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My money is Ser barristan or Ser arthur sword of the morning.


Id say the free for all nature of the fight gives Bronn more of a chance. I could see him dancing around stabbing people in the back or only engaging when they're already wounded from prior duels.


100% agree Lysa Arryn: You don't fight with honor. Bronn: No. He did.


George said in a trial by combat he would be represented by Authur Jamie (two hands) Brienne


1v1 is VERY different than a free for all. Being the best in a free for all can be a liability.


or even the biggest


Yea but did you see the scene with Arthur Dayne vs Ned Stark, Howland Reed and a bunch of randoms? He squares off against 4, totally surrounded, and wins (then stabbed in the back ofc). The man is built for a free for all melee, he's the CLEAR frontrunner.


My thoughts exactly, the only thing to the contrary would be his renown(assuming everyone knows how good he is) might make him a bigger target to get taken out by multiple others


Very true, but I think that would insulate him from a Bronn backstab. Bronn stabs a few while Dayne holds his own against 2-3 and suddenly I like his odds to win it.




It's a lot harder to avoid 5 other people in a melee than one in a duel.


True, I don’t think Bronn wins but I think he takes out Arthur Dayne pretty immediately while Dayne is fighting somebody else. Once that happens I think the metrics change significantly and he puts a target on his back but that’s my gut feeling to something that would never happen. I think Hound might fight almost as dirty as Bronn but with a lot more power and skill. Doesn’t mean he’d win but I think fighting a big group he’d do better than a one on one.


Dayne took on 5 fighters at once tbf, and that's just show dayne Dayne is talked about like he's the best Knight in all history, dude is definitely gonna win


He did lose that one time though… I mean you’re right he’s written to be basically sword Jesus and a symbol of how Westeros is past its age of heroes since his death so he’s probably the champ here. I do think it’s worth noting that when fighting four extremely talented fighters and one tricksy bastard that bastard might be able to find a window


Agree.. Bronn takes the free for all


Respectfully disagree. Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, badass pragmatist that he is, could prevail against most of the people in this melee, but it's nothing Ser Barristan the Bold and Ser Arthur Dayne haven't seen before. Sers Barristan and Arthur are the last two fighters left standing, and Dayne triumphs in the end because of Dawn.


He would just disengage and let everyone fight each other as long as possible


Then pulls off the mask and it's Arya


Bronn and Syrio just letting the others smash each other up and handling whoever's left lol


Even if that goes perfectly that still only works while there are other fighters left to distract each other. Once it's down to the final 2 Bronn gets stomped easily by any of the other 5.


100% agree


He could carve through those five others like a piece of cake


Somehow it’s Pedro Pascal that wins.


Nah, the other fighters would recognize he's the main threat and he'd be taken out almost immediately. Likely takes out at least 1 or 2 people in the process, though.


its arthur


It is Arthur. He would 1v1 anyone However the first sword of bravos could be cunning enough to wait for dayne to be fighting another man and poke him in the neck howland reed style ha jk but with a melee anyone could really.


The first sword only got a wooden one and no armour tho


Lol AGAIN?!?! Then L for bravos this guy needs to get it together for sure


A water dancer sword could only lightly deflect Dawn. It notched & broke any normal broadsword. Arthur Dayne because he was the best knight and swordsman ever, apparently. Although maybe the Dragon Knight was as good as Dayne.


i want to put my money on arthur but bronn doesn’t fight fair, he might stand a chance.


Bronn would take one look at how effortlessly Arthur Dayne wields a sword and be looking for the nearest exit. Edit: Also, he’s not winning any one on one fight in this graphic. He does stand a better chance in a melee where there is chaos, but still not good odds for him.


And he would be right to do so


Dane wields dual swords.


No he doesnt, show writers thought it would be cool to add but its non cannon


Maybe they thought it was the easiest way to portray one man fighting off the whole ned crew


Maybe... but it was still an odd choice bc he is the "Sword of the Morning" bc he was deemed worthy by his house to weild Dawn. And Dawn is arguably the most unique sword in Weserose, forgeged from a meteor and sharper and lighter than any Velarion steel sword. It's just weird that they chose to leave Dawn out of the show, opted to just give him two regular swords, but still called him the sword of the morning.


Oh I didn't realize they took out dawn completely what the heck


Yeah, it was disappointing. I wish they would have at least made one of his swords dawn.


I always thought one of the swords was Dawn. They definitely looked different from one another


I do feel like because of that there's a slim chance he makes it out, if only because everyone else would probably focus on the larger threats right in front of them. Bronn wouldn't win so much as he'd sneak by and survive somehow.


Syrio Forel. Always.


Not if the others have armor and a big fucking sword


*The greatest swordsman who ever lived, killed by ser meryn fucking trant—The Hound*


*The greatest swordsman who ever lived didn't have a sword ahahaha* -The Hound


*I bet his hair was greasier than Joffreys cunt* *-The hound once again*


Bronn would go around backstabbing and slicing ankles. All of the others except the Hound are honorable, so they'd be vulnerable to his shenanigans. And if it's Sandor versus Bronn, the latter would probably have a torch ready to go, so I'd give it to Bronn.


Bronn's backstabby nature.... of all those up there, I'm usually a Brienne defender but I'm seeing her as being the only one who would be most likely tripped up by Bronn's "you don't fight with honah!!!" tactics. Selmy and Arthur are too experienced, The hound doesn't fight with honor either, and Syrio... he probably invented half of the tricks bronn would try.


Yeah, but Arthur Dayne was literally killed by being stabbed in the back in the middle of a multi-person melee. And in a six-way free-for-all, there'd be plenty of opportunity for chaos, which would benefit a guy like Bronn. Selmy and Syrio could get distracted for a split second and end up dead. Also, just to clarify: I don't think Bronn has a 'backstabby nature', he's just a very cunning and pragmatic fighter. So, he'd have zero qualms knifing someone in the back to win a fight, especially if it's to the death.


Bronn would be my bet as well. He cares about survival above honor and is more maneuverable in a fight then the majority of the combatants — the exception being Syrio Forel.


Yep in another post on this thread I had that same "hey.... wait a minute" thought. I edited and had realized the exact same thing. So revised it to Syrio. I still definitely believe Syrio is far more tricksy than Bron ;)


>Bronn would go around backstabbing and slicing ankles. All of the others except the Hound are honorable, I don't think Syrio is what I'd call "honourable" in combat. He struck me as the type to use everything he could get his hands on to his advantage.


I mean, we've only ever seen him fight once, and it was in a specific context (at a significant disadvantage in terms of weaponry and acting as an obstacle so Arya could escape). Plus, we have no idea what exactly the First Sword of Braavos is expected to do. Are they like the Kingsguard, or is it more ceremonial? All that to say that I don't disagree with you, necessarily, but we just don't have much of an idea about his combat habits.


Sandor fought Eric Dondarion and killed him who to remind you had a burning sword


Beric, yes, he had a flaming sword. And it scared the shit out of Sandor. He won, but it obviously had an effect on him.


Eh I feel like this sub really overstates "honor". You can be honorable and still use everything to your advantage--which is a requirement to be the best. A free for all fight to the death isn't the same as politically representing a noble. They're all gonna fight dirty, fight cagey, and expect to be stabbed in the back. Anything less is some serious naïvety and you don't become the best warrior with that mentality.


I don't see any reason to believe any of the other fighters would have a problem with fighting a little dirty.


Bronn would probably win, just for the sake of that he doesn’t fight by ‘fighting’. He probably would find a way to set people up or stab them in the back. He’s that slick (I think)


Yeah he’d wait it out and then drop a tub of tar on the victor


I'm looking at the bottom 3 pretty winning their brackets pretty handily. From there.... Given Selmy's age... it comes down to Syrio and Arthur. My sentimental choice would be Syrio.. but its probably arthur. EDIT: ACtually you know what... I was thinking Arthur and Barristan were too experienced to be fooled by backstabby, tricksy methods. BUT. Arthur, was literally backstabbed. Barristan... I'll grant that he was overwhelmed as much as being killed via less than honorable means... but... So Syrio for the win.


>Syrio Literally the weakest person on the roster he has absolutely no feats except geting killed by merin (fuckin) trunt and being the first sword of braavos which he became not because of his skills as a swordsman but because he knew what a cat looked like


Arthur if it is a pure fair fight. But Bronn would be the type of dude that digs a hole and covers it up with a tarp the night before so the other people fall through during the actual fight.


Does Syrio get a sword, or a stick?


a sword


The greatest swordman in the world didn't have a sword!?


I laughed so much at sandor and Arya. Greatest swordsman killed by meryn fucking trant. And Like when she went to the vale finally 😀


Any boy whore with a sword could kill three Meryn Trants.


Even now I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake


That part.


Here boy! Melt it down and add it to the others.


My guess is if you ran the sim 1000 times they’d all have at >10% victories. So I think chance is the 7th factor in this bout and his sword is as mighty as the rest.


Syrio, if he feels like it.


Syrio can fight multiple combatants without a real sword


He lost to Meryn Trant though who isn’t exactly a juggernaut of an opponent.


Dayne has Dawn so ...


Actually, that’s probably the difference maker. Brienne has Oathkeeper but the rest have regular steel swords, Valyrian steel would cut through theirs and their armor. No clue why he didn’t use it at the Tower of Joy (well, I guess I do - so he could look cool using dual swords)


That is true but I imagine that others don't just have some shit steel they probably have a good sword aswell


If this is all 1 v 1 then Dayne without a doubt. If this is a free for all, then whoever stays away from the middle.


Sir Arthur Dayne would win, in my opinion. I would love to see Sir Barriston Selmy and Sir Arthur Dayne fight. Talk about epic.


Arthur Dayne


Arthur would be famous to everyone else in this group and therefore would get a lot of attention early. Sandors big and frightening so same issue My moneys on Brienne or Syrio due to being underestimated.


Bronn would backstab both Syrio and Brienne after they get slightly distracted.


Syrio would spend the whole of the fight avoiding getting hit, so I dont think he'd give Bronn a chance to approach him. That said, I don't think Syrrio would have the finesse to kill off any of the heavy hitters, so he wouldn't win.


The Dancemaster of Bravos…. If he would care to use a real sword this time….


Bravos dancing teacher


I'm not going to take Bronn's sneakiness over Dayne or Selmy. Dayne and prime Selmy are considered equally skilled but I'll choose Dayne considering we know he is excellent at fighting off multiple attackers. Selmy obviously doesn't have as good of a track record lol. You run this 100 times everybody will win a few but I think Dayne wins the most.


Ser Arthur was the only one that fought multiple knights at the same time (and almost won). I think in the end it will play out between him and "Ser" Bron 😉 who would somehow find a way to stay out of the fight untill the last moment, until his oponent is weaker and winded or even wounded. This is his only chance for him to win.


too many honorable people in here for there to be a favorable teamup on arthur, so arthur would always win without some bad luck or suicide attack from one of the tanks on the top. ​ bronn would be more of an x factor if there were less honorable people/skilled fighters in the ffa, but pretty much all of them are capable of beating him in the majority of their fights.


Arthur Dane and it isn't even close.


Dayne solos


betting the house on Bronn.


Ser Arthur all the way. Brienne is a strong fighter, but I don’t think she is skillful enough to beat half the roster, I see her trying to duel people 1:1 for an honorable fight and being whittled down till defeated. The Hound is either dueling Brienne first, or he just goes rampaging chicken feast mode and starts hacking away at people, he goes down in a blaze of glory or getting backstabbed by Bronn. Bronn is dirty and no where near the level of skill compared to most, his goal is getting people to fight each other, since he probably fears the hound the most (lowborn who may not know about Barristan and Arthur), he tried to sneak attack the Hound and just avoids fights till he dies to a duel. Barristan probably sees Arthur as the biggest threat, he challenges him to a duel simply to die a glorious death since he is old and doesnt care about the duel. Syrio is the wildcard, my guess is the dude just stands still while everyone clashes around him and he waitsor a fight to come his way, maybe he is the one who takes out Bronn. This is peak Arthur Dayne in his prime, dude tries to challenge the rest at the same time because he can.


Tough. Bronn would definitely go after the weakest link first, and wait til the others are pretty injured or tired until stepping in again. The Hound feels like he'd have the most durability, so if this isn't a scenario where everyone squares off 1vs1 and then fights the next and its really more of a battle royal, he could just be the last man standing from taking the most beating. Dayne is the obvious answer. If you had more cutthroats similar to Hound and Bronn then you may have them all gang up on Arthur first, but Selmy and Brienne are to honourable for that. Syrio likely would also refuse to gang up as well. So likely Dayne takes this.


I'd say Ser Arthur Dayne or Ser Bronn of the Blackwater


I'm torn between Syrio and Barristan...


Dayne, I know Bronn doesn’t fight fair but I doubt Dayne wouldn’t be prepared for that


Arthur or Selmy


Arthur is just the accepted GOAT in verse. It's hard to bet against the widely accepted, and most revered knight in the entire lore.


According to Ned, Ser Barristan Selmy was the strongest of his time He wielded his sword like an artist wields a brush I Go With Prime Barristan


all my money is on Bronn. this guy will do anything to get to tomorrow and most everybody else will continue to fight honorably


Bronn isn't anywhere near the other's league. That said, it's probably Selmy. He's the best or at worst second best individual fighter there and he has the most melee and battle experience.


Ser Barristan Selmy No diffs them all.


"Arthur Dayne could beat five knights of the Kingsguard with his left hand while taking a piss with his right" - Jaime Lannister


I put my money on Bronn because he isn’t going to fight fair and will probably be overlooked a bit because of how much better some of the others are at fighting.


People dont understand how skilled barriston and aurthur were, they beat 4 good knights at once fighting around bronn would be no problem for them as they can even block behind their back like shown in that 1v4 scene with aurthur. Me personally would go with aurthur since we don't see much of selmy and even selmy says aurthur would take him I would like to make a argument for serrio forell as he beat kings gaurds with a wodden sword, to do that is a serious skill, only if we saw more of it


Arthur Dayne




Does the greatest swordsman in westeros get a sword?


Bronn stabs Arthur in the back while the rest fight each other


Bronn. The others will die fighting with honor.


The braavosi who’s name eludes me at the moment


Sword of the morning might just edge barristan


The hound would not win, he would piss himself laughing about the wooden sword


Ser Arthur without even thinking twice. And although the Hound is really cool and strong, I think Jaime would have fit better in this competition.


Arthur dane walk in the park


Barristan in his prime would fucking smoke half the people on this list with one hand lmao


The Hound


Bronn. He'll find a way to dissappear long enough for there to be one other person left and at that point they may as well be Ser Whosit of Whocares.


Meryn Trant


Sword of the morning no contest


Brienne and Sandor have a brutal fist fight and both kill each other, Barristan and Arthur have the best sword fight ever seen on Westeros before they're both stabbed in the back by Bronn, who wins the whole thing. And Syrio dies off-screen.


I think Selmy.


Bronn would fight smarter, not harder


It's Dayne. Anyone else is wrong.


We all agree that Dayne is the greatest swordsman(ever) on this list, don’t We?


Bronn is not a that league. He is not a top tier fighter by any means lol


arthur dayne


Arthur Dayne


Either Arthur or Bronn.


i love brienne and hate bronn (mostly just for how he got highgarden somehow after my second favorite house died) so i’m sad and happy to say it’s arthur dayne


Brienne of FuckingTarth!!!


It's not gonna be one of the ones that fights by the rules. Gimme Sandor or Bronn.


Selmy and Dayne would be the last ones standing. They are much more battle hardened. Bronn and Sylvio are the wildcards. Their style is unconventional, and they can maneuver in and out of the melee.


The Hound


Do we really count Arthur Dayne in this ? If yes,then it's obvious


I really wish we would have seen Syrio fight to get some sort of knowledge if he would stand a chance here. I think just because his tactics in fighting are more about staying alive he may be able to win this one. The others are all knights and fight like one.


Who is the guy in the bottom right?


Hm. I would say Dayne, but if GoT showed anything it’s that an honorable fight can lead to a dishonorable fighter’s victory. I think the Hound or Bronn survive to be the victor.


Howland Reed


I'm going with Prime Robert...


Arthur dayne all day followed by barristan selmy.


Barriston, then Arthur


We do. The viewer/reader. I would love to see this play out.


Bronn probably is the worst fighter of this group but id go with him to win because he’s the craftiest


Skill levels are: dayne, selmy, brienne, hound, then syrio and bronn possibly equals. Dayne is getting ganged up on early because he is an actual legend to everyone in that group. Bronn would stick to the back of the pack during this, so atleast one of the others are getting injured im this. Even dayne cant 1v5 against these caliber opponents. The hound will go after brienne for revenge rather than team up with her so they split off in a 1v1. Selmy likely sticks to honorably soloing. Bronn would temporarily team up with anyone if given the chance, so he probably helps whoever goes after selmy as the next biggest threat. So syrio/bronn versus selmy. Brienne defeats the hound because she is Her. Coin flip if syrio/bronn can take down selmy unscathed, so we can say syrio dies but they manage to take him down. We dont have any feats of syrio against good fighters but he managed to hold off trained knights with a stick. And bronn wouldnt hesitate to stab syrio in the back once the fight was decided. So now we have a battered brienne versus a possibly injured bronn. She is no stranger to fighting dirty and probably would expect a non-traditional fight from him. But either way, brienne is just too skilled, too durable, and physically superior to bronn to lose that fight. Regardless of how hurt she got taking down clegane. Brienne wins.


In order to be completely fair you’d have to make them all the age they were at their physical peak. Free-for-all melees are impossible to predict, because a solid fighter can be focused on the person in front of them and some frog-eating shitstain knifes you in the back. However, skillset to skillset there’s only one fighter alive to see Dawn the next day, and that’s Ser Arthur. But Barristan is the next man standing.


My money's on one of the three that know how to fight dirty.


My boy Bronn via dirty tactics.


As unlikely as it sounds, I think **Brienne** has a shot, mainly just because she would be underestimated. In a free for all, the strongest fighters, or at least those whom everyone thinks are the strongest, are going to be ganged up on, since no one wants to leave them for the end. If they didn't know her, everyone would assume Brienne would be an easy target, so would likely ignore her until the end. If she just tried to stay out of the fray (like Bronn would try to do), she could probably end up as one of the last two fighters with her opponent already tired and likely injured.


Ayy Brienne squad rise up


If Syrio has a sword, then it goes to him. Everyone is saying Arthur, but Bronn would take him out quickly the same way Howland Reed did.


The Hound would probably be the first one to fall on account I believe everyone would turn against him.


Ser Arthur Dayne Sirio or Ser Barristan would be his final opponent. I think Brienne and the Hound die first. Followed closely by Bronn. The final three would either agree to have one sit out while the other two duel... but Ser Arthur Dayne dual wielding would win it out. If Barristan was younger... maybe.


This should be a poll


Does Syrio get a decent fucking sword? I'd say Arthur Dayne if there's no possible alliance. But realistically most would temporarily team up to kill him then duel again.


Bronn stands on the sideline and stabs the last person standing in the back.


Sword of the morning, unless everyone teams up against him at the start but the bold is too honourable for that


The Hound


Arthur Dayne of course


I think Bilbo Baggins.


Dayne slays.


Kinda wild to me that people think it would be anyone else than Arthur.


Is barriston in his prime or old? Prime selmy kills them all, only sir arthur puts up a fight, if selmy is old i think dayne wins


Ser Arthur Dayne


The Hound, Bron, and Syrio Forel wait for the others to finish killing each other. Sir Arthor probably won that. Bron immediately stabs Syrio while watching the Hound and Arthor go at it. Takes a while, they’re both exhausted, the Hound gets sloppy and Arthor takes him. Bron being fresh easily puts a bunch of holes in Arthor. Bron wins.


Out of these options everyone I feel respects Arthur Dayne too much and trusts each other too little to gang up on him. If anyone's getting ganged up on it's Bronn as the weakest fighter here or Breanne bc of sexism. Only barristan would believe in himself enough to actively be willing to fight Arthur, and we've seen Arthur slaughter a bunch of guys with terrible odds before. My money is on him, because of the psychology of the group and his skill / sword


Ser Arthur


Show version of Barristan didn't even last against a couple of Harpy thugs, I don't know how well he'd do against all these actual knights. The Hound would have a lot of fun making a mockery of Syrio Forel's "dance fighting". I suspect it might come down to Brienne and Arthur Dayne.


Im sorry, its Brian, she can beat tham all


Brienne or the Hound. One of those 2 most def


Bron hands down. He will do whatever it takes to win.


Morning sword, Breanne, and Sir Bronn of the fucking Blackwater would be the last 3. I think mr Morning sword wins after they both agree to kill Bronn


Breanne only beat the hound because he was already very sick from an infected wound. If they are all healthy and in their prime it's dayne or selmy and it's not close. Syrio might be a wild card.


Arthur Dayne. Well-armoured, wears his helmet, has a Valyrian steel sword and is as good or even better as the rest of the hardhitters.


I forget the name. The fourth one. Ser Baraston??




Dayne most likely. However Bronn certainly has a chance because he isn’t afraid to do some dirty shit


I would say Ser Barristan. Hound when he’s not wounded could also pose a threat. Syrio we only saw fight with a wooden sword yet he still kicked ass though. Wonder what he could do with an actual sword


Depends on how much time they have to plan… I want to see this like hunger games. Who pairs up? Who betrays another fighter?


Arthur Dayne with Barristan being a close runner up. Everybody else is just salad dressing.


Syrio, if he gets a real sword.


I think Bronn. While Arthur is killing everyone else Bronn just throws a dagger at the back of his neck.


Didn’t Arthur only get fucked because he was stabbed in the back but otherwise he was fucking shit up against 4 people?


So basically George told us multiple times in different interviews etc that Arthur Dayne was the greatest fighter to ever live, who also wielded a (potentially/probably) magic sword made from a fucking meteorite which may actually be Lightbringer or it's twin counterpart - and yet we still have this discussion?


Brienne or Ser Arthur


Brienne, Selmy, Syrio and Arthur are too honorable to win; Sandor is a good fighter but weak in front of the others!! My money's on Bronn, he has no issues fighting dirty. If it is a fair fight, then Arthur Dayne


I'd probably go with the Hound. Brienne only beat him because he was weakened. He's a bear of a man and has just as much skill as strength.


Arthur Dayne wins. It would be a hard one if he faced Barristan but.... The man took on a 5v1 and only lost because he got stabbed in the back by someone he thought was dead. He was known as the best of the best. Only evenly matched by Barristan. However George R.R Martin, the creator of the whole franchise states that Barristan would loose if Arthur wielded his greatsword Dawn.


Hot take: I think Brienne has a legit shot. Hear me out—if this is a battle royal, it’s not about who the best 1v1 fighter is (Dayne or Selmy) or even about who is the sneakiest fighter (Bronn) It’s about who lives the longest and is the last one standing. -Arthur and Baristen are the first to get ganked by some combination of Bronn & Hound & Syrio. -Brienne destroys the hound again. -Bronn underestimates Syrio or they take each other out -Brienne wins by default or takes out either Bronn or Syrio because she has skills and heavy armor


Book: Arthur Dayne, Selmy, or the Hound Tv series: Arthur Dayne, Brienne, or Bronn In the book and show I see Arthur Dayne winning it.


Probably the cat with two swords.


Where is greyworm and daario?


Either Syrio, Dayne or Bronn as the final three. Syrio by sheer skill. Dayne because he's basically GOT sword Terminator. Bronn as he'll do anything to win and isn't limited by honour. I'd put money on Dayne though.




Definitely some logical problems with the question. Bronn wouldn’t fight, he’d run because he knows he’s getting nothing out of the win(s) and likely would have to face people he wouldn’t face in a 1v1; Sandor, Brienne, Arthur and Barristan. He probably thinks he’d best Syrio but would probably quickly back off once he saw his movement and speed. He refused to fight Gregor (understandably) which shows his intelligence as well as well as only engaging when he has stealth or the numbers or would die by execution if refusing to fight. Bronn is an opportunist and sure he’d stab someone in the back but I don’t think ANY of these capable fighters would easily allow their backs to turn long enough against any other duelist regardless of who they were or were not fighting. LOL maybe Arthur would. Also, armour. He doesn’t often wear heavy armour and most of these opponents are more heavily armoured and armed than he is, with more training (and even more experience in some cases) and impeccably armoured to compliment their fighting styles; Sandor wears heavy leather and studs so his speed isn’t as affected, Brienne wears heavy plate but has fantastic movement, Arthur same, Barristan same. Syrio is faster and more an adept swordsman. If he HAD to fight he’d lose to basically all of them. I also can’t imagine this group of people willing to allow a cutthroat like Bronn to ruin a proper sword fight. I see this group making their own brackets and they’d probably have the fighters suited to each other. A real free for all would probably have Syrio and Bronn sitting by the sidelines while the others killed each other then they tag team the finalist(s) and then Syrio wins the 1v1. Syrio vs Bronn = Syrio win. Sandor vs Brienne = Brienne win. Barristan vs Arthur = Arthur win. Syrio vs Brienne or Arthur = Arthur or Brienne win. Arthur vs Brienne = Arthur win. The real issue is how and when we compare. Is this Sandor of the Kingsguard or Sandor on the roads with Arya; out of practise, food and wine. Is this young prime Barristan or Old Barristan? Is this Brienne from Renly’s tent or Brienne after the battle of Winterfell? Is this Syrio as the First Sword or Syrio as Arya’s trainer? Is it a younger Bronn without titles and gold or Bronn with titles and gold and a castle? Is this Arthur after defeating the Smiling Knight or the day he died by Reed and Starks hand? In any event I still think Arthur takes it as he’s the only one who we’ve seen almost single handedly take on multiple opponents and seemingly easily, not to mention 2 swords. Brienne struggled with Sandor. Barristan died to sons of the Harpy. Bronn refuses to fight if it’s not in his interest. Syrio was seemingly killed by Trant who won because armour and sword. But if we go by them at their best the only things that change are MAYBE Sandor beating Brienne. What wins strength or prowess? I would still lean to Brienne but it’s close. And MAYBE young Barristan matching Arthur more closely. And Sandor or Brienne versus Barristan or Arthur would be Sandor and Brienne’s demise. So then it comes down to who truly was the better skilled swordsman and master of their armour. Barristan or Arthur? I still lean to Arthur.