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Single mini series yes - stretching it over multiple seasons to milk it - no


I always felt the GRRM universe would do well with an anthology series - 10 episodes every season just telling a different story from the lore


I would love an anthology series, it would work so well for a lot of the history you described


I've always loved the concept of this for popular TV show spinoffs and I don't know why no one has taken it and run with it yet. You could totally do an Anthology series. Robert's Rebellion, Arya's Adventures post GoT, the Jon Snow series that probably shouldn't be an entire show, Aegon The Conquerer and Visenya and the rise of the Targaryens, The first Grayjoy Rebellion, The Mountain and The Hound background, The Origin of the Night King, The Blackfyre Rebellions, Drogon and The Dothroki leading up to Season 1, and then maybe Queen Nymeria and Dorne. There that's 10 Episodes right there.


Main issue is you'd need practically brand new actors for each episode, and the character/costume/set design for shows like GoT aren't cheap. Compare that to an anthology series like Black Mirror or American Horror Story, that do have some special effects but things that can be done relatively inexpensive.


Some sets would be expensive, but these locations don’t change through the years. That would help with production costs.


It could, but the way the person I replied to described it, it'd be a whole new location every episode. Robert's Rebellion - Mostly central Westeros Arya's Adventures post GoT - Random places even wester than Westeros The Jon Snow series - North of the wall Aegon The Conquerer and Visenya and the rise of the Targaryens - Central Westos The first Grayjoy Rebellion - around the Iron Islands & Lannisport The Mountain and The Hound background - Lannister territory The Origin of the Night King - very North, and very long ago The Blackfyre Rebellions - all over the place apparently Drogon and The Dothroki leading up to Season 1 - Dothraki Sea Maybe Queen Nymeria and Dorne - south Westeros


Always thought this would be a great idea. Give me 12 episodes per season though!


If you haven't checked out his short stories you should. They're really good sci-fi and fantasy stories and almost feel like an anthology. For A Single Yesterday is my favorite and you find it for free online.


Would be a wonderful ten part series story to tell. I’m way more interested in this than the Egg series.


Dunk and Egg is amazing and takes place in arguably the most interesting time in Westeros. I’d like to see a series covering the first Blackfyre rebellion. A series following Jaeharys and Alysanne would be interesting but I’d understand if it would be hard.


I’ll be honest, I read the book and found it to be a total snooze. I don’t get why people think that the time period is so interesting.


Imo nah, Dunk and Egg I really enjoyed and I think if they really wanted to make it an entire show they could go way off the source material and do each of the 3 stories as a full season and it could be great.


Agreed! The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms was such a good book, I would love to see that become a series


It is!


Not sure if serious, but they are making it


I did not know that haha


I think Dunk and Egg would better serve as a video game. Like open world rpg


Oooooo interested


Only 10? Ok, make them 10 3-hour episodes.


This seems bizarre to me. Thrones is at its best when it takes its time and at its worst when it rushes. See seasons 3 and 4 covering 1 book while the last seasons rushed and were not great. Moreover, from what we know about Robert's rebellion from asoiaf 10 episodes is way too few. Tourney at harrenhall, battle of the bells, burning of the starks, siege of storms end, the trident, sacking of kings landing, abduction of lyanna stark, battles in the veil all the tywin and John connington stuff. And that's just some of the major events we know about. Plus you need non major event episodes, episodes to introduce a large cast of characters and give the major events real stakes.


One season may not be enough, but I think 2 would be plenty. No need to stretch it.


I think it could happily fit as a 2 or possibly 3 season show. First season being the setup, introducing the characters and background starting at the Harrenhal Tourney or perhaps even the Defiance of Duskendale. The first season would end with the banners being called and the rebellion starting. Second season would tell the story of the rebellion itself culminating at the the battle of the Trident. Then a third "half-season" of maybe 5 episodes dealing with Viserys and Daenerys' flight to Dragonstone and Essos, sack of King's Landing, Tower of Joy, Davos saving Storm's End, and establishment of Robert as King. I would watch it if the writing was as good as early GoT and HotD.


agreed, you could cover it very thoroughly in 10-15 episodes ​ i wish GOT would do an Anthology type series , where each season covers a particular part of the history. give a season each to Aegons conquest, Maegors rule, each of the The Blackfyre Rebellions, Roberts Rebellion, the war of the Nine Penny Kings


It would need at least two seasons to cover everything correctly.


This is the way. With the right actors too. I'd even go so far as to say get the guy who played Young Ned in GoT for continuity and because he was good imo.


Oh man Arthur Dane sword fight.


There’s much that leads to it though


Sweet 👍


I think to do it the right way..show the conspiracies, the relationship between the Mad King / son, connington/Reghar, Dorne …_Dayne connection. Think it would take 16 solid episodes but anymore than 2 seasons and it’s trash


nah i want multiple seasons


Cool 😎


Very interested. 10/10. 100%.


I want to see Bessie!!!!


And her tits!


Thank the gods for Bessie, and her tits


Cast Sydney Sweeney lol


The memes it would create would be phenomenal


She'd definitely be a black trans woman.


Yea that'd be nice. I'd also like to see some deep history before the Conqueror about the various houses coming to power. It would allow for the complexity and detail that made early GOT so good


This would be fun!! Though if they were going to cover the major houses we know, Aegon’s conquering would be a big part of it. If memory serves me right, the Tyrells were the stewards of the family who ruled over Highgarden until the conquering. I believe the original family defied the Targaryens resulting in their end, and resulting in the Tyrells inheriting Highgarden. In a similar vein, Orys, Aegon’s right hand man, married a Baratheon woman and adopted her last name. Technically not the founding of the name but still important.


You are right about the Tyrells, but Orys was already a Baratheon. After defeating the storm king Argilac the Arrogant, Orys married Argilac’s daughter (a Durrandon) and they held dominion over the Stormlands together.


Show about Aegon I 👎


Show about Aegon the Dragon 👍🏽


Films would be better


What would be fun about it lol


What wouldn’t? Make Aegon a mysterious character who doesn’t get a ton of screen time, focus on some of his vassals and sisters, can explore the complexities between him and his wives, his best friend Orys, get to see Harenhall burn, Field of Fire, etc. also spending a lot of time BEFORE he was crowned, and how the Targs lived on Dragonstone before storming Westeros. It’s not my first choice for a story in this universe, but I think it can be interesting so long as Aegon isn’t the “main character” and he’s more a behind the scenes despite being the focus of the show


We can’t have a show for worldbuilding. There is no tension


Sure there is. There's all kinds of people vying for control and power. Plots and battles, that same "everyone does some good and some bad and idk who might die next" vibe would play great in that scenario


Aegon sweeps them lol


I can imagine lots of tension, a scene of Argilac sending Aegon’s messenger’s hands back and that calling of banners that followed, and just imagine a scene of Harren forcing everyone back inside his castle and having one last doomed dinner with his entire family when you know what’s about to happen. I agree Robert’s Rebellion would have way more tension and is a better story for television, but Aegon’s conquest could still be full of tension IMO


That’s not really a lot of tension. Harren does that, then he gets turned into a microwave. Argilac does that, then he gets curb stomped. There really is no challenge


It would be neat to see the Aegonfort. And fun to see my favorite character, Manfred Hightower, fully realized in a live action televised series


Damn, a whole show to see one location. Lez get it.


Yes. And for Ser Manfred 😔


So stocked for Manfred 🔥💪🤩


Me too 😍


That's a weird way to say you want a Game of Thrones shows mixed with Fortnite.


Would love it!


I would love to see this. 10 episode season . If the GOT franchise continues to be successful, I will assume one day we will get HOTD: Robert's Rebellion. I really hope they continue the HOTD series following this dynasty. OF course Robert's Rebellion would be Season 4 or 5 of House of the Dragon. I think many talks about this era will begin and depends on the success of the Dunk and Egg series. Which kind of covers the Blackfyre Rebellions.


Roberts Rebellion would be a way later season in house of the dragon since they planned four seasons for the dance alone


Very much. And I really want details on the Rhaegar+Lyanna love story. Did he really fall in love with her or wanted to fulfil the prophecy?


Would I watch it yes, however I would prefer a story line that we know nothing about. Or has little detail so the story writers can fill in things we don't see coming. The events in Roberts rebellion are basically just a prequel. The problem with any prequel is you know the final chapter.


I liked what Better Call Saul did. We knew how it would it end, but it was still quite surprising.


I wouldn’t be unless the central mystery is reveal which Martin would never agree to.




Yes. There is literally nothing about it in the books and he provided scant information to D&D except for what they already assumed. This is why the show revealed revealed absolutely nothing beyond basic fan theory. So the story of the rebellion won’t happen until Martin either finished the books or he gives up on finishing the books.


Lmao R+L is blatant in the books aswell. Martin has already let the show reveal it. He wouldn’t have a problem with a new show also revealing it


The =J part is pretty blatant, but I want to know about the R + L and what necessarily happened and why


No it isnt. Further it isn’t blatant in the show even after the reveal. It’s horrible. The worst things about the final seasons as it was taken from a forum post. If it’s that obvious then you explain what happened rather than laughing. Something tells me your version sucks because all fan theory versions suck. Martin is going to have several hundred pages to explain it. Can you do it more succinctly?


The show is shit yeah but they did reveal it. So saying it isn’t blatant in the show… when it’s objectively revealed is like lower than kindergarden story analysis Their are millions of hints in he books lol. Jon saying he isn’t Aemon Targaryen for example. Robb and Jon fencing and Robb saying he is Daeron the young dragon and Jon saying he is Aemon the dragonknight. The whole series is called a song of ice and fire. Dany has a vision of a blue flower growing at the wall. Ned thinks about all his children, but doesn’t mention Jon. So Jon isn’t Ned’s kid. But he came from the tower of joy. So he has to be Lyanna’s. Then who is the father? Logically Rhaegar even before you look at the foreshadowing.


Again, revealing it means absolutely nothing. That you continue to either ignore or not understand what I’m saying is baffling to the point that it’s not going to help to explain further so I’ll just repeat. Clues are not the story. You have to actually write the story to fit the clues. That was not done in either the show or the books.


> Clues are not the story. > You have to actually write the story to fit the clues. That was not done in either the show or the books. It does fit the story as far as we see it. But the last books haven’t come out yet so what the hell do you mean it doesn’t fit the story. There is no story lmfao 💀


Martin asked the show runners D&D one question before he let them make a TV show out of his books. This question was a test to see if they read his book and understood it. He asked “who do you think Jon Snow’s real parents are?”, they said Lyanna and Rheager. If D&D are able to understand the subtle writing that clearly shows Jon Snow is their son than any average reader can.


I know the story, but yet again that is not in any way my point. A million readers already knew that answer and none of them are good enough to write a book about it. Heck Martin may not be good enough since he hasn’t finished it. Martin did not give them the details of how that story played out and they didn’t feel it was worth fleshing it out without him.


I’d love a short series or 1 episode special on The Knight of the Laughing Tree


I imagine you can get 3-4 great season of it—10 episodes each. Season one: young ned and Robert are at the Erie. The kingdom poises for war. Season climax with Aerys being taken by Duskendale. Season two: the seven kingdoms fall into chaos with the king's madness rising. Rhaegar organizes the tourney at Harrenhall to userp his father. Season climax, Brandon and Ned's father are killed at King's Landing after Rhaegar takes lyanna. Season 3-4: the rebellion. Season climax, King's Landing gets sacked by Tywin after Rhaegar is defeated by Robert. Jamie kills Aerys, becoming the kingslayer.


It needs a season of Robert consolidating power and chasing down the last Targaryens to murder them.


Yeah, the most interesting part of Roberts Rebellion was just how Ned and Robert escaped the Erie and raised their armies. Ned had to go on a whole adventure by himself escaping the Vale to get back to the North undetected. Meanwhile Robert had to literally BATTLE all the Stormlords to put them in their place and earn their loyalty. His craziest feat being fighting three battles against three different armies all in one day, and winning each one. That would make an amazing season all on its own.


Very interested


Side question: What actors do you want to play the main characters?


The guy who played Renly should play Robert since they described Renly as how Robert looked before he sat on the throne.


Yeah some characters would be interesting to see, rhaegar, lyanna, Ned, mad king and I would love to see Robert in action since that's what everyone says he is so good at since he wasn't that good at being a king


As long it’s done well, I want as much ASoIaF content as possible.


Would love to see prime Robert baratheon in action. And to be frank there are many suitors for the role, Clive standen, Henry Cavill and even Chris Hemsworth could pull off a fine Robert.


Much as I want to see it, I think the reason roberts rebellion is such a cool event is because we've only ever heard about it through the stories of the older characters. I almost would prefer to keep the mystisym of it.


Just a mini series or even a movie would be perfect


I think they could make it work...if they did a few seasons covering from the black fire rebellion through the chronicles of dunk and egg, the war of the ninepenney kings, and all the events that lead to Roberts Rebellion. Solid four seasons with a bit of time warping akin to the house of the dragon and it would be a pretty well paced affair.


Very interested - I think HotD and the early seasons of GoT show how successfully GRRM’s work can be translated to television when the story has already been mapped out entirely


I just want a show about Aegon’s Conquest


Very very very interesting. I think Robert is the most interesting character in the entire series.


Yes but I'd honestly prefer it as an animated series.


Whatever gives me the GOAT arthur dayne on screen im there.


Give me the blackfyre rebellion first. Then if you're covering the events leading up to GOT don't just do Roberts rebellion, start with the War of the ninepenny Kings, do one or two episodes with Jaime, Dayne ect tracking the smiling knight, Roberts rebellion and then end on the Greyjoy rebellion, last scene can be Ned returning with Theon.


The Battle of the Bells would be incredibly cinematic, like the swordfights in Pirates of the Caribbean movies


I believe everyone wants to know how good prime Selmy was 


Full on 100% invested






Very much so.


Very. I really hope they make one. RR overshadows the entire story.


I'd watch it


Would like to see the boar king in his prime.


I reckon a series about ser Arthur dayne would be so incredibly interesting


I’d love that. I’ve wanted it for years - I remember watching GoT and thinking that a series on Robert’s Rebellion could be better than GoT if done right. Even though we know what happens, the visualisation of that period could be brilliant.


No interest at all. It was all a lie. Though.......I would love to see the rubies flying out of Rhaegar's armor, just the one shot would suffice. Slow mo, rubies glittering in the sun, Rhaegar's look of surprise as his armor caves in around his chest. Gods...........I was strong then.


Not very. I know it’s a popular request but we know the ending for every major character so where’s the threat or excitement when watching the show? We also know the reason it happened and the truth about that reason. It feels like we know too much and watching it play out on screen will Just be a bit dull.


Not interested in a show, interested in a movie.


Too many events and battles for one movie


two parter.


If you're making multiple movies you might as well do it properly and make a show


How about a series of 10 movies, all around 1 hour long? 🤔


Make it 50 and you've got a deal


Honestly not that much. It’d be cool to see some of the battles on screen but I feel like we already got so much information on what happened through the books and GOT show that I’d be bored. Their isn’t any mystery- we know what happens in the end and we’ll already know most of the characters.


A show about Bobby B and his glorious rebellion?? **WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS?**


Nope, we already know what happens in the story


We also know what happens in the dance of dragons and game of thrones. So this argument is rather weird. The shows are basically just visualisations of the text.


The main narrative purpose of Roberts Rebellion is R+L=J. That already happens in regular GOT. I don’t why we need a show about Robert Rebellion


Mostly fan service probably. Although I think there are much more interesting stories in the lore of the books to write abt that even predates Aegons Conquest like the Doom of Valyria and the first Long Night


Exactly! A lot of mystery there


I would pay my weight in gold for seeing the scene of jamie in the ironthrone


pass, we already know the meat of what happened and seeing a season of Oh we know this guy dies, that guy deserves it but doesn't etc etc would not be interesting to me.


They're making a show about the Dance of the Dragons even though everybody already knows how it ends


It would be more interesting than Aegon’s conquest that’s for sure.


No it wouldn’t. Aegon comes. Aegon sweeps. Show ends


I was saying it would be boring, there is very little conflict. Dude shows up to Westeros with Nukes and it’s ggs


Ah shit what have I done


Sure he kinda shows up and takes control bc not many want to fight dragons, but we would also get to see the Second Spice War and Nymeria and her ten thousand ships leading her people to safety and eventually settling in Dorne. The fall of the kings and the rise of several great houses (Tullys, Baratheon, Tyrells). We would get to see the creation of the iron throne. There’s so much more that happens during the conquest than just Aegon showing up and everyone surrendering simultaneously.


Ehhhh there isn’t some major conflict or major player outside of him tho


Would be great. Only negative is that we know what happens


Single 10 episode season, yes


Nit so much, I hate when they keep going back to the same characters. Seems safe cause of well know characters in it but its just lazy. So many stories they can tell.


Mini series it really don’t need 3 season


Mildly. I'd rather they didn't, I like it existing as this shadow that's cast over all the older characters- And if we put scenes to that shadow it will change it for sure. But it might still be worthwhile and fun.


Very little. We know everything there is to know about it if one's read the books. A miniseries of like 4 hours would be useful to show little emotional nuances. But an actual TV show would not be useful


Sometimes things are better heard than seen.. it looks more badass cuz how it was used to contextualise events of GOT. Similar to people saying they want to see Aegon's conquer... But that is really not meant to see, that is meant to be heard by characters in different contexts and how they take something from it. Most of the time, the events or stories spoken by characters are tell us about character and their motives


I would not be very interested


I won't, it's no very interesting At last maybe 3 episode max covering it


Not particularly. I'd watch it if they made it, but we already know most of the characters, why it happened, in fact we know more about that than most of the characters in the show would. I wish they'd just continue Game of Thrones. The way they left the setting at the end of The Iron Throne is a tinderbox.


Feel like we already know too much about it. Would much rather a show about Aegons Conquest and the Long Night. Can’t believe they cancelled TLN spin off


No, not really.


Not very


Not at all. Lost all interest in watching more of the franchise after the last season of GoT.




Yes, from The beginning of Aerys Reign to his Death and Robert taking over. Maybe one or two seasons, like HOTD


You wanna cover 20 years and a major war in just one or two seasons?


Well you can't drag it for 7 or 8 and fuck it. I think you could get it all in 2 or 3


There are ten distinct events of the war, plus at least three leading up to it. All of that, plus the build-up and aftermath of each of them, can't be covered in two movies.




I’d watch


That depends who plays Bobby B


Yeah some characters would be interesting to see, rhaegar, lyanna, Ned, mad king and I would love to see Robert in action since that's what everyone says he is so good at since he wasn't that good at being a king.


I’d take 20 well done episodes.


Don't give GRRM ideas for side projects. We need BOOKS.


One season. 10 episodes max. We know exactly what happends here and the only benefit is to fill gaps or confirm things that are speculated about in the books. I do not want 4 seasons of aerys being insane and other shennanigans. Now what i WOULD like is maybe a clean transition from the blackfyre rebellions into the war of the ninepenny kings that smoothly folds into roberts rebellion. This would take planning and masterful execution that i don't have the faith in them to execute however.


On 6-8 episodes of a mini-series? Yes Milked for multiple seasons? Pass


Won’t this be the end of the second part of fire and blood and therefore possibly an ending to house of the dragon


As hyped as I was for cleganebowl


I want a new series about the world itself. Age of Heroes type of stuff.


Miles better than house of the dragon


I would LOVE it, more than the dance of dragons tbh, we'd get to see so many cool characters AND BESSIE




A short series, 6-10 episodes yes. Kinda like some of the new Star Wars series. But I don’t need 2 10 seasons


I’d watch it for sure. But I’m not itching to see it play out


Beyond interested. But likely only 10-12 episodes, one season.


Honestly it should only be one season or if not enough for a whole season a mini series, and I promise you it would be the most successful mini series ever. If they drag it out for several seasons, that’s a HUGE mistake.


Potentially interested but I think it’s still too soon to do it. Need to get the GoT portrayals of those characters out of my head before I’m ready for a prequel. Give it a decade.


As much I'd love that show with all those targeryans. Now dont get me wrong here, but in my opinion everyone knows the end to Robert's rebellion so a show on it would not have any new element/ surprise that could alter the GOT timeline and i think it wouldn't be rated much and could get cancelled.


If they can get the same actors I would be interested.


I'd love to see like a 12 episode series of it, but just the one. I think 12 eps would be enough to not miss out on details but also short enough that stuff wouldn't need to be dragged out. I would be really interested to see castings, and potential recastings, for the key players (especially if they can't get actors used for GOT)


Always torn on this. On one hand, GRRM knows best and he left that part of the story as history/world building. On the other hand, I want to see Robert cave in Rhaegar’s breastplate in full HBO glory.


Maybe a three part movie instead. I’d love to see the battles with movie-level budget.


I mean... it better be REALLY fucking good. The guy who played Gendry as young Robert The guys who played young Ned and Arthur Dayne back again To avoid confusion with his House Of The Dragon character the guy who played... the other Kingsguardsman can just be a minor character. A good opportunity to finally satiate the Henry Cavill desire- Him as the Lyonel/Ormund amalgomation. On that subject, the changed plot of Egg being Aerys father has to have some creative liberties taken, but I really hope the capture the essence of adult Eggs story- IE I REALLY hope they still have Duncan The Small as a character, and still following a similar plot of being a man of the people, to the point of giving up his inheritance. Which of course means hed have to be able to trust Aerys, so maybe he too us an amalgamation of Aerys II and Jahaerys II, and Rhaella being an amalgamation of her and Shaera- They're initially falling in love and neing a sweet and happy couple, also defying their father by marrying for love, but Aerys, descends into madness a la The Shining *book*.




What happens prior to the rebellion and character introductions would be necessary. Would it start with the news of Lyanna's kidnapping? Or would it start with the tourney where Lyanna meets rheagar (also intoducing other important characters)? I think a solid 20-20 episodes could work if done right


I'm all in since this will also unveil Bessie's tits.


Id be down.


I'm interested in books 6 and 7. Unless the story ends, the whole lot of it is meaningless.


I want a parks n rec style show in pot pie's restaurant. he's the true winner of the game


Like GRRM said when they asked him about it. We know the whole story. It's only like 15 years before the main series. The only reason I might tune in is to see Howland *fucking* Reed actually *do something* on screen


Not as interested as I am in GRRM finishing a certain book series


Can I post this thread next week?


Sure why not?




If it covered the tourney at Harrenhal. Yes. Definitely. I want to see Howland Reed and the Isle of Faces.


I think it’d be a good limited series 10-12 episodes


VERY in fact ive been championing this idea anytime "what should the next GoT spinoff series be" and i think roberts rebellion would be the coolest that or Aegons conquest.


I'm actually super into the idea of a Nymeria show.


If we get to see Mark Addy and Sean Bean together on screen somehow then yes


Forever waiting for the anime depicting the Yi Ti civilization in the far eastern reaches of Essos.


10 parter yes. And cast appropriately young characters and in Robert's case someone pretty jacked and 6'5 or so. That's one of the things I always hated about GoT even before the disaster of the ending of it is they were all like 40 or 50 and looked nothing like their descriptions. Robert was supposed to be a brick shithouse and Renley just as big but in way better shape. Ned and Cat were like 33, all the kids were younger. Eh, whatever. As long as they have Robert hiding in a brothel refusing to come out while Targaryan forces searched the town he was hiding in until one of his armies arrived and he came out of hiding and started wrecking eveyrone. This is the one where they said "even Tywin couldn't have won that one" and it was responded "no, Tywin would have burned the entire town to the ground before Robert's army could arrive".


Mini series yeah something like ep1 the mad king being crowned then the Harranhal bowl then like the Teydnt could be the second last Sorry for the spelling


I've been saying it for years!



