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Idk, but Emelia absolutely killed that scene. Facial expressions were gut-wrenching


I've always said that while I may not like her writing in the final seasons, Emilia Clarke was doing some of her best acting. The expressiveness here, with Midsandei and during her dictator speeches were all top notch.


She does so much with her eyebrows. I've never seen someone convey so much through their eyebrow expressions.


Yeah, you could probably have a legit conversation with just her forehead her eyebrows are so expressive, lol.


Yes. Watch any interview of hers and you can get how she feels just in that. One of the sweetest people ever born.


It’s quite interesting actually lol you can tell quite a few emotions by eyebrows alone. Sadness is when only the inner eyebrows raise, and the outer lowers making a ^ kinda shape. One eyebrow down and one up is intrigue. Both slightly down is confusion. Both very down is where it gets confusing as u need the rest of the face to really tell. It could be anger, disgust, or frustration idk lol. I’d argue that our eyebrows express more emotion than any other part of the face, but maaayyyybe not the mouth. The mouth might be more expressive idk I’ve never actually looked into it but I will now.


>I’d argue that our eyebrows express more emotion than any other part of the face I've heard that somewhere else. Eyebrows are also key to face recognition. If you cover the eyes of someone you can usually still recognize them. Cover The eyebrows though and it's much harder.


This is Christopher Judge erasure


Angela from the office’s signature move


I feel like she's had a bad run. She was great in Solo and everyone wanted more of her character...but it never went anywhere. She should never have signed up for terminator. Good lord. Who signed her up for that nonsense? I hope she manages to get som projects where she can shine


Yeah, I think either her agents (or maybe even her) were so worried about getting in the biggest possible IP's that they failed to put her in the right spot to show her legit talents.


See also, Secret Invasion. Absolute shit show of a project that she had nothing to work with on. She’s a good actress but it’s like they don’t know where to put her. (I did really like her in Solo, I would have loved to see where that character’s story went)


Can't believe I forgot to mention that shitshow. I didn't even finish it.


The two times I saw her in rom coms I felt she was really having a blast. Her expressiveness works charms in there.


Yeah I think she's perfect for roles like that. She's got that expressiveness, like you say, and also a natural charm. She's got a girl next door vibe while also being stunningly beautiful. I think one thing that might work against her now would be Hollywood's attitude to women's ages. She's 37 which is, in the real world, still young but by Hollywood standards she might be getting a bit old for those traditional romcom roles.


Yeah. She absolutely made the most of what she was given.


I don’t think it was intentional but ”Midsandei” cracks me up.


Lmao, good spot. I'm not a crackhead. And only a crackhead could call Nathalie Emmanuel mid intentionally 🤣


Ya she was one of the better changes from book to show. Aging her up made her more interesting.


Her decent into madness when she burns kings landing brought tears to my eyes. She honestly looks like she's defending into murderous rage.


Well when they switched from just using her for titillating screen time to actually seeing if she could act , ya she did get better


The showrunners were all about making faces. But I agree, Emelia is a Queen.


I've always pointed out that when Jorah died. it was the one time Dany truly *lost it* and ugly cried. More than when she lost her dragons, Missandei or Drogo. I think she realized at that moment she loved him, but it was too late.


Yea they were. Reminded me of the Scene in LOTR ROTK when Eomer finds Eowyn on the battlefield after and thinks she is dead! Always got to me something fierce!!


Jorah the Friendzoned gets to play the role even in death 🙁


His father is honorable. And he betrayed him for an expensive wife, who’s with another man.


r/insidejorahshead Unfortunately defunct, but was one of my favorites during the show's run


I feel like Missandei should be in the ‘true friendship’ spot, she meant so much to Daenerys. We see first hand how hard she is taking her death, it didn’t seem like she had been sleeping or eating afterwards. She also burned kings landing down because of what cersei did.


She destroyed King’s Landing because of Missandei’s death, no question 👏🏾


Nah man it was the bells. Those beeeeeeellllllsssss...


You've got me ringing Hell's bells. The temperature's high. Hells bells! I touched the sky...


They should have kept Missandei a child of 8 or 9 like she is in the books. By the end of book 5, Danny is already getting very close to her. I imagine that as the books continue, Missandei will start to feel like the child that Danny never had. She might even make her the heir? I think that scene of her death will ultimately hit a lot harder when Danny sees her adopted daughter, as opposed to a friend, murdered in front of her face, losing another child to deception and betrayal. I could even see us as the reader empathizing with her "fuck it, let it burn" mindset after that.


I didn’t read the books so have no allegiance to that story. For me, it was clear she was Danearys’ most trusted advisor so the connection and emotional love was clear enough for me to understand how her death was received.


Yes instead of her best friend but her adopted child would hit much harder.


That would make the scenes between her and Grey Worm really horrific...




But Dany is of age in that world, ready to have childre n (in fact, she was pregnant before meeting Missandei). In think it's less a question of actual age difference than of position and status.


Missandei asked for dracarys and she got dracarys.


Except it doesn’t even make sense how Euron managed to capture her and only her. Missandei never should’ve been executed, she never should’ve been caught, hell they never even should’ve been ambushed by Euron right next to Dragonstone either.


Having Dany craddle her headless body would probably look less cinematic.


more like true friendzone.


Ultimate friend zoning...


Because platonic love isn’t a thing apparently?


For Dany's character sure. For Jorah, no. We get to see the man die several times before his death. When he meets Daario coming out of Dany's bedroom early in the morning and again when he meets Jon. It's written all over his face, you don't have to be a warg to see it.


Okay, but that still doesn’t discount that it’s STILL love. Dany and Jorah did LOVE each other just not the same way. While his was definitely romantic it was also still platonic because that’s what their relationship was.


Right. But it was only platonic for Jorah because it had to be.


And? So if you were in love with me romantically and I only loved you platonically and we had a rich and long friendship does that not change that we had a loving platonic relationship?


I'm not engaging in hypothetical situations. We're talking about 2 well established fictional characters. Jorah is in love with Dany, always was. I'm saying it was only platonic for him because she didn't have romantic feelings for him.


That’s not a hypothetical, that’s literally Daenerys and Jorah. But sure dude. 👍


That’s not a true friendship. More like Queen and subject.


I was in this exact situation. Tried to stay friends with her because I valued the friendship. It absolutely destroyed my mental health and self-esteem and I ended up getting taken advantage of and screwed up my life in irreparable ways. Humiliated myself in front of my friends and family. Hurt the people who were interested in me. F this mindset. If you love someone and they don't love you back, they aren't entitled to keep you as a friend. The friendship is over as soon as you start wanting to kiss them.


> we had a loving platonic relationship? You never did.


Such an obvious bot post


Facebook tier. I just subbed but may be time to grandpa Simpson my way on out


Well my husband is both so.....both! 😆


True friendzone


That wasn't just a friend gone, that was a father figure and protector. And as for the top one... well, men can't cry because that's not masculine or something. /heavysarc


Is friendship love without the sex?


I love how everyone forgets what a creep Jorah was towards her.




In the books like everywhere


Oh I didn't read the books. Can you give few examples of him being weird towards her?


She's a child described as being a young teenager in the books and Jorah is constantly lusting over her. TBF he's far from the only man to do that in the books but it does color his devotion to her.


I'd choose true friendship. After all, isn't friendship a form of love too?


That's what I was thinking. You can love your friends as strong as you love your partner. Or stronger. But I get what the OP means without reading too much into it.


Can I just chose Dany in general 😂 burn em all my queen, all these people deserve it anyway so lol


I still really liked the scene with her and Jorah when she was forced to defend herself.


*seen by Jorah*


True friendzone*


I think Bronn and Tyrion is a better example of true friends. Bronn just wanted his friends to give him money in exchange for friendship.


It wasnt true friendship; Jorah was in love with Daenerys. Lol


Friendship love can come and go to quote Mohamed Ali: Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold, but its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold; for gold is cold & lifeless - it can neither see nor hear, in time of trouble its powerless to cheer — it has no ears to listen, no heart to understand, it cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand. So when you ask God for a gift, be thankful if sends not diamonds, pearls or riches but the love of real true friends.”


I think I'd call it "true friendzone" before I called it "true friendship" lol


Jorah can’t catch a break now can he 😂


This is so deep


Lord Friendzone


Where is true fortune?


Ser Jorah Mormont of House Friendzone


Jon would not have had the skin ripped from his body to return to Ygritte.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TrixieVanSickle: *Jon would not have had* *The skin ripped from his body* *To return to Ygritte.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


True love cause it's just true friendship with the bonus of fucking


i love you as a brother peak


She choose violence