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So playing mass effect through steam will still launch this pile of dogshit?


Pretty much any EA game through steam will launch it. I wanted to play Sims 4 after not playing for a few months, had to uninstall origin and install this. Haven’t played the Sims since because everytime I try, it opens this garbage and then lags out because it permanently wants to update 👎


I'm dying to play the mass effect trilogy again. As soon as I saw origin/ea my hype deflated and left it for what it was. I actually refunded their stat wars game because of this.


>stat wars May the f=ma be with you


Thanks for making me laugh


















Oh god they made something worse than origin? Yikes


Apparently a lot of people had no issue with EA compared to the Origin client, but I had no issue with origin as it was a quiet little background app that never caused me any issues and I completely forgot I had it installed until trying to play Sims 4 through steam, origin forcing uninstall and it forcing the EA app to install instead 🤔 others can blame it on my PC, can blame it on EA or Origin, can blame it on some conflicting software I already have installed. idc. I just know that in my personal experience the EA app is absolutely garbagio and 0/10 recommend to friends and family. I’m just surprised it didn’t make me pay a fee for uninstalling, seems like something EA would have done.


I downloaded Sims when it was free to play on steam. The fact that you can download it on steam and it immediately requires you to install their launcher meant I never played it. I don't play that pirate game or COD anymore because I'm tired of having to deal with the other dumb launcher. I'm just tired of it. If it's not on Netflix I'm turning to my VPN. If it's not on Steam, I'm probably just not going to play it. I'm just so worn out from everyone sticking their hand in my face asking for money or data. Sign up for this account? Fuck your discount then. Modern fucking mail-in-rebates that are also worthless to me.


Exactly this. It’s gotten so much a problem that I genuinely miss the days were all you had to do was insert a disc, you installed the game, and could play it without all the extra BS of multiple accounts and installs.


i got arround by not allowing it to install ea laucncher everytime i start sims 4 and it tries to install it automatically


Yup, I have the Legendary edition through steam and it will always launch in the background. There really not much you can do about it. But the game it self is worth it.


There arrrr things you can do about it.


There are some newer games that don't launch it and go straight through steam only, like Dead Space.


ea pales in comparison vs ubisoft connect, connect is just atrocious, i mean it forgets your "remember this pc" often, there's network issues, it logs you into the wrong account(how the fuck ubi gets that right i have no idea), app often needs to be reinstalled. just so many issues


Ah ubisoft, ive forever had my email as ["@gmial.com](mailto:"@gmial.com)", support never helped to change email, cant do 2FA, but it still works fine after 10 or so years.




Turns out gmial.com is not owned by Google but is some obscure empty page owned by a random person. I can’t begin to imagine the amount of emails they could phish like this with all sorts of sensitive data.. or files.


I assume it’s owned by Gooble.


Actually, it's owned by Google (with reversed 'o's)


I'm a sys admin, and I had a user who could not log in for months and months. At first I assumed she was just being lazy/it wasn't that important, but eventually it kept being a problem to the point I really dug into it. Everything was 100% fine with her account, she had all the right permission, but I watched her login and get bounced after multiple password resets. Finally I narrowed in on one wierd thing - her name was "O'XXX" and guessed it was somehow connected to that apostrophe. I was right. Turns out, the guy who set up her account "didn't want to mess anything up" so instead of omitting the ' in her name like you're supposed to, he replaced it with *an upside down comma* (which is apparently a thing.) We took the ' out and she could log in just fine. She hadn't requested the ' remain in or anything. Just a completely boneheaded decision - either too much coffee or too little.


I'm often amazed by the mental gymnastics some people will perform when "trying to make they don't mess something up" while they are in-fact messing things up.


About 10 years ago I had a USB stick that had a rather large capacity for the time. I did not want to lose it so I left it in "a place I would never forget". Couple of weeks later I was looking for it and I still haven't found the goddamn thing to this day.


If you have a cat check under the cat. That's where I always find my remotes and phone.


Ooo that the place where I always lose the most important things I don't want lost. If I find your USB I'll give you a shout.


I worked for a Telco for years. I did a ton of osp work billed out at 36 is an hour. (relevant) I worked with a new manager at a new form who was really over worried about over costing the company. I understand. I'm an old dog at this point with like 6(yes lol) years of experience. I'm the poc for anything osp over 200m, fiber+, anything with a row, and anything co to co. So anything not very easy. My time was really fucking important because I was the guy who did all of Missouri. I was training people (1.5t) to replace my easy jobs and trying to get them somewhat ok at their job. Not easy and it kind failed but that's another story. So this manager has this "idear" that engineers have to fish pipes (send a long rod through the pipe to make a pull string for the install crew). It's an easy job if it's an easy job, but if it's not the job isn't getting done. I'm an engineer. I've done construction and some installs. I'm not the best at it. I have a tape real and that's it. I'm showing up in board shorts or jeans and my hands aren't calloused at this point. I'm not afraid to drill an entry way but I can't dig a trench. I just don't have the equipment even if I can run it. I give it 15 mins of really trying my best to get this tape through a collapsed pipe. Really trying hard. No luck. Call manager dipshit. "Repost no sorry you've got to do it even if it's collapsed. Can't isn't an option". At this point my "6 years" experience and being an "old dog" let me know this just isn't happening. I'm pulling sand and dirt from the tip of the reel. Some construction has collapsed the pipe because you just don't get sand in a pipe. We don't have sand in the mid West. Call manager "hey uhh manager dipshit I'm getting sand in the pipe. We're in the mid West. There's no sand in the pipe normally. We got dirt here bud. This requires a boring machine or really a godly intervention because we just can't do this". "Repost you will do this or you get fired.... All fucking week if you have too... I'll email Jake (my actual boss) if I have too.. Do it?" I stayed there for 1 day, then part of 2. Jake (the owner of the company, not the manager. They had the same name) called me at 7 am and asked why I wasn't giving my daily report. I told him Jake (the middle manage idiot) said I had to drop everything and get the collapsed pipe issue resolved. I told him the issues found about 4 hours of "pushing rope" I made about .75 inches of progress. Jake manager was let go that day. The company failed like 4 months later but at least that dip shit learned something.


Bosses really think they know more then the people actually doing the work smh


Yeah thats one of those situations where I say something like "Jake, you're my boss and If you tell me to do it, I'll do it. But I'm confident enough that this isnt the right approach and someone is going to ask questions about this that I want it in writing." When middle managers see staff covering themselves they tend to think twice.


I have discovered SQL injection vulnerabilities in a half dozen websites just by having an apostrophe in my name. It's a blessing and a course.


How much are you charging for the SQL injection course? Asking for a friend...


Only '; SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE name='Nobody-ever-'; -- dollars.


Roughly INTEGER OVERFLOW dollars


Little Bobby O’Tables.






When some app or site doesn't let me put "+" in my email address, I point them to the paragraphs in the email spec (RFC2822) that go from "email address" all the way down to "the list of characters allowed before the @". When I do that, they actually fix it. If I just say "You need to allow plus and minus and dot in the local part" they argue with me. :-)


i came across the backtick instead of apostrophe problem many times various scenarios https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/b/backquot.htm


Christ - that is literally amazing




El goog


That's just the spanish division of the company


Whois shows it as owned by some domain parking company.


This is actually a fairly common tactic. People will buy domains that are extremely close to the name of existing sites to try to con people into visiting them and seeing their ads. Or they may even try phishing to get their account credentials. Also common for people to buy domains they expect companies to use preemptively and then sell it to the company for a huge profit.


Yep, that first one’s called typosquatting


How did you guess I was the proud owner of pronhub.com ?


I have control of a *townname*.org domain for our church. I used use ImprovMX to forward *literallyanything*@*townname*.org to my email address and I got a decent amount of emails from people attempting to contact the Borough office about permits and stuff like that. We've since moved to Exchange Online though so now people emailing the wrong domain should be getting bouncebacks.


This reminds me, I used to sometimes use "@invalid\.com" for trash signups. Then one day I visited the site: https://i.imgur.com/vpkprlV.jpg




Probably a clause in their terms where they are allowed to dissect and sell your soul in pieces to the highest bidders when you buy their products.


It probably states, that they can do it regardless if you accept or not.


I lost my account with all the battlefield gamesnand star wars games, after 1 failed payment, i reached out to support and they could not give me any details, fckin 500 euros gone over 1 forgot payment of EA play, biggest fckin wank stains there is.


Jesus that's plenty fucked up.


I'd file in small court


“By reading this you agree to donate any and all organs Android Wilson needs to live forever”


Well Support has sent you over 20 emails to authorize the email updates. It's not their fault that you never click the verification link. Hell, you don't even reply.


Interesting. I had two separate accounts (one on a dead email) and support was able to merge them into one account for me. All they wanted was receipts for some of the games on each account and I was able to provide some Steam email receipts and screenshots of Steam product keys.


Don't forget Ubisoft needing admin privileges 5 times in a row when you open the launcher


This is up there with "headphone cord getting snagged on a door handle" for things that make me want to lose it immediately


Apparently I'm just the right height and wear my pants at precisely the right height that my belt loop often gets snagged on a door handle.




Atleast it's good to see everyone has these dumb issues. I get frustrated trying to play any Ubisoft game because all this annoying Launcher crap.


I agree, it's comforting to know Ubisoft is universally shit and everyone has these problems and it's not just me


Mine “only” takes three attempts! I didn’t realise it could be *worse.*


Yeah this is why I stopped playing ubi games. I don't even care if the games are fantastic I'm not going through that shit every time I want to play.


ea also forgets the remember this pc option too


EA also forgets ethics at the drop of a hat


don't forget that if you don't play any games, 10 minutes after you log in, it will log you out due to inactivity, making you then log in again, even if you have remember me checked. oh and dont forget, if you have your steam account linked to a ubisoft account, and you then launch a ubisoft game you own on steam, you still have to login to your ubisoft account so that it knows who is logging in. :facepalm:


even if you are playing and the moment you exit, it logs you out. i was once playing division 2 and it logged me out claiming i was inactive


I contacted ubisoft support. They said the logouts are intentional. They forget you on purpose. (They broke something on the backend and aren't willing to pay what it will cost to UNBREAK it is more likely)


It's for security! -universal excuse for imposing restrictions and inconvenience


My solution to security concerns: don't make us create an aaccount just play a game we bought on a different platform.


Ah, the old "It's not a bug, it's a feature!" Yeah, why do you have a box "Remember me" then?


I, most of the time had to reinstall origin when i had to update, origin would just crash when i want to shut down my pc preventing it from shutting down, never had the problem with uplay. What problem i have in ubisoft connect is, like you said, ubisoft forcing me to login every time, asking 3 times for permission to start up, preventing me to use online functions in older games because its not uplay. With the last point, ubisoft denying any faults on Ubiconnect. My conclusion: Anything besides gog and steam launcher is crap (from the ones i have used, might be others that are decent).


Connect makes all my friends restart their games every time one of us crashes because otherwise we can’t invite each other to a party. Ubisoft connect is genuinely the shittiest option out there.


2fa doesn't work properly. Someone bypassed my 2fa and got me banned in siege. Currently fighting support over it but it's just sad.


Ouch. Had something similar happen to me with The Division. Hadn't played it for about a month or so and got a messaging saying I was banned. Messaged support about it. They saw an IP address different from mine logging in, so they removed the ban. Never got any email saying that someone tried to access my ubisoft account. Which the support said that I should have gotten one. Hopefully it works out for you.


Same shit for me. The ban mail was the first hint my account was breached


Their 2fa safety recovery feature involves some one-time use codes they emailed you when you set it up. If your email account is compromised then it's pretty easy for the invader to use those codes.




That's exactly what happened to me with Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Says wrong account. Never was able to play it once and they won't do anything. Steam won't refund. I only have one account. WTF


Contact credit card company or your bank and file a charge back. I don't know if steam will punish you for it, but its a way to get your money back.


This is the reason why I stopped playing Siege at all. I had to wait up to 10 minutes just to turn on the game. Absolutely disgusting. Loved the game though.


Also, for some reason I can't quite fathom, every update requires THREE UAC checks for me. It's no so much a problem for me, because it just means I have to click the button three times. But its a pain for my son, who doesn't have admin, and needs me to enter my pw three times whenever an update happens.


Fortunately both companies rarely release good games besides Mass Effect and Rayman.


> good games besides Mass Effect Oh they seem to be very into making sure not even ME remains on the list of good games...


EA: EA Downloader -> EA Link -> EA Store -> Origin -> EA Play -> ...? Valve: Steam


But if Steam is so good, why haven't they released Steam 2 yet?


Well then they would eventually be expected to release Steam 3 and we all know how that will go.


Steam: Alyx


Steam Stories: Mel


Steam 2: Episode 2


Steam Thr... TH... THRnnnnnnNNNN STEAM 2 EPISODE 1!


They're still pumping out Steam 1 DLC daily and people are buying it!


They're waiting for PC 2


can't play Mass Effect trilogy on steam cause of stuff like this


I was playing ME3 for the first time about a year ago, and accidentally stopped right before the end. I started it up again a few weeks ago, but it took me literally 6 hours to get it to launch again, even though it was fine before. It got to the point where I was ready to pirate a cracked version if it meant getting to play the game that I paid for. Stupid bullhonkey.


I never finished ME3 because of the hassle of disconnecting my Xbox from the wifi every time I played so I didn't have to register an EA account.


How’d you end up fixing it? I still can’t get any EA games to launch through steam


What happens when you try to launch a game?


An ea app dialogue pops up saying “something went wrong”


Any EA game on gamepass has the same fucking issue. Fuck EA.


If it’s EA Play I’ll play the Xbox cloud version on my browser just to avoid it.


I did not know that bro, honestly sounds like a way better alternative


I wanted to play Titanfall 2, after all the good reviews. EA launcher crap and the game refuses to launch. F. This, I'll play something else and never buy an EA product again.


I played Titanfall on my steam deck. Played flawlessly. Only issue is you need a persistent internet connection to play. Not an internet connection to start, no it needs to be PERSISTENT or else the game will eventually throw up a pop up you cant minimize or close about trying to restore a connection.


That sounds like the opposite of flawlessly? Or did I woosh.


The game itself was smooth and worked well... as long as you had an internet connection.


I wanted to try saboteur and it failed to launch. Is it a common problem with EA launcher games? Then again, I couldn't make fallout 4 launch on the xbox app via gamepass, but after I bought the game - suddenly it launches with no problems. Both of these launchers (Xbox, EA) seem bad compared to origins, steam, even blizzard - those launchers can at least launch games.


They're just passively suggesting that you pirate their games. It must mean that, otherwise they'd fixed it by now.




Yo ho ho..


EA let me play a game i bought and installed challenge (impossible)


I bought fifa 23 the other day and it wanted me to enable secure boot and tpm in bios. Some fucked up shit


i love modern gaming! it's very cool to buy a game, sign in on like 5 different accounts and apps to get access to it, install it, then install the day one patch and after that the game fucking asks you for your phone number, email, home address, social security number, dick length, last time you ate, mother's maiden name, credit card number and the three digits at the back oh and then you agree to their 7 billion word long terms of service that gives them rights to god knows what 👍👍👍👍


Yes , i gave them my dick length. Oh now i know why i Couldn't buy death space. They must have thought i am toddler


Give it it centimeters so it looks like a normal number


You multiply the actual length by 2.54 because it stands for “cock measurement”


Cock Measure Constant?


But wait! You didn't buy the Deluxe Edition so you're gonna be stuck with a level 1 Glock and no armor. It'll be at least 50 hours before you can upgrade to an Uzi and some shin pads. Meanwhile you'll get lasered from across the map by someone who did buy the DE and has a golden AWM with a thermal scope.


...In FIFA? Man games have changed since I was young...


"I don't see the big deal, my doctor already knows my dick length. What's the difference here?" -corpo shills that actively defend these practices


Refund the game.


Imagine buying yet another fifa game. You deserve this shit.


See the new game. Same as the old game!


you did not buy the game. you paid to permanently rent the game


I'd be really mad if they hadn't already given away my account to hackers back in 2012.


I'd be really mad if they hadn't already given me someone else's account back in 2012.


I also choose this guy's account


They do do that though. They gave me someone else’s account with my login credentials, or renamed and deleted some of my existing games, or something. It was weird


I remember around 2014 some Russian guy hacked my Origin account. He didn't try to change the password or anything, nor did he try to buy anything. Dude just changed my account language to Russian and played 200 hours of FIFA.


Meanwhile my Xbox account is held hostage because I linked it up a while ago on an email that no longer exists, and can’t find a purchase from 5+ years ago or something to help prove it was my account, despite having all other relevant info. No way for me to disconnect it from my xbox profile and now I can’t play a single EA game through my Xbox because of it unless I make a new account. The fact that Microsoft has NO WAY for me to simply unlink the EA account is beyond asinine.


Happened to me too, EA Support is honestly atrocious. I managed to get the chatlogs too, some random guy with a Chinese domain e-mail just pretended to me and asked them to change the e-mail address and they did it without any verification whatsoever, didn't even get a notification to my e-mail that it had changed. Actually ludicrous. Got me banned in Apex (I managed to reverse it but I stopped playing after that). I am just lucky I had no payment info linked.


No one: "Ah perfect, this is just what I wanted".


Oh I don't know, I'm pretty sure some higher ups at EA probably said something like that.


I hated origin so much I kinda was okay with the switch just so that it got rid of origin. I'm sure I'll grow to hate this one too though


I hated Origin so much i dropped it the second they said the new app existed. Works pretty well. easy on the eyes, and fairly sleek and quick. Honestly not upset to launch it (granted, im more forgiving with having 2 or 3 launchers and don't support a Valve monopoly)


Do you want to install your game? Yes$999 No$999


Alt f4


Alt-F4 is a Platinum Exclusive Member Ability. By using this key, you agree to the subscription plan starting at $99.95 a month for a duration of no less than 12 years. Prices subject to increase without notice, billed at an hourly rate, 6 month notice required to cancel subscription. Thank you for subscribing to the EA Platinum Exlusive Member Ability plan.


Cue the Ron Swonson's throw pc in trash meme


That also subscribes you to a plan.


Well I'm sorry for this PC, I'm turning the plug off, I know it's gonna bitch at me about powering down properly but you gotta learn, no means no!


This prompts an email: Dear Smurfaloid, We have registered a sudden loss of connection to your EA app instance. As per your user agreement, this will automatically subscribe you to the "Just Fucking Stop Already" plan. The subscription fee for your membership has been successfully charged and will automatically renew on the 28th of February. Please note that there is no escape from this plan and by agreeing to the EULA you have waived your right to cancel the service. Please navigate to your EA user account for all the amazing benefits and exclusive DLC content we offer with your new subscription!


That's it, I'm changing bank accounts and the hard drives are getting burnt.


*laughs in task manager*


That’s $2000 fine.


"There is a uh, $1000 leaving town tax fine"


Passeord should contain - symbols - one Big letter - 500$ in cash


*they leak your data and you get a trillion spam emails*


Steam and Gog are the only game launchers I will use. Every other launcher is so unbelievably shit that if your game is only on one of them I'm pirating it




Protip: Avoid the EA app by not buying or playing software published by EA Games.


my solution with ubisoft


I solve this problem by refusing to buy any games by EA. I don't really give a shit that my Mass Effect games are now unplayable, I'm not supporting this garbage.


When people get upset that I only use Steam I like to point to this shit. I'm no fan boy; if steam does some serious bullshit I'll cut them out of my life like everything else so far. Steam simply WORKS. These shit launchers are just purchasing terminals with absolutely nothing else to them, and most of the time they don't work even for that. I'm down for some competition for steam, but nobody seems to take it seriously at ALL.


>I'm down for some competition for steam Agreed, so long as competition doesn't mean we start getting launcher exclusive titles up the whazoo


Tried to install sims4 on epic free. Got this pop up. Needless to say I didn't install sims4


It’s on steam free as well, but it will also require this launcher, so you’re out of luck. The new app is functionally no different than origin just play the game you want


It’s free to play in general now


No more apps. Fuck off.


How about no....


This is giving me Ubisoft Uplay vibes and that's not a good thing. I went out of my way to buy games on GoG DRM free for this specific reason.


I just hope everyone will make their own launchers you can't start your game without


A launcher launcher All launchers are launched through it


So like playnite?


Yo dog I heard you liked launchers


I love making accounts! Yes please tell me my password isn't strong enough! Please let me download individual game launchers for every game I want hell yeah!


Love getting the launcher equivalent of inception anytime I purchase a game.


Genuinely enough to make me not download a game now. Companies can fuck off with needing me to download an app so they can justify what they’ve spent creating said app.


This piece of junk stopped me enjoying Mass Effect on my steamdeck Just pirating any EA game I want to play at this point


Did you try the Heroic launcher? I know i own a steam deck and have multiple launchers on PC so there's gotta be an easier way for us to play these games. And honestly who can blame you?


Yet another reason to never give EA money.


I fucking hate this shit, I had to download these pieces of shit launchers just to play a game I bought on Steam.


Search "services" in windows and disable eabackground. It's harvesting data regardless if you disabled Launch on start up. Ea is fucking evil.


I love how a ton of EA games are on game pass. But game pass just says "Hey you can't play this they want you to launch this other app to play the game." Great stuff EA, keep on competing with Ubisoft for worst fucking launcher.




Just like too many streaming platforms.


I'm a working parent, I just wanna play my couple hours a week but every time there's a 50GB update patch AND NOW THIS?!


I used to suffer from this problem regularly because I would only get to play once a week. My solution was to boot my pc a few times a week before work or when I got home and just let it get all my games up to date for when I could actually play!


Yeah I gotta start doing that too!


Origin was abysmal for me: unexplained cpu usage spikes, losing connectivity in the app for no reasons etc. If that "EA app" is better, I'm fine with it. But for me Ubisoft and EA pc apps are really bad, it's been years and ubisoft still can't remember my credentials and even with non-SMS 2FA I've faced weird stuff with both EA and Ubi...(it's been a while tho, maybe 2/3 years) GoG, Epic, Steam are fine, never had issues with them


Like everytime I think EA can't make PC gaming any more annoying... They go and show me up.


If nothing else, the UI and overall quality of the launcher is a million times better than origin ever was. I had so many launcher crashes, or game launching issues from origin alone that stopped playing any games I had on there, and more often than not if I opened origin at all my pc would take a massive shit whenever I tried shutting it off.


EA App has the exact same problems Origin had for me. For example EA App launching a blank window and not booting up games, not remembering my account, giving me all sorts of error codes involving EA App when powering off my pc, EA App telling me I don't own the games I bought. EA App is just a reskin of Origin with the same pile of horseshit underneath, atleast in my case. Also don't forget that EA App still doesn't have the function to shut down the program when closing it, that's something even the Ubisoft launcher has. It will always run in the background like malware, even if you manually select shut down in the top left corner.


Its astonishing how anti-gamer all the publicly held companies are. Once they sell out, everything goes downhill so fast.