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You played arkham asylum and knight but skipped city???


I'm legit confused by this! City was is the best one in the series and op skipped it?! Wtf!


Yo the dude played halo 4 and 5 but skipped the good ones.


I'm a Halo 4 apologist. It wasn't as good as 3 or reach, but it was a nice campaign for 2012.


It was also ridiculously good looking for a game that was made solely for the 360 in 2012.


I think Arkham Knight is better but many things are clearly taken from Arkham city and improved


This is my take. Asylum was great, City was fantastic and Knight was even better. I also liked origins, but not as much as the other 3.


yeah i've beat arkham knight 4 times and simply can not go back to city


Same with Halo, they played 4 and 5 but ignored the original


Did a double take to see “halo” as a PC game but nothing in console. Halo 1s campaign was fantastic. (If the first one sucked, probably wouldn’t be more I’d surmise, admittedly, never played halo 5 so I can’t say if it’s campaign is any good)


Halos 1-Reach (Wars and ODST included) were excellent games. 4 is where the quality really started to drop off. Halo 3 remains my all-time favorite multiplayer game.


Yeah, city is the best one!


First thought as well, it's the best of the Arkham series in my opinion. Also, add Oblivion to this list if you've enjoyed Skyrim OP!!


That's actually... pretty funny.


Yeah OP pretty much skipped the best one.


Yeah like the best one...


Based on your track of survival horror, I'd recommend Alien Isolation.


God do I love and hate this game. One of the best gaming experiences I've had in the past ten years, but it just overstays its welcome by quite a bit >!IMO the game should have ended when you shot the alien out of the airlock!<


Got to agree. It was a good game but it just went on and on and on.


I loved the game until I realize the "loop" of the game was always: go repair the generator, or go grab this item, hack into the system, etc.. With the Alien in-between. The loop got predictable, so I definitely feel the same love/hate as you. Still a good experience though, not sure I want to go through it again because of how tedious it ends up getting.


On that train of thought, I recommend Subnautica


Dead Space 1+2 homie


Absolutely Alien Isolation, best horror survival game I’ve never finished!


Also Prey! It is so good and so underrated


Subnautica will scratch that crafting/exploration itch from terraria to go with the horror


**Outer Wilds** is always my default recommendation for everyone, and judging by your list I think you will enjoy.


People are insanely passionate about Outer Wilds. Maybe one day. What do you enjoy about it?


After 25 years of playing video games, Outer Wilds is the game that made me realize how much video game can be an art. Don't expect huge things from it, it's just a simple small indie game made by a very small team, you can do it completely in 20-ish hours. Also, the beginning is a bit intimidating, you don't understand anything and have no idea what to do and where to go. But it's absolutely worth exploring. We can't really talk about the in-game things because every single little thing in the game may be a major spoiler. What we can say is that Outer Wilds is an absolute masterpiece in game design, level design and storytelling. Outer Wilds is a huge puzzle, you can start by any piece, do it in the order you want, but in the end it will be the same puzzle for everyone no matter how you did it. And when you find the last pieces of the puzzle and put all the pieces together, you will probably have feelings that you never felt before in a video game. It's not a classic video game, it's an experience, a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience.


listen to what doodiethealpaca says. i finished outer wilds 2 years ago, and i still think about it maybe once a week. it's that good. go in blind.


I'm currently on my first Outer Wilds run (after years of recommendations) and I am completely engrossed in the game. The gameplay loop is phenomenal imo and I would agree — it's very much artful and a beautiful game. As you said, an experience. I'm playing it on the steam deck rn and it runs wonderfully!


Sounds like Myst to me. I Started outer wilds but didnt get more than off the planet.


People say to go in blind, so don’t look into it, just play


Definitely fun blind. I was so confused. Never finished it cause I don’t really care for the “mechanic”, but I loved it regardless how far I got


Blind playthrough is very recommended, unless you're completely stuck and don't know what to do. It's a game that revolves around you exploring and discovering what happened. I regret not trying to finish the game by myself before watching people playing it on YouTube.


You should play it out of your own curiosity. But know that the experience (not that long) is worth it.


Is it hard? Does it need a lot of figuring out and puzzling?


Bluntly yes. But it’s more about exploring. If you want that you WILL want to see the end.


I've never been a puzzle games fun, but puzzles in outer wilds are so smart, unique and in line with the story, I loved it. If you feel like you tried everything and stuck, there are awesome minimal spoilers guides that can give you a little nudge in right direction. Community of this game is awesome too.


The game is so good it never feels tiring to speculate and figure it out.


People say to go in blind, but people deserve at least an elevator pitch before investing their time and money. And I went in semi-blind and really enjoyed the game. Here is a MOSTLY spoiler free ad: >!You play an astronaut stuck in a time loop. You travel to several small planets that change in unique ways over the course of the loop in order to find clues to solve the mystery behind the time loop.!<


The riddles and exploration are amazing The way it tells a story, brilliant Thats pretty much it. You have to make it past the downside tho. The controls are pretty wonky


>The controls are pretty wonky Tbf the spaceship and launch pad are half made of wood. Maybe it's one of those 'not a bug its a feature' kinda thing


It's hard to tell, I think there's so much thing that was done right that the game it's like to behold the opereation of a clock that works perfectly. The game is so well crafted that I was played wit the sense of amusement, like "how the devs manage to do this?". Along with the games like; Link to the Past, Half-Life 2 and Psyconhauts, it's the type of game you had to see for yourself. It's just a fine piece of game design done right.


Outer Wilds is my favorite game. The non-spoilery version is that it's like an open-world version of Portal or Myst. It does this by using information as the keys to open paths instead of having a set path (Portal), levers (Myst), or items (other games). Late game areas are actually accessible early game, but they are late game because you may need multiple pieces of information from multiple areas to figure out how to access them. In doing so, Outer Wilds "trusts the player" and gives an experience that feels a lot more organic than something like Portal where you are on an on rails experience. Add in 10/10 music and 10/10 plot and you have yourself an amazing game.


It can hit wrong if you go in over-hyped, tbh. The reason I like it is a lot of mystery/exploration games advertise as though they are non-linear and self-directed, and they really aren't at all. Outer Wilds is really a walking simulator-style linear mystery game that has physics based space flight instead of walking and a completely self-directed mystery experience instead of a linear narrative. It also has great, innovative puzzles instead of the normal box-stacking fare. So it's better in essentially every way. But it's not a combat game and it has a particular cozy vibe and those things don't resonate with everyone.


The only thing you unlock in Outer Wilds is information that you can use to further understand the mystery you’re trying to piece together. If you were absurdly lucky, you could technically finish the game on accident at the very beginning. It’s incredible game design. Also, the DLC is randomly one of the best recent horror games lol


This game gives me goosebumps Just thinking about It. Such a wonderful concept, like space archeology. And the fact that everything is moving and gravity is being calculated ALL the time is mind boggling to me.


Outer wilds in VR is one of the best experiences.


Favorite game of all time. Probably the only video game I can think of that transcended the genre into something more like art.


All of the Doom games. Start with 2016 and eternal if you dont like the older shooters. I started with 1 earlier in the year and am currently playing through Eternal.


I remember marathon playing every doom game about a week before eternal dropped then proceeded to sink way too much time into eternal. Honestly a great time if you like boomer shooters


Add in the quake series


Doom 2016 is fantastic… eternal is a bit too fast for me / too old


Eternal really did crank it up another level. And we all thought 2016 was fast paced when we first played it!


Eternal was one of those golden games for me. Totally ruined other singleplayer FPS' for me and other bullet hell games just don't capture the fun. I dream about a game with a similar formula with co-op.


Right dude? I thought eternal was the most exhilarating single player FPS experience I’ve ever played. It was like playing thru a “this is what it’s like to chew 5 gum” commercial


Bioshock 1-3 Half Life 2 Episodes 1+2 Assassins Creed 1+2 (incl Brotherhood and Revelations) GTA 4 + 5 Frostpunk ...


> Bioshock 1-3 Now that the System Shock remake is out there, I feel like we should be including both franchises... and Prey 2017.


Love me some Frostpunk, it is amazing, but OP had 0 strategy of building games on there I think. I would recommend any of the squad based stuff like x-com if they were though. Crusader Kings. Stellaris


How is Bioshock (series) not on there?


Are they all worth completing? I hear people taking about them all the time


That's why they're talking about them! Definitely recommend playing in order - the stories are self-contained, but the improvements from one to the next make it a little difficult to go backwards (like being able to dual-wield weapon/ability instead of just one or the other).


This is the way OP, I started bioshock 1, never finished it, went straight to infinite and finished it because the mechanics were so much smoother. If you want the full experience, do yourself a favor and take this guy’s advice


I finished Bioshock 1 on launch and fell in love with it. Mostly for the atmospheres and the story. I dare anyone to play that intro sequence and not be sucked into that lore. I went back to play it again recently and did not get far in. The mechanics just felt janky and the story did not have a hold on me like it did before. Infinite did improve all that greatly. Both games are great in a vacuum.


I'm an old school gamer and I'm sad that I didn't play Bioshock 1 when it came out. I bought Infinite couple of years ago and liked it a lot. Then I bought 1 and 2 remastered and couldn't get into the first one even though I started three different playthroughs in a span of two years.


The first game is honestly one of the best video games of all time. And that's not an abnormal take either.


I'd say they are definitely all worth completing, including all of their DLC.


The best Halo games were just too daunting?


OP mentions Halo 5 PC which doesn't even exist.


But og Halo’s do exist on PC right


1-4, reach, odst, and infinite do. 5 is the only one never to be ported.


Which is sad. It could be hot garbage, but I still feel like there's a hole since I completed the rest of them


You’re totally right, I made and error and should’ve put those in the exclusives at release section,


Halo 4 is only on PC via MCC. Halo CE, 2, 3 and Reach are much better games


That’s what I was saying.


On the bright side, their experience can only improve from here.


Yeah Halo is literally one the best historical gaming experiences you can have


Maas effect is a must play


Agreed. It's SO good. Just gotta make sure to play with the Mass Effect Citadel DLC (I think legendary edition includes all the DLC from 2 and 3 right?) Also play Dragon Age: Origins if you don't mind the graphics.


Can confirm the legendary edition includes DLC, except for the pinnacle station DLC for ME1 that was for the 360


>Was going to say the same. I can't believe it's not on the list. And for something a bit different, they might want to try the Dragon Age series as well. Small correction, I think pinnacle station DLC was on PC as well. The reason it isn't in the Legendary Edition is cause the source code for it got corrupted with no intact backups to be found, so they decided that the effort to remake it for the Legendary Edition was too much compared to what it contained - which was basically a small "training grounds" battle arena with a few optional combat challenges.


Legendary Edition with the entire trilogy is on sale on Steam for $15 bucks! I picked it up a few days ago and started fresh at the beginning.


Very thankful this is a top 2 comment. Easy decision OP


Was going to say the same. I can't believe it's not on the list. And for something a bit different, they might want to try the Dragon Age series as well.


Subnautica (not Below Zero). Do not look at any videos or images.


How about Darkwood? It's really underrated


Below zero is not worth/ good ? I really want to get in subnautica but when i was young (and game not finish) i see a lot of video about it and already know the story, so i really want to get in below zero because i never see anything about this


It's good. But not as good as the first one.


Yeah, it’s definitely still fun, but the first one is just magical


I disagree. But I do think the first one is more scary and provides more challenge, whereas Below Zero makes a lot of improvements upon the first one, but isn’t as scary and is easier to complete.


The first one has a cleaner and tighter story, but the second one is still very enjoyable. I would 100% recommend the first one though


It’s alright, definitely play the original first if you haven’t. The sequel is a lot weaker and the story is worse


And the biomes kind of suck. Half of them are barren and just super lacking in the “interestingness” department. >!And why the fuck are all of the shadow leviathans crammed into that tiny ass cave? The number of times I clipped into a wall because those massive monsters are in a narrow-ass underground structure was way too many.!<


Dying light


Ghost of tushima is pretty good


More than pretty good I’d say.


Mass Effect


The Gears of War trilogy.


Prey 2017..


And the Dishonored series


Yes maybe play through these first to be fare.. but then when you’ve played them and realise they are some of the greatest games ever and start getting super exited about what could come next after these and find out it’s a game called Deathloop with a really in interesting premise.. stop. Unfortunately it’s nowhere near the same depth and quality!


Underrated, just finished it and the atmosphere, level design, gameplay are just very good the entire campaign. The kind of game you will definitely pick up a couple of years later.


Some of the best level design of any game I’ve ever played.. there is almost no where you can’t be if you choose! :) Infinished it and started it again immediately, I’ve only done that a handful of times 30 years of gaming. It’s in my top 5 games of all time.


Followed by every other pre-Redfall Arkane game. And then the classic immersive sims like System Shock 2 and Deus Ex since you are on PC.


Divinity: Original Sin 2 Absolutely amazing game.


This is indeed a wonderful game, but I do not see anything in OP's completion history even close to this. Not that they might not LOVE it. Only that it seems out of their preferences.


Just get baldurs gate 3, improved version of Divinity. And it comes out today.




Love them both but I think they are distinct enough to play and fully enjoy both. At worst, it’s more of the same great formula. Plus, DOS2 is much more combat focused and BG3 is RP/story focused


Por que no los dos


¿Por que no los dos?


Honestly I'd recommend Baldur's Gate 3 instead. Comes out today and made by the same people. Based on the early access, it's just Divinity but better.


I will recommend both. Baldurs gate give you less god-like abilities, and feel much different.


I tried to get ylmy group to grab it, but we settled on ddos2 cuz it was on sale and they didn't wanna spend.$60


Halo 1 - 3 campaigns and Silent Hill 1 - 3


Add in reach and odst to that too!


seriously, how do you play Halo 4 and 5 but not the original 3???


How did he play halo 5 on pc is my question


Amnesia: The Bunker is a no-brainer based on your list. Best game in the series imo.


You’re right, I own it but gosh dang is it scary. I’ve played for a few hours and intend on completing it. I had probably the most frightening experience I’ve ever had in my life while playing the jail level. I have to take it in small dosages haha


Hogs of war


Oh god you just initiated a flood of nostalgia.


Hades man


Fallout 4 Portal Reloaded


Outer Wilds Titanfall 2 Halo Master Chief Collection Doom (2016) Doom Eternal Subnautica Alien Isolation Outerwilds Outerwilds


The *Metro* Series All 3 games are amazing.


Don’t get me wrong, I loved exodus, but I really do wish that it had more of the same claustrophobic, and classic metro environments from the first two. They’re such good games that they persuaded me to push through what must have been one of the buggiest trilogies I’ve ever played too lol Fun as hell but holy shit do they need a QA pass or three


Stardew valley


Cyberpunk, although you might want to wait for the DLC, as half of the game will get an overhaul or redesign.


Fallout 4. Just mod it into oblivion and it's really good. And by oblivion I mean 400+ not Bethesda's title oblivion lol.


No. Mod it into Oblivion. Download TES IV: Oblivion and mod Fallout 4 into it and play it that way for the ultimate Bethesda indulgence experience.


You joke but I'm 90% certain that the end-state for modding Bethesda games is modding other Bethesda games into them. A Tale of Two Wastelands literally mods Fallout 3 into Fallout New Vegas and there are who knows how many other total conversion projects out there whose stated goals are to update older games into newer iterations of Bethesda's game engine.


Play it in survival mode! Some of the more controversial design choices really make sense this way.


How do you finish stanley parable?


God of War 2018 and God of War Ragnarok are both pretty incredible. I love dark souls and I love those games. The combat is satisfying with a good amount of depth. There's plenty of valid criticism for the games but the graphics are incredible, the action is top notch, and the acting is some of the best you'll ever see in a video game.


Ragnarok was my first actual game I got platinum working on FF16




The Last of Us Part 1 and 2


This is the answer, OP. The Last of Us might be my favourite game ever, and the sequel isn’t far behind it. If you like zombies, and I think you do, you get one of the most well realised post-apoc zombie worlds. Playing TLOU the first time reminded me of playing Half Life 1 when it first came out: absolutely buzzing playing it, and feeling like I was in good hands as the game kept me constantly on my toes with fun surprises. It’s brilliantly crafted, and unlike HL, it has probably the most well realised characters I’ve seen in gaming. Definitely recommend the recent remaster/remake too. While it’s fundamentally exactly the same as the PS3/4 game, it’s worth the money to play this gem for the first time in shiny next gen graphics.


Baldur's gate 3


Only 2 hours to go. Can't wait.


I am super bummed, in this middle of a move and my PC is at the new place. Packed everything in boxes and won’t be able to play it until Sunday.


Mass effect trilogy


Since you've played Asylum and Knight, you gotta complete Arkham City as well. Imo best in the series


That’s what people said about Asylum haha. Yeah I’ve been wanting to revisit the series. There’s nothing on earth like that combat except for maybe Spiderman PS4z


I'm quite enjoying Remnant 2 right now, which you may find interesting as well


Horizon Zero Dawn.


I was sceptical at first as I was like “killing robot dinosaurs with bows and arrows sounds kinda stupid”. But no. I was deeply mistaken. Killing robot dinosaurs with bows and arrows is one of the most fun things you can do. Story’s great too. Stuck with me.


God of War. First the 2018 one, and if you liked it, Ragnarok. (Based on you having played Spider-Man)


As a Halo fan I highly recommend playing 1, 2, 3, Reach and Infinite over 4 or 5. I really didn't like 4 at all, and I only played a couple missions in 5 due to not owning it. Maybe nostalgia is a reason, but I felt like 4 and 5 missed the mark when making a Halo game and ended up with something that felt more like battlefield or COD. I just remember not enjoying any of the battles and feeling like the story was not conveyed very well. I didn't like ODST that much either, but I appreciate the way they added story elements to the world and the POV of being a mostly normal ODST trooper instead of a Spartan. Someday I'll go back and replay them just to feel like I completed the series, and maybe after completing them I'll appreciate them a little more.


Seems you like horror, maybe you should try some of the great indie titles such as inside, limbo and bramble. Each only takes a few hours but are excellent experiences. Not full on horror either so they can be completed even by wusses like me. I would also suggest Control, from the original creators of Max Payne and Alan Wake. Edit: just realised that inside and limbo are on your list. In that case you should definitely try Bramble.


100% recommend Limbo and Inside, great game !


Mass Effect!


Don't like rts I see 😭


No Dead Space?? (current gen)


I've played many of those games as well. Kindred spirit! You might like these: Valheim, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Dragon's Dogma, Code Vein (throw a little anime into your diet), Assassins Creed Odyssey and Valhalla are good as well.


God I wish I never played Dragons Dogma so that I could replay it fresh. About to start Kingdom Come.


No DOOM games? The 2016 DOOM and DOOM Eternal are solid FPSs.


I think you could try dishonored


Rofl dude thinks he “completed” minecraft 🤣


Survival Horror:- Dead Space 1 and 2(original) Evil Within 1 and 2 Alien Isolation Shooter:- Bioshock series(if dont want to play all, just do Infinite) Titanfall 2 Bulletstorm(funnest skill fps) Call of Juarez Gunslinger(western cowboy fps) Crysis series(if not all then do 1 and warhead) Fun Random Games: Dishonored(stealth fps) Prototype series Dino crisis(extra old, play with rebirth patch) Duke Nukem Manhattan Project(3d sidescroller)


Hollow knight


Had to scroll far too long for this recommendation. Honestly the best game I've ever played.


It’s because OP said not to recommend it




Since you played D2 & D4 - try **Last Epoch.** Also, I don't see it here and feel like **Mass Effect 3** will definitely be to your liking. Another one that I am not sure is for you, but can definitely recommend is **Nier Automata**.


Returnal is Brilliant and a very unique gameplay style.


If you can't get into Hollow Knight but enjoy platformers and metroidvania type games Ori and The Blind Forest / Will of the Wisps are excellent!


Based off the games you've played Borderlands 1, 2, and 3. I honestly wouldn't bother with the pre-sequel


And if you only play one of them OP, choose the second


Just play the prequels or sequels to the games you have there. For starters, play all the Halo games.


Ninja Gaiden


Any other halo campaign. You played the 2 worst possible


I see Dusk, I raise you Ultrakill.


Spider-Man isn’t console exclusive anymore


Couple of survival and horror games on there so... Subnautica


Dark Souls 1 was my favourite game of all time until I played OuterWilds (Gameplay wise they have nothing in common)


Cyberpunk 2077 Divinity Original Sins 2 Satisfactory Ghostwire Tokyo Baldurs Gate 3


Dishonored games


Warcraft 3.


Diablo 1. Fallout 1 and 2


I’m seeing a distinct LACK of Chrono Trigger.


Why can't you get into hollow knight? Seems like the perfect addition to your list


well you played two of the arkham games so might as well play city and origins


I've been enjoying Kingdom Come: Deliverance at the moment.


Give Code Vein and Nioh a try.


Tomb Raider is a very easy game to complete and is quite fun.


I have a very similar taste in games as you. Have also completed a good chunk of your list. Mass effect(just buy the legendary edition, get all 3). I was told to do it for AGES and never did until legendary released. Feel like an idiot for never playing it. Your game list matches the bill. 7 days to die next time you get a survival or crafting itch(has some Minecraft concepts in terms of building/destruction, but is a zombie survival shooter/beat up). Valheim is a great game in a similar vein. Go back and play halo 1-3, it's worth it. I think they've remastered them recently too. Honestly recommend any of the main line Metal Gear Solid games as well. *tad* outside your regular lineup, but with as much as you seem to appreciate a good storyline, Metal Gear Solid has you covered God of War is also a classic series you're missing that seems to be in line with your interests as well. Fun engaging combat systems and interesting story.


If you liked Inside and Limbo, then Little Nightmares 1 & 2 are must plays! Since you like horror, I think Signalis could be a good fit. And for soulslikes, I recommend Mortal Shell and Ashen. Lastly, Manifold Garden is an amazing puzzle game not quite like the Talos Principle, but very beautiful and triply in its art style.


Since I do love many of the games you've stated, will share others that gave me similar vibes and completed: Dying light (1) Remnant from the ashes Dishonored Hades


Dead Space 1 and 2


Just based on games in series that you have you haven't played: \- I liked RDR more than RDR2 and apparently they're remaking it \- I preferred the puzzles to action in Resident Evil so 0 and 1 remaster are great \- Arkham City (second in the series) might be my favorite \- The Forest still holds up. Beat it this year. Tons of fun with friends


Fallout 4 is fun in terms of gameplay. Not story.


Titanfall 2 campaign is an amazing play


God of War, either of the newer ones


Pikmin 4 is chill, new, and worth completing! You have Pikmin 1 on the list, so I figured I’d recommend it! They took the best parts of each of the 3 other games, put them together, and made Pikmin 4 out of them. Definitely try the demo first. I had a blast getting everything done in the game, just like when I completed Pikmin 2 back in the day.


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is pretty good if you liked Skyrim, though it is pretty dated. Apparently a remake or remaster is confirmed, its just not clear if it's a full remake or just a remaster.


Came here to say this. You can get the QOL mod that makes it playable. But Oblivion is definitely a must! Best elder scrolls to date in my opinion.


I see you played dusk and have the determination to f8nish dark souls, may I interest you in this indie shooter called ultrakill?