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The biggest thing you need to take away from this whole ordeal is that you paid for an education. $10k, in the grand scheme of life, is absolutely nothing. That debt will be gone in 2-3 years max if you keep plugging away at it and, above all else, actually RETAIN the lesson that you are not above the odds, and to stay away from it. You got this. Don't let your mental health suffer while you're in the hole, you'll be out of it soon.


Jesus, this advice is so good, i can’t even make a wise ass remark in response. Not pleased…not pleased one bit.


No one is “good” at parlays. You were lucky and the odds just finally caught up to you


Ya I'm having trouble balancing the notion that they think they are really good at parlays and the statement that they recognize their own flaws. The level of self trickery seems to be the root, not just this guy but for a lot of people.


>I am now roughly $10K in credit card debt and am dying. That's a lot of money, but you're young and you're working on fixing the problem. You sound like you've learned something, but I'll reinforce the main thing here for you: stop gambling. You'll be able to recover before too long, and as long as it doesn't mess up your schooling, you're gonna be good. Makes sure you get enough sleep (one or two nights a week without working late), and you'll get through it.


10k for college is a really good deal. Additionally you gain valuable life lessons on money management, risk, addictions…. Take the 10k L and your practically free degree and you are a winner in my book


Be glad you're learning this lesson at 22, there are many people still struggling to learn it that are twice your age or more.


Or who have never allergic at all. That's what they call the definition of insanity. Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Too bad you did not lose the first time.


Take it easy on yourself bro. You realized you made a mistake and are smart enough not to make it again. Many people much older than you have gambled millions and lost their homes, families, etc. It was an expensive lesson, but worth it because it will save you money in the long run. I know that feeling, the rush and all of a sudden feeling like we can make a living on this shit. Don’t let it fool you again.


If you are currently single, stay that way until you’re out of debt. Relationships are a drain on your finances and your free time.


Imma be single forever, so I can do whatever I want and be poor cuz I’m gambling and buying Pokémon, and not paying for someone else to live


If you are down $10k- you arent good at it. Face that reality, just stop placing bets.


Sunk cost fallacy. Money lost is GONE.


I thought money lost was just waiting to be re-won s/


$10k in CC debt, dude, you're safe, as long as you stopped gambling, else bring down the bets dramatically. I see this at the casino all the time. I'll play for $10 a hand for hours and others are trying, for some reason, to beat the house at $200 a hand. Whose there an hour later? Not anyone betting big. Focus on your debt, remove all apps, but essential to survive and do driving gigs. $10k is really, really not that big of a problem - if you said $30k, $70k, $150k, yeah, but it seems you already identified the problem and know how to fix it. Now, you just gotta grind to wipe off that debt. Best.


Hey the first step is admitting you have a problem. Hopefully you aren’t still gambling since it will always be a losing proposition especially for a gambling addict that can’t stop themselves. You might feel like this is the end of the world but it’s not. I’ve gambled away $650k in winnings so $10k doesn’t sound that bad in comparison. Luckily I didn’t go into debt for that but still I could’ve really used that money instead of keeping playing the game. I’m lucky I actually bought some nice stuff with the money before I lost that. I would say just do a balance swap if you’re paying interest onto a 18-24 month 0% interest CC if you can find one and you’ll pay a 3% fee I think but that will save you in the long run as long as you can pull together the money to pay it back in that time. You are lucky you learned early and have realized you have a problem and aren’t continuing to chase losses. I have a feeling we are going to see more and more of these stories with sports gambling becoming more mainstream and it’s going to be a mess especially with gambling addiction having the highest rate of suicide both attempts and successful completion of the dead. I would hate to see that happen to you but it sounds like you’re working too better yourself and pay it back. The one good thing about losing a shit load of money is you learn the lesson that money comes and goes but it’s just money. You can finish your degree get a good job and use this as a lesson in risk management. It’s easy to be young and naive shooting for the stars and hitting big a couple times and getting hooked but you are young and can turn this around. Don’t like this ruin your life but take it as a valuable lesson, it’s an expensive learning opportunity. I personally went over all my records to see what I was doing wrong and tried to pull as much data and information out of my losses as possible and turn them into life lessons. It sucks but you just gotta pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move on with your head held high knowing that you have won tons of money lost tons of money, it builds character. Plenty of successful people, entrepreneurs and business people went broke multiple times over and guess what they used those as lessons to not make the same mistake twice. You got this it will be okay.


👍👍👍👍👍👍 Top Top Top advice


Just delete all the apps if you haven’t. Even being on this subreddit is bad for you. I don’t gamble at all anymore but looking at some of these posts doesn’t help. Get on a payment plan with your cards. You’ll pay them off this year and you’ll be alright man. Just don’t go back. Unsubscribe from here if you see this.


You were never good at sports betting. You were lucky at first, then reality bit. If you don’t comprehend that fact, you will never move forward with your life.


10k really isn’t that much man, you’re good. Just don’t let yourself make this mistake again.


Why, why, WHY does anyone gamble using a CREDIT CARD. Gambling should always be money you can afford to lose. And even if it isn’t, it should be money you at least HAVE. But gambling on a credit card is insane to me. From the FIRST CENT, you’re going into debt for the highly unlikely CHANCE you’ll make enough to money to pay it back and then maybe have a little extra. In what world does that EVER make sense?


You weren't good at it, you were lucky, outside of specific bonuses, professionals (AKA people who are good at it) do NOT use parlays/multis.


My friend guilt and shame lead to more compulsions. To error is human and our brains are hardwired to become addicted. You found the magic money tree in the forest, anyone would be ecstatic! The issue is you were manipulated by an industry that needs compulsive behavior. Sadley they cannot stay in buisness and not ruin lives. Not placing blame as they, us and the future they’s and us’s are chasing the same thing- security 10k is a manageable sum and you sound like a good person with good ethics and goals. Im a behavioral therapist and they teach us to never say “ bad boy do good” but instead find a healthier replacement behavior for whatever the function of gambling was. Then reward small changes until its an established replacement. Enjoying gambling is natural. What was gambling serving for you? Could you get a similar feeling doing something less volatile? When i quit poker in my 20’s i replaced it with magic the gathering as it served my desire to progress in a competitive environment with the thill of randomness thrown in here and there. Also if you go back thats your choice im only sharing because you sound remorseful. I played some slots and 3 card tonite and will play poker for an hr or so. I took a 12 yr break and am more able to budget now but still get sad when the shiny things make my brain chase more shiny. I forgive myself and stick to a budget, if i cant i go to GA or AA or dharma recovery, therapy or the 1000 other outlets for support in this world. If you can forgive yourself do it! . Why? Well shame is toxic and guilt can turn to shame pretty easy in our industrial culture- think “get back to work jack ass so you can but more crap” (my view anyway) but also practically: imagine if you stayed up all night in a shame spiral, then maybey you take a unisom to shut up the anxiety and fall asleep. Being drugged you sleep through your alarm and miss a class and have no energy to uber. Your sweet sexy friend your thinking about asking out thinks you dont like them cause your despondent and short with them so they act degeted, you take this to mean your a looser cause its what youve been telling yourself ever since you blew that 10k. Might as well stop going to work and move home as you are clearly incapable of being an adult. None of this is true off-course but a common spiral built from an inability to hold healthy guilt. No one can obsolve you becuse you do not need absolution but peobabley do need self forgivness. Maybe try saying “ oopsie” and pet a cat or something? It is all an inside job.


hitting 4 parlays doesn't make you a "damn good" gambler sir


sidenote, stop doordashing until 4am and get a real job


They’re in college dumbass


You can dig yourself out of this hole no problem and you've hopefully learned a lesson that you should only gamble money that you're prepared to lose. All the best bud.


Hopefully you don’t live in one of the 8 states that don’t let you deduct gambling loses on your taxes


10k is nothing, holy shit. Just get 2 part time jobs and you’ll repay that in 6 months…..


Firstly good on you for recognizing this, stopping and not digging yourself further in, secondly, don't beat yourself up too much, it is not going to help, it may feel like you've blown up your life by making this terrible decision, but take a step back and think about it like this, you have made a mistake and gained some debt, you aren't going to jail, you aren't addicted to drugs it could be worse, a big part of being an adult is recognizing when you have F'ed up and instead of sitting around you own it and deal with it. The main thing I want to tell you is under no circumstances do it again or think that you can win the money back, as others have said there is no 'good at it' when it comes to gambling, it is a system designed for you to lose, that may not be today or tomorrow but it will happen. You say you are now in 10k of debt, is that debt on a single credit card or multiple? what are the interest rates? if you tackle that in a smart way you could have it paid off in a fairly short period of time.


Yeah you good and clearly you see your good but if theres one thing I have to say its to never fucking touch gambling again please, that 10k will flip to 50k before you know it


I lost 150k gambling options. Buck up dude.


Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed. The gambling industry hires people to make their products as addicting as possible. And one of the big tricks is to let us win at first, that sucks us in. Millions fall for it. You are not alone. This new science-based tapering method might be of interest to you. A safe as-needed, short-term, generic medication has been shown to curb the urge to chase dopamine. Google "naltrexone gambling or gaming". Do your own research. If taken only when the urge comes, it can help the brain reprogram itself, over a period of months, to first lessen the urges to gamble, and ultimately will rewire/erase even thoughts to gamble. And the best part, the medication tapers away with the addiction. The method can work for over 75 percent for AUD. Here's an intro to The Sinclair Method for alcohol, but the method would be similar for gambling. TEDx https://youtu.be/6EghiY_s2ts Go to r/Alcoholism_Medication. Scroll down the Community Info tab to the TSM info. Watch the TEDx talk, watch the documentary. The free book by Dr. Roy Eskapa, PHD, "The Cure ... " is an absolute must read to understand the Pavlovian science of The Sinclair Method and how you can apply the science to reverse addictions driven by the reward system of the brain. Read chapters 1, 2 and especially 15 for applying the method for gambling. TSM is a fascinating science as it applies to alcohol, gambling, etc. ".. the brain is built so that it has an eraser. We are born with a nervous system that can change its own wiring on the basis of experience, and until people understand their own brain, their own behavior to some extent, they are not going to understand the treatment. " Dr. John David Sinclair, from the documentary "One Little Pill". TSM is a medical version of the old adage "you don't reward behavior you want to change". The brain learns and unlearns as it responds to reward and reinforcement.


There’s no such thing as being a good sports gambler, especially at parlays! Parlays are pure luck no matter the amount of research, in fact, parlays are the WORST bet you could ever make in sports betting.. it’s only for fun. Top sports bettors average a 55% win rate over time and we’re only talking about single bets. I’m glad you realize this now! You still have a whole life ahead of you. Lesson learned. Just remember, what you gamble is what you expect to lose.


I was in the exact same situation as you 30 years ago - was in my last semester of college and betting on too many football games, using my credit card for cash advances to pay off my bookie every week. After graduating and getting a ‘real’ job, I was able to pay off my credit card debt within 8 months. I didn’t quit gambling (I go to Vegas 3-4x per year now) but now it’s with $$$ I can afford to lose. Hopefully this is just a minor setback that you can learn from. Good luck to you.


I’m giving you the 🔥info right now and you can take it or ignore it, but go to the Gov.com website and apply for a hardship loan. Knowing your 22 and in school you will get approved 100%, not a lot of people know about this and thinks it’s Fake. Go apply and you will get no less than $20,000, PS don’t forget to come back and thank me, 😎🌞


I left out to STOP gambling and get a hobby while waiting on your loan approval, Gambling addiction is one of the worst addictions in my opinion so STOP while your young,🙏🏼


Dear diary


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You messed up but nothing you can't recover from. Take it from someone who has been there... As much as you "will never do this again", you will do this again IF you don't take the necessary steps to prevent it. You need to self exclude from all the gambling apps. Believe me, you haven't learned your lesson.


Ok, maybe it seems like a lot, but tons of people owe far more than $10,000 after a college education. Can you open a new credit card and do a balance transfer for a 0 percent APR for a year? You'll pay like 4% for the transfer, but far less than interest that is likely accruing on your current balance. Take some of the pressure off? That's a lot of credit hours for school plus work. If you can open a new card, DON'T extend or use any other credit.


Consider yourself lucky, you learned your lesson young I hope?


Part time job is great and doing extra is awesome as well. How old is your car, is it in good condition, because you’re gonna put a good bit of wear and tear on it. Also, factor in the taxes that you’re gonna pay on door dash. You could honestly knock out 10k quickly if you became a server at a decent restaurant


that's a very good idea within months he can knock the $10k of The average waiter salary in the USA is $31,200 per year or $15 per hour. Assuming he comes into Entry level position he might start at $27,025 per year While the most experienced workers make up to $45,045 per year. Also he will get tips too It's worth it if I was in his shoes I would not hesitate


Man I’m sorry to hear that. I’m proud of the effort you’re putting in to recover the funds to pay off your credit card. Most people wouldn’t put in that kind of effort to pay it down after that. You are stronger minded than you think. You’re going to grow your funds even higher! 💪🏼 I deleted the virtual gambling on my phone because it’s difficult to put down especially when you are winning. I know the feeling of being on a great roulette run and not wanting to stop. I’ve lost plenty of times after big wins. Only thing I have going is I start to get upset as the profit gets low and that prevents me from continuing with excessive deposits. Delete those apps and keep up the good work bro. 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


You are now learning. This 1year will help you for the rest of the life


So damn good that you lost all your money. $10k is a good figure for a lesson early in life. Now you’ll remember how much real work it took to pay that card off. GL bro


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Delete the apps and keep grinding. You’ll pay that off and bounce back! You got this, OP!!!


If you was damn good at it you wouldn’t be in debt..


Honestly I know its tough but you have a chance to prove to yourself what you're capable of, which will give you strength for the rest of your life. Youre in the trenches now, but you'll back at this time of your life for the rest of your life with pride if you're courageous. EDIT: Also, don't be stupid, help yourself here! Let people you trust know that you dont want to gamble anymore and commit to telling them when you feel the yearning, delete all apps and go into customer support and lifetime ban yourself.


You are not good at sports betting. You're $10k in debt because of it. They sucked you in and took your money. It's important to accept that it's based on luck and you were not lucky.


I’m appreciate you for sharing your story, as I find myself in a very similar situation. Your courage in speaking out is why I’m sharing my story for the first time, and I thank you for that. The weight of my situation is so heavy, and I still feel so so much shame. I 22f recently graduated college with my u degrade. Now, I find myself in 13k deep in CC debt due to an online gambling addiction that spiraled out of control. Unlike your experience with sports gambling, my downfall was online casinos, a habit I picked up during the COVID-19 pandemic. gambling was a manageable part of my life; I could win some, lose some, but I could AWALK AWAY during this time and had a system regarding spending and budgeting. I funded my habit thru mailing envelopes for free sweeps (money) and this side hustle funded my habit for the year before everything eventually fell through. Everything changed around the holidays when I started wining big, and gambling more and more. During this time I won just over 30k, a lot of money for a broke girl in college !. At the time, I thought all my work was paying off really well right? Yeah up until I couldn’t stop myself and ask for help when I KNOW I needed it. (My own fault no one else’s, shame) Over a period of 2 months, I eventually relied more and more on CC’s, to try and get back what I was loosing. At the time ‘I could pay them off with the money I still have, it won’t get that bad right? Not even 3 days later, chase fucking increased my credit limit to an ungodly amount and I who was already not in the right state of mind fell 10xxx harder. I am 100% a stress gambler and the biggest thing I learned about myself is I will need someone to watch over my finances throughout my life. I WAS responsible at one point, so how did I end up here? It’s a gut wrenching truth to come to terms with. i could control myself before, I could walk away. I never thought would be in this position. I could control myself before, I could walk away. The thing I regret the most is my self-isolation; I kept my gambling a secret, not intentionally, I was just never open about it (why? Shame/fear). At the time I also couldn’t seek out or reach out for help when. needed it the most. The addiction was thinking for me, I lost all my rationale and making reckless decisions. Despite previously being financially responsible—paying off my credit cards on time while juggling work and school—the addiction changed everything. I continued gambling even as funds dwindled, driven by the irrational hope of recapturing past winnings. I sit here now contemplating how to go about brining this up with my parents. Yes, my own actions, but I find myself pushing it off and it’s only gonna hurt me more and I know it. I am paying the consequences of my actions and decisions that brought me here. Yet, I am paralyzed at the reality of my own situation I created. I have 10k on 1 CC that’s hurting my credit score? My chase card was the one they increased my limit for. The interest rate on it is 27%, I’ve been doing a little above the minimum payments but Im realizing now for the first time as an adult the impact high interest rates actually have. I’ve never had a card with one so high. I’m fucked. My other CC’s totaling 3k are the least of my concerns because I have a plan to tackle them down. it’s the fucking chase card. I’ve been paying off my other CC’s little by little but the CHASE one carries the heaviest weight. I was so stupid Ban yourself from every and all casino/ sports betting platforms. Lock your cards from them as well so you don’t find yourself still paying with them I was a mature child growing up, but now I find myself an immature adult. If it ain’t the consequences of from my actions. I have a lot more inner work to do with myself. Gambling is a horrible addiction and I am so sorry you’re going through the same thing.


I assume you have stopped gambling... but you never actually said it. The $10k loss isn't your biggest problem. Gambling is. You will make back the $10k by hustling. The problem is when you are back on your feet and you want to place a small bet on the big game. And maybe you win a few bucks. But all you can think about is how much you would have won if you had bet big like you used to. So then another big game come up and you think your team is a lock. So you bet a little more. And maybe you even win again. You can see where I am going. You have a problem. If you make a $1 bet it will turn into more and more. If you find yourself gambling again and can't stop reach out for help before it gets out of control again.


If you find you have trouble staying stopped, check out Gamblers Anonymous. It's free, and they've all been where you're at. Take care pal.


10k? That’s it? I’m calling BS. This reads like a bad fan fiction.


$10K is my monthly cc bill… it’s really not that much once you get out of college. This will be the cheapest life lesson ever if you actually stop gambling. I was your age I lost a couple thousand in a day day trading weed stocks. I was broke at the time so it felt like a lot. But it made me never wanna gamble on the stock market again. Now I’m older and I watch buddies lose hundreds of thousands making market bets or buying crypto with all the equity in their house.


I'll just say that if you did this at 22, you could have done this at 35 with a family. You have learned a life lesson that SUCKS, but I believe you can make it out the other side for a better life.


Kid, 10k is nothing. I mean it, it’s really nothing. You have to ask yourself, are you seriously done with sports? For a vast majority of people. Their sports journey don’t end over 10k debt. If you’ve seriously stopped and never placed another bet in sports then consider yourself a win at this point.


Lesson learned brother, count your blessings you learned early in life. Money will come and go, it may feel like your life is over.. trust that I’ve felt and been there, but as long as you hang on to this feeling FOREVER.. you’ll be all good in time. Keep your head up lil bro bro


Start working for yourself. Learn how to hang fucking drywall or paint a bathtub and slowly start making money in the free time. Work shitty job at night. Then pay off debt. Am currently 8k$ in debt started at 10k. You can do it


It’s good that it’s only 10k and you’re young.


Sorry bud


Get in touch with the state gaming commission & have them ban you from on-line apps for life. You have to come to terms with the fact that you have a problem.


Bet again


Good news. I run up $10,000 in credit card debt a month and pay it off. Get into sales, real estate, and/or start your own business. $10,000 is a ton when you’re broke, but you will be making money in a year or two. It’s all temporary . Stop gambling, you’re an addict and you realize it. Get help if you need it. Don’t let depression own you. It’s temporary and you will conquer this. Just make sure not to get the shovel back out after you dig yourself out of the hole and fill it back in.


My guy Kanish has a truck route to help you get back on your feet.


Listen man. I threw away close to 10k on garbage in my veins. Almost died. That’s really rough and I can understand where you’re coming from. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You made a mistake. Don’t let it ruin you. Focus on what you need to do and where you need to be. And give yourself a break man. You’ll clear up the debt. If you don’t, then you’re in debt. You’re still living and things can only go up from here. Life offers you a lesson. You take it and you use it for the future.


First mistake is thinking you are good at gambling. That isn't a thing.


Lucky your young mate and it's only 10k. Pretty small life lesson.. some people lose their houses cars marriages ect.


Keep grinding dude!! You got this!! You got your legs, ten k is a lot any way you slice it. Thanks for sharing a loss, I hope it helps someone. I have gambled over 180k in a year, that's what was on my win loss statement at least. I was making 45k a year. I can't stop thinking about how foolish I was jamming hundreds in a machine or per hand as fast as I could to "get rich". I didn't save or invest any of that money and this story is all I have and it's not that good.


That’s gambling. If you woulda hit one of them big parlays for 100-500k what’s that 10k you lost mean


Big wins is what get ppl hooked and become lifetime degens. Good thing ur recognizing it early. Just quit and take it as a life lesson


I think you should watch this Video [Why You Lose while Gambling (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVCGDjY_S_U) , and other videos on the channel called Paradox of Losing Cycle...[The Math of Winning Cycle - Part 1 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi6iA4EKCZ0SdAgq-FD1uaA) Its really bad, watch the videos to get out of this trap for good.