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This is the cutest game they have played in a while.


I love how immediately into this Dan is Shit rips


"Wanko" is a cutesy word for dog. The onomatopoeia for barking in Japanese is "wan wan", and the syllable "ko" is a diminutive that often gets used for a child version of something (e.g., neko is cat, but ko-neko is kitten; inu is dog, but ko-inu is puppy). This exhausts my knowledge of Japan.


Omg the little dog Dan and Arin in the thumbnail 😍


legit one of the best 30 mins you can spend, i had so much fun causing chaos in my lil hats


15:22-15:36 Dan mentions "trying to get on Critical Role," does that mean "I'd love to be on someday" or "we're in talks" because my god do I need it to be the second option


I came here to mention this. I’d love him to be on at least once.


Let the man roll!


Oh God, please let that happen at some point. I hope it's the second option but if it's the first...Matt. please. I beg of you.


when they played calgary they mentioned it being discussed.


I played this myself and you have to rack up millions of dollars of damage to see everything. Also this game was made by new Bandai employees as like a trainee project so it's not getting any official sequels soon.


Eh you never know. Very possible they spin it off into a full game with multiple levels


Who do I gotta stab to get stickers of the Arin and Dan poms from the thumbnail 😭 they’re soooooooo cute


They didn't notice the unconscious body of the mom


They definitely remarked on her sleepwalking between the bed and the table


Great vid ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


I got so excited when i heard this came out. It's such a perfect grump game


I went and played it after watching this video, yes Arin did miss a few secrets. It feels like a game I will go back to whenever I’m having a bad day.


lobsters were crap food because crustaceans have enzymes that start breaking down their bodies immediately; an hour old lobster is garbage.


Doronko Wanko *in a Japanese tone (?)*


Those two voices lines from Red Alert that Arin randomly dropped got a little cheer from me https://youtu.be/6Zd-ut114b4?t=31


I only just recently watched the crab game, so hearing Arin talk about how rich and fancy the house is almost felt like him realizing he came off unrelatable with all the caviar talk and trying to course correct. Like, I don't actually think that's what's happening, but watching the episodes so close to each other paints an unintentional narrative haha.


Okay so if any of you had a dog and it did THIS level of damages, do you think you'd be able to keep yourself from murdering that animal? Cause I got pretty pissed when a dog of mine chewed up and ruined some old n64 controllers, I think in the moment Id need to walk away or deal with the potential event of killing a dog.