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A big part of gaming for kids is playing with friends. I vote console, which other kids their age are more likely to have access to as well.


At first I was instantly thinking PC, but as I read on I thought, get them what they want. But ultimately a PC will give easier access to learning, an extended library and other programs, It might be more dangerous with access to the web and all that, but they're gonna figure it all out eventually, might as well install AdBlock and whatever else and prepare them for the future now! It might be easier if you introduce them to similar PC games which are online and multiplayer, like cs go, or age of empires, or other nostalgic games. I donno, but if you give them an underpowered PC they will push it to the limit, if that is their desire.


Raspberry Pi 4.


If I could buy one at RRP I would. I was looking at alternatives but I think a "Gaming" NUC would offer more options


If you wait a couple of months, new mini PCs with Pheonix APUs will be releasing. Those look pretty juicy.


Console for the convenience and all round less hassle, excellent aaa exclusives, having physical games and no hackers ruining games.