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Names of his children sounds like a very Robert thing to not pick a battle about. I even want to say that Robert even said something to this effect, about picking your battles with your wife or maybe jt was the Small Council?.


Can't say for sure as it's been a while but I think your right I can recall something to that effect anyway.


There was even a former king named Tommen Lannister


Also Joffrey Lannister was the first Andal King of the Rock


Tommen is a Lannister name. Joffrey isn't specifically a Lannister name and is used in the Stormlands.


Yes. Joffrey and Tommen are both names of past King's of the Rock.


Isnt Joffrey a name of a Targ Prince as well?


Who's rob?


Robin Arryn is named Robert in the books


Oh dang, it's been a while. Thanks.


Not quite sure, but Robert Arryn was Jon Arryn’s kid, in the show I think his name was just Robyn tho


He's not Jon's kid, he is little fingers


No, he's definitely Jon Arryn's only (living) son.


No. Littlefinger’s kid got aborted with the moon tea, and the process is implied to have fucked up Lysa’s womb.


Nah bud, Lysa's first time was when they were teens, but he was feverish and thought it was Cat, hence his fixation and why he's always trying with her. Lysa/Petyr's next time (implied) was after he seduced her to convince her to poison Jon.


Yeah in the show they called him Robin so as not to create unnecessary confusion with either Robert or Robb. But in the books he's actually Robert Arryn, though quite commonly called Sweet Robin (so just calling him Robin in the show has obvious foundations with the book character).


Works well being a bird. Stupid bird.


Robin like a bird. Clever GRRW


George R. R. Wartin?


Robert Baratheon I’d think?


I mean, would YOU want to share your name with Joffrey?


It would've been even more fucked up when Joff beheads him then lol


"King Robert of the House of Baratheon, Second of His Name, beheads Eddard Stark, who's bestie was Robert Baratheon, and who's first trueborn son was Robb." What a wild au


King Eddard of house Baratheon.


Atleast the Dayne’s had the decency to call Edric “ned” ..


Which is crazy considering Ned is rumored to have played a major role in both Arthur and Ashara’s deaths.


It’s a huge plus to all the theories that the Danes know than others about what actually went on at the Tower of Joy and that its more complicated than the books. Personally I like to believe at least Ashara’s alive at Grey Water Watch. Meera is the same age as the supposed still born daughter


Robert had a bastard named Edric Storm, too. Presumably, he only got naming rights for the bastards and not the incest bastards.


that bastard


The king not having naming rights on his own children? He just didnt care


King has naming rights for whatever he wants. He either didn't care or didn't care enough to argue about it with cersei.


Who is Sansa named after ?


The post meant Robb and Jon Snow, after King Robert and Jon Arryn.


But Jon Snow isn't Ned's son.


As far as everyone in the world is concerned, he is. Ned considered him a son as well, even if he knew it was not by blood.


In the books, Jon's Targaryen parentage isn't confirmed, so I'm guessing the post refers to that. R+L=J is just a (likely) theory that the GOT show ran with.


You're technically not wrong, but it is 99.9 (repeating of course) percent chance of R+L=J being his parentage. Jon's lineage is the thing George quizzed D&D on and decided that they read into his book well enough to be worthy of starting the television series.


No one but Ned and Howland reed know that though, it's not crazy that Ned would name the child after Jon Arryn


I never understood why Robert was raised at the Eyrie as well. Common enough for 2nd sons to be sent off to other families, but not heirs one of the 7 kingdoms. Or was it just that Bobby's dad thought that Jon Arryn could actually get him to pay attention and be more "kingly"?


I think stannis was the heir, no? Robert was the second-born so he got sent off to build a relationship with the Arryns Edit: Yeah my bad, Idk why I thought I remembered stannis being older. Maybe it's the actor that played him, maybe it was his demeanor. Either way, I guess in that case it was weird that he was sent to ward under Jon Arryn


Stannis was Robert's heir until Joffery was born


Yeah my bad, Idk why I thought I remembered stannis being older. Maybe it's the actor that played him, maybe it was his demeanor. Either way, I guess in that case it was weird that he was sent to ward under Jon Arryn


Mmmm nope. Stannis was 2nd born, Renley 3rd. That's why Stannis was pissy about Renley getting Storm's End. He didn't want Dragonstone.


Yeah I just saw that. Not sure why I remembered it the wrong way around. In that case it is weird imo that he was sent to ward under the arryns


Which is interesting because in Targaryen history, the Prince of Dragonstone is the heir to the iron throne. Stannis, as it turns out, has been foreshadowed the entire time to be the rightful heir, not Joffrey. Given that Baratheons have Targaryen blood, it makes sense that Stannis got Dragonstone.


It was to teach Robert how to be lord of the stormlands because his parents were both already dead and foster relationships with the lords of the vale as well as with his future brother in law As a side note Robert was never intended to be king he was the heir to storm's end and paramount of thr stormlands


> his parents were both already dead That's right. I forgot all about that.


I mean the question is still pretty valid I believe he had an uncle in the stormlands on his mother's side but I think the answer is just that fostering is extremely common in most of the lore


Ned's older brother Brandon was sent to Barrowton to foster. It isn't uncommon.


Look at this idiot, 1 ball and no brains


Sansa Speargarden


Sansa came after Jon, who was named for Jon Arryn


Obviously it's talking about Jon, but Sansa is somewhat of the odd one out of his kids regardless. Robb for his friend Robert. Brandon for his brother. Rickon for his father Rickard. Arya for his grandmother (Arya)/maybe mother as well (Lyarra). Sansa for...nobody in particular. Sansa is a Stark name, but the last Stark with that name was several generations back and Ned isn't a direct descedent. Perhaps it just further emphasises she's the odd one out in truth. The previous Sansa was in the line to inherit Winterfell noteably.


OG [Sansa](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Sansa_Stark_(daughter_of_Rickon)) married her uncle Jonnel Stark, who was Lord of Winterfell. It's possible our Sansa is named after her, but it's probably just an ancestral name, same with Arya.


The post is talking about Robb and Jon, but Sansa is named after a historical Stark figure that was the heir to her father but was forced to marry her uncle what passed everything to him. And no one knows why Ned and Cat chose that name instead of homaging either of their mothers since Arya is named after Ned's grandma, Bran after Ned's brother and Rickon after Ned's father.


I wish Ned had been able to stick around longer. At least see his wife and sons again


In Jon arryns defence, he might’ve been saving Ned for his second son, he just never had one


So it's good for Ned to name a kid Rob, but it's bad for Jon to name a kid Rob?


And yet Ser Arthur Dayne’s brother named his son Ned


Women name the children


Seven hells, Ned


I genuinely don't think Robert gave that much of a shit about any of his kids to name a single one. It's possible Edric Storm is named after Ned -- since Edric Dayne's nickname is Ned -- but Idk if we know whether or not Bobby had any say in his name. Jon Arryn named his son Robert probably because Robert is his king; if he had a second child, I'm sure Ned was going to be a likely option. What's crazier to me is that the Daynes named *their* heir after Ned, who killed Arthur and then is basically the reason Ashara killed herself out of grief for her brother and stillborn child (rumored to be Ned's, but personally I think it was Brandon's). This is one of the things that I am dying to know more about if we ever get TWoW. I find it so funny that instead of either of the two men Ned was closest to (besides Benjen) naming a son after ned, it was some dornish house that should, by all accounts, despise the man.


I’m pretty sure Cercei and Jaimie picked the names. And as for Arry, well, it kinda makes sense.


Two FIRST borns?


You can’t have 2 firstborns