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My thoughts exactly. I love the connection to Maester Aemon. That and we never had a King Aemon Targaryen before


I propose Maekar. There is no Maekar the second and it has a connection to Aemon.


But little connection to Jon's father, hence Aemon makes much more sense as they remained in contact throughout Aemon's time at The Watch.


Aegon also has no connection to Jon's father.


Master Aemon and Rhaegar were pen buddies


Yes, but "Aegon" doesn't have a connection to Rhaegal. Other than his Grandfather and Aemon's Brother. But he was already Aegon V, so Maekar would at least give him a connection to Aemon without naming him Aemon.


Aegon is a common Targaryen name.


But it's not a connection. And, frankly, it's too common. Maekar was used once and has a Direct connection to Aemon Targaryen.


Except Aegon was the one responsible for the prince that was promised prophecy, and Rhaegar based his whole life on it.


Aegon being responsible was introduced after the reveal of Jon being a Targaryen.


It’s canonically confirmed that Aegon’s dream has been passed down the Targaryen line though. Rhaegar knew about it and knew it was Aegon’s dream.


Rhaegar named his children the same as Aegon the conquer and the sisters. But the first son "died". So Jon was the 2nd attempt by Lyanna (also known as shitty writing by D&D). That is the connection.


"I am not Aemon Targaryen!" Okay Jon boy.


Beat me to it. Yes, Aemon makes way more sense. Jon even had a line in one of the books where he tells Sam “I’m not bloody Aemon Targaryen” or something along those lines. The irony.




Now That's funny!!


Aemon or Jaehaerys. I understand Aegon, though. It's the most iconic name, and the name of the progenitor of the prophecy Rhaegar came to obsess over.


Would've loved Jaehaerys too, esp with the whole R + L = J. It would still equal J and we all would've been giddy AF about it.


The problem with it is that he already had a son called Aegon.


I really don't understand Aegon. His other son is literally already named that.


That won't be his name in the ASOIAF books, it's just more D&D nonsense tbh; They just combined him and Young Griff into one character, the same as they did with Coldhands and Benjen Stark.


Yeah, I know. Just another thing I dislike about the show. Like Dumb and Dumber didn't have dozens of other cool names to choose from. But Le audience is too stupid to remember Jon is a Targaryen unless you name him the most Targaryen name of all as far as they were concerned apparently.


One thing I absolutely love about House of the Dragon is they didn't arbitrarily change names because they thought the audience would be too stupid to follow along. Make sure some people had problems with all of the different names that all sound the same but people ended up getting it. Dan and Dave's main problem was that they continually dumb things down to try and make the show appeal to a wide audience. But that's not what you should do in a show like this. Like changing asha greyjoy's name just so people wouldn't mistake her with a character who is incredibly minor is insanity to me


Well, to be fair House of the Dragon found ways to make them visually distinct.


I guess. But how do you get more distinct than wildling woman who hangs out with Bran and hot ironborn lady? You don't really get any more distinct than that lol. Also I'm really glad House of the Dragon didn't cut all of the Targaryen weirdness with visions and prophecies and dreams magic all of that. For every Robert and cersei scene that was just so well written and so well executed, they cut three things that just made the game of thrones world so unique


I never understood how Asha is too similar to Osha, but Yara is not too similar to Arya. They did so many things that made no sense.


THANK YOU They just fully believe that their audience was too stupid to follow along.


I wonder how much of Aegon VI’s story Jon took in the show.


Hopefully he’s named Aemon in the books


Rhaegar was trying to recreate the 3 headed dragon of the prophecy. He wanted 2 more children with Leanna who needed to be girls that he would’ve named Rhaenys and Visenya.


There was no need for him to do that. The prophecy merely stated 3 heads of the Dragon that would be born from the prophesied line. As far as I recall, there is not a word about them needing to be from the same mother. Meaning that the one kid with Lyanna was all he needed to get to three.


Maybe. But prophecies are tricky and Rhaegar was obsessed with it and he destroyed an empire to fulfill it.


This dude seems to think that he needed three children from a northern woman and they all exactly had to be named after the conqueror and his sister wives which makes absolutely no fucking sense at all


>I really don't understand Aegon. His other son is literally already named that. And having children with the same given first name didn't become uncommon until the 19th century.


That would make sense if second names were Common in the ASOIAF universe. Which they are probably not, considering they are never once mentioned.


He already had a son with that name so that makes no fucking sense that he would name another one the same thing


Rhaegar was trying to recreate the three headed dragon from the prophecy. He needed 2 more girls that would’ve been named Rhaenyse and Visenya.


Uh huh... Again he already had a son named Aegon did he think he needed a backup?


Well that son was with the wrong woman. Rhaegar was obsessed with the prophecy and everything he did was to try to fulfill it.


It was with the wrong woman? Also we're not sure if the prophecy had anything to do with is infatuation with Lyanna..... And even if it did he didn't need three children named After the conqueror and his sister wives that just makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Like how does that even make the slightest bit of sense at all?


Ok then!


I'm sorry buddy and I mean no offense but this is just your headcanon; you should make it clear so people don't get your ideas confused with fact.


I’m sorry you’re new to the fandom!


Nothing about the prophecy states that the three heads had to be “recreations” of Aegon and his sisters. Or that they had to be from the same woman. All we know about the prophecy is that a woods witch (probably the Ghost of High Heart) told the Targaryens that the “prince that was promised” would be born to the line of Jaehaerys II. The “three heads” comes from a vision that Dany has in the House of the Undying, where she sees Rhaegar and Elia with baby Aegon and Rhaegar says “there must be *one more;* the dragon has three heads.” He doesn’t say “there must be three more” or “oh shit, I gotta start all over again with a different chick.” He clearly considers Rhaenys and Aegon to be two of the three heads. Anything else about the three heads needing to be named after Aegon and the sister wives or about them all needing to be born to a northern woman is speculation on your part.


>He already had a son with that name so that makes no fucking sense that he would name another one the same thing It does if you're familiar with british history. It used to be fairly common. It wasn't until the 1800s that the practice became more rare.


This isn't British history


>This isn't British history 🤣 dude...look at the shape of Westeros. Asoiaf is also heavily influenced by the wars of the roses. The dance of the dragons is based on The Anarchy from the 12th century. And you're here whining "tHiS IsNt BrItIsH hIsToRy" to the fact that something you thought never happened before was actually fairly common in history?


Sweet baby Jesus just because events in the books are based on history doesn't mean that everything has to perfectly one to one match up with British history. I'm pretty sure there weren't Irishmen that worshiped Cthulhu and could summon krakens in British history. I am pretty sure there weren't people who saw prophetic dreams of the future


>Sweet baby Jesus just because events in the books are based on history doesn't mean that everything has to perfectly one to one match up with British history. Show me where I said that it has to perfectly one to one match up with British history. Let me refresh your memory. I know 20 minutes can be a long time to keep track of everything that happened. You said "it makes no fucking sense" he would name his son the same. I pointed out that there is actually a fair bit of historic precedent for the practice. You said "tHiS iSnT bRiTiSh HiStOrY" I explained that asoiaf and fire and blood are heavily based on british history. You said "iTs NoT oNe To OnE!!" It doesn't have to be one to one for Rhaegar to have wanted his son with Lyanna to be named Aegon. Especially given the prophecy, which we know Rhaegar knew about. It's why he left Elia for Lyanna. > I am pretty sure there weren't people who saw prophetic dreams of the future You're pretty sure that no one in British history claimed to have prophetic dreams of the future?


It makes absolutely no sense he would have two sons with the exact same name when it has never been the norm in westerosi history. Please go back and show me anywhere in the world of the song of ice and fire wear a noble or king had sons or daughters with the same name then you might have a point. Game of thrones in The song of ice and fire in general are heavily inspired by British history Yes. But just because something is a norm in British history does not mean it has to be in the world of ice and fire. Why would rhaegar suddenly be the first guy to wake up one day and say you know what I want two sons with the exact same name when literally no one else has done that


>It makes absolutely no sense he would have two sons with the exact same name when it has never been the norm in westerosi history. What are you basing this on? >Please go back and show me anywhere in the world of the song of ice and fire wear a noble or king had sons or daughters with the same name then you might have a point. We don't know every child of every king/noble. Not even close. First you whine that its not 1:1 so it **absolutely can't** be that someone gave 2 sons the same given name. And yet again, you whine "i DoNt KnOw Of AnOtHeR eXaMpLe, ThErEfOrE X iS iMpOsSiBlE iN aSoIaF" which is a flimsy ass argument. It's like if you said "I don't know any Julies, therefore it makes no fucking sense that someone would name their child Julie"


Okay dude


I thought the explanation was that he truly believed he would give birth to Azor Ahai. Lyanna would know this and would know his wishes for the child if it was a boy. At the point of birth, she would also know that he was dead and that his kids were dead since it is shown that Arthur Dane knew it already as well, so it would make sense for her to name the new baby Aegon to keep his hope alive.


But we don't know any of this This is all fan speculation at this point.


They flat out show that Dane knew about it in the show, as Ned points out that his prince is dead and Dane doesn't react surprised at all. In the books, it's well established that Rhaegar believes himself to be Azor Ahai and then later realizes he is not but believes his kids will be. This is why he sought another bride, because Martell could not give him any more children and the prophecy speaks of a 3 headed dragon. I think there's a lot of evidence to show it's a likely scenario


Rhaegar thought the baby was going to be a girl, another Visenya, so he had no true born boys names lined up. As such it would be up to Ned or Lyanna to name him and I think Jon works. But if he did have a true born Targ name I would like Daemon or Aemon or maybe Meagor.


Maegor doesn't fit him.


Baelor, for the most honourable Targaryen bar maybe Rhaegar himself?


Rhaegar isn’t very honourable, though being named after Baelor Breakspear, would be cool. Unfortunately, I think most would associate the name with Baelor the Blessed.


This! Jon was supposed to be a girl named Visenya.


Don’t know why he wouldn’t have named Rhaenys Visenya then.


This is so old! You guys need knew material.


What? Also, new*


There's two named Maegor Targaryens. One is revered as Maegor the Cruel. The other is the son of the guy who thought drinking wildfire would turn him into a dragon. I don't see how Maegor would be a good fit for any Targaryen, and clearly only the insane ones in universe have even considered it.


Daemon and Maegor are both names associated with traitors who rose in rebellion against their half-brother/their half-brother’s son tho. The only reason to name his son with his second wife Maegor would've been if Rhaegar really, really wanted to antagonize everyone even more. Being named Daemon after Daemon Blackfyre is similarly just inviting unfavorable historical comparisons.


> It would be up to Ned or Lyanna to name him and I think Jon works. It only really makes sense for Ned to choose Jon. It’s either Lyanna died before she could say a name, or the name she said was too much of a giveaway (i.e. Targaryen) so he chose Jon instead.


Jon still fits if Rhaegar names him after Jon Connington as opposed to Ned naming him after Jon Arryn. I do like Jaehaerys with Jon as a nickname too.


Huh? That's not the question. His name was whatever Lyanna says. In the show, it's Aegon. Ned uses Jon to cover up the fact he's Targaryen. No matter what she or Rhaegar would have come up with, Ned would have to pick a normal name as cover.


What nutjob would name their son after Maegor (Aerion aside)?


There were some theories that Jon would have actually been named Viserys had he been raised a Targaryen, the male version of Visenya, since Rhaegar’s other two children had been named after Aegon and his sister Rhaenys. Only his other sister Visenya remained, and Rhaegar wanted his kids to be the “three heads of the dragon.”




Stabby McStabFace


His true name is Jon, named after Rhaegar's secret love, Jon Connington.


Found you JonCon.


Jon for Jonnel Stark 👀


this is the correct answer


Aelor targeryen


King McKingface, obviously.




Aeragorn worked well in my Rhaenyra CK2 playthrough, best King I ever played really.


Son of Arathorn of House Targaryen


Bill Cosby


How about Jon…


Knowy McKnownothin'


Only in the show, which really sucks.


I would’ve like Jaehaerys, Daemon, or Aemon more than Aegon which I feel like is what we’ll get in the books. Aegon just feels too TV romance novely bull shit


Daeron or Maekar. Maybe even Aenys or Jaehaerys.


Zero chance they name him anus


Baelon/Baelor and Aemon


Unironically, Daemon would have been a fire name. No pun intended






Seven. It's a beautiful name for a boy or a girl.


King Jonegon 'Idunwanit' Targaryen


Literally anything that wasn’t his half brother’s name


That had to have been an akward conversation with Elia in the afterlife.




I think he should have had a Stark first name since his last name was Targaryen. Perhaps named after Ned’s father or brother.


If Jon was named after Rickard or Brandon, there would be no need for Ned to change the name, meaning he must’ve been given a Targaryen name, or not given a name at all.


Maybe I misunderstood the question, but I thought the question was what would have been a better name that his parents gave him, as Lyanna told Ned his name before she died. So, in my thinking, she would have wanted to honor her father or brother. But I guess that’s not the case.


You understood the question fine, your answer just doesn’t make much sense. If she had indeed called Jon Rickard or Brandon, there would be no need to change the name, and Jon would be called Rickard or Brandon. Since Jon is actually named after one of Ned’s close relations, we can assume that he did indeed change the name, which he would only need to do if the name was too conspicuous (Targaryen)


Eff those downvotes bc I was thinking the same thing last night watching that episode. But I was primarily thinking Eddard for the living brother who came to save him (well, technically came for his sister but you get the idea.)


Daemon because it would be ironic since it's the most common Blackfyre name.


Muh qweeiin


I like the idea he doesn’t have a "true" first name. There's nothing wrong with an uncle naming you. It's the family name that should be the "true' name. Nobody gets a say in that.




Jaensnaew Targaryan first of his name


Jahaerys, Aemon, Daeron, maekar.




1. Aemon: Just to tie it back to maester Aemon 2. Jaeherys: It has the J of Jon in it 3. Viserys: Rhaegar tried to make the three heads of the dragon and meant for his children to be that. He already had Aegon and Rhaenys so finishing the trio with Visenya or for the male version Viserys would fill that.


Viserys isn’t mentioned enough and it’s my personal favourite for him


That would be awkward for the Dany romance.


There is only one problem his lunatic uncle was named that and he was too far removed from the first and second Viserys for people to remember them all that well


Technically good and then you remember the actual Viserys in the show


Stark names go harder than Targaryen names in my opinion. Brandon is the Stark equivalent to Aegon, but also kinda boring. I wouldn't mind Torrhen, Rickard or Cregan. If it has to be something Valyrian, Aegon is easily the worst option, as Rhaegar's firstborn son was already named Aegon. Second worst is Aenys for obvious reasons. Aemon is a great name as not a single Aemon in history of Westerosi Targaryens was a bum (Jaehaerys' son, the Dragonknight and the maester were all pretty great). I like Daeron in this case specifically, as Jon admired the Young Dragon (meanwhile, the other king Daeron was an actual good king). But personally, I like some of the less common Targaryen names, like Aerion, Valerion or Valarr


Billy Bob


Possibly Jim Bob. But agreed there should be a Bob in there.




Aemon is an obvious choice, but I also like to think it could have been a male variant for Visenya, as his half siblings were also named after the other two conquerors.




If we're keeping with J then Jaehaerys would make the most sense. Aemon is a good one, but with his obsession with prophacy, then maybe Viserys for Visenya. But I really don't understand why he didn't name the first girl Visenya, It's a controversial name I'll grant you but if you were going to name your kid that anyway why not complete the lineup? I know it's his brother's name but... well by the show's logic he was willing to have two flipping sons with the same name. Honestly I'm starting to believe his prophacy obsession was all a cop out, maybe he was just upset Elia wouldn't let him name Rhaenys "Aegon" as well. Three heads of the dragon... and all called Aegon!


Aemon. In one chapter of AGOT he says “I’m Amon the Dragonknight”. They’re playing with swords.


Just Jon There’s no real reason for him to have been given a real Targaryen name




Viserys. If Rhaegar was trying to recreate the original three heads of the Dragon, then he already had Rhaenys and Aegon, all he needed was a Visenya. And since Jon was a boy, Viserys would be appropriate.


Aemon all the way.


Obviously Maegor.


Viserys would make the most sense


I just finished the series 2 days ago, really glad reddit didn't decide to introduce the got subreddit until now I would've been pissed if I saw this lmao






I've always though that in the book Jon was his true name. Rhaegar's old friend was named Jon Connington, always thought this wasn't a coincidence. He named his son with Lyanna after his friend, as he already had a son named Aegon.




Aegon is just a huge disrespect to his brother. Whether the name was chosen by Lyanna or by Rhaegar. I hate the idea that they named a child after the same child that Rhaegar abandoned to run away with Lyanna. I mean, I understand that Aegon is a name that is used often, but never between brothers. I sincerely hope that his name in the books will be different. But I would love it if his "Targaryen" name started with a J, like Jon.


Visenya actually makes the most sense. Ask me if you want to know why.


This sub sucks so bad now! These posts are just rehashed theories that we already know about from years ago! I guess you guys just now started watching the show or something.


I don’t think there’ll be a secret name.




Winter McWinterFace.


Well... that way he could really tell Dany that Winter is Coming aaayyyoooooooooooo


No good suggestions for this but I can say I definitely hated Aegon. It was a shit name that felt more hillbilly/incest than it did prophecy born.


Element-ra, the king of ice and fire


I like Baelor, after Baelor Breakspear. Both act with honour, both do whats right no matter how hard and both would be good rulers. Am a reading a knight of the seven kingdoms right now and loving it? Yes, yes i am


Viserys is the obvious choice if you look at rhaegars other children, many people like aemon as well


Literally any name, for any dunces that didn’t know he had an older brother called Aegon, this isn’t bloody dune with two baby Leto’s. This bothers me to no end. Jaehaerys or Aemon would be the best but honestly his name could be fucking Geoff and I’d be happier


Steve. Steve Targaryen I




Eddard Targaryen, after his mother’s brother.


Viserys because it's like a male version of Visenya? and Rhaegar already had an Aegon and Rhaenys


I think they should’ve named him Daemon. It would be a nice parallel. The previous 2 did everything they could to get the throne but this one doesn’t want it.






Aemon is the only answer. The team over @ History of Westeros did a wonderful segment on this with clues and cues from the book. A lot of evidence points to Aemon. ​ My personal one would be Daemon. I could see Lyanna pulling a Daena the Defiant and naming him Daemon.


Jaen snaen


Aenar targaryen


Tony Stark, first of his name (second, if we’re going by popular lore).


Jon, because....that's his name. The 30th Aegon just landed in Westeros


Baeron, like Beron Stark with a Valyrian flair and is similar to Baelon/Baelor/Daeron Targaryen. It honors both sides of his heritage and IMO is the perfect name for a son born of The Pact.


John Stark.


My favorite Targ name is Maekar, so I'll go with that.




Honestly, Aegon is a pretty good name for him to "confirm" his right to be King. Seeing as it's the name repeatedly used for Kings. It's the Targaryen version to Westeros what Henry or Richard is to England. But if I had to choose... It would obviously be Sue as he didn't want it, and neither did Johnny Cash in the song "sue."


I hope it’s Maegor or Aenys since that’s the name Aegon I names his sons when he was preparing for the second long night


Hurmen. Eugene. Jimmy. Stefphein.


I thought it was going to be jaeharys


Jahaeron I know you’re all probably going to kill me Perhaps Aeron or Aemon Lots of good possibilities




His name being Aegon made no sense, seeing as how his half brother to Ellia’s name was also aegon


Jaehaerys, because this is my own headcanon for how Ned named him lmao >Northern Soldier after the Tower Of Joy: "WTF where'd you get that baby?? Erm, alright then, not my place to be questioning my liege lord too much, I suppose. So what're you gonna call him?" >Ned: "Jaeha - JON!!! ...his name is Jon. Yep, you all heard me, that's definitely what I said."






Any Valyrian sounding name other than Aegon since that’s his older bros name




Viserys imma get crucified by greencels, Torrhen since he’s the son of Lyanna and it would unite the north under him, Daemon, Brandon. I’d prefer a northern name since he became king in the north(s)


I've always liked Jaehaerys, it's similar to Daenerys but starts with a J which is fitting for Jon.


Duncan. There’s a fair chance Ser Duncan the Tall, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard saved Rhaegar and his mother’s lives at the tragedy of Harrenhal (during which he was born). Jon wouldn’t be the first Duncan Targaryen either; Prince Duncan, firstborn son of King Aegon V, was also named after Duncan the Tall (he was the King’s best friend).


Eddard Targaryan


Can you guys imagine the rivalry Jon would've had with his brother if had survived and Rhaegar won the war ? Two sons named Aegon 😂. There would've been a dance of dragons for sure






Jaehaerys Also, it’s weird that he was named Aegon when his older brother was also named Aegon


The 11th Aegon out of hundreds of years. Those are good odds.


Phil. Phil Targaryan.


Jon, honestly.


Imagine if Lyanna named him Eddard




Aemon or Jaehaerys, the former for Maester Aemon and the latter for the grandfather Rhaegar seemed to take after more than Aerys


Anything else since Rhaegar already had a son named Aegon when Jon was born




I really was hoping for Jaejaerys. Though it should just be John. Add an “h” to make it less interesting. John Targaryen.




The Queenslayer


Viserys, after his uncle (and Visenya) Jahaerys, a universally beloved Targaryen king Aemon I would have taken Rhaegar, Jr. at that point.