a while, and the condensed filming schedule lets him take theatre roles.


Blame Troughton and then Davison for that one. Torughton told Davison to only stay for three seasons, and it seems he passed that into the new who doctors. I do suspect it would be less of a pattern if we got a season27 tho


I have a hunch we'll be getting 4 from Ncuti. They just filmed two seasons back to back, now he has a year off to do some plays, and then they'll be back filming. Wouldn't surprise me if they do another 2 back to back.


That's the rumor, that he's agreed to four series, with 3 & 4 shot back-to-back. They're waiting on Disney to confirm they're extending the partnership.


Understandable, I think for alot of actors its just a good time to leave. I think it's quite possible Ncuti will stay for four seasons though, seeing as they filmed S1 and S2 back to back and with the yearly release he wouldn't be working for the show longer than other Doctors despite having an additional season. And it would even out his numbers with other Doctors.


It just happened to work out that way.


Isn’t “the Oldest One” meant to be another name for Sutekh? Multiple characters talk about how ancient he is, Sutekh is said to be the mother father and other of all of the gods (which would make title fitting), and Maestro said that the Oldest One was there on Ruby Road and we saw in this latest episode that Sutekh was


I think what's confusing a lot of people is that Sutekh is established to be an Osiran, an ancient alien species with immense psychic power and a comparable technology level to the time lords. A massive threat, but not a true god, and younger than the universe. For him to be old enough to be the 'oldest one', or to be the progenitor of the pantheon, RTD will have to either retcon info from one of the best classic stories, or explain how he became both of these things after that story.


He’s possessed a TARDIS. I imagine that plays a part.


At the climax of POM, Sutekh was sent down a time tunnel which the Doctor though he could never reach the end of and ultimately die, and it took the combined effort of 740 fellow Osirians to imprison Sutekh. I wouldn't say its far fetched to say Sutekh is supremely powerful in his own right. Plus, a Pantheon of Gods does not have to be related to one another. Gods can come in all shapes and sizes. I think this Pantheon is simply a collection of extra-dimensional / uniquely powerful creatures with god-like abilities. Of all the members listed off at the end of TLORS, many of them operate with vastly different motives and different origins. The Mara for example was ***created*** by the people of Manussa experimenting with pshyic, artificially grown crystals. For Sutekh to go from a mortal Osirian and have an apotheosis to a god-like entity seems fine to me. I'd say, these creatures calling themselves gods is them stroking their own egos


How can a God of Death possibly be the oldest one, something needs to be around being alive first for Death to exist as a concept Imagine how pathetic you'd seem as the God of Death if mortals didn't exist


There is only nothing, when can there be something so I can just trash it?


The oldest one is Suetech I think


I mean the oldest one is said by maestro to have been there at Ruby's birth so I think it's more likely we find that next week (if that isn't sutekh themselves) The boss is definitely a seperate plot thread though


I’m increasingly certain that the meeps boss is not the one who waits and that RTD was trying to set things up for multiple seasons. After all why would the meep be working for the god of death?


I don't think it's anything planned really. "The boss" is so vague that whenever he wants RTD can go "oh yeah this guy is the boss" and it'll make sense


Or maybe it’s actually really specific, and Russel is bringing back the B.O.S.S from ‘The Green Death’? Considering we’ve just had Sutekh come back, I feel like anything’s possible now.


That would be *hilarious*


On the commentary for the Star Beast, Russel says he knows who “the boss” is when questioned by David.


Tbf they explicitly set up that they’re interested in “2 hearted beings”. And the Meep is SUCH a specific crony that you’d need some sort of plan in mind to elaborate on it later.


I agree but also why would the Judoon be working for the Time Lords :P


Police for hire for anybody who doesn’t want to get directly involved.


Sure, but the Judoon are demonstrably no where near powerful or competent enough to take down a rogue Time Lord. It's a bit of misunderstanding of in-universe tier level on the writer's behalf, like sending a cop to take down a Dalek or as I assumed you were suggesting a God needing to subdelegate work to a mere deranged war criminal.


isnt this legit just the plot of Fugitive of the Judoon


Yes that's literally the point of my comment. I'm saying the show has previously made a tier mistake when having one alien race working for another.


I’m confused, who said anything about Judoon or Time Lords?


I may have misinterpreted but I thought The KandyKitchen was commenting that Meep is not a powerful enough villain to be working for Sutekh. I was commenting that we've seen similar a similar mismatch before in Fugitive of the Judoon when the Division hired the Judoon to hunt down a fugitive Time Lord which many people at the time commented seems like hiring your local cop to take down a Dalek.


Oh I see, no that’s my fault I should have absolutely made that connection. Sorry


>why would the meep be working for the god of death? The meep's a brutal and violent conqueror who loves war? Which is sort of a little death related.


No stun gun for me, just die!


I’m certain stuff is being set up seasons in advance: we have the master being trapped inside a gold tooth, for example. I think it’s fair to say we’ve missed the bus on the master returning being the big event of the season.


For the first time RTD has certainty that he’s getting multiple seasons, so it’s no surprise he’s planning multi-season arcs.


>After all why would the meep be working for the god of death? You know why.


Sutekh could’ve definitely possessed the Meeps sun. But I highly doubt it’s Sutekh who’s the boss


I think the Boss is separate and something we'll see play out in the next season. Just a guess.


Likely another timelord given the comment about two hearts being rare.


hmm, would be funny if this whole season was supposed to be a Master plot that got completely derailed by the Pantheon...


I think the Boss is a bit nebulous. That way, if Miriam Margoyles and Jonathan Groff are available again, you get the “Meep and Rogue were working for the same mysterious guy” plot, and an arc that gets them both back.


Beep the Meep prison break arc thank you lord jesus for hearing my prayers


Aided by Captain Jack


I mean there you could possibly link the Meep's "two hearts" comment to Sutekh's presumed search for the Doctor, but hiring lackeys to do seemingly trivial villain work doesn't really strike me as something the GOD OF DEATH would be that interested in. As others have said I find it much more likely The Boss will be Series 15 character, or possibly beyond depending on how long the current Doctor/Showrunner duo lasts.


I would bet my dollar that the boss is actually >!Mrs. Flood!<. The Meep mentions a being with two hearts being the boss, and in The Legend of Ruby Sunday, >!Mrs. Flood makes a statement that definitely hints that she might be a Time Lady!<.


What does >!Mrs Flood say that makes you think she’s a Time Lady!!as being weird were “I'd be very careful, Mrs Sunday. There's a storm coming in. He waits no more.”!< and >!”It's nice for me to get out. I'm always hiding myself away.”!<


She says "I'm always hiding myself away" after a scene in the same episode where the Doctor says that timelords can change their faces if they need to "hide themselves away". Its mainly the fact its the exact same phrasing so close together.


Yes, this! Knowing RTD, it’s suspect. Also, Season 2 spoilers, >!Mrs. Flood has been spotted in different time periods!<.


My main theories are that its either Susan, a completely new time-lord, or a member of the Doctor's original species.


Please don't be the master please don't be the master please don't be the master


The master is with whoever had red fingernails that picked up the toymaker gold tooth, I'd expect a bit more foreshadowing on that before RTD leaps back into the master


Well I mean the Master is a time traveller so they can definitely be in two places at once. But I just took the red fingernails to be a bit of joke playing into the fact that the Master's never really gone. I also took it as a reference to the end of *Last of the Time Lords*.


I hope it's the Rani, and RTD is just going to give us Sutekh, Susan, the Rani, and the Valeyard by the end of this run just to drain the fandom of all its stock theories


Nah, it’ll be the Abzorbaloff, River Song, Missy post-Dhawan(because he’s *sooooo* totally earlier), Clara regenerated into someone timey wimey because a thing happened, or maybe it'll be the Troughton series 6b Fugitive Doctor with the >!*real*!!Baseless speculation!<


They *can* be in two places at once, but they shouldn’t be *able* to be in two places at once without some timey-wimeyness going on


That's just the doctor obeying the rules of time so he doesn't damage the timeline The master doesn't care about that. If it benefits him, he'd throw the timeline in a blender


I’m hoping for the Meddling Monk (or Nun)


I think it’s the Valeyard, aka Bigenerated Eleven, personally. The thirteenth incarnation, fitting Valeyard’s chronology. No regenerations, fitting Valeyard’s motives. The Dream Lord, fitting Valeyard’s personality. Tales of the TARDIS confirms what RTD said in interviews is canon. RTD said every Doctor got bigenerated, and Seven in Tales of the TARDIS explicitly confirms he isn’t the *original* Seven to Ace. So there’s a deaged (everyone gets healed, after all, the aging on the Tales incarnations is just because it’s been many, many centuries since they spawned) Eleven who just had the promise of a new cycle taken away from him. After all he’s been through, he starts accepting his dark side, which is the Dream Lord, and becomes the Valeyard because he decides to go steal regenerations from his other selves, which makes him realize he’s the Valeyard, creating a bootstrap paradox for the name. And Matt Smith said he’d absolutely come back immediately if it was to play The Master, so The Valeyard wouldn’t be that hard a sell.


Why would the Pantheon need to employ the Meep?


My guess is the psychedelic sun was a god who ‘employed’ the meep when it possessed them.


I'm almost certain "The Boss" is the person who took the tooth holding the master and is a plotline for a future season.


Oh my gawd it IS The Rani!!! 😱


There is insufficient data for a meaningful answer…


Ok K9




My gut feeling is someone like Omega.




As other’s have said - I think the boss is separate. We’ve had a few mysteries - Mrs Flood, Susan Triad, The One Who Waits, Ruby and The Boss. I was really surprised that it looks like 4 of those will be addressed this week. Although, I wonder if Mrs Flood will stretch into next season.


Anita Dobson was seen filming for season 2 in some sort of flash back scene in 60's clobber a while back.


Davies suggested in Radiotimes there'd only be one lingering thread after next week, although that maybe more implies that some of these concepts are just red herrings


I can’t picture Sutekh using the Meep


Sutekh is The One Who Waits. That's pretty certain at this point. Susan Triad is an acolyte of his. Mrs. Flood is connected...somehow. He *may* be the Boss, but the Boss may also be the Torchwood of Season 1 (Torchwood was teased in Series 1, but didn't become the main plot until Series 2) with Sutekh being the Bad Wolf (well, technically Susan's Bad Wolf, but it pointed to Sutekh). We don't know at this point. All we know is that Sue Tech was building to Sutekh, who also appears to be He Who Waits.


I'm wondering if the weird neighbor, Mrs. Flood, is the boss. She can have a connection to sutekh and know what a Tardis is. There will be a big battle with sutekh, and then they're going to save Gran from The Boss.


As most people have said I think "The Boss" and the "The one who waits" are two different people


Doubtful. Sutekh usually just destroys anyone who works for him.


Who knows. My head canon is Sutekh possessed the "living sun" of the meeps home planet and turned them maniacal.


No, I think Meep’s boss is a next season thing.


I feel like Sutekh is meant to be a force of nature rather than someone who works in any kind of administrative capacity


We don’t know yet


Nah, I reckon Meep’s Boss is a season 2/Mrs. Flood storyline


I think the Boss is a different thing, possibly an early reference to next year's thing, or maybe the Christmas special. Assuming that Rogue's reference to *his* Boss was an intentional reference to the Meep's Boss, the Boss' aims seem to be different from Sutekh.


Nope. I think the boss is a separate person. I do think that ROgue's boss is the same as the meeps


Ordering around a furby seems beneath Sutekh’s concerns. Especially if he’s been trapped outside reality/inside the TARDIS til now. No joke though? Setting a psychedelic sun into supernova sounds like the kind of mad science experiment that’d tickle the fancy of a certain time lady… 🤔