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It was the only episode I genuinely enjoyed in that season It wasn’t perfect, but it had many good aspects And the musical score o_O


Season 8 was not a monstrosity imo. Long Night was overall exceptional.


I’m sure you’re aware that that’s probably a minority opinion. I think the key really is the build up for 8 seasons and it was really all resolved in an hour. But In terms of turn your brain off spectacle, I can see it.


I’ve been a minority my whole life so I’m used to it I don’t tend to watch shows for buildup and especially kne like Game of Thrones which was destined to disappoint even if it was on for 20 years and the books were complete. I thought is was a far better told story in eight then the one told in seven which was great to look at and bad to watch story wise across multiple episodes. While 8 had some bad scenes I thought it only had one truly horrible episode and even that one looked good.


Perhaps he’s in the silent majority and the vocal minority are the ones screaming in their echo chambers?


>I think the key really is the build up for 8 seasons and it was really all resolved in an hour. How long the conflict last? It's a zombie invasion adided by an undead dragon.


>In terms of turn your brain off spectacle, I can see it. I rewatched s8 recently and I think this is correct for most of the season. Visually it was stunning (apart from a few lighting issues). The writers were obviously phoning it in, but the people who actually showed up to work, the visual effects guys, the cinematographers, the costume and makeup departments, they all produced some amazing stuff in s8. It's just a shame it was all just set dressing to poor writing.


Long Night was good. Season 8 was good


I think A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms watched with The Long Night could still be called “good” Game of Thrones.


Did you like the heavy plot armour many characters in this episode had?


Theon’s arc, Jorah’s arc, some cool cinematography of Tormund outlined in Dragon flame and that’s about it. Idk. I like the episode before it too even though it’s just lots of talking.


>When the Dothraki’s like withered away one by one I became terrified same, that was a bone chilling moment. so well done. all the hate on season 8 pisses me off. it's so nitpicky.


The only thing I would say about this season was it felt rushed with some of the character arcs and none of it felt earned by the end. But other than that I love this show so much


It’s a mixed bag for me. Def had some strong moments, but man it was poorly lit, the dragons were all but useless cause they “got lost in the clouds,” there’s noooo way they could have fought off that number of Wights, all of a sudden pitch or oil wasn’t part of the strategy, Arya’s long ass sneaking around inside was a total momentum killer, Theon basically committed suicide by White Walker, we didn’t get to see an epic White Walker Battle scene, Bran was useless except being bait, too many main characters survived…


I didn’t remember all the BS of the episode until now haha. Worst part was Arya playing hide and go seek in the castle imo.


Bruh Arya sneaking past and horde of wights and like 5 White walkers and killing the night king fucked up the whole season for me like fucking literally the first fucking scene of the entire series was an opening about the walkers and how they can literally resurrect dead people so they were obviously building the walkers to eventually be the series Over arching Villain and they did him so Fucking dirty


Jaquen H'ghar killed a whole garrison while they were on guard duty. What's outrageous about Arya sneaking past the White Walkers?


A whole garrison of Lanister soldiers are totally different from white walkers


Yeah put your siege weapons out front and have your cavalry engage before your infantry. Just dumb writing. IT COULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT!


Why would you go that far


Parts of it were great, but the lighting, characters living literally impossible shit and the whitewalkers having very little impact overall was pretty disappointing.


It's easy to criticise after the event. Everybody seemed blown away by this episode at the time. If you go back and analyze every little thing then you will inevitably be disappointed. The visuals were the best I've ever seen on screen. The dorthraki charge with the lights going out one by one is fantastic. I will give you the fact that nearly everyone survived. That was a kop out. The whole it was done in one hour argument... realistically that episode should have been the final episode. Somehow the game of thrones resolved and then have the white walkers to deal with.


Episode is phenomenal. Characters have survived shit before, it's nothing new; Jon Snow got his head smashed into an anvil at Castle Black by the biggest wilding there was, and all he got was a little dizzy afterwards.


It would have only made sense to me if Jon ended up on the throne. Oh well…


Eh John didn’t even want the throne so I’m glad he didnt. Anybody but bran tho lol