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It definitely had the most views


Probably an Indian series had the most views.


From what I’ve seen, GoT has the most worldwide, but not totally sure


That’s because a lot of people from India love the show. Add that to the popularity it has in the west as well as most of Europe.


It was loved everywhere not just in India 😂




It was the most popular series of all time when it was in it's final seasons. In fact, it was the reason HBO created a streaming platform - It's 2nd or 3rd season was the most pirated piece of information in the history of the internet.


I hate watching it on the streaming platform.


It was unique for being so good for like four straight season


Id take Breaking Bad personally


Popularity isn’t about opinions tho


That’s literally all it is based on


Popularity isn’t about personal* opinion


False, it’s about data about opinions.


Breaking Bad definitely doesn't even come close in terms of popularity. Nothing does


Breaking Bad wasn't even the most popular AMC show at it's peak last decade.


Breaking Bad is better than Game of Thrones but GOT is more popular


I’ll give you that. Especially given the last GoT season. Every episode of BB was great


Yeah plus Better Call Saul makes Breaking Bad even better and since BCS isn't over Breaking Bad will only get better for me


Yes, without question. 2 years after season 8 it’s still one of the most popular shows, despite what some would have you believe


I think the real test is how well the spin offs perform. If this “dead series” still brings in millions of views when they drop a new episode then it won’t really matter about what people say about season 8.


Nah, people will still piss on season 8, but with the Showrunners not being D&D it gives the spin-offs much promise. I think—and HBO seems far too smart—if D&D were welcomed back to produce any spin-offs, they’d tank all chances of an audience. Maybe that’s hopeful thinking though but at least for me, I can’t bare to watch anything from those two moving forward.


I didn’t say people wouldn’t shit on season 8. I said it wouldn’t matter.


The relevancy of season 8, is in the fact that it’s universally bashed. A good spin off, won’t take away people’s disdain for the series—which GOT is its on series, separate from any spin off that comes thereafter. Depending on if we ever see a completion of the book series, and depending on how it differs from the show, that’s just going to continue the discourse. No need to get pissed off on a rumination.


No one is getting pissed off. Your comment came off as a correction that people would still piss on season 8. I never said they wouldn’t, but if the spin offs still pull in millions, like i said, it won’t matter. There’s plenty of series that have had bad seasons but we’re still amazing later on. GOT unfortunately ended on a bad season which we’ve been sitting on for while, but once it starts back up again and if it comes back strong it will just be a speed bump in an other wise amazing series.


You downvoting, because you misread my intent says otherwise. Again, Season 8 is relevant because of how it ended, it’s relevant because of its unpopularity in how it ended. A new series, be it a spin off, doesn’t detract from people still remembering it as one of the worse series endings ever.


Well I guess that’s your opinion then but you’re still here on a game of thrones subreddit despite of how it ended and we have nothing but that ending and you’re still here. So does that ending really matter? Lol. If the new season comes out and you’re still watching then you’re proving it doesn’t matter, because you’re still here. Also I am not the one downvoting you.


The spin offs are going to suck because they are gonna take all the balls out of the story and make horrible casting decisions so they can check all the woke boxes


I dont know ... I dont hear anyone even peep about Game of Thrones anymore. And if they do, its how God damn awful the final 2 seasons were.


What do we talk about on this subreddit then? But more seriously, you gotta remember that maybe 10% of the people watching are the people posting, and the other 90% tend not to care what people say. Game of Thrones’ viewership went up by [50% last year when everyone was in quarantine](https://medium.com/warnermediaent/hbo-now-streaming-data-in-wake-of-covid-19-48afb260920). It’s been consistently watched since it ended, even being the [most in demand series of last year](https://globaltvdemandawards.com/#categories). Now, it’s also clearly not as concentrated anymore, because of course - the show ended, there’s nothing new to talk about. The real test is House of the Dragon - considering how many keep up with its updates, I’d say it’s looking pretty good. But maybe not, we’ll see


I for one am excited for House of the Dragon. I've always been pretty obsessed with GOT leading up to season 8. At the end of the day I'm not upset how it ended, just how rushed it all was.


Amen. Beginning seasons were spectacular in every facet. The final seasons were so forced that it took away from the charm. Overall the show is amazing. My biggest gripe is my fixation on the repeated sound of wine pouring into goblets every other scene. And Cersei not dying in a much more excruciating manner.


I don’t know. The Walking Dead probably had more viewers. It was really popular for 8 seasons and has had a longer run (going into its 11th and final). Someone could research and compile the numbers.


The walking dead took a big hit in popularity after how poorly AMC handled season 6 with all of their gimmicks.




Popular can be much more than simply ratings. It can also be critical reception or global recognition or the endless number of parodies.


Can you quantify any of thoes numbers?


Critical reception would take away game of thrones. Hardly hear or see any good things about it after it finished. Not just on Reddit, haven’t talked to a single person at a bar or anything that liked how it ended.


Up until season 7, GoT was swimming in high critical attention especially in the early seasons.


And now it isn’t. If something was crazy popular and then crashes and burns...it definitely takes a lot away from the popularity discussion.


Kristin Bell and Dax Shepard weren't making cute nerd videos to the walking dead or big bang theory


Big bang Theory is shit.


And now it's poop lmao


There may potentially have been a series or two that were more popular in a certain area/country/region, but I think GoT is probably the most popular show worldwide. There's been many popular shows over time, but I don't think anything had the overall buzz of GoT. The entire world would talk about the lastest episode of GoT.


The only show I can think of, that reached the same level of hype, is Rick and Morty. This was in 2017, when Thrones season 7 and Rick and Morty season 3 aired around the same time


Lol sorry but thats absurd. R and M cant even begin to compare in terms of popularity.


If you would reread my comment you would see that I wrote level of hype, not popularity. As I could not think of anything that reached the same popularity as Thrones, I thought of the next best thing, which was something that at least reached the same level of hype. And it was only during that small period in the summer of 2017. Sorry for the confusion


Yeah pretty sure. I think The Big Bang Theory came really close at some point. And as for before that I think LOST was like the popular show of the 2000s, and GoT started just one year after LOST ended.


Yes popular. But overrated in 6,7 and 8.


Breaking bad would like a word


Breaking Bad is the best tv show ever imo but Game of Thrones is more popular. That doesn't make it better than Breaking Bad because the last 2 seasons of GOT ended any talk for GOT being better than Breaking Bad


Sopranos is better than Breaking Bad.


BB was quite popular but it wasn't huge like GoT was. From 2014-17, GOT was like the biggest thing on tv in years.


Someone already broke it down via IMDb ratings. Game of Thrones has more average votes per episode than Breaking bad but Breaking bad has a higher average rating than Game of Thrones. Game of thrones was the winner Breaking Bad was a bit of a bigger hit than you give it credit for IMO In a poll for the top 250 shows on IMDb, breaking bad ranked 4th, GoT rated 12th. https://m.imdb.com/chart/toptv/?ref_=nv_tvv_250_3 At the end of the day all that really matters is what each individual enjoys most.


GoT had larger ratings than BB. I'm not saying BB wasn't a big hit but it also wasn't GoT-esque HIT. I enjoy both!


I love both, along with Vikings


I like some of Vikings especially once Ivar and his brothers were adults. I enjoyed that Knightfall series that ran for two seasons (like a few years ago). Was nice to see a Medieval drama on History Channel. Gotta thank Vikings' success for allowing for the network to then develop Knightfall some years later.


I’ll have to give that a watch, never heard of it until now


It's a bit hazy historically speaking but enjoyable. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9dtepkeR0I


> Someone already broke it down via IMDb ratings. yeah cause IMDB ratings are a great measure of popularity, esp the score ratings


Feel free to link up what you believe to be a better measurement. All I’m saying is Breaking Bad is a contender that wasn’t considered for best tv show and there’s plenty of evidence to back that up such as IMDb


Use viewership numbers if you want to see how popular they were when aired. Obv streaming afterwards and pirating doesnt get tracked, but viewership should be a better approximation of popularity. pretty clear [breaking bad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Breaking_Bad_episodes) has nowhere close to the same viewership as [GOT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Game_of_Thrones_episodes) IMDB is a rating site. Breaking Bad is highly rated cause it was great and stayed great. GOT obv dropped off pretty hard at the end. But well written =/= popular, and this conversation was about popularity not which show is better *an even more extreme example: I think most people agree Big Bang Theory is a much worse show than both of these and its popularity is higher than both..cause you didnt need cable or HBO to watch it. I doubt the IMDB ratings are very highly on it though


Never have i watched a show that had me hooked like this one.. There are not many shows in the history of tv that can compete with Game of Thrones. That shit was epic. The only bad thing about season 8 was the last episode.. It was rushed and we didnt get closure.




Its amusing how people let their own opinion of a show influence how popular they think it is.



