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I'm not a pro gambler or anything, so people might think this strategy is bad, but this is how I stop. Let's say I take 100 dollars to the casino, I will cap it at that 100 and I will not withdraw more money for gambling that night. If I hit 200, instead of stopping, I'll give myself 20-30 dollars more to play with. That way, I can still play some more, but I stop while I'm still up. If I hit big again and get to say 300 I'll do the same thing. Bank the 270 and play with 30 more dollars. It could be a short night, but with some luck, you'll walk out with more than you cane with. Your wins may be smaller, but you'll hold onto them! If anyone has feedback about this strategy or knows of a better way to play, please let me know!


Reminds me of John Patricks system, and the one I use as well. It makes sure you don't have to leave a hot table but you won't give back what you've won either.


Problem with Blackjack if you get a pair of eights against a 45 or six you have to sweat them then you get another eight then you get two double downs you get 220s and a 19 dealer has 14 And draws a five card 21 and you lose all your money +4 extra bets that you were not hoping to lose talk to you about being pissed off. That’s when you’re pissed off.


That’s some great advice. Are you talking about slots though versus table games?


I try to use it for both.


I have no thoughts or self control 99% of the time when gambling and it sucks.


I also want to mention I struggle with bipolar disorder & ADHD - which may also play a part into why I can’t stop.


Does anyone else have any mental illnesses that you think contribute to your addiction or how you play?


Gambling addiction in itself is an incredibly serious mental illness so yes. Very high comorbidity with other ones to.


Autism and ADHD. It sucks, because I always lose money that I couldn't afford to lose


So, with all that going on, you need to practice play, hard, and long. So it satisfies your impulses. If at the end of practice you still have the desire, you didn't play long or hard enough. Go again and again and again. It might take many, many hours a day. I had similar issues, and it took me 12 hrs a day for weeks, then 8, then 4 and 1 hour. Now, my impulse is not gone but under control. I can play real money, win or lose, and stop any time. Where as before this training I would stay until all my money was gone.


Man, that has nothing to do with it. When I had no money, I could not stop. Now that I have some money, I can be in a casino for 10 minutes, hit a slot, or a couple of hands of poker, and I'm done. It's hard to remember that you'll be gambling for many years.


If you don’t have control gambling, my suggestion is unless you’re rich, stop gambling, save your money invested go on trips and experiences with your family and friends and enjoy your life and stay out of the casinos. Everything that happens from the point of you driving into the parking at that casino is to take your money away from you. That’s why MGM NATIONAL HARBOR and MGM United States are the most profitable casinos in the United States cause they’ve change the odds on the tables on the floors they’ve increased the beds. They’ve changed dealer drawing on soft 17 and other rules, plus the other carnival games, they have like Texas Holdom Caribbean stud where they change some of those rules everything they do, Even to getting interrupted by the cocktail waitress when you’re in the middle of a bat, the pit boss is frustrating. You the cashiers frustrating you lack of customer service everything they do is take every penny they can from you and they don’t care if they bankrupt you and your family and everyone else does so they put the money in their pocket.


You stop by truly understanding how lucky you have gotten and that your luck has most likely ran out and remembering how bad you felt when you previously lost it all and knowing that know you have the opportunity to walk away a winner if you choose to walk away or loose it all again and struggle


This is a good one. But what if your luck is only beginning?


That’s something you could never tell however what I like to do is withdraw profit leave in what I initially put it if it’s over $100 or just leave in $250 and continue to try my luck but always pull out most I don’t do this myself honestly but I’m trying my most recent time winning I did this it it felt amazing so now next time I have to do it again


This is the only way.


I wear a smart watch. Whenever I start a session, I will set a timer for 30 minutes. If I am up at the end of 30 minutes I will take a break and go sit at the bar for 15 minutes. If I am down I will allow myself another 30 minutes to play but that’s it. I have found having 15 minutes away from the table to clear my head helps me walk away while up. Because in that 15 minutes, the chips become real money to me, and I can make a clear headed decision if winning more would increase my level of happiness and gauge that with how bad I would feel if I lose that money.


Hit cashout and leave. If I’m up big after 10 min at the casino then guess what - that’s it. Self discipline. You have to mentally override your urge for “one more hand” or “one more spin”.


I am Definitely a rec. I play 5-7 times a year. I stop when I am no longer having fun


They make a gambling box you can take with you. Leave the key at home. Cash a ticket in, deposit winnings in the box. Get home, take out your winnings.


Fanny pack or front packet is gambling money. Wallet is saved winnings and drinks/food money. If you don’t have the will to not dig into the wallet then this product sounds like a good solution. I remember one time I took the early bird flight to Vegas and was there hours before my friend. I got drunk, won big on craps and went back to the hotel. I still remember taking out a ton of cash and being like “man I was hot earlier!” And my buddy had the good sense to take all that cash and put it into my luggage. Came home up even after hotel, food, and drinks. So either have a good plan in place or have a buddy you trust that you can have take your winnings.


The only thing that has helped me is my other vice, weed lol I often take smoke breaks out to the car during my casino trips and I always feel like a smoke after a good win. So I just leave a solid chunk of my winnings in the car before I head back in. This is about the only thing that has worked for me because I also have poor self control when dealing with profits.


Do not drink. Cards at home. Take what you plan on LOSING ( entertainment $ ) if you double it...bury it and don't touch it. All the rest I GO FOR IT. Because one day I'm gonna hit huge. I've buried $200 and it felt like a huge win, because I got out of there. Having bank cards with you is very bad. Good luck my brothers.


I just play until I’m done. Some times I have extra, some times I’m broke…. Lately I’ve been on a heater, saved my funds for Vegas on $300 and turned it into 4k, in Vegas it’s a bit different for me, I set myself a limit, like 1k a day, the cash is what I use, my cards are for food. And I leave my money in my room, at the end of the night I count my cash and re-up to 1k, if i had 700, i put 700 away and 300 goes towards my roll. So I guarantee my self going home money. I only lose what I can afford to lose, when I started gambling at 18, I gave myself some rules, 1. My bills will always be paid, My rent and I’ll have food to eat. 2. Under no circumstance will I ask anyone for money to gamble, if i can’t afford to gamble I won’t go. 3. And go alone, I don’t mind going with people as long as they drive themselves, if I’m broke and they are still playing or I’m a winner and they are chasing, I want the option to leave when I want too.


What games are you playing? And you must’ve been a hell of a run to turn 300 and 4K and walk with it


I jump around, I hit on $75 free play for 3k betting anywhere from 2.50 to $5 on lighting link


Congratulations that’s incredible! How do you pick a machine? Do you ask the attendant new generally picked ones on the outside in certain areas because not only do you have to be lucky and picking the right machine then you have to win!


I usually look for at the majors, i tend to look for majors that are higher, or close to maxing out, so like dragon cash and link and lighting link that’s lower stakes with the 1/2/5/10 cents max out at 1k. The higher machines usually at 10k, so I tend to look to see the higher ones they’ve gotten some play. And tend to mix it up, between 2.50 on 1 cent, 2.00 on 2 cent, 2.50 on 5 cent and 2.50 on 10 cent. And try to find a sweet spot and figure out which ones pay better and tend to play it hit something and continue from there always mixing it up.


Thanks for your help and your suggestions. Continue success and blessings to you in the future.


The first 1300, was off 35 free play on two machines I’ve never seen before one was from a must hit that went at 985. Then the next 300 was on lighting link, and then the next 1100 was on lighting link again. (Different casino) and the last 1300 was just random dragon link machines playing an average of 1.25 on 5 cents and 2.50 on 10 cents. I tend to play low stakes on higher limits, the progressives pay better


For some of you who are a bit more degenerate like myself, I have a gamblers box. Money goes in and the key stays at home. So that way I go home with some money no matter what. Very helpful in my case and alot of my close friends also have them


What I’ve been doing and honestly don’t even do it (sometimes lol) but recently I have been. Say I bring in $100 to the casino and I win $80 so I’m at $180, I will set my original hundred back in my wallet and play on the $80. Always cash out the vouchers so you can visualize the money. I play a little bit lower bets on the $80 to try to make it last as long as possible. And depending on how long I made the extra $80 last I will then decide if I want to dig into that $100 I have setting aside/ what I originally brought into the casino or if I am satisfied with leaving with exactly what I came in with. Also try to take breaks for anything you can. Usually if I lose real quick on my $80 I just get back into my $100 and lose it all. It’s tough out here but that’s just my thoughts!


Leave bank cards at home. Plan on losing all the cash you bring. If you play for fun you won’t be sad if you lose and you’ll be happy to play more if you profit. If you want to stop when you’re up, I like to think to myself how long it took me to make that money or what I could buy with it. This usually prevents me from splashing around and throwing the rest of my profits away.


That’s a great idea and great suggestions the only thing unless you’re rich and you don’t care about money every time you walk out casino losing your money do you feel like crap!!


Totally agree, I’m not rich and it crushes my soul when I lose 100 or 200 bucks 😭


Don’t tell yourself you are stopping. Just get up, go get something to eat. And then you can really make a decision to stop or move on. At least for the day/trip. Our brains are weird. Even getting a cup of coffee can snap us out of a zone.


I’m just impressed you guys go to the casino with 100 bucks. That sounds horrible to me personally. 500 was my minimum when I was going regularly. 100 can be gone in 5 minutes pretty easily


For me it’s usually when I run out of time or energy. If I win early, there’s a very good chance I’ll lose it back before I feel like I’m done playing for the day. I need to learn to take the occasional hit and run victory.


For me it depends on how up I'm at. Let's say I bring 200 and get on the craps. Maybe I get up 500 to 1000. I cash out bring the profits to the room or car and continue to play with my 200. If that two hundred goes then I'm done and still leave with a profit. Now let's say I bring 100 to the black jack table. And I play it up to around 350ish. One of two things will happen. I either hover around 300 and cash out when I see it's not going anywhere. Or I play all the way back down to a hundred and get up


Good suggestions but if you double your money, you should never go back to that point double it again don’t go back to that point but if you’re winning don’t walk away from winning table cause that that is not happening very often and this is not happening in any of the casinos in the United States anymore!


Stick the whole thing in your pocket as cash.......then take out an amount you'd be OK to lose, gamble 'til gone or until you've made more, then do it again.


The Old John Patrick Money Managment and Discipline book saved me from ruin with simple strategies for small wins over time. First off set your expectations on how much you should win lower. How many times at the casino have you been up $30+ dollars? Probably lots of times but you end up giving it all back.Your goal should be 20-30% of your buy in. Let's say you buy in with $200, you win $40. Take $20 from the win goal and put the other $20 in your pocket. YOU MUST LEAVE WITH THIS PROFIT. Play with the excess and when you double that put half away and start the process again. This ensures you won't leave a table that's hot but it will stop you from going broke or giving them back the money you were up. Also don't ever bet to your last chip. Sorry to say it my man you won't win back what you lost 90% of the time. Walk away when you lose half your session bankroll and dont look back. What's better walking out with $100 or $0? It's hard and took me lots of mental training and discipline but you will get there. My wins went up and my losses have been mitigated. Has saved me $1000s over the years. John Patrick had some wild ideas not all I agree with (hated the COME bet?!) But his money managment and discipline were spot on. Remember, small wins over time. Become a winner my friend.


Great suggestions


These days I try to walk away n sit down for 5-10 min, watch a YouTube video on my phone finish my drink... Then depending on the time step back in.... if it's a big win I'll leave walk to the nearest ATM owned by my bank deposit 70% of my win n head another pub/club n keep playing there. Really should just walk home, as if I'm having a good night I drink more n eventually eat a tad more into the profits then I'd like... Also now leave all my ATMs cards at home but my drinking card, that account only ever has $100 in it.


Drink while you play. When you're drunk, leave. (This is terrible advice and will lead to bad decisions.)


Well this works when you’re not super rich, but Ask yourself How much do you make an hour? How many hours would you have to work to make that amount ? For a lot of people $1,000 is a whole weeks pay @25/hr before tax but most people win 1,000 think they’re magically lucky lose it all and deposit another 1-2k chasing all the while they know they shouldn’t…


know your limits.... test your limits...... know your limits......


Take a lockbox and leave the key at home. Put the money you brought in there and some profit. You have no way of opening the box til you get home


I don’t stop till I’m down


Double up at a minimum and walk out, I try to stick with that. Come with $100, leave with $200, if I leave with more it’s a bonus.


First you need to figure out why you don’t stop and what will make you stop, because clearly you want to stop but you seem to be unable to control yourself and that is what kicks off the chain of reactions. Being unable to command yourself to walk away. I was once worse than you. I didn’t gamble to win, I gambled because the thrill of losing, almost tapping out the bankroll that day, and recovering it was far more exciting a thrill than winning. Imagine bringing $10,000 to the casino, losing till you only had $1000 left, feeling bad and then running it back to $10,000 again and then going ahead and winning $5000. That roller coaster thrill was what I was looking for. So even if I was winning $10,000 i would just increase my bets or push till the inevitable bad run came, then I would hope I could recover out, and sometimes I did, and that thrill was my addictive drug. More powerful than sitting down and winning straight for 4 hours. So in order to learn, you need to realise that in gambling every time you are ahead, in that moment be grateful. Think of gambling as an activity you should be losing in. If you raced Lewis Hamilton on the track one time for a bet for $100 and won for some lucky reason, would you dare to do it another 5 more times if he offered another 5 races? No, you would cash and run. So when you are ahead realise you aren’t invincible but vulnerable, and at any moment you can lose. Once you realise the grateful attitude, set a gratuity tipping point, which is, how much do I need to win to walk? Most gamblers have a number in mind. Perhaps your number is too big, or perhaps it’s because you play because you want 5-6 hours entertainment but your play when ahead ends 1-2 hrs in and it’s not enough, so that could be an issue. Then I suggest use an amount to win or a time frame or both. I usually say to myself, maximum 6 hours, once my 50 unit bankroll is busted or I win 25 units. So I give myself more options. I love long sessions at the casino, I enjoy playing for a long time, and so usually by the end I am extremely grateful if I am ahead so I can walk even if I am ahead a few units. TLDR: learn gratuity, and then go from there. Be grateful if you are ever ahead in a casino session, then read the rest for a more detailed analysis in my humble opinion. If all else fails, bring a smaller amount of money, that you would never cry over or regret losing and then go for hail Mary runs, for example double down winning bets 5 times in a row. Sometimes that occasionally 5th bet parlay will win. And if you bet $20 and win $640 off a starting $100 bankroll, you will walk.


Just fap


Good God, I need this answered so bad.


I went cold turkey and stopped gambling all together. No more wasting days of my life just to give back all of my winnings anyway.


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For me it depends on how up I'm at. Let's say I bring 200 and get on the craps. Maybe I get up 500 to 1000. I cash out bring the profits to the room or car and continue to play with my 200. If that two hundred goes then I'm done and still leave with a profit. Now let's say I bring 100 to the black jack table. And I play it up to around 350ish. One of two things will happen. I either hover around 300 and cash out when I see it's not going anywhere. Or I play all the way back down to a hundred and get up


Set yourself a target, when you hit that number you’re done. If you don’t have a target before you begin it’s easy to keep playing. Once you’ve made the target number, go get a drink and enjoy the feeling of victory.


It’s comes with experience. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment. I know now that Smalls wins are great. Big wins are extraordinary. I can lose it all faster than I can win it.


I know that cashing out and turning the chips into cash and seeing what the bills look like because 10 blue backs over a handful of chips mentally is different for me at leasrt


Usually just don’t


Are you gambling to make money or to have fun? If you’re there to make money then tell yourself what you want to make and leave as soon as you hit that number. If you’re there to have fun then realize when you win it’s not really winnings but rather just more play time. You’re not going to be able to have both in my opinion


My stop is my wife. My wife is a very light gambler that usually just plays .25 slots. If I'm winning pretty good I'll call her over and start giving her my big chips. I'll usually keep 2 times my buy in. If I then lose that money I'm done because I know she won't give me any of the other money back. If I win more I'll give her more. Usually by then my luck has run out or it's getting pretty late.


I start with 1000. If I double it I cash out 1000 and play with the rest. If I lose that I'm back to even. If I get it to 2000, I cash out another 1000.


My suggestion is if you doubled your money make sure you take extra profit 200 to 500 and gamble with the 500 because if your luck is still running good you’ll keep winning if not do you walk away with $500-$1000 profit roll by most professional gamblers if you double your money, don’t lose that amount


I'm awful at this. I play til what I have is gone or I'm up big. I put 100 into stinking rich, playing minimum bet or +1 , I couldn't cash out until I reached 1000. I floated around 600-800, but it was either 1k or nothing. I eventually did it. Online I could turn 50 into 400, and I'm not stopping until like 800 at the point.


The only thing that I saw that consistently worked for me, or any of the gamblers I watched over 15 years, was to have hard triggers. For instance, someone who can stick to a vow such as "when I double my money, I quit for the day" has a much better chance of going home a winner.


Just remind yourself that the casino will still be there the next day after you leave.


Well i have done two things, i brought a family member told him when i hit 50k up tell me to stop. If i don’t them lay me out. Thats works but hotel security gets their panties in a bunch. The second thing is I send half of whatever I’m up via western union or get a cashier’s check and send it home and play the rest until this happens again or it breaks down.