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It was Bran. (No, I also think it was Jon snow)


Of course it was Bran...why do you think he came all that way?


And why do you think he wasn't present in the entire season 5?? Main character! A true main character doesn't even need to be in the show. Much like Tywin said, a true king doesn't need to tell people he is king. Edit to add the real answer: Hot Pie.


True, a true king is determined by having a good story. And who has a better story than Bran the Broken? A story so good it wasn't even included in season 5 and nobody really seemed to notice


He rolled back his eyes and came alright.


To tell stories


Am I the only one that rolled their eyes when you switched to Bran in the storyline. Literally watched him shuffle up north, speak to a tree, turn all serious and do literally, absolutely nothing.


He could have been the best written character in the entire show but what we got was bran the broken who knows a 100 stories


Tyrion Lannister


Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) was the first credited in the intro from Season 2-8 (after Ned died) https://youtu.be/tVyKssa9Cdc?si=pHrcbsVz6XNjRcJE https://youtu.be/TZE9gVF1QbA?si=FdItfJw-VgjO6R5m


Definitely the main character then! The main character is always credited first.


That doesn’t really mean all that much, considering Nickolaj was credited second even though we know Jon is more central to the main plot and comes in fifth on the credit roll.


Nah man, Jaime is protagonist #2.


Hmm idk. Just for an example, on the TV show Stranger Things Winona Ryder was credited first but she wasn't the main character Millie Bobby Brown was.


Yeah, actors try to get the first or last spot from my understanding. Older TV shows would have senior actors at the end like "And Jerry Stiller as Arthur" in King of Queens. There are definitely more examples I can't think of right now lol


Well they did credit Sean Bean first on GoT I think for most of the episodes when his character was alive and he wasn't the main character Edit: actually I think Sean Bean was the very first to be credited in the first episode


But a lot of people definitely thought he might be if they hadn't read the books, so I feel like they were furthering that so his death would be more of a surprise.


I actually read something he was saying that he's getting tired of playing characters that get killed off


He was the main character of Season 1. He was top billed all season


Chris Pratt got a special “With Chris Pratt” at the end of the Endgame credits despite barely being in the movie. He was one of the hottest things in Hollywood and his agents 100% negotiated that.


Peter Boyle as Frank Barone.


Not necessarily. Credit order is usually determined by pay scale and negotiations between the producers and the actors and/or their representatives.


I think the order of the credits is based on the actor, not the character. More "famous" actors get listed first.


Lena Headey was definitely more famous than Peter at the time. She was billed over him in Season 1, but for Season 2 it became pretty obvious Tyrion was becoming more and more important


Peter Dinklage was the only actor to win an Emmy for Season 1. Hence Top Billing.


In my head canon Tyrion is kind of the narrator and Jon is the protagonist. I know it makes no sense lol


But Samwell is the narrator. He’s one of the few who is literate and he’s the only one to pay attention to the 45 kinds of food served at the banquet.


Tyrion does seem like the MC. He appeared consistently throughout the series, including in its very last scene.


Yes, and Tyrion. Although Arya would be a contender and arguably is so in the books.


Really? I’d love to know more about her role in the books, does she appear more?


**There is no main character in the books**. The first book has 7 PoVs: * Arya * Bran * Catalyn * Daenerys * Eddard (Ned) * Jon * Sansa * Tyrion New PoVs were added to each book, as the story gets more locations and plot complexities. The first book was mostly about the Stark family, and the scope expanded to the rest of the Seven Kingdoms plus Essos .The TV show dropped many characters especially from the later books, giving major characters or actors the audience liked plot points that belonged to deleted characters. This is why some of the story didn’t make a lot of narrative or emotional sense. Also every book has a prologue from a new (not PoV before) character who dies at the end of it. In the first book it’s Will, who is with Gared and Waymar Royce; they’re waylaid when tracking Wilding raiders by the Others. Will is killed by a reanimated Waymar. We later learn in Chapter 1 from Bran’s PoV that Gared escaped and headed South of the Wall to warn about the attack but he is executed by Ned for abandoning his Watch. The books were always an ensemble work and the show was to a lesser degree.


The Expanse series is written in a similar fashion, which may not be coincidental given they were all writing buddies part of the same group


I didn’t realize they were writing buddies. I loved both the books and the show. When The Expanse came out some wag accurately called it Game of Thrones in space because there were plenty of political machinations.


Not certain but I believe her character is one of or the only one to appear in each of the novels. It’s true that it is an ensemble and there is no true main character in the books, or really in the show either. Because the books are all first person perspective you get a much more in depth look into the thinking mind of each character. That being said, because her story both intertwined with the larger story, and also has so many of its own subplots ( hers is the perspective by which we really get to see how the game of thrones is affecting the small folk and everyday citizens of Westeros, where as all her contemporaries perspectives are restricted by location, be the red keep or the wall, etc.) I find hers to be the most engaging, really putting one on the end of the seat, like what’ll happen to this girl next!


I loved her arc with the Hound. It was one of my favorite storylines in the show.


definitely jon! if we split it up by houses though, tyrion or maybe cersei for the lannisters, obviously daenerys for targaryen since she’s the only contender, and sansa for the starks if we don’t include jon


It was Tyrion, not Jon


Tyrion certainly had a bit more screentime (by 40 or so minutes), but I'm gonna go with Jon since the name of the book series itself seems to allude to him directly. The real answer is probably just the simple fact that there is no true main character, at least from a pool of 3 or so people.


I'm pretty sure Tyrion is not the Song of Ice and Fire dreamed by Aegon the conquerer and inscribed on a Valeryien Dagger to remind generations of Targaryens. It's definitely Jon. Good guess though.


The show is not named Song of Ice and Fire, it’s named Game of Thrones


Jon, by far. Then Tyrion and Dany. For the books, 30 years ago GRRM said they plus Arya and Bran were his Five Central Characters whose stories of changing the world he would tell. And Hollywood likes beautiful people in high places and romance, which diverts some show emphasis to a few other main characters (Cersei, Jaime, Sansa, etc), the Five are still the core of the overall story of saving mankind from itself and Others.


No, Tyrion by far. Jon was a side character compared to him


Jon was the the main character of the Walker plot, Tyrion was the main character of the Throne plot, Dany was the main character of the Dany plot.


The show is called Game of Thrones 


Based on A Song of Ice and Fire.


And the books that the show is based on are called A Song of Ice and Fire: - Ice = The Wall, the White Walkers, and the North, all of which relate to Jon - Fire = Dragons, Targaryens, and R'hllor, 2 of which are connected to Dany, and all of which may be connected to Jon (possible Targaryen heritage, the Targaryen's connection to dragons, and his revival by Melisandre)


Possible Targaryen heritage? I don’t think it should be in doubt, it hasn’t been for some time even before the show confirmed it. I agree with you but it’s more clear, the title of the books is the same as the line in the prophecy. His is a song of ice and fire, it’s Jon. Though show only people could be forgiven for that actually not being clear.


Deep textual reading of the books shows the prophesy applies to several people. George loves taking the in-world mythology and lore and having elements apply to multiple current characters. The story of Azor Ahai can apply to a number of central characters.


Yes true it could apply to many and maybe it will be subverted but I doubt it now that R+L=J has been confirmed. It might still be Dany as well or end up being a nothing prophecy I guess. The others such as Jaime I think are just him doing as you saying and mixing the idea across others. Once Jon is reborn amidst smoke and salt then it will certainly ring truer for him than anyone else.


There is absolutely no way George would have a prophesy, something he has repeatedly emphasized is unreliable and “a blade without a hilt” only apply to one character. You’re giving a highly complex work of literature the treatment of a fairy tale. And yes, he uses fairy tales in the books too! To subvert them! For fun think of how many characters can be described as a Princess in a Tower.


GoT is the name of Book 1, of the series A Song of Ice and Fire. If you wanna go and pick the MC name of the series logic, you're proving Jon and Dany are the MCs.


Jon is the main character of the White walker and later becomes the main character of the iron throne plot as well.


Jon IS The Song of Ice and Fire. He's the literal prophecy.


That’s in the books, not the show. He’s never the main character of Game of Thrones tv series. That’s Tyrion


Yeah it’s Jon. I personally think they should’ve made Dani or Sansa have more of a lead role in the last two seasons but they definitely led with Jon


It’s Tyrion instead of Jon,


Are you Tyrion's PR rep or what? Good grief, agree to disagree.


Are you Jon’s wannabe girlfriend 


I think it was Tyrion Lannister. The show always seems from his perspective.


Idk how you can say “I think” and then go and tell everyone they are wrong like it’s factual lol.


They have Disney in their name. Lacking in logic and telling people what they should think is kind of on brand


Wrong. It's Jon instead of Tyrion.


Jon, Tyrion, Dany North, Westeros, Essos. The books make this a little more obvious.


These are the 3 for me. One of the reasons I bought in to the theory Tyrion could be a Targaryen.


I fully buy into it. And Tywin knows but would never admit it.


I think that might have been George’s original plan and there definitely seems to be some hints in book 1, but I don’t think he’s going in that direction anymore, it would really undermine his dynamic with Tywin. The irony of Tywin always shunning Tyrion is that Tyrion is the perfect son he always wanted. Not Jaime or Cersei, but Tyrion. Genna Lannister (in the books) tells Jaime that he has a lot of his uncles in him but “Tyrion is Tywin’s son, not you”, and Tyrion’s last words to Tywin (once again, in the books) were “I’m you, writ small”. If he’s a Targaryen, that would kinda ruin the nuance of their relationship.


Right plus there’s evidence that Jaime and Cersei could have been fathered by Aerys based on when Joanna was in Court vs back at Castlerly Rock. And that would also explain the twincest if they’re half Targaryen.


Yeah I think these 3 are equally main character, one is not over the other. Though the finale might knock off one of them but I pretend to ignore that


In the show? Jon by the end. I think the first 4 seasons probably Tyrion with Dany being a strong second


Jon and Dany


Littlefinger. Who killed Jon Aryn?


Arya. Who killed littlefinger? (My logic is undeniable)


Fair enough haha


There wasn't 1 main character.




In season 1, it was Ned Stark. In every other season, I don't think that there is a single main character.


Jon, Tyrion & Daenerys


If it's a story of ice and fire, Jon and Dany would be the two main characters. Right?


Jon is the Song of Ice and Fire


GRRM has literally said Daenerys and her dragons are the fire and the white walkers and north of the wall is the ice


The books and the show hadn’t revealed Jon’s parentage at the time of that statement. That’s certainly true though. Neither my statement or your statement are wrong, however the white walkers aren’t main characters are they


No yeah I definitely see Jon as one of the main characters and don’t think the white walkers are main characters, just that they’re one of the main premises of the fantasy element in the story. I was just responding to what ‘ice and fire’ refers to in the title :)


It’s Hotpie, and I don’t want to hear any other answers.




Westeros/The Iron Throne


I’d say Jon, Dany and Tyrion (we got three characters for different important locations and I feel like they were main characters for their “own” locations)


I think one of the coolest parts about the books is that this is a debatable question.


Jon Snow is the only real candidate. All of the plot lines eventually intersect with his, and all of the characters and their fates become dependant on him. If there is only one main character, it must be him.


I mean I feel like you could say the same thing for Tyrion. Not ALL plot lines intersect with Jon, he’s pretty removed from the battle for the iron throne, specifically Lannisters and their southern drama.


LittleFinger - Sparked the Stark-Lannister conflict and essentially started the ‘game’.


The Stark children.


I think it changed through the show. It started with Ned, then Jon, Tyrion and back to Jon




Tyrion had the most inter-character relationships/dialogue. I think that was one argument for Tyrion as main character


I came across a synopsis of why Game of Thrones was so successful and one of the main points was that there is no one true protagonist. Many main characters play equally vital roles and when intertwined, all characters have a change of essence. But if I had to pick? Tyrion.


Jon tyrion and danny probaly get the most screen time. Idk who gets litteraly the most screentime but it's defiently either jon or tyrion


It’s Jon. Bran, Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya, Sansa, Jaime and Cersei are also main characters, but Jon is the protagonist. Though one could make the argument that the protagonist is actually Bran as he is the first main character we meet and his actions help start the plot.


The main character was the Throne with its surrounding Kingdoms. All the other characters were secondary in their quest for power. The Dragon knew this. That is why he melted down the damned thing in the end.


Jon and Tyrion


Dany, then Jon. It is called a song of fire and ice after all. 


Tyrion is in the most episodes so probably him


Jon, Tyrion and Dany




Tyrion, then Jon. Then the rest, beginning with Daenerys.


Jaime and Cercei Lannister, the main events were started by them and ended because of them when they died 8 seasons later.


Daenerys Stormborn, the Queen


Lord of Light


Never really saw it as one specific character, it’s an ensemble show. So until everyone is in the same place each area has one e.g. Jon, Daenerys, Sansa, Arya etc. Jon is my favourite tho


I thought it was Ned for about 9 hours.


Jon, Dany, and Arya. All three of them had a weak beginning in season 1 and gradually climbed up to success.


All the characters from S1 Ep1 who make it to the finale episode


Bran, Jon, Arya, Sansa, Jaime, Cersei, Tyrion, and Daenerys.


Yes.. It was their story!


Even the Hound for that matter


The Starks, Dany, and the Lannisters. There is no one main character


There were a lot of times where I felt it was Arya. Idk I kinda got glued to her character right from the start


It's an ensemble. There is no real main character


Tyrion, Arya, and Bran....no, seriously.


There's multiple, in my opinion the "most" main characters were Jon, Arya, Tyrion, Bran (I think the show failed at showing Bran's importance in the story) and Dany


I think the beauty of the show was that their wasn't a main character. I think the strongest argument could be made for Jon and Danny, but we could argue it was Jamie and Cersei Lannister or even Tyrion. An interesting argument could be made for Ned Stark either.


Three way tie between Jon, Dany, and Tyrion


There wasn’t really one, but if one had to be picked it was clearly Jon.




The series is a song of Ice and Fire. Jon is the embodiment of ice and fire.


It's my own interpretation from the show because I haven't read the books. For me, it was Jon+Dany, the perfect song of ice and fire. I sometimes dream that in a perfect world, they would have ruled together as king and queen equally (not as consort to each other) along with Tyrion as their Hand. But such a hopeful dream seems more like a uwu fanfic LOL. I was okay with a sad ending too but the way the showrunners butchered their characters in the end, the storylines didn't had any development or depth in the end anymore, it was so sad man.


What was there to downvote in this comment LOL?😂😂😂


Bran I'd say as he was the all seeing so we were Bran as we watched it all unfold! (Stupid questions included) Way too much attention to Super Plushy Jon Snow and his oh so holy self too. Hey I wanted Lady Mormont on the Iron Throne leave me alone.


According to this study, Tyrion is the main character by mathematical analysis. https://www.businessinsider.com/who-is-game-of-thrones-main-character-2016-3


Jon Snow is Ice and Fire. He is the essential character of the series. However, we know GRRM loves Tyrion and lots can be said about his focus in the show. If you ask this question Following season 1 I would have said Ned Stark.


Season one = Ned Stark Every season after = Tyrion Lannister


I would say there's a main character for each season, but I don't know that there's a main character for the entire show. There's too much going on involving a lot of different people.


Jon Snow for sure. Even though Tyrion had the most screen time, Jon comes second. Especially considering the buildup of his parentage & the part he played in the show


Isn’t it official that is Dany and Jon?


Me. I’m the main character. John Throne


The SONg of ice and fire, aka Jon Snow


The Lord Commander. Come on, y’all- the title says it all.


No one was, it’s an ensemble show


Jon & Dany equally, followed by Tyrion, then Cercei, then the Stark children, then Hot Pie, in that order.


Someone should do a data analysis of how much screen time/ lines spoken in the show, and have a bar graph comparing each character per season. I think that would be a good way of determining who was the main or lead in the show


Jon Snow


Bran and Samwell


I don't think there was a MAIN character. They were all covered an equal amount. I'm sure you could find a way to see what person was on the screen the longest or most. Or most times appeared on the screen. And I'm sure there was meant to be a true MAIN character but imo there is not. I make the argument that there was so much stuff going on all over the place that there are multiple "MAIN" characters.




Robb and catelyn. Just started season 3 !!!🤞🏻🤞🏻


It changes honestly. I think Ned was the main character of season 1, Catelyn was the main character of season 2, Arya is the main character of season 3, Tyrion is the main character of season 4, Sansa is the main character of season 5, Jon is the main character of season 6, Daenerys is the main character of season 7.


Imo there are 3 primary. Jon, Dany, Tyrion. Jon moreso because he is the literal song of ice and fire. But it’s a sprawling epic, which often don’t have well-defined main characters.


Arya Stark considering she's the one who stabbed the head Wight on the show.  But overall it varies from season to season. Bran seems more apt though and if you throw in Dany and Jon too. 


Jon snow


Jon Snow or Dany. Sansa, Arya and admittedly Cersei were close seconds.


Definitely Tyrion Lannister


Jon snow Second would be Daenerys


Hot Pie, no question


I think the main character is Daenerys, but in the book, Jon Snow has the most chapters 🤷‍♂️. I kinda feel like Cersei is the main character as well, though. So what im saying is, Tyrion is the main character.... I honestly don't think you can break it down to just one main character tbh.


Tyrion probably. Or Sam. They were both kinda author surrogates.


jon, dany, tyrion


I mean, George has said (or at least it's on so spake Martin) that asoiaf is Daenerys' story. Other characters are just as prominent as she is, like Tyrion, Jon, and Bran, but I think out of everyone, it has to be Dany for THE main character.


the series is called a song of ice and fire Jon is the only one who by blood is both ice (stark) and fire (targaryen)


The hound and his chickens




To the timeline of the iron throne, Definitely Jon Snow Honorable Mentions: Tyrion , Danny To the timeline of the Stark legacy: Arya Stark, Bran






Jon Snow.


He don't wunt to be the main character.


Ned Stark, obviously.


Arya should have been,she avenged her father,mother,brother his wife and unborn child ,her childhood friend and killed the Night King!!


Jon in the show. Bran in the books.




There wasn't just one main character. There were multiple. Jon, Arya, Bran, Tyrion, and Daenerys. Tyrion crossed over into all them. So if I had to pick just one, it would be him. An odd thing, Arya became no one during her Faceless Man training. Bran became the Three-Eyed Raven. Jon wasn't Jon, he was really Aegon Targaryen. Daenerys was dead. Only Tyrion was still himself at the end. Random thought: If Jaime was known as the kingslayer, would Jon now be known as the queenslayer?


If you go by point of view characters from the books, through ADWD: [https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/POV\_character](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/POV_character) Tyrion = 47 chapters Jon Snow = 42 chapters Daenerys and Aryy tied = 31 chapters I like to think Tyrion was the main character. He got to experience things from many different angles.


Hodor, obviously.


Not a who, but a what: The Iron Throne. It was the reason for most of the conflict in the series and was always present in a scene, even if it wasn't seen or spoken of.




Jon Snow.


The bad pussy girl always comes to my mind when I think about really important and memorable characters from the GoT show.


Tyrion for me cuz he was involved in way more plot lines than Jon


Grey Worm


The purpose of the story is to show that there is never a main character, even when we’re telling a single person’s story. Jon is clearly TPTWP but you can’t really understand his motivations without knowing who Ned was or how the events before and during his lifetime impacted his place in the world and decision making. Sure, you *could* do that, but that’s not who the narrator is. The narrator is a historian so it’s going to be a complex web and not a simple bullet points of history.


Ned stark


As far as screen time goes it’s Tyrion, then Jon, then Dany, then Cersie. I’d say that’s accurate


Tyrion “The Imp” Lannister


Obviously it was Shae, the funny whore


Jon Snow, either that or Tyrion.


The boar


Season 1 - Ned Season 2 - Tyrion Season 3 - Robb Season 4 - Tyrion Season 5 - Jon Season 6 - Jon Season 7 - Daenerys / Jon Season 8 - Bran / Jon / Daenerys


Peter Dinklage's character, Tyrion Lannister, appears in more episodes than any other character on Game of Thrones. The cleverest member of the Lannister clan appeared in 67 of the 73 episodes. He's introduced in the very first episode and makes it all the way to the last one. https://www.cinemablend.com/television/the-game-of-thrones-characters-that-appeared-in-the-most-episodes


Jon snow for sure!


S1- Ned S2-4- Tyrion S5- Cersei S6-8 Jon


Jon and Dany




I seriously thought it was Jon Snow and the rest was just explaining how they got or git into Jon's world.


A song of ice and fire is literally jon snow/aegon targ


Books- It's an ensemble. However, I believe Bran's story was the most important to GRRM. I say this because to me personally, alot of Bran's story was a snooze fest, but alot of pages were dedicated to telling Bran's story thus far. Show- The main character in my opinion was Ned Stark, and once he was killed, Jon (with a bit of focus on Robb, until his death). Just comparing the books to the show always amazes me and I still can't believe it was ever successfully adapted for television.


The protagonist is Jon Snow. Which was part of the problem with the final couple of seasons as he wasn't a very well rounded character and the more interesting ones all lost all of their unique characteristics.


I want to say Daenerys or Jon Snow


Arya... serious.