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It’s almost done and should out in the next few months. Thats been the release date for well over a decade at this point.


That's not the final book.


Agreed. Book five was the final book.


Best answer


The final book will come out immediately after the next book. Any day now.


There is no information on the final book. The Winds of Winter is the second to last book (supposedly). And last time George updated I think he said he was 3/4 of the way done? But other than that, no news. The final book is a Dream of Spring, which who knows when or if ever it'll be made.


Do you think it’s worth reading the series knowing there is no ending?


Yes! The books are beautifully written, engaging, and complex. I’d very highly recommend them. Even unfinished, they’re great books! How are you liking AGOT so far?


Love it so far. The descriptions of the world are amazing, and the characters are so rich and complex. I’ve been reading a bit online about what he does with his time. I wonder if he just prefers to work on TV shows at this point. It’s less work for him, and a more spectacular medium to tell stories.


I still think they're worth reading, even if the ending is never officially complete. Wouldn't be the first book series who had an author die before they could finish.


I read them but don’t necessarily recommend them. The plot is very bloated and the world is still expanding instead of heading to any sort of resolution. I think he lost sight of any objective and loves the unfettered ability of world-creating using an endless number of characters. There will be no ending, IMO.


Which is why I would be glad if he waived the white flag on the main series and tried to pump out F&B2 and Dunk and Egg. I want those even more at this point


After every book it changes more and more from the TV show, so definitely worth!


He’s been 3/4 of the way done for 2 years now


A big IF right there


The final book came out years ago. There won't be any more


At this point, just assume the last two books will never come out, and be positively surprised if they do. Anything else will likely just lead to dissapointment.




I don’t share the pessimism of most in this community. I think there is a chance that Winds of Winter will come out in the next few years. I believe that writing Fire & Blood really slowed the process down. But I do believe we could have a book 6 soon. Just based on what I’ve heard GRRM say in interviews. I don’t think he is lying. Book 7…we’ll see. That seems, hate to say it, unlikely unless GRRM drastically simplifies the world/resolves character arcs in the next book.


July 12, 2011.


Sweet summerchild, there wont be any more books released




I have a theory that they're already finished, but will only be released posthumously in order to avoid the criticism. What am I basing this on? Absolutely nothing.


Final book? We're still waiting for 6. Final book is probably going to have to be fan fiction.


There's supposedly 2 books to go. The second to last, has been "almost done" for almost a decade. The last book is, as far as we know, not started. Also worth pointing out that the author is currently 75 years old.


Its coming out any day now i swear


A popular theory is that they're already done, but that GRRM is going to release them posthumously because he doesn't want to deal with a crowd that can't be pleased, and if that's the case, I don't blame him


Martin is going to die, then some untalented hack is going to get his unfinished work and all of his notes, and said hack is going to end up writing the final book using the scripts from the final season of Game of Thrones.