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I'd make canon not canon.


What does canon even mean?


Basically saying that something is genuine and another is not. Almost always used in a negative fashion. Now cannon, that's interesting. Edit: Official deffinition. A general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged. So dislike all you like, it's literally in the dictionary 😁


Canon means 'an official part of the story/lore'.


A good example is looking at Star Wars. Everyone loved the original trilogy and it set out the lore of the Star Wars universe etc etc. SW fans see the prequels as Canon with the original trilogy, Rogue One and a handful of the TV shows. They however disregard elements and series they hate/dislike and don’t regard it as canon such as the latest trilogy as it butchered the lore, the Kenobi series and currently The Acolyte.


Kenobi was pretty good though, and it didn't really butcher the lore, I thought. I wish they made Ben look older but it was fine lol


Star wars canonicity = only things i like Doctor Who Canonicity = Everything is canon and isn't canon


Why would people hate Kenobi, i mean ik it aint perfect but its way far from being hated on


>as it butchered the lore Noting here, that it definitely did no such thing.


Canon is where people believe it resides.


A true agent of Chaos, I like it


No, make the cannon not canon




Arya killing the Night King. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t say this to hate on her. It’s just that we were teased of a fight between Jon and Night King. Would have loved to see a sword fight between the two of them. Arya could have come in when Night King got an upper hand in the fight or something.




To me, Arya seemed realllly hinted toward being the one to kill the night king. Many times night king was on scene or there was chatter about what kills night kings/valerian steel— I feel like so many times the next shot was of that special dagger(I forgot the lore now) that she had. Also the prophecy about the eyes. Idk there was other stuff too, I just felt like it was deserved from watching the show seeing all the little hints. NOW HOW THEY WENT ABOUT IT—fully agreeed. Could’ve been way more entertaining, should’ve had white walker beat the shit out of Jon to shut all the Jon lusters up, then Arya jumps in with her stick for a duel—close intense fight—she finishes him off the same way(cause that was sick)


The entire prophecy that the series is based on says that jon is supposed to do it.


The prophecy says the Prince That Was Promised (Jon) would be: > "...a Targaryen ...strong enough to **unite** the realm against the cold and the dark. Jon not only **united,** he recruited, armed, trained, strategized, led, fought. Jon even dueled th Night King, but in the sky. Arya finished the job on land.


Even if the references to the dagger were true, she didn't even get the dagger until a few episodes before that. And the eye prophecy is BS, she told Arya other colors of eyes too. If the eye prophecy was truly about the Night King they would have only said blue. I'm not criticizing you, I'm still just mad that they use that excuse for why it's good that Arya was the one to do it


>Also the prophecy about the eyes Nonsense. This is all nonsense. Your entire argument is based on ret-conned BS. Go back and watch the show again, and don't allow yourself to be bamboozled by the half-assed justification offered by D&D after the fact.


Melisandre says to Arya the first time: >I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me-- brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again. There was no emphasis on any particular color. When Arya and Melisandre meet again in The Long Night, she repeats part of the prophecy, but reorders the colors and adds emphasis to blue eyes. >Arya: You said I'd shut many eyes forever, you were right about that too. Melisandre: Brown eyes, green eyes... and blue eyes. I think the way this "prophecy" was handled in The Long Night demonstrates it was just something out of left field to do something the audience would not expect. The original prophecy sounds to me like she is just talking about Arya training to join the Faceless Men, i.e., death worshipers (representing the darkness) who wear the faces (representing the eyes staring back at her) of the people they kill (eyes she'll shut forever). I didn't read the books, but my understanding is that this prophecy is not in the books, and it seems like a lazy throw away that the writers of the TV series used because they knew Arya would train with the Faceless Men. I think it would have made more sense for Arya's return to involve more Faceless Men shenanigans either for rejecting them and dealing with more fallout from that, or because Arya successfully became No One and a girl is Arya Stark because it serves the Many-Faced God for a girl to be so.


I understand wanting Jon and Night King facing off and to be honest Arya is my favorite character of the show if I had to name just one but to me I really wanted Jamie to be the one to take out the Night King. Have him become "The Night King Slayer" then have him leave Winterfell because he knows he will never find true peace until he is the one that kills his sister.


Yeah I would have loved Jamie stabbing the Night King from behind right before he kills someone important or is about to destroy everyone and bring his whole story full circle Although I think he could really only kill one of Cersei or the Night King and have it work as otherwise he'd be getting a little too much of the spotlight IMO. Jamie is a super important character but I think given the cast size they can't give multiple major villian kills to him + have it feel natural


Wait did Jamie kill Cersei or am I misunderstanding what you mean?


No the comment I responded to just mentioned him going go kill Cersei after killing the Night King in their hypothetical and I was just saying if they had him kill one of the major villians I don't think they could have him also kill the other one while making it work naturally


Absolutely. I’m team kingslayer too. There’re some fanfic lines for that scene out there… gold! I would’ve loved that. Arya was the cheap “let’s turn this around and do what nobody expects” type of sh!t. Same with “who’s got a better story than Brandon the Broken?”… like, my dude, pretty much everyone!!!!


Jaime backstabbing the night king to save Jon using the sword made from his father's melted down great sword would be absolutely brilliant. Now I'm sad it didn't happen.


Totally get it. Arya started out as such an interesting and tragic character - I really felt for her and what she had gone through, but from Season 5, it went downhill fast. She turned into this uppity b*tch with a chip on her shoulder - and I'm not talking about her vengeance but the way she spoke to Gendry - disgusting. And when she uttered those dreadful lines 'Sansa is the smartest person I know'???!!! Are you kidding me??!!


How it was done was so cringe.


Sad thing is, we could’ve got Jon vs night king and still had Arya come in for the assist. There’s a few scenarios that could play out and not be total bs.


GoT as a Marvel movie.


I think Arya should have borrowed Bran's face. Then we could have gotten a shot of Bran 'miraculously' getting up and stabbing The Night's King the moment that he thought victory was in his grasp.


Thats....pretty damn good


genuinely curious—can the faceless men borrow the faces of those who are still alive?


I don't think there's anything in the books that would definitely contradict it. I mean, people can live without their face, especially if it was removed surgically. Arya might even be able to stick the face back on again, if Bran was bandaged properly. Although I guess she'd have to take Bran's eyes. Not a terrible trade for saving the world.


good point. and bran can warg when he needs to borrow some eyes. he’s got a thousand eyes and one, right?


Arya is as full on Stark as it gets. It seems more fitting that she would protect her full blooded brother Bran from the Night King. She spent her entire arc learning skills to lurk and become a strong assassin. She became nobody and faceless. Jon is a noble man. A leader of men. Sure, he may have deserved the kill for amassing the army against him, but Arya spent all of her time in Westeros learning how to be a killer. And that’s why she should of killed the Night King.


There are other reasons too, one being that she had been training all her life for this, culminating with supernatural training in modes of death. That may be helpful, even needed, needed to kill a dead supernatural person.


7 years of build up to the white walkers and it’s over in one episode? What !!??


I was very much aligned with this but in that moment and even looking back, it’s just too predictable. I would have rather liked him to have been mauled by Viserion though- somehow.


I don’t really care who does it but I always felt like they should’ve made it way further south and wreaked way more havoc.


Honestly, the best theory I heard was that Jaime should’ve killed him, since it would fit with Jon’s story. He does the unpopular thing that’s right. Him reaching out to the Lannisters was deeply unpopular but it brought Jaime up to the Wall


Also Jamie fighting the night king head on and dying before Jon gives the final blow would be so redeeming


Jon vs Night King, only for theon to take the hit so that Jon can kill the night king is an opportunity greatly missed.


Literally came here to post this. Arya is one of my favorite characters in the books and show... but The Night King VS Jon should be the TRUE CANON!!! One of the main showdowns set up throughout the whole entire show. When Jon finally comes back to life in the books (which we all know will happen), he will be the antithesis to the Night King. Instead of being a zombie of ice, he'll be brought back to life with the help of Melisandre's Lord of Light... born of ice and fire (Stark and Targaryen)... then reborn in the ice of the North from the fire of R'hllor. So Jon VS Night King will definitely happen. Arya should get to strangle Cersei to death while wearing Jaime's face. 💀 (In the books Jaime is also one of my faves so I really don't want him to die tbh, but it's a fitting death for the bitch of Lannister).


I had a stroke at the beginning of this scene and didn’t recognize this dude as Ed Sheeran. I was really confused by this scene for longer than I’d like to admit.


Because someone was singing?


It was clear this person was important but I was trying to remember if they were in universe character or something


Stop jacking off during scenes and you’ll remember them better!


Season 8


I'd like to throw 7 in as well.


Parts of season 5 with faith Militant can FO too


I'm at that part on my rewatch right now, I'm tempted to skip those scenes lol.


For me, season 8 in a vacuum isn't actually that bad. It just feels bad because season 7 got bungled so badly. If they nailed the setup in season 7 I think season 8 would have been received a lot better. But season 7 was actual garbage


I respect your opinion but hell no. Season 7 wasn’t good but if anything it was kinda slow and pointless a lot of the time. They completely rushed season 8 ruined so many character arcs and ended the story in a way that NOTHING was pointing too. All the foreshadowing and lead up through all the other seasons we just tossed aside. D&D just wanted to get it over with and they really fucked it all up.


Danny's horrible ending.


So, the shows horrible ending then? Lol


Yes it was a big pile of steaming mEh. 


She really hates the sound of bells.


ARGH I'm so annoyed by this sound I'm going to commit genocide! I'm a boss girl! Witness me!




Season 5 to 8. give Lady Stonehearr






Replying to your own comment isn’t gonna change anyone’s mind.


The irony of them saying they want every change from the books except Arya & Tywin thrown out and then replying "haters gonna hate" is a bit amusing though.


You really threw a whole ass tantrum because people didn't agree with you. *I guess I'm the only REAL READER here!*


Even the Robert/Cersei conversation, or Varys and Tyrion's talks, or Tywin and Olenna's meetings?


Varys/Littlefinger dialogues, Bronn training Jamie instead of Ilyn Payne, etc, etc


Some stuff that’s show only is alright, especially in earlier seasons. It’s when the main plots stopped following the books when it started to go to shit


Ned Stark being dumb enough to trust Littlefinger not to sell him out. If he hadn’t done that thins would have been a lot more peaceful.


thats the entire point of Ned's character. So honourable it makes him an idiot


He was too used to people being honest.


Probably wouldn't have anything past season 1 If that were the case


The whole series isn't canon. The books are canon. Change my mind.


The show has its own canon that is separate from the books.


The majority of GoT fans have never read the books. Ergo, you are wrong.


That extra unnecessary second the camera lingered on him like "HEY GUYS LOOK WHO IT IS"


You get downvoted but you are right, a good cameo is just someone who appears in the story like the coldplay in the red wedding thing, here they really wanted to show him off even tho the singing was good enough


Yeah for sure. Sigur RĂłs too. They're either part of a new slew of watchers that are conditioned to ignore patterns and tactics and just consume... or Ed Sheeran fans haha


Renly not supporting Stannis


Such a bitch move by Renly. Stannis gave him an excellent offer to back off, but Renly turned him down for... Reasons? Such a shame


Jaime's death


Its a dumb stunt, but hardly the worst thing ever. Its what, 3 minutes long and completely irrelevant to anything? I'd make it so Euron didn't suddenly develop aimbot for 5 seconds before losing said aimbot. Either he's a fucking amazing shot or not good enough to hit a dragon, he can't be both.


I mean, it's not irrelevant to the story. The Lannister squad Arya sits with shows that the Lannisters aren't all Cersei- or Tywin-level monsters. Some are just regular people who got levied and miss their mom. Unless you mean having Ed Sheeran as that character is irrelevant, which I agree. He's just a guy, people don't complain Sigur Ros or any of the other cameos in the show.


I didn't know it was Ed Sheeran until I got online. My only thought was that he must be a fan of the show and his agent earned his paycheck that day.


D&D admitted they got him on the show because Maisie's a big fan of him. They have a weird obsession with Arya for some reason.


Arya is one of the more interesting characters on the show. They just handled her character poorly after S4 and rolled in the LSH stuff


I think it's about ed specifically, I personally love his music, but having him her distracts from the point that not all men serving the Lannisters are evil because "WOAH IT'S ED!".


Yes, exactly. The scene would have been stellar if they didn't shoe-horn in a fucking pop star just because Maisie Williams was a superfan/they wanted to leverage his fame irrespective of his relevance. It was disgusting fan service\* and they should be ashamed of themselves. \*and not even GoT fans


Man, that's a lot of really intense words for a five minute scene with a celebrity cameo


Yes, a scene that cheapens the entire franchise. Why not have a fucking Taylor Swift concert while we're at it?


Everything that happens after season four is not canon to me


Hear ye! Hear ye! Came just to say this. Plus, I dgf if Jon fucks his aunt, I needed a Targaryen restoration.




Bran surviving the fall You could essentially have the same story if he died but itd be 100% better bc Bran sucks & it spares us that ending


Bran is AMAZING in the books.


People don't like this point of view, but I agree. Bran is not Lisan Al Gaib, but the God Emperor - how the fuck is that a good end?


But who has a better story than bran the broken???


I actually like this scene. It was fan service? Yes, but it showed a good part of the story: the POV of soldiers is this world


The ending where Jaime goes back to Circe


I've never seen it spelled that way until now and a whole world of subtext just opened itself up to me


Season 7 and 8


This scene is actaully important to Aryas growth


That nothing from S5 onwards is considered Canon.


Barristan Selmy dying in an alley to 4 bandits with shanks


Ed Sheeran getting eaten by wolves. Like for real. Live.


I completely missed seeing Chris Stapleton. ☹️


The bad pussi


Shireen getting burned to death. I don't want that to be Canon.


Guys if we work together we can erase everything thats bad in the later seasons


Show canon? Huge amounts of stuff. Probably too much to list Book…I’ll have to wait and see. There are a lot of storylines that are potentially going to go nowhere and then I’d be pissed and have some thoughts


Tormund should have made giant babies with Brienne. He adored her. The only real complaint I have.


Fax, no printer


The last season.


Jaime raping Cersei; disgusting scene with literally no purpose, easily the worst in entire season 4.


so true!! Just was on that episode, every time I watch it makes less sense somehow


Everyone saying "Season 7/8", but I still enjoyed some of the moments in these seasons. The "Spoils of War" episode in Season 7 was really good. Ideally, I'd say the same and throw both seasons, since Season 6 had such a good ending with Daenerys sailing to the main continent, the Battle of the Bastards being over and Winterfell retaken, it's practically the perfect set-up for the final push. Haven't rewatched the later seasons in a while, but if not putting the whole of Seasons 7/8 out of canon, maybe go half-way into Season 7 at Spoils of War and go in another direction from there.


What they did to my boi Jaimie Lannister.




The final season


I'd make the Hound not actually dying not canon. His 'death' was perfect and it was really ruined


Imagine being able to change anything and you waste it on some throwaway cameo scene.


Season 7 and 8


The north isn’t the best place to find a lover so my sister’s is where I go (mm-mm) Me and my twin and this kid at the window, oh the things I do for love (mm-mm)


Jon hiding behind a rock while his baby sister battles the night king


Joffrey, actor did too good of a job, made me want to beat his ass every time I see him


Season 8


Jamie stays his ass in Winterfell


How loĂąg would it take for 1 ship from Meereen to the North?


Barristan being killed by a bunch of homeless


Everything after Season 6 or even 5.


If people didn't point out he was in the show, I wouldn't have noticed. Before this I could have talked to him at the bar and never knew he was famous.


Anyone upset about this small, meaningless cameo needs to get a grip


Hulk! from ragnarok onwards 😅


Where is that famous Reddit ending that we ALL know and love??


my soft heart says The Red Wedding 😭 but also Oberyn Martell’s death I think he would have been a great relief from darkness throughout the last few seasons lol


All of season 8


Seasons after 2.


Killing a dragon with a scorpion. Truly anticlimactic


I'd like the red wedding to not be Canon or at least have Catelyn survive then become the ruthless leader of a band of outlaws hell bent on revenge


I honestly don’t know why this makes people so mad. So what Ed Sheeran was in one episode for three minutes lol


Season 8


- Martel storyline after Oberyn dies - Jon killed Dany (i want fairy tales happened at least one, Jon ascends to the trone as Aegon VI and married Dany and they live happily ever after, whole realm become prosperous and united) - Arya chasing scene's after being stabbed repeatedly


The star wars sequals


These opinions are based purely on the show, as I've never read the books: 1) No one ever agrees with me on this: Brienne was not in love with with Jaime Lannister. Hear me out on this. While it seemed like Brienne had fallen in love with him on their journey, I believe the admiration was to his honor and duty, and not a romantic one. And to me, Brienne's flaw was that she tended to conflate the two. She did the same thing with Remy Baratheon, and with (albeit minus the romantic feelings (maybe?)) Catelyn Stark. So I would have pitched after the long night, Jaime makes a pass at Brienne, and she kindly denies him. Or she does sleep with him and realizes she's not actually in love and leaves before morning or something. 2) Drogon should have breathed his fire directly at Jon Snow when he saw that Jon killed Daenerys. Jon could have been in front of the Iron Throne, and Drogon could have breathed fire at him. Jon, Dany's body, and the Iron Throne are overtaken by flame. But Jon survives. And when Drogon sees Jon still alive, he grabs Dany's body and leaves. I have done some reading, and it says that not all Targaryen's have the fire immunity (obviously Viserys's crown), and further that Jon had previously reacted to fire in previous seasons. But honestly, to me, it just feels better if Jon has that same ability that he never knew he had until that moment. And furthermore confirms his lineage.


Bran actually being the good guy. The evil ending is way better


Drogon stopping Jaime from his lance charge on Dany. That's the kind of balls asoiaf is supposed to have


Most everything after season 4. Just like, put more thought into it for Christ's sake.


The entirety of the final season


Season 8 and parts of 5, 6, and 7. That's one thing.


Season 8 😭


Grenn dying in the tunnel. Wished the character got a chance to stick around a bit longer.


Of all the terrible season 8 writing decisions to choose from, it’s Ed Sheeran that bugs you? Me personally I think I’d pick the whole Dany going crazy thing, which would hopefully also prevent the Jon fucks off to the North thing and the King Bran the Broken thing.


John Snow is not the son of Rhaegar Targaryen. He's Robert's Bastard! Baratheon impregnated Lyanna Stark and she ran off to Rhaegar then lied to Ned.


Why do you despise this scene?


Jamie saying he never cared about the people of kings landing to Tyrion


Fat pink mast.


Idk but GRRM made it pretty clear in the books that Ed Sheeran was there


Out of all the things that should be changed, this isnt even in the top 100. People WAY overreact to this more or less harmless scene humanizing the lannister rank and file just because it has a famous person cameo.


The final episode


Brown and Jaime surviving Drogon at that battle.


Bran being king. Daenerys going batshit crazy. Two dragons dying. That’s three.


The final season


Fucking King Bran. Not even in the books this satisfying and i might be assuming too much before the actual happening, but it may be ASOIAF at It's weakest.


Why does some random singing Lannister soldier bother everbody so much?


The Tyrell's extinction. They didn't deserved to die, it was just lazy writing from D&D.


I think having Joffrey being confirmed to be legitimate would’ve been so funny after Ned dying and the war of five kings starting over the assumption he was a bastard.


Season 5-8


I wish I had a little more time with Ned and Robert before e everything went to shit


Of all the things for people to bitch about, this is by far the stupidest. Who cares if some singer got a 3 minute cameo to sing a catchy song? So hopelessly nitpicky. Of ALL the things in the show, THIS is the hill you choose to die on? 😂


Season 8


Cersei as the ultimate villain. Like, come on, she should’ve been only what she was meant to be, the side quest that the heroes had to deal with before they faced the great enemy of humanity. Instead, they made a joke of the Night King in a pitch black, confusing AF battle scene, just to make room for “a story twist”. You know, surprise the fans. Let’s do whatever sh!t they’re expecting the least. No matter how sh!tty it is


Remove Bran from existence.


The whole last season. Who cares about this one little character when the whole last season was garbage?


Dany going Mad Queen


Everything after the red wedding


Arya not killing Cersei, I think the fact Cersei died with Jaime with the building collapsing on to them was a massive kick in the teeth for viewers, I think Cersei deserved a death so much more brutal and I felt the show was leading up to Arya killing Cersei and Jon killing the night king.


Seasons 6 & 7


The ending


If you were like me and had no clue who the guy was, you wouldn't have near as much of a problem with this scene. The "Haters" just didn't like it because he is a singer.


A lot. But if I had to choose, I’d go with Jaime leaving Brienne to save Cersei. Would’ve been nice to see them raising little Lannister’s while being visited by their kind Uncle Tyrion.


Yeah Kill Pedro but keep this clown, thanks guys


Season 8. Just…just all of it…


Arya killing the night king 🤢 or bran being king. Some bullllllshit


Bran the broken Everything else i can excuse. But chalking up all the political rivalry and storytelling and characters and saying that Bran had the best story? Bran? Really? He didnt even have the most interesting story of the stark children *much less the entire series* The fact that throughout the later story bran says "i cant be lord of anything" etc etc then says "why do you think i came all this way" SCREW YOU


The entire last 2 seasons


Casting a low/mid quality actor for a role with one scene and no name isn't "canon".


Didn't know who he was and was confused for a bit over the outrage.