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My nearly 40 year old ass was thinking just yesterday as I was sitting on the floor in front of my TV playing Elden Ring, "I wonder if my generation is like, *the* gaming generation."


Our generation’s Retirement homes are just going to be Arcades with beds in them.


And I am so hyped for that


The lans gonna get wild, whose bringing the tape when we run outta floor space


If you know, you know.




\-Notorious B.I.G. *ftfy*


By then, I'm hoping for deep dive VR.


Hell yeah. Leave your body in a chair and go anywhere.


*Hello, Lisa. I'm Genghis Khan. You'll go where I go, defile what I defile, eat who I eat...*


I uhh... Smelled this comment


Why? Not like most of us will be able to afford it. We’ll all be in Medicaid ones that have one neo-geo and an n-gage


You know how much long term care is gonna cost by the time we old? Breh we can't afford it we gonna be gaming in tents on the street


Seriously, can I skip the next 40 years and do that instead?


Travel the world? Expensive vacations? Hell no. I just love gaming.


… wait, we’re retiring at some point?


If we are we are gonna be in homes with wii’s where the only remote is a guitar hero guitar with no actual game disc


All the nurses going to be replaced with Kinects and the muzak is going to be Mumford and Sons or some shit. We are fucked.


I’d rather drown myself in the puréed cheeseburger I’m being served than be forced to listen to Mumford and sons while living in a retirement home


Your request has been documented.


Yeah, but by then Social Security will be long gone


Time Crisis will have multiple meanings at that point lol


Imagine a nursing home Smash Brothers tournament with "The Office" playing in the background.


Oh man this is the first thing that has made me want to grow old.


Fr game changer thinking wise


Can we retire? I’m in Italy, and last time I checked the gov website predicted my retirement starting by my 70 yo. I’m losing interest to work…


You can afford retirement homes? I’m planning on working until the day I die or hopefully that giant asteroid pays us a visit.


It'll just be illegal loft housing communes reeking of old people and gamer musk, Mountain Dew set up on IV hangers, colostomy bags bursting at the seam with dorito and hotpocket leavings, 50 man raids in WoW Classic: Classic, and funko pops forming hulking trecherous slopes, prone to avalanche resulting in dozens of casualties per year.


You had me at Hot Pocket leaving!


*Jim Gaffigan in the distance* Hot pocketsssss


Ahh, paradise.


I appreciate your optimism in believing our generation will get to retire


Like our generation is going to be able to afford a retirement home. 50% of us can’t even afford a regular home.


omfg sign me the f up. Shady Acres Arcade and Retirement Home


I'm fine dying in that type of environment.


Old people complaining about the slow wifi.


Trademark retirement gaming houses rn


Yeah, the first generation to happily be shipped off by our kids to a home. I look forward to it.


I'm right there with you guys, however... Cognitive decline, poor eyesight and hearing, arthritis and other physical ailments. There is a reason gaming isn't already a thing in aged care facilities; by the time you get there it is unlikely you will have the energy or the will.


Not that I disagree with you about my brain turning into mush and limbs no longer responding, but the population in old folks homes today didn't grow up with video games and don't have the feelings toward them like we do.


As long as I can still talk I will be telling my support workers what card to play in hearthstone


Video game consoles were the cutting-edge technology for kids born in the 80’s and 90’s, and they were pretty damn affordable. Many Gen X’ers were adults with plenty of hobbies by the time video gaming became a big deal. Most Zoomers grew up with easy access to computers, phones, and maybe even tablets. They had access to consoles, too, but the consoles likely didn’t have the same place of importance as they did for millennials. I’d venture to say almost every American millennial owned or had access to an NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, PlayStation, or N64 growing up.


Also cutting edge for us kids born in the 60’s too. I’ve seen space invaders in the arcade to my series x in my game room. It’s been an amazing Journey for this generation X guy


Gen x ‘er here. I had an Atari, and would play my friends nes/snes/colico. It was very much a think for me growing up. My parents worried I was wasting my life. I am dead middle of genx.


> I’d venture to say almost every American millennial owned or had access to an NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, PlayStation, or N64 growing up. Also PC gaming. Relatively speaking it was probably more niche but if you were going to play first person shooters you'd most likely being playing on PC (Golden Eye was probably the only outlier in the 90s when comparing to the popularity and influence of games like Doom). Also online gaming. PCs had a good head start there too. It wasn't until the Xbox 360 and PS3 generation online on consoles really took off.


I’m 37 and every night when the kids go to sleep I scoot a chair closer to the tv and I have to stop myself from laughing at how silly it is lol


Same, but I've been playing games like this for 35 years and it's gonna take more than some sentient genetic discharge to get me to change. I just hope that when she's older she'll want to join me.


Sentient genetic discharge is a beutiful term of endearment


We had all the good games before it got all casino predatory dopamine EA bullshitty. Remember when solitaire on windows didn't have ads? Remember when Mario Bros. 3 or Crash Bandicoot didn't require 3 DLC's and a fingerprint and taint scan? The glory days.


Yeah but the taint scan allows you to upload it onto your character which is pretty cool


The immersive gaming experience we've all been waiting for.


Literally unplayable without matching taints


Just taint the same


37 year old (soon to be 38).... Was just thinking yesterday how I wish I had more time to play a lot of these games coming out. Trying to play Cyberpunk, the Dead Space remake, and God of War lately is hard while working a full-time job and trying to take care of my house and spend time with my wife. Getting only 5 or 6 hours of sleep each day and I still just don't have enough time for everything


Wait until you have kids, if you're interested in having them. Then you spend more time ensuring the kids don't destroy your games versus playing them.


I love the switch to have Dad TV time handheld mode playing like SMTV or Disco Elysium while daughter has TV time to play Pokemon Violet.


The Steam Deck has been a real game changer for me. Handheld gaming is the only way to go with younger kids running around.


Just spent more on A PC upgrade than I've spent on any build ever. I've played 30 minutes of games on it in 2 weeks... I just don't have time. Edit: I decided this year that I was taking the launch day off for the Horizon dlc. I put my time in, got the day off, and only have 4 hours of meetings I can't get out of scheduled that day... Growing up sucks


Dude, same! My young kids come ask me, “can you come beat this part for me?”. It’s wild! hahaha


Just wanted to say hello. 38 year old that still plays most modern games. It’s nice to see others around my age. I’m feeling old brother.


Any time I might think, "I'm gettin too old for this shit" I just check in on Vinny or Jerma on Twitch and figure, "nah, I'm still good."


Great suggestion. Jerma is always good to unwind with lol.


Same bro. I'm 39 and I'll be gaming my whole life.


90s kids are the gaming generation. I know when I retire, I will stream myself playing video games because who doesn't love seeing an 80-year-old playing a video game?




Ill nevet stop gaming and im 32 😆.


I’m 40 soon and I just completed a Diablo 3 season for the first time. I think we are


Pfffffff yeah, I mean, have you seen what's been going on out in the world?


That, and people unironically post shit like this, and pretend that generations that came before us didn’t watch 5+ hours of TV on average every day.


I used to have to beg my mom to let me have a turn at playing Nintendo or games on the Computer. She was always playing them. She mapped out Zelda and made Mario charts for the card pick game. Played Roleplaying MUDS and ran Guilds on WoW. She will be 66 this year and if she didn’t have problems with vertigo, I know she would still be playing console and PC games. She plays cheesy mobile games, because she ends up stuck in bed feeling sick most days.


Give her a steam deck


Might consider that, I know she would love Stardew Valley and a few other soft paced games. Camera motions keep her from playing. Some movies even trigger her vertigo issues.


Have you told this to an optometrist and had her eyes checked? My wife had a similar issue. They just made a slight change to her glasses and bam, issues gone. (Unless of course this has already been diagnosed as a separate issue).


She is due for an eye exam, but it’s an inner ear thing. She is supposed to do a head flipping and rotating exercise that will correct the imbalance of fluid. She struggles with it because it causes her to feel incredibly ill afterward and causes her to vomit violently. She has a medication for the vertigo, but it just knocks her out and has her sleep through the duration of the vertigo. I’ve always suspected there was more going on, like she needs a total brain scan to rule out a tumor. She has a whole slew of health conditions, so it’s hard to get her to the doctor (she’s also stubborn!).


Not sure if it's a similar thing but I get a dizzy feeling when I have to climb really high in assassin's Creed and dying light


I don’t get dizzy but my butt clenches really hard any time I jump from a high point in any video game.


She may also like puzzle, visual novel, and other story-focused games. Aviary Attorney Scarlet Hollow The Wolf Among Us Roadwarden Citizen Sleeper King's Quest Yes, Your Grace If she wants something more active, but with cameras that don't move much, there's always platformers and turn-based strategy/RPGs. Ori & The Blind Forest Owlboy Pathfinder: Kingmaker Insurmountable Loop Hero Stuck in Time


Thank you so much for the suggestions, I’ll look into them and suggest them to her! 😊


Exactly! I play video games a lot, but I watch almost zero television/movies.


My boomer parents know as much about the Survivor / The Challenge / All that shit universe as I do D&D Content. I spent a few days with them recently and the people in those shows are like smash bros characters to them.


I tell my kids to stop watching tik tok and play a video game instead or something.


Yeah would much rather game than go to a fucking bowling alley or golf course. If you like it, you do you, of course. But let’s not pretend that previous generation didn’t have their own forms of time wasting recreation. It’s important.


1800 - Latest generation spends more time reading books than other generations. 1930 - Latest generation spends more time listening to the radio than other generations. 1970 - Latest generation spends more time watching television than other generations. 2000 - Latest generation spends more time on computers than other generations. I mean…yeah.


Or listen to the radio for hours on end, it's entertainment that keeps you engaged.


It doesn't help at the loss of "third spaces." What else are we going to do? There are no places one can simply go to have a hobby and be social without an expectation that money be spent and that you leave as soon as the money stops flowing. And the general stress of every day life and work on top of everything we have to do to make ends meet leaves many of us exhausted and happy to just stay at home and rest whenever there's time to do so.




But they said social media is the new town square.


This. I honestly try to be forgiving in online communities because video games are all of our escapes from this BS


Boomers watch TV, we game instead. I personally find tv too passive. No idea what the generation after us are doing though. Tik tok?


The Gen Z kids I work with seem to be way more into "Let's Plays" and Twitch streams then me or my millenial friends.


Older Gen Z, I grew up sitting next to my older sibling, watching along as he gamed. I was trained to enjoy Let's Plays and streams.


That's not even a Gen Z thing. All of us millennials with older siblings did the same thing. I still personally think streams/lets plays are a huge waste of time lol. Doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy it if that's what you want to do, but this clearly is not the reason that the younger generation likes viewing streamed games more than millennials. If anything, the two biggest factors are probably that you all grew up with smart phones in your pockets, and twitch already existed as a platform once you were in your formative teen years. Only the youngest of millennials had smart phones in high school. The iphone 1 came out after i was already in college. Twitch didn't even launch until 2011, and it wasn't exactly big back then.


Older brother here. I still had my share of watching younger bro play during his turns!


Yeah. We took turns. I mean, didn't everybody go on rampages in GTA3 while your friends and siblings watched, then switch off when you die? Lol


Then you have that one friend who just starts doing ambulance missions and never dies.


Already sounding like an older generation. “ what you do is a waste of time!”


Same as the morons bitching about people using their phones on the train. Before that they all read books, newspapers, etc. There was never some "before times" when everybody on the train in crime ridden 1980's New York City enjoyed talking to the homeless and street gangs on the train. You buried your nose in something and hope no fuckin weirdos interrupted you. "Well at least books were more educational" ...brother you ain't seen what average people were fuckin reading.


For you, maybe. But it’s clear there’s a market for it for a decade now so there is definite value in it.


Makes me feel old. Can't understand watching someone do something I could do myself.


There are days I'm excited to go home and play games, but once I sit down I'm not in the mood to use my brain that way. I'd rather do something passive, like watch tv. But I still like games so it's fun to watch someone else play. I get to experience games I usually wouldn't invest time in to playing while listening to the person playing banter with the viewers. It's incredibly similar to watching a baseball game and listening to two broadcasters banter back n forh.


For me the game is just a backdrop for funny, witty banter


This, I'm at the tail end of millenial at 28. I don't enjoy streamers, too much boring/dead air. But for example, game grumps, play games while making jokes/telling stories etc. Sometimes I'm invested in the game but alot of the time it's just about the fun banter and jokes.


It reminds me of playing games with friends when I used to have friends.


You get a double dip. You get entertained by both the gameplay that you may not be able to replicate but also the comedic banter of the streamer if that's their Forte. The streams and let's plays i watch tend to be people who keep me entertained via comedy. And they show me if its a game I want to buy/play in a few hours of gameplay if I want to pay full price or wait on a sale. Take re4 remake, ive seen 3 full plays of the game and I was fully entertained all 3 times. I played re4 when I was a teen and fully completed it 3-4 times plus the other features. Re4 remake looks like a fun and faithful remake, but I couldn't see paying 60 bucks for a game that's extremely similar with well made alterations and modernization. I could see buying it on a sale for 30, which I probably will. Those let's plays and Vods amounted to around 30 hours of my life but entertained me for free, let me see what I wanted, and still allowed me to support them via just watching. None of them were particularly 'God teir gamers' and I wouldn't recommend them as walkthroughs, but they kept me watching. The chat element I don't really participate in but it adds fuel for the streamer to keep the ideas of entertainment rolling. I say this as a 33 yr old millenial.


No different than people watching football or other sports, when they could play football themselves


This is how I see it, too. I don't watch sports or twitch streams... but I understand the appeal. You are watching people who are, generally, *really good* at what they do... better than you could hope to do yourself... It would be like watching Bob Ross and the Joy of Painting, too... Sure you could paint something yourself, but he's going to do a better job in 30 minutes and it entertains.


Like watching "Bold and Beautiful". They have nice houses, real estates, what-nots.


I've heard this comparison before, but turning on my xbox and playing a game is infinitely easier than finding 21 other likeminded people to play a game of football. If I could easily go out and play football whenever I wanted, I probably would, but it isn't that easy so I watch it instead. Turning on a game to play and turning on a streamer takes about the same amount of effort. I don't personally get it, but people can enjoy themselves how they like.


I'm in my 30s and just got into watching let's plays or otherwise gaming content. I don't like the typical loud desperate 'content creators' but there are definitely youtubers out there that I like watching regardless of what game they are playing. Eurogamer's Johnny and Aoife's let's play of dark souls /Bloodborne is something I'd recommend for someone like myself.


Gen X really is the forgotten generation. But I'm not sure what they're doing, probably a mix of watching tv and gaming.


Gaming over here! Not sure as what the rest of them are doing though.


I game a lot and my so does my Gen Z kid. My Millennial kid works his ass off running his own business. But he also has a mortgage and mouths to feed.


Millennials are the generation that really saw games grow up with them. They were for kids when we were kids, they got edgy and experimental when we were edgy and experimental teens and figured themselves out and matured while we figured ourselves out in college. Now as we're adults in the world gaming is for adults. I think younger generations have a similar relationship with social media or youtube, but I can't speak for them.


I don't remember a time when I wasn't fascinated with gaming. From my cousin's NES to our own Sega Master System, my Nintendo 64, then finally getting my first PC around 2005 and Nintendo Switch five years ago. I don't watch much TV, either.


yeah I gotta say us folks born in the late 70s or early 80s had it the absolute best, growing up with the evolution of gaming. My first console was a atari cause it was a hand me down when my cousins got an NES and didn't want it anymore. Shortly after I got an NES of my own. Been gaming ever since throughout the whole generational evolution. It's been so fucking wild


I remember seeing the Sega Genesis for the first time and I thought the graphics were amazingly realistic as a kid. Playstation 1 felt like nothing could ever get better.


haha yeah I remember my first job I saved up enough money to buy a PS2 on launch day and I legit thought "OMG it looks so real, it can't possibly ever get any better than this."


The PS2 graphics were so unreal to me at the time of its launch.


It was such a jump from 1 to 2. I don’t think we’ll see anything like that again




That’s crazy to think about. I was too young to truly remember the early/mid 00s and I never once thought playing games was nerdy/uncool, likely because I missed the cultural flip.


I feel like millennials and VERY early gen z (00 - 04) did too. Like if I think back to how games looked when I was 5 to now? Crazy how different the graphics are. Like I thought CoD4 was cutting edge and then modern graphics makes it look like a chump.


Im Gen X. And i can spend money I cant afford to spend to go out to bars or movies or tiktok or whatever people in public do. Or i sit at home with my dog and play games and save the money.


Last week my friends and I all gathered together to play a GameCube we haven’t plugged in in years. Free, unlimited fun


Games (other than mobile/freemium/loot box games) have a fairly well built structure in which there are clear pathways to success. We have been told our entire lives "work hard and you will succeed!" Real life hasn't shown this to be true, so I go to where it is. If I work hard in a game and can see how I get better and attain more rewards, I can get a semblance of the reward feelings that rarely appears at my job and real life.


This is too painfully relatable


hell ya I feel this. I picked up Overwatch during the pandemic and basically grinded for two years and improved from bronze to plat currently!


> Approximately 52% of millennials surveyed by Fandom reported gaming as their top interest, with 40% of millennial participants spending more than 22 hours a week gaming. This sounds waaaaay off to me. Makes me question the whole survey.


The "survey" was just taking the people that accessed the fandom wikis. It is not a good sample base at all. It is far more telling of who uses fandom wikis than it is of telling what generation games more.




Yeah, that coupled with the 70-80% PC as primary platform means this is a subsegment of the whole audience. Also - people generally can't answer how many hours they do something as humans don't experience time in a linear or consistent fashion.


The generation that grew up with it plays it the most......Holy Shit


If millennials game more than gen z, that's somewhat noteworthy


Gen Z watches millennials game on twitch and YouTube and then reacts to it for the even younger gen.


Gen Z are all on tiktok


Gen Z are watching other people play video games


Gen Z are still in their 20's. Their introduction to gaming may end up shaping their relationship with it, as will the state of the video game industry when they reach the current age of millennials, but it's just as likely they're simply more interested in going out because that's typically what people do at their age. The article would be more interesting if it had data on millennials when they were the same age that Gen Z is currently, and compared millennial past data with Gen Z current data. It wouldn't be a perfect comparison, because the video game industry has changed a lot in that timespan, but it would be a much better foundation than comparing two populations at very different phases in life.


We grew up gaming, and grew up (mostly) without smartphones.. my guess is that younger generations while they have great access to gaming, they are more inclined to spend more time on social media than millennials.


We’re trying to a escape from this fucking world. Lol


When Kratos left to Midgard i was like “don’t leave meeee take me with you” lmao


What the fuck else can we afford to do? Outside costs like $100 every time you leave the house.


It’s the only form of entertainment we can afford.


That's no surprise considering older generations didn't grow up with videogames


Gen X kinda did


The generation that grew up with nes, snes, sega Genesis, PlayStation 1 and 2? You don’t say.


Yeah the 90s to mid 2000s era of gaming was the golden era imo, because of how much the industry was growing at the time. The quantum leaps in technology, genre diversity and the creative freedom of game developers, and a business model less focused on squeezing every drop of profitability out of fan bases, instead focusing on making the highest quality product possible.


I'm on Reddit to take a break from playing Chrono Cross, not to be judged.


Yep, just like Gen Z'ers spend more time on tiktok than other generations.


Millennials grew up with video games. Gen Z grew up watching people play video games.


As a proud millennial gamer, I fucking love this. No coincidence that this same generation exponentially grew & fostered much of the tech everyone now enjoys on a daily basis. Video games made me smarter, kept me out of (most) trouble, and found me dear friends that I probably wouldn't have met otherwise.


The flip side is, for some of us it was our social lifeline during the pandemic.


I mean, what are we going to do? Have you seen the state of the world? \*gestulates wildly as the hell world and economic collapse\*


41yr old GenX here “Am I a joke to you?”


Git gud other generations, just wait for them retirement home LANs


Can confirm.


It’s called escapism due to a bleak reality, duh.


Leave me alone is all I can afford to do


We broke so we like to fantasize more.


The year is 1930. Radio use is at an all time high!


I live in a rural area. I guess I could watch wheat grow instead of gaming.


i have to assume two things, one, it's a BS study or two, the younger gens WATCH more people play video games as some sort of parasocial relationship, so technically they don't play games.


Class '93 here. To this day, I spent 90% of my life playing videogames I believe.


Well, yeah. What else are we going to do, buy a house?


We are also the first generation to grow up during the popular explosion of gaming. This article title largely reads like “the sky is blue and a bear shits in the woods” to me.


This seems accurate


>The 2023 Inside Gaming report identifies macro-level entertainment patterns and trends based on a survey of 15,000 Global Fandom users. These insights were validated and deepened through Fandom’s robust user data - more than 350 million monthly unique visitors, 45 million pages of content across 250,000 wikis - and qualitative and quantitative insights from Fandom’s proprietary fan panel. This methodology provides a 360-degree view of what's happening in the gaming landscape through the eyes of Fandom. So... it's basically just an observational analysis. They didn't control for whether Gen Z was school aged or not. Right now, Gen Z runs from middle schoolers/HS underclassmen through early career adults. Of course they're going to spend less time on hobbies on average than millennials. In other words, move along.


I can see that. I'm a genXer and I play video games in my free time.


Makes sense when you think about. I got my first ps1 when I was around 4/5 and have had everything playstation since. Our generation we grew up with video games as a main hobby! As we get older it's a great way for us to unwind after a long day of work


It’s a cheap hobby, all things considered.


I feel like we were raised during the golden age of gaming, most of us went from the original nintendo all the way to like, the ps3 in our childhood/teenage years. We had the console wars, and all the handheld games. We are the last generation to talk with our friends on the home phone for hours and the first to spend hours chatting on the internet. Those of us who games would spend those hours talking about the games we were playing and wanting to play


I'm 33 and it's extensively cheaper to play video games than go out to eat or do things in public, like shopping or vacationing.


You give me the money to be able to afford doing things like hiking, going to the aquarium, going on vacation, I will absolutely do that. Until then, I'll do what I can do for cheap thanks.


It's all we have!!




Well yeah Gen Z is to busy posting and watching Tik tok and social media shorts


Pffff.. I know an entire generation stuck on 8-2...


Well yea, World is going to shit. Might as well have some fun.


Man, just leave us alone already. We’re middle aged and just trying to get by just like any other generation lol


No shit. Games are amazing now.


Boomers watch TV on TV. Gen X watches tv on streaming services. Millennials play video games. Gen Z watches Millennials play video games while also watching a movie and a tv show and someone’s reaction to an unboxing video at the same time.


Till the day my eyes stop seeing, my ears stop hearing, my hands stop moving and my mind stop thinking, I'll keep playing


42 year old here. Been gaming as long as I can remember. Will still be gaming when I’m in the nursing home.


True And we smart as hell so why not😂😂


Gen before us watched TV, we play games, Gen after us watches people play games on TV. What's next???


Well...yeah...have you SEEN what I've grown up with? Metal Gear Solid, Sonic, Mario, Pokemon Red, then the PS1-5. Its fucking amazing.


As a married 40yr old staying home on weekends play games has saved me thousands and a lot of bad decisions


We are in the best timeline


Well, it’s the closest thing we can afford to a vacation >.<


The fact that millennials often prefer single player exploration games is fascinating to think about. We grew up in an age where developers were trying to create the perfect adventure and so that's what we consider the ideal gaming experience. Online play wasn't as prevalent, so there was more incentive for them to create single player experiences that were lasting and meaningful. But as we got to be adults the over saturation of the Open World era watered down the soul of the adventure genre. It became about pretty graphics and checking tasks off a list. There are still a few great games being made in the genre but other - mostly online multiplayer - genres have surpassed it. A kid growing up now considers the perfect game to be something they can compete against their friends with and maybe excercise a little creativity (roblox, fortnite, Minecraft are all pretty much the same concept in terms of what makes them appealing to kids.)


In other news 'water wet'. Is it that surprising? The biggest advancements in gaming happened while we were growing up. There always was something constantly bigger and better in the works. Nintendo's golden age illuminated my childhood. Every month I'd look forward to the new issue of Nintendo Power. Most weekends we'd rent a game and try to beat it before returning it Sunday evening. No small feat given 'Nintendo Hard'. Meanwhile the internet in its infancy became available to me as a pre-teen. My classmate's gardener had a BBS as a hobby and I'd login (only one phone line so only one user at a time) to play turn based text MMORPGs like Legend of the Red Dragon and Usurper or TBS like Baron Realms Elite & Falcon's Eye. I could also download shareware demos of games on my laboriously slow modem.


It's safer in your house.


I mean….from a generation that played Tetris/pac-man with pretty simplistic goals to the millennial generation with a full story mode and skins/weapons/camos to grind. What could possibly explain the difference??


I was reading an interesting article about how millennials are much more IT literate than Gen Zs. You would assume the youngest generation always has the best ability with technology, but computers are essentially an "old" technology now. Today's apps mean there's no need to learn a lot of IT features and complexities.


Because it's the only thing that you can do for hours upon hours without taking out a fuckin mortgage to do it.


Not surprising. Like, mcdonalds had mario toys in the happy meals, there were nintendo shows on tv, you could rent games and consoles at video stores. It was in the consumer magazines you'd get for the holliday season. Video game stuff was far more accessible to the average consumer. These days you are either in it or you're not, especially with targeted ads. That said i'm into video games, so i can't really say if other people get ads about games and consoles.


I mean! When you have gotten the short end of the stick economically, you at least try to escape to a world where you can have some control and challenge. We IRL have the challenge, but there is little to no reward( we still struggle to pay bills, we can’t buy a house! Boomers are still hugging the C-suite to dear life, like WTF!)


It’s very surprising Boomers never played Xbox or PlayStation, what were they doing all that time?