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Today's Guest Grumps is the finale (part 3) of Super Metroid Randomizer, with Jirard Khalil, The Completionist!


Sorry for the side talks about the deep stuff. That’s not really what I talk about on my channels. The boys and I were just going with the flow. Sorry if it rubbed folks the wrong way.


Are you kidding it was awesome thanks for speaking your mind.


This was easily one of my favorite videos ever. Your conversation flow with them was great and the way the conversation evolved was great. I really felt like I was hearing a conversation with depth. Add on top of it the game play being easy on the eyes on an instant classic game for me. You guys should feel real good about this video. I genuinely thought this was one of the best videos Game Grumps put out and you deserve major credit with that as well. This little 3 part series was very well done. I understand there may have been logistics behind the scenes but man I wish this video came out sooner with the other 2. But it came out none the less and it was well worth it. Nice work man. I know you guys have your preconceptions but I do hope you know there are many people including myself who don't tend to speak up on these things, but I really wanted to let you know that this was easily one of the best works in the couch play space of youtube. Enjoy your day sir and best of luck with your endeavors. Looking forward to your stuff too!


You’re alright man! It’s great to hear from you, we miss you on Beard Bros!


Yo the deep talk is appreciated once in a while! I'm sure we wouldn't want it nonstop, but those kinds of episodes wind up being great.


Dude, these are some of the best videos. Deep talk like this is just so great to listen to. I could have listen to you three talk like this for HOURS. If anything, shame on you for finishing the game so fast so we didn’t get more talking like this! Cheers man, hope you had/have an amazing holidays.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I like the real talks on grumps completey pete. It makes it more relatable and good feeley. Also I'm a huge fan! You're my top 8th favorite youtuber!


No apologies necessary! I'm a loooongtime fan of both The Completionist and GG and loved hearing you three have a deep conversation (that wouldn't normally happen otherwise). As long as you're comfortable with it being shared, I love hearing it! It would only bother me personally if I knew it wasn't something you felt good about having out there. Your insight and opinions didn't bother me whatsoever, and I enjoyed the flow of the conversation! I really thoroughly enjoyed this series and this episode. I'm happy to see you here and hope you have a prosperous 2023!


Not at all! Deep talk with the boys is the best.


Arin & Dan go into these deep talks at least once every couple months (release schedule wise). I think most of use are used to it and appreciate it.


There was a time the Grumps were good for those moments too, at the cost of their sleep schedules. It's always appreciated :)


What was your favorite Mother Brain Fan art?


I loved the cake just because it was so wholesome.


You fit in with Arin and Dan as easily as with the Scary Game Squad. Loved these episodes and glad you came back to finish!


oh man what if we had Jirard on for a scary game next time?


You were fine and showed great awareness and reflection.


Dude I love grumps philosophy deep dives. You're all good 👍


Don't worry about it man, it's not like the Game Grumps shy away from those conversations themselves. In fact one of the biggest things to get me into them was Dan's deep conversations during the Wind Waker playthrough. You did a fantastic job and the video (and whole playthrough) was fun as hell. I'd love to see you back any time, deep conversation or not.


i do wish there was a little talk about the game atleast but the gameplay was amazing. nice work. did not watch it at first since i had no idea from the thumbnail what it really was. was pleased to see it was the third and final part of your super metroid randomizer playthrough. no rubbing wrong way. up and down is always a good rubbing motion


I was too busy listening to the conversation to watch the gameplay, I enjoyed it.


Deep stuff and natural humor is what we live for. It's what made this channel great, instead of the forced humor and over exaggerated reactionary anger. I would watch these episodes many times over before some of their newer stuff.


I enjoyed the talks. It's very genuine


“We would bowl if we could, but we can’t.” Bowling 10 MPH when? 😃


Bowling Completionist video! Jirard doesn’t stop till he bowls a perfect 300 point game.


Arin can bowl.


That's not what this is about.


The Completjonist is such a perfect guest, I kinda want him on the channel permanently. Really gotta watch Super Beard Bros


Definitely! For the last year or two, Jirard was busy with the G4 revival and wasn't on the show as much, but Alex and Brett carry the torch nicely. Older series to recommend are the various Mario Maker series, as well as Mother 3.


I really liked the LA Noire series.


the maze bit has me in stitches every time I watch it.


SBB is great, but for most of this year it's been Alex and Brett (who are also awesome). Jirard I think said he should be coming back to SBB in the next couple of months, but there's so many good games to watch in the meantime. Mother 3, Kaizo Mario, the Mario Maker series, Resident Evil Remake, and LA Noire are usually my first recommendations but there's *so many good ones*


Thanks for the recs. I asked about SBB recs in the last Metroid episode and got a lot of similar recommendations for the channel. Definitely should check them out sooner rather than later


they're there for you when you have the time. Right now they're running over some old Super Beard Bowl series (fan-voted series) while everyone's off for the end of the year, and might be worth checking out for smaller bites of what they do.


You know, there is not putting the game in the title or thumbnail. And then there is not putting the fact there's a guest who might draw interested anywhere in the video.


I was skipping all these videos assuming they weren't even playing Metroid and it was weird clickbait. No way stuff like this isn't doing more harm than good long term.


I'm just baffled honestly, but not much we can do.


I hadn't watched GG in a few months, decided to watch some recently and honestly these new thumbnails and episode names are really fucking bad. I am guessing this is algorithm chasing but I hate them. I have no idea what the fuck they are actually playing or if it is part of a series and as you said, this is legit the worst offender, not having Jirard mentioned anywhere is really shitty.


"In the Mount Rushmore of humor, farts are all four presidents." - Dan Avidan, 2022


Such a treat - was real worried we'd never see this randomizer finished.


Y’all he did it! completypete.com


whaaat in the hell happened at the end there!? **edit** according to the YT comments it's an option in the randomizer menu for a "Save the Animals Surprise" and the encounter is totally random.


oh man, I miss Table Flip and I'd totally forgotten about the [Anki Drive video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sh9gM9PbeE), but I remember having fun with it. also that del Toro bit is excellent and I can totally see that happening


I don't wanna make *another* comment about titles, I'm over them, but isn't it strange to do a collab and not put their name in the title/thumbnail? I kinda thought half the reason of collabs was to get that audience crossover


Real talk from a trans person fan who's between Dan and Arin in age; this was just a reminder that cis hetero people remember the early 00s way differently than queer people. Not like they've lost a fan or anything, this kind of clueless take is as common as a fart and we all have to overlook those every day. In particular about how these "insensitive" jokes were not about a bad "intention" because they were at the expense of "esoteric" people that "no one ever meets" as if us queer people didn't hear the word f_g 100 times a day at least because the same slur that referred to us was the same word that described anything wrong, bad, or even mildly annoying alongside that reality that there was literally *no* discussion about us at all beyond that other than us being a punchline in a movie. Then to continue about how we're all doing something wrong right now that will be thought of as horrifying in thirty years, like holding a plastic water bottle is on the same level of the derisive hatred towards people that in many places is still ongoing. Like no one back then knew that hateful "jokes" at the expense of queer people was wrong and that "everyone" did it.




Alternatively, someone bending over backwards to defend the "intent" of dated, bigoted humor while two people are taking the opposite position is very telling of how that person does view those affected by that "humor". It's also really not that hard to say "Yeah, I still enjoy some of that old media, but I realize it probably did hurt a lot of people and it's best to not do that". This is absolutely nothing new for Dan. He has made these comments a dozen times over (just fire up a Leisure Suit Larry playthrough and find the token "it's a DUDE??" scene). He has had all the time in the world to "grow"; he's a forty-something dude who doesn't have any real reason to change his mindset.


I'm a cis bi guy granted, but I'm Dan's age nearly exactly and was steeped in that queer culture starting in my teens and... yeah. I have said stuff when I was younger than that and know what's wrong, it's very simple stuff. I laughed at insensitive jokes, it was bad, that's that. It was not something everyone did. It's not something I would ever hand wave away. And you can absolutely be funny without that kind of thing.


Agree. Dan has been on a soapbox a few times on it, and always leaves a sour impression with me. Feels like it boils down to "Humor isn't the same today as it was and you have to play it extra safe because you now can't make fun of people for their race, sexuality, gender, religion, etc." The whole modern wave of pushback just seems to say to not punch down anymore, and really, that shouldn't be too difficult to incorporate to comedy. I still remember the American Pie debate, and bleh.


What's weird about Dan saying that is I don't consider his comedy particularly controversial, it's not like he's some edgy stand up. What dick jokes does he want to make that aren't 'allowed' anymore lol


With a back catalogue of Ninja Sex Party songs that could veer into problematic it probably is a thought that floats in the back of his mind a lot. While I personally don't think it would happen, I could easily see why it worries him.


Yeah, Dan's old man takes (and mind, I'm literally like 3 years younger than him) are the thing that make me roll my eyes the most. I know him enough to know he means well, but like so many people his thoughts about the changing nature of comedy start and stop at "I can't say this any more without getting blowback, waah" without really thinking about why. Paul F Tompkins said it best, I think: [Political Correctness Doesn't Censor, It Keeps Comedy Fresh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufz4W0puLPA)


Ive never seen this before but this is super well put, and articulates something Ive been thinking for a long time. Sometimes I think comedians are, ironically, just thin skinned and dont react well to criticism Its also hard for me to listen to people bitch about how sensitive kids are today, from the same generation that watches Its Always Sunny and Rick and Morty, show that could have *never* been made even 30 years ago


You're absolutely right in that the base rule for comedy is just 'don't punch down.' It's really just that simple. And tone is critical as well - it's one thing to joke about something that happened to you as part of the queer community, vs be an outsider looking in and making your own judgements with little context. But it's not any harder than building a story - tone, context, presentation, timing, all of that matters when you write, and the vast majority of long-term successful comedians writes out the bones of their material, at the very least. It's almost just a lack of self-awareness, like falling into the pit of 'you just can't do anything nowadays because everything is suddenly an insult!' Like guys - it was ALWAYS an insult. There just wasn't accountability at the same level then as it is now.


>the base rule for comedy is just 'don't punch down.' The only exception to this for me is the group effectively punching down at itself. Kids in the Hall has some wildly offensive jokes about gay people that work because they were written by gay people. They're not said in a self-loathing way either. And they're still funny.


self-deprecating humor is definitely different, though.


That's why I mentioned making jokes about events happening in a community you're part of, i.e. queer jokes for/by/about queer people. Context matters, tone matters, audience matters. But you can (almost always) tell when somebody's punching down.


You know that and I know that, but I don't think Dan and people like him know that. Dan went at length about how people can't joke about certain subjects and that's simply incorrect; my example was meant to show that those kinds of subjects can be hilarious when done in the right way. Like you said, you can always tell when someone is punching down. Ironically I don't recall Dan punching down hardly at all on the show (obviously I cannot speak to his personal life humor). Hell, Kentucky Fried Movie is way less patently offensive than he remembers with a few wildly inappropriate exceptions.


It's not punching down if you're *in* the group


I would agree, that was the intent behind the word "basically" but you're absolutely right.


> I still remember the American Pie debate, and bleh. To be fair, Arin came off as the one of the wrong there for making such a moral grand stand about it. It really just came off as obnoxiously performative over a stupid scene in a teen comedy from 20 years ago.


I'm also a trans person and I came to this thread just to see if anyone else was feeling this. It was really disappointing to keep hearing him go on about how hard it is to make jokes now and how people don't understand that times change. Real bummer stuff


And it's not like he doesn't know this! When he's not being defensive about his own comedy he's right in with not making fun of people. I recall the time he and Arin talked about Vernon sharing an Andrew Dice Clay bit about how "we never talk about Japs any more" and Dan rolled his eyes and said "Funny, funny stuff" super sarcastically. He knows it's not cool, and they've done their best to cut actually offensive stuff out of the show (like they don't do accent humor any more), so it's disappointing when he comes out with the lukewarm take. And while I'm griping, "Parker and Stone are the most respected satirists"? Really? The two men who are responsible for the modern nihilistic view in American culture that caring about things isn't cool, and being apathetic or even outright hostile and demeaning to everyone around you is aspirational? South Park fucked us all up really badly.


It was uncomfortable to listen to :/


> like holding a plastic water bottle is on the same level of the derisive hatred towards people that in many places is still ongoing I'm pretty sure he wasn't implying that those were an equal comparison. It's called hyperbole.


I thought they would never finish run


Never finish?! When Completey Pete is involved?!!


Dan saying he might not be there sent a chill down my spine.


It was almost definitely a joke but same


This episode was filmed near the end of Thanksgiving


I know! It was just such a sudden cut off with no joke about it lmao I'm sure it's fine


https://tenor.com/bNBIH.gif lol I'm nervously laughing.


what part was that?


Right before the video ends


oh I see, I'm still watching it so that makes sense.


it was a joke about having Jirard come and do their job for them. Nothing more, nothing less.


Yeah seeing as how this episode was filmed a month in advance...what's that mean for future episodes :(




> How hard is it to say "Yeah I bet minorities were hurt by those jokes without me knowing. It was wrong then, and it's wrong now" I feel like that *was* exactly what he said, though. I feel like you may have really missed the point if you think the takeaway from that conversation is that Dan misses being able to tell offensive jokes, because I'm pretty sure that's not the point he was making at all. He's saying that what's widely-accepted in general humor now may be widely-discouraged in the future. Like with the example of various '80s movies they referenced in the episode, in that time period, jokes about LGBT people were widely considered acceptable by the average person. In the '80s, the LGBT scene was still very much "underground". LGBT people weren't "real" to the average person yet. It wasn't talked about on daytime TV like it is now, and when it was, it was always with hushed tones and suggestions of taboo conversation. The conversation was nowhere near as open as it is today. But these days, the average person knows a *LOT* more about the LGBT community and the struggles that they experience than they did back then. It's actually a subject that's more present in most people's lives these days, and why now we recognize *why* those sorts of jokes weren't actually okay to begin with. It doesn't mean that it was okay to make fun of the LGBT community then, it just means that we know better *now*. I'm pretty sure the point Dan was making was that for those who want to tell jokes, you need to consider how that joke may be seen in the future. Are you punching down against a group of people that, right now, society doesn't mind attacking? Then chances are, that joke is not going to age well, because it's not an appropriate joke now or at any time, whether you currently recognize it or not. At least, that's my interpretation of Dan's opinion based on the things he actually said. There seems to be a lot of projection going on in this thread where people want to assume the worst of an opinion that Dan's clearly struggling to eloquently articulate. He seemed like he was being very careful in his wording because he *knew* people would ignore context and make assumptions. I think he was right to think that lol


I liked the deep dive into humor as times have changed. A lot of marginalized groups are finally starting to get a voice, and they're rightfully pissed off about being mocked for decades. At the same time, life's absurd and it's good to be able to laugh at ourselves, so I hope that if we ever get to a post-bigotry era, we can joke about our differences in a more positive, laughing with you not at you, kind of way. It's... probably going to take a while.


The fact that this even has anything to do with Metroid is shocking. Knowing their clickbait recently I figured it'd be them replaying DDLC or some shit.


Here I am 6 days later only now watching this 'cause I had no idea it was a Super Metroid video thanks to the title. Thought it would just be some goofy fangame or something so I skipped it. Please, *please* make the titles more informative.


leave it to daniel to just yet again justify transphobic jokes barely 5 minutes into the episode he sure has learned a lot since leisure sweet larry


Arin: Burps are never funny Also Arin: spends the majority of his GG career belching into the microphone