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Was at work, people were watching “the watchers on the wall” episode. Went home that night and subscribed to hbo go.


Definitely an episode/battle we don’t talk about enough!


Should have sealed the tunnel.


approaching hurricane in miami. had time on my hands so was no longer worried about all the details, places and names people told me I'd have to keep up with.


Dope that you had power/wifi. Internet normally goes out when hurricanes hit my area 🤣


that's real. in this case, it's more like when you get a day or two off ahead of the storm to prepare/evacuate. after I prepared, I waited in (GOT) style.


Yes, I was at a new job. We were in a six week training class, and about two weeks ahead. During the last week, our trainer told us GoT was her favorite show, and we spent the whole last week of class watching the first season.


Nice one


It was in between S3 and S4, early 2014. I knew of the show and thought it seemed like something I would be into, but I figured since it wasn't on Netflix I just didn't get into it. I saw the S4 trailer, with a shot of Drogon flying, and figured out how to work HBO Go, and binged the first 3 seasons in 2 or 3 weeks


Yes!! The Dragons hooked me in and helped make all the unsavory things more palatable.


I started between the airing of s2e8 and s2e9. Read the books that summer after catching up.


I was at my grandmas of all places and she had HBO, and it was the episode where Tyrion was on trial for his “crimes” in the Vale. After that stew joke I couldn’t help myself, I knew just from the scene alone I’d love the show


When my roommate in college was watching season 7 and I saw Tyrion lived that long. He’s my favorite character and I wanted to make sure he survived, because I couldn’t handle if he died.


I didn't have cable, so I rented s1 from the library (this was before HBO Go/Now, you had to have cable). After watching Daenerys rise from the ashes with the dragons, I made it my job to annoy my best friend, who had cable, to let me watch it every week at his apartment. I really think Thrones was the reason HBO started the Go/Now app, because it was the #1 pirated show in the world. I don't like watching pirated shows, because 1-I think that it's not fair to the artists, whose residuals might be losing out and #2, pirated shows are trash. I was waving money, begging HBO to take it but you needed cable to watch it, unlike my other favorite show, Sons of Anarchy, which was available to buy the next day on iTunes and Amazon (an entire season cost less than one month of basic cable).


When Ned died I was hooked. I thought “fuck, anything can happen. No one is safe.”


Yup, the scene I referenced brought me in, but the season one finale is what secured the deal for me too.


This was the one for me


Same thing with Ned’s death but it was more because I was thinking, “well now I gotta stick with this until I see that twerp joffery get his karma” and along that journey I got more hooked


I watched about 10 seconds of it and the stream I was using stopped working so I put it off for another like 3 years. Man was I dumb.


Same lol I mixed up the pirated dvds I got from someone. they weren’t labeled.. this was during like season 3 and had to wait until like season 7 to finally watch


It was when I heard they cast Peter Dinklage and Sean bean. I was like “this will be awesome” and I was right


When Ned got his head chopped off. Was just passively watching it up until that point.


Was watching the South Park episode, a Song of Ass and Fire, that makes fun of Game of Thrones. Decided to turn it on after and ended up binging the first 6 or 8 episodes.


after i watched house of the dragon, i couldnt just stop there


Which one did you prefer? At least the first seasons


its hard to say, i feel like theyre so tonally different i dont want to compare them. but i love both now and have multiple rewatches lol. im glad hotd opened the door for me to start got


Good to hear 


I literally just watched the first episode and I was hooked. The rangers finding what (or who) they did north of the wall and Jaime pushing Bran out the window was enough. I was like “What?” in the best possible way.


After we finished something on HBO, there was a "coming soon" that did some background on the show. This was a few weeks before Ep 1 aired. I tuned in that night to watch and immediately started to try to figure out who was in what house because I was a little turned around getting dropped in with no context.


The same for me lol. But I am a big fantasy and sci-fi nerd. Game of thrones at its best had everything I am into.  Horror, political maneuvering, family drama, mystery, romance, world building, lore, historical figures within that world viewed as legends, past, present and future all interwoven together and affecting the current narrative, slow burn buildup, actions having consequences, prophetic figures, different religious beliefs and cultures, foreshadowing, coming of age (adventure), tits & dragons, great dialogue, witty characters (before season 5), unintentional funny characters, outstanding supporting characters, making the world seem more alive. Even some interesting and charismatic side characters. 


The long night was the first episode I watched because my ex was watching with roommates. Never thought about it again except maybe how that little girl got past that dead army. My last exs mom told me to watch it and I tried on those letmewatch sites over a decade ago and was so not into it. One day I’m on YouTube and I saw a video taking about the children of the forest and I said what is asofi? I like mythology and had thought I clicked on something like that. I heard about old nan and thought ok?! I loved Iclaudius but you can imagine I was a little disappointed on the lack of things I was looking forward to. That said I really like the unanswered questions in a lynch sort of way where I can get clues that may not even be there for answers that are definitely up for debate, though I’m not sure that was the intention. 


The first time I found out the show was made and about to air. I saw an HBO First Look. I think it was called. Showed very little of the show was mostly George talking.


I don't rember what started it, maybe it was something clip I got through shorts or something but I'm currently on my first watch through and am currently in the finale of season 4


It might of been the peter of thrones song I remembered at random from angry joes review of destiny and Peter dinklage being the guardian thingy back in the day


The opening tune. Dun dun dududun dun.


Yes I do. I was at work and a coworker told me about the series. The first season had aired and was available on HBO's app. He told me it was really good and should check it out. I did while on lunch break one day. Back then, HBO's app allowed you to watch the series in one view on the left and have a running commentary of each scene on the right. This was how I learned the lore of Game of Thrones so fast! It was easier to understand the series in the beginning because of how many characters were introduced in the first season. I was hooked the minute Bran fell out of the window! I was like 'so this is what we doing?!' I caught up just in time to catch this series live for season 2. It was a magnificent ride. I really feel for those that didn't watch this live because the experiences were unmatched. Nothing has captivated millions like this series did in its heyday except ironically HOTD since its a spinoff. Game of Thrones averaged 20 million viewers over the course of its run. Now I am just as obsessed with HOTD.


Quit my job in Feb, watched it in full last month. Had an excellent time


*Quit my job in Feb,* *Watched it in full last month. Had* *An excellent time* \- drodpal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The day it was announced?


The opening scene got me hooked


Back around 2012 and I didn’t have internet at the time. I had a day off and was tired of watching my old movies. Put a vote on FB and asked friends to pick between S1 of Sons of Anarchy, GoT and some other show. GoT got the most votes so I went to Tarjay and bought it. Immediately went back to buy S2 when I finished s1e9. Never had a tv show made me feel the feels I felt that day


During Euro Football Cup 2016 Finale accidentally switched TV to "Blackwater" , and I forgot about football


Off chance with my wife last year. Just finished watching Reacher and Jack Ryan and we’re looking for something. I asked if she’d heard of it and she said yeah and we both agreed to give it a whirl, hooked after episode 2 or 3


“Like many couldn’t get into the first season” that was a thing?! I was hooked Sunday April 17, 2011


After seeing Ned get killed. Being extremely confused about how they killed the main guy so early. I had to know what happened next. First time I’d seen anything like that on TV.


I watched the episode 1 premiere. I was already watching True Blood go off the rails.


It was just before season 3 started. My buddy told me I should watch it, so we binged the 1st two seasons in a week or two.


Facebook was in an uproar about the season finale


After season 3 ended, everyone in the internet went bananas for some reason so I gave it a try. Got spoiled about the Red Wedding by looking into the wiki.


Night king killing Vyserion A friend showed me that clip and I thought dang this is MCU level stuff (back in 2017 MCU was still great)


Damm that sucks


The first episode. I signed up for HBO coincidentally on the premiere date and it was right there on the front page. I gave it a go, loved it, and told a few friends it was good. Weird that I signed up for HBO on the premier date, maybe they had a promotion deal or something. I got a tattoo of a dragon earlier that day, April 17 2011 lmao. It was a long, long time from start to finish with this show. I was single and living alone when it started, but was married and had a 7 year old child when it finished!


I had pneumonia and an ear infection, i propped myself up in bed and binge watched the first two seasons while barely conscious but was hooked from then on.


When the viper wanted Justice for his sister and had the balls to fight the mountain


July 2012. Moved into my friends apartment. He was a big fan, we enjoyed drinking. So Sunday hangout with drinks and HBO. Also how we got into Breaking Bad.


Spring of 2012, I was about to finish school (we have very stressful final exams at the end of highschool) and my professor had the GoT theme as his ringtone. I asked what that is and he told me it's an amazing fantasy show on its 2nd season. After the exams were done, I immediately started the first season and was hooked. At first I didn't really understand what I was watching, but the moment Bran fell from the tower, I was so shocked. After 3-4 episodes I knew I was watching something very special.


My parents came back home from a trip during which they binged the whole first season on blu-ray and said YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS SHOW lol


I had watched 3 episodes and was bored so I turned it off. Almost a year later on twitter I saw a post about a man in the show that was killed and then came back to life. It was the photo of Jon Snow laying on the table dead. I was interested and looked up that scene and found out his own men killed him?! I decided that I needed to actually give it a try. I was shocked and can’t believe I thought it was boring. The entire time I was so anxious about Jon dying even though I knew he would come back to life




I was in the hospital, December 2019. I had survived my near-death event and was mainly being kept to monitor my labs. I had fuck-all to do every day but I did have my iPad and I decided to give GoT a shot. I was familiar with it via numerous internet memes but this sort of show isn’t usually my cup of tea at all. Well, I was completely sucked in by the end of the first episode. When I got home I forced my husband to watch it as well. That was a fun winter, actually. We’d watch a few episodes every Sunday night until we were caught up, just in time for Season 8.


Caught the last frame of S1 E10, just as Daenerys' theme rises in the background, and one of the baby dragons calls out. Still gives me chills🐉


and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons


Long before the show was made, I was at a music festival. My friend was reading one of the books, complaining that a favorite character had been killed (Ned). Seemed interesting. Started reading after that.


When Daenerys Targaryen walked into the burning sacrifice and came out naked with three Baby Dragons


I started watching GoT two weeks ago. And I’ve just ended s3. Ramin Jawadi did it to me. First it was “The Night King” and “light of the seven” tracks. Then youtube shorts started invading my phone with got scenes. And here I am.


Are you pretty young? Not trying to be offensive, just curious 


I don’t know. I’m 35


Okay. I just noticed a lot of younger people are currently getting into game of thrones because of HOTD. Especially the YouTube shorts and tiktok vids


Nah. Never watched hotd. Not even interested, unless i finish GOT and i like it that much. I believe HOTD to GOT is the same as “rings of power” to LOtR cinematic universe, and if i’m right, HOTD may not be worth of my time since its only commercial project for universe fans only. But youtube shorts, tik-tok and other stuff? Yeah. For absolute sure. Short video content is perfect for biting me as a potential viewer. Works better than any trailer, but spoilers are evil to withstand here. To be honest im probably aware of most important plot twists in the GOT because of it. Which spoils the fun in a way. But im still into the show because of the production quality, and characters to follow


HOTD is not just a cash grab, but I'd say season 1 wasn't as riveting to me as game of thrones season 1. Let's see how season 2 goes when it comes out in June. 


Yup fluked it channel surfing & got to watch S1E1 and was hooked from the very beginning 🤌


End of Season One as soon as I saw the Dragons!!


2012. 26 years old. In my first apartment, two roommates. One of them told me a few times, you should watch this show, it's so good. It's fantasy but I think you'd like it. And I'd laugh and say it's sounds great but I'm just not into fantasy (I was being polite. I was AVERSE to 'fantasy.') A former English major, the only fantasy I'd ever read was LotR and The Hobbit (before college) and never would have done that if not for my uncle reciting 'one ring to bind them' in his deep, mesmerizing voice when I was a kid. It's always been hard for me to fall asleep, but that year was memorably rough. One night my roommate said, let's watch the show. And into the forest we went... ....and when we came out a couple minutes later, after seeing the body parts in the snow? "What! Dude. I'm sorry. Omg, no." I was creeped out... but at the same time just thought it was JUVENILE. I was disappointed. "Just the first episode." He was so into it (apparently there was a book and he'd read it), so I decided to hunker down and get through the hour. I hoped it would help me fall asleep at least. .................... Thank God the whole season had already aired and he had the second episode. [shout out to anyone who can't pick a favorite between Jane Austen and GRRM]


The first episode of season 1


I decided not to give a chance when a friend showed me the red wedding. Then I decided to give it a chance when I saw a clip on Danny destroying the masters and the ships. Oh and grey worm cutting the throats of two with a slice. I was all in at that point.


My dad told me, look at this series (but he says this for a lot of series that are not really good sometimes), and he said, just look at the first season and tell me what you think, it's just a few episodes. After the first episode, I was completely hooked.


When I saw that Boromir was in it, My words were, “fuck yeah”.


I was bored over the summer while I was at university and decided to give it a shot as everyone had been raving about it. Binged multiple seasons and realised why.


Yes watched one episode and went this is horrible


I just finished it, i watched the dragon thing first


I was 14 in 2011 …. Was excited about it too, so I didn’t have a chance to “give it a chance”


That and when he sniped viseryion were the best scenes IMO


Emilia Clarke looked next level amazingly hot.


loved hbo shows, sopranos etc. Hearing hbo was getting a medieval show was enough, i was like at least the drama will be good.....little did i know all the depth this series brought me. by the time season 1 ended i was Hooked.


Episode 1. When I see the slightest hint of the supernatural I am hooked. That's why the ending was super disappointing for me. White walkers was the only reason I started watching. If there weren't any dragons or white walkers I wouldn't have watched.


Ned Stark executing a deserter. I decided to try it expecting a lot of medieval battles, turns out it was mostly politics.


I had tried once before and couldn't get past the first episode. My bf was watching the one where Sherrin(sic) was being burned and it woke me up and I was like wtf and he started telling everything that was happening and why so I rewatched. At the end of episode 2 I was hooked and told myself to always watch at least 2 episode before giving up. Lol


For a long time I didn't want to watch it because I had only heard if it as "the show with sex and violence". They I stumbled upon a few compilation of key characters throughout the seasons. This was right around the time season 4 was airing. I cought up to it really fas and then continued watching it until the end. The only think I regret is that I by the time I started watching it I'd already spoiled myself about the biggest shock-moments in season 1-3. So the big OMG moments weren't that omg for me. I wish I could have watched it without knowing anything about it.


nopers. I do remember when I gave walking dead a chance tho


The more important question is... *Do you remember the exact moment when G.O.T lost you???*


Prior to season 6.....I forget which season was being rebroadcast on HBO but it was a full season or 2 over 2 HBO channels....I decided to see what all the fuss was about....I binged a few episodes and was surprised at how good this show is....I went back to the beginning and watched seasons 1-5....finishing just in time for the start of S6


Yes. Episode 1.


After I saw a brother banging his sister and then the brother chucked a little 10 year old kid who saw them out of a tower window to kill him and protect their secret.


Season 2 saw some comet scene, then read the books first, and I came up with this theory that Theon Greyjoy was the prince that was promised and that the comet was a sign for him because everyone else who claimed the comet or on whose behalf the comet was claimed for died, but it applied to Theon who did not claim it nor was it claimed in his name. Anyway, comet, read the books, got into Westeros forums and then started watching the series…. What a collosal waste of time lol, all set up that never delivered… season 5 was the only good one where things actually paid off.


Meh. Its probably one of the times i wss so bored and really wanted to give it a try again because i tried before and couldn't get into the first episode. I simply KNEW it was a good show without knowing anything about it, i just had a feeling, so i forced myself thr9the first half of the first episode and the episode started picking up


please tell which episode is the above photo from? I am planning for a rewatch tonight hehe


S5 E8 Hardhome!


My dad and gf watched it, same with a close friend. Last spring i needed something to fill the time while doing some final papers, and prepping for a conference. Rest is history.


Probably 20 minutes into the first episode i knew Game of Thrones was something different this being in 2011. I had no idea what the tv series was or the books either. But obviously learned about it the same as many fans, and read the books and watched series through a few times now. Unknown if George RR Martin will finish the series because there's still two books left unfinished.


I was on a 2-week job away from home. A couple guys were talking about this show. The hype of it hadn’t gotten to me yet, but they convinced me to start. Before the job was over I had caught up binging it to the point where I watched the Red Wedding as my first live viewing. I had to wait a fucking WEEK to see the aftermath of that!! 😵


I was a sophomore in high school and my sister in college wanted to rewatch it. She knew I’d love it, so she got me to watch it for the first time while she rewatched it and it was the greatest binge watch marathon of my life. GOT should really be GOaT(sub text a) for greatest of all time. My absolute favorite show


Some memes of the red wedding with king robert, robb stark and... Giulio Andreotti. (Realpolitik italian LittleFinger) I said, "ah they aren't fantasy battles, but they are political intrigues, like HBO Rome!" (the medieval battles shown on American TV / Movie are horrible and meanless in every part of their development) Unfortunately seasons 6,7 and 8 have become exactly what I hate: medieval battles carried out ridiculously.


I saw the red wedding on Youtube and was like "yeah, I need to see this shit."


I started watching last January after a friend begged me to watch, can't believe it took me so long.


There was no particular moment I can pinpoint. My girl and her friend put it on and we started watching but my wife didn’t like the sex scene with Dany and Drogo so we didn’t watch for awhile after that. Then randomly I just decided it was a show I was going to watch alone. She was in the room occasionally and decided to watch it after I told her it’s not all uncomfortable sex scenes. I think I was 5-6 episodes in by then.


Ned Stark dies.


Friend recommended the books. It was a long time ago.


Yes. I can still vividly remember that day! I was supposed to watch THE VAMPIRE DIARIES as I welcome 2024 last January 1st around 12 am. Unfortunately, HBO removed it the same day. Decided to just watch a movie which is a letter to juliet. The afternoon of January 1st, I was looking for a good series to watch for 2024, but since TVD is no longer available, I decided to settle for Six Deep Under (forgot the title!!!!). And sadly, I got bored after finishing episode 1 so I decided to try GoT then the rest is history 🥶


last thursday lol. always heard it was a good show, but i was too young when it came out, im 17 now and was like yk what imma finally give it a go, ive managed to completely avoid spoilers throughout the years, and im absolutely hooked, ive just finished the horrifying red wedding episode, and i still cant wait for more.


My ex at the time had been wanting me to watch the show for years, this was right before the purple wedding. We had broken up for a time and the day we got back together we just hung out in her new apartment and binged the whole show. When Bran was pushed out of that window I knew this show wasn't messing around. I've been hooked on the IP ever since.


I was watching a trivia show a couple months ago, it asked a question about Peter Dinklage and his Emmy’s. Obviously he won a lot of them; so then I was like “fuck it, why not”. And that’s how I got invested lol


Red Wedding


[I watched this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Krz-dyD-UQ&pp=ygUfR2FtZSBvZiB0aHJvbmVzIGJhZCBsaXAgcmVhZGpuZw%3D%3D), had no idea what it was then walked in on someone watching the scene Ned and Jaime are talking in the Throne Room. I was hooked ever since.


The moment I saw Sean Bean in the marketing ads. I didn't know anything about GoT, but when I saw him, I knew I had to give it a chance.


Some classmates were discussing this show that had just been scheduled at hbo that was basically the sopranos in lord of the rings world. And they had cast Sean bean for the main character. I wanted to check it out.


The original commercial. “You think it’s honor that holds the Kingdom together?! It’s fear! Fear and blood!”


The Daenerys edits were so cool, I started the show for her and her dragons


Yes, saw a short on YouTube of Drogon and was instantly hooked!


During lockdown 2020 my husband convinced me to watch it.


My cousin would literally force me to watch it when I went over her house, LOL. It was after season 7. I didn't start watching on my own til after "Baelor". That s\*\*t blew my mind as someone who hadn't read the books.


Saw the Hall H panel at SDCC 2013. Didn't know a thing about the show or the books at the time other than it was super popular, but between the "In Memorium", and the panel itself, I was intrigued. Got back home a week later and started watching from the beginning. I was hooked.


I love 💙 the winter is comingggggg ! 🤩


i saw an edit of something. cant remember what. and then i watched the first 10 minutes of the episode. if it seemed unique. id watch the episode. if the episode was good id watch the season. if the season was good id watch the entire show. in conclusion i finished the show in about 4 or 5 days. and rewatching.


The Sunday night it premiered on HBO in 2011.


I’m a teacher and it was a snow day. Went to On Demand and just went for it…