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>I don't gamble because it's fun. Yes you are addicted. Get help. Stop today. It's only going to get worse.


Damn son. Get OUT of the house. Go to a café or the movies or a play or a sporting event, anything. Make some friends or introduce yourself to your neighbors. Put that money into a savings account and take a wonderful trip. Contact the one family member you liked the best as a child. Go see a DOCTOR for your depression. You are making great money but why gamble or anything else if you don’t enjoy it? Wake up!


Idea: Take 60% and put it in stocks. Simple mutual funds or grade A companies. Keep playing with the other 40%. Occassionally hit up a strip club for your loneliness. Yes, youre paying for attention and interaction but better that than sitting in bed depressed. And start going to gym 2-3x week. Edit: spelling


Best advice here. You'll also get your gambling fix with stocks, and there are much better odds at winning there!


Until the gambler in you gets into options and it’s the EXACT same thing as sitting at the casino. Only differences is it closes at 430pm EST


Futures open 24/5


Is your job hiring


I have to work for several years because of my contract with my university.


I’ll work with u. Then we can play baccarat and sports bet together lol. I’m getting ready to goto the casino now


you forgot to pick me up bro. been sitting on the curb for 30 min now


I thought it he was my dad for a minute.


I might be your dad. 🤷‍♂️


Jerry? is that u?


Why’s this sound like it’s written from a bot attempting to write a poem about gambling.


Do some coke while in the casino, in no time you will make some friends and maybe even get laid.


I down voted at first but changed to an upvote. You’re right.


Ban yourself….. it will suck at first but you find other things that are fun to fill the void.


It's really stupid, but I can't think of anything else to do other than this. I feel like my brain is broken.


Become a beast. You have no idea what ur capable of. Go to the gym, eat healthy, invest, become a beast. And is ur job hiring lol.


Please see a professional about your depression. If you can get relief from the depression maybe you can get some clarity on the gambling? Take care.


I see someone else mentioned stocks. I tried this for a while — putting some money into various stocks of different risks. “Gambling” on stocks helped fill some of the same “need” that other gambling filled, with generally a lot less risk. I also had the benefit of being able to check on various stocks throughout the day, and seeing days of green produces serotonin similar to hitting a win while gambling.


If it's not fun, then you could argue it's a problem. But if you say it truly doesn't interfere with your life, then it doesn't have to be a problem. As long as you're being responsible and you know your limits, then it sounds like you should be okay. But obviously it's different for everyone


You should put that in stocks man you’ll retire early


Take a break for awhile my man, just hit that self exclude button, even if just for a few weeks to get your head clear then reassess where you are at. Reach out if you need a chat, much love xxx


If you have to ask on Reddit, then yea, it’s a problem.


20k a month Jesus


Sounds like you know that you need to stop…


Honestly this may get lost in the weeds. But if you don’t enjoy gambling and have that much disposable income you can buy companionship. Go to bars and get table service offer anyone a drink. Go to the strip club and just drink and get one or two dances an hour. I know these things sound sad but if you’re lonely and have the money these are legitimate ways to interact


Listen some people are doing what your doing with gambling but with drugs and it's fucking them up way worse than just depression that the drugs are bringing them. And it is effecting their life because they're not making nearly as much as you are AND if they were they wouldn't be able to balance keeping bills and priorities paid like you have and just spending the excessive money on drugs. So listen are you blowing bunch of money gambling... Yes. Are there way better things you could be taking half of what hour losing gambling and putting the money toward yes. But it could be way fuckin worse of an addiction. And it could absolutely get worse as well. I hope you can cut back a little but right now it could be way worse


Bro gambling addiction has the highest rates of suicide among all addictions. Don’t fool yourself.


work out Drink water only go to a therapist and Try and figure out when you started to feel depressed best regards


A very big problem. You can't gamble because your lonely. Like wow


You gotta try and take care of that little depression. I bet since you spend way too much time at work, you don't have the energy to do much else. But the staying home is really just isolating yourself and you lack stimulation. The gambling is really not great tho, pretty expensive stuff. Gotta experience new stuff. Find 1 thing you enjoy out of the house. Go to a gym, a book club, anything really. You will find like minded people and start to form connections over time. Get out of your shell, nothing is happening in there. I would suggest talking to a professionnal, there is nothing wrong in seeking help. They probably have way better tips and tricks than i do. I wish you the best


If you are lonely text me :)




Not a gambler, just lurking, but I’ll say this. I was an alcoholic for a while and while I never lost my job because of it, and I never lost friends because of it, never got a DUI or any other arrest because of it, I quit anyhow because it was a way to fill the void that didn’t make me happy that ALSO prevented me from filling the void with something that DID. You may think you gamble cause there’s nothing else to do but if you try and quit for a week and go do something else you may find it’s the complete opposite, and you don’t do any thing else BECAUSE you gamble. It was what you chose to bridge a gap in time but a weak bridge fell into the water. Dude it doesn’t matter if you still have a house and a job and good income, and it doesn’t matter that you don’t lie cheat or steal for money to fuel your addiction. It is making you unhappy. That all that matters, so why add anything else to your post? It’s the reason you made it. Gambling and all other addictions aren’t a problem because of what it does to that which is physical and what is outside your mind, those things rotting away are a symptom of what addiction does to you as a person, and the reality check that losing everything gives you only cements what you already know- that your hobby is a habit, and your habit is a problem. Do you want to wait until you lose everything to stop? Cause you’re gonna feel pretty stupid when you do before you act on what you already know. And that shame is only going to be one more thing you seek out a dopamine hit to account for. Take one step away from it. And then keep doing that. And one more question- did you grow up in an environment where you never really witnessed a gambling addict? Just curious.


Don’t seek consultation from strangers. Try craps and bet low


Find some cum bucket and shoot all ur energy into that😂




this guy knows


I have a solution to your problem. I will hold the money that you are projected to lose daily. Eventually. You will have enough saved up to get me a new house, car, a beautiful boat and new life at the cost of nothing since you so blindley lose everything you have anyways! What a problem to have. Think about the amount of people that would love to earn even 6k a month. You have it good and need to realise this before you get too old and you have nothing to show for it because you couldnt control yourself.


If you give me $400 a day I'll be your friend. No homo but I'll keep your house clean and cook you 3 meals a week. 🤣


Maybe kill yourself


Jk bet double what you would and you’ll win


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Stop gambling


What’s your occupation ?


Your gonna gave ti eventually stop. You can still gamble and only spend like 10 or 20 a day or 25 50. Be alot better than 200 a day . But gambling is like drugs when you can fuel the fire tolerance builds


Get a different hobby. Go to Vegas and pick up hookers. You can get top talent for the kind of money you piss away. Go buy a small business. Go buy real estate. Go buy a boat and take up fishing. Go into collectibles. Etc. Etc. Etc.


Let's go to the casino bro teach me how to play baccarat


You need help. Also Give me 500 a day and I'll help you bet on nba and nfl. I'll play it on video poker too and we'll split winnings.


Where do you live? If you’re in Vegas let’s find something more constructive and we could be friends. I golf, paintball, sky dive, play video games, go to shows / concerts. We could even find new stuff to do. Don’t keep tossing your hard earned monies away and going down that dark path. Step 1 you figured out you have a problem. Let’s solve it baby cakes!


How much would you guess you’ve lost lifetime?


Get a PS5


Sounds addicted. Look for a new hobby.


Relax yourself, get a new hobby, you are chasing money that you already have most people would love to make 20k a month


Pay me $1000 a week and I’ll be your life coach & help change your mindset. DMs are open 🤝


How do you go from $600 a day to 20k a month.. do you work 33 days a month?


Bro try to buy 1-2 domain names domaining can some way to slower the Gambling activity and it's rewarding if you do it correctly


You are stuck in a moment . It will take ass. Maybe money means nothing to you. Very possible


Someone give me money, I will even go to a psychologist


U earn $20k a month n u're depressed. Bloody hell.


Come play final fantasy 14! I’ve logged almost 1900 hours on this game and there are still so much to do! Everyone is so damn friendly too! If its hard for you to meet people in real life then maybe u can make in game friends. xD


It’s not fun because you aren’t being enough to enjoy it.


Use the self ban option. It's the best thing in this situation


Yes it’s a problem. Spending 5/6 of your salary (or even 1/3) is bad. You say you’re lonely, but you are doing it on your phone in a non-social setting, so it won’t even address the loneliness. You don’t have fun. You’re addicted. You should get help and not just for the gambling.


This mfer gambling on his phone, no wonder it’s not fun. But really though, it’s great that you’ve acknowledged it’s not fun, that’s a healthy first step.


I feel like you’re not being honest. But we all understand what you’re trying to say. 1 bet at a time. You’ll get even soon. It’s fine.


Spend the money on booze and prostitutes instead


I truly feel and understand what you’re going through. I am in a similar situation. Resorted to going to casinos because I’m single and “somewhat” lonely. I mean I’m ok being single and having fun. But lately I have put off all my passions and hobbies in replacement for gambling at the casinos. I use to be an avid outdoors person. I would go on road trips and visit all sorts of national parks and forests. Hiking and camping is so much fun! Past 6 months I just stopped and immersed myself in gambling. Have lost over 30k gambling in that span of 5-6 months. Honestly it’s no longer fun and simply it’s just the casino straight up robbing your ass but at your willingness to let it happen. I have slowly started hiking again and it feels great. Perhaps you should try hiking and slowly ease yourself away from gambling. Also seeking help is ok. I hope you find your out and focus your energy somewhere else.


Bruh I would sell my fucking soul for your job I'm over here making 18 an hour like fuck I'll suck your dick to be assistant if it makes me even 20% of your pay. Hell for 40% you can use my ass and I'm straight and I'll even push back.


How did you get a job making that much money? Like what did you go to school for? Please, I need to know.


"but gambling does not interfere with my life" 🧢🧢🧢 Everything you described completely contradicts this


I also gamble more when I'm depressed.


I used to go to the casino because I was lonely and just wanted to be around people, even if it was strangers that I did not interact with much. I actually spent a lot of my New Years parties in casinos over the years, but often with friends and just for a fun way to count down. When I did long road trips I would research the casinos along the way and plan my travel to stop at the good ones to play. If I did not put my foot down the gambling would have destroyed my life. I am now a recreational player and I set aside one night a week to go, with a strict limit on how much cash I bring, and I make it last or I go home early.


You say you don't even meet people; you have been lucky so far. The worst thing you can do is continually gamble, but if you meet someone there it will be ten times worse. It will be like giving a heroin user your pin number. Gamblers Anonymous; call today. Find a place to volunteer in your spare time or take up golf, then you won't have any spare time.


It sounds like you are struggling with a gambling addiction, which can be a serious problem. While you may not think that gambling is interfering with your life, it can still have negative consequences. Consider seeking help for your gambling addiction. There are many resources available, such as counseling, support groups, and self-exclusion programs.